2016년 4월 29일 금요일

The Fraud of Feminism 12

The Fraud of Feminism 12

But these considerations afford only one more illustration of the utter
irrationality of the whole movement of Sentimental Feminism identified
with the notion of “chivalry.” For the rest, we may find illustrations
of this galore. A very flagrant case is that infamous “rule of the
sea” which came so much into prominence at the time of the _Titanic_
disaster. According to this preposterous “chivalric” Feminism, in the
case of a ship foundering, it is the unwritten law of the seas, not
that the passengers shall leave the ship and be rescued in their order
as they come, but that the whole female portion shall have the right of
being rescued before any man is allowed to leave the ship. Now this
abominable piece of sex favouritism, on the face of it, cries aloud in
its irrational injustice. Here is no question of bodily strength or
weakness, either muscular or constitutional. In this respect, for the
nonce, all are on a level. But it is a case of life itself. A number of
poor wretches are doomed to a watery grave, simply and solely because
they have not had the luck to be born of the privileged female sex.
Such is “chivalry” as understood to-daythe deprivation, the robbery
from men of the most elementary personal rights in order to endow women
with privileges at the expense of men. During the ages of chivalry and
for long after it was not so. Law and custom then was the same for
men as for women in its incidence. To quote the familiar proverb in a
slightly altered form, _then_“what was sauce for the gander was sauce
for the goose.” Not until the nineteenth century did this state of
things change. Then for the first time the law began to respect persons
and to distinguish in favour of sex.
Even taking the matter on the conventional ground of weakness and
granting, for the sake of argument, the relative muscular weakness
of the female as ground for her being allowed the immunity claimed
by Modern Feminists of the sentimental school, the distinction is
altogether lost sight of between weakness as such and _aggressive_
weakness. Now I submit there is a very considerable difference between
what is due to weakness that is harmless and unprovocative, and
weakness that is _aggressive_, still more when this aggressive weakness
presumes on itself as weakness, and on the consideration extended to
it, in order to become tyrannical and oppressive. Weakness as such
assuredly deserves all consideration, but aggressive weakness deserves
none save to be crushed beneath the iron heel of strength. Woman at
the present day has been encouraged by a Feminist public opinion to
become meanly aggressive under the protection of her weakness. She has
been encouraged to forge her gift of weakness into a weapon of tyranny
against man, unwitting that in so doing she has deprived her weakness
of all just claim to consideration or even to toleration.
By Feminist lies I understand false statements put forward by persons,
many of whom should be perfectly well aware that they are false,
apparently with the deliberate intention of misleading public opinion
as to the real position of woman before the law. By fallacies I
understand statements doubtless dictated by Feminist prepossessions or
Feminist bias, but not necessarily suggesting conscious or deliberate
_mala fides_.
Of the first order, the statements are made apparently with intentional
dishonesty in so far as many of the persons making them are concerned,
since we may reasonably suppose them to have intelligence and knowledge
enough to be aware that they are contrary to fact. The talk about the
wife being a chattel, for example, is so palpably absurd in the face of
the existing law that it is nowadays scarcely worth making (although
we do hear it occasionally even now). But it was not even true under
the old common law of England, which, for certain disabilities on the
one hand, conceded to the wife certain corresponding privileges on
the other. The law of husband and wife, as modified by statute in the
course of the nineteenth century, as I have often enough had occasion
to point out, is a monument of legalised tyranny over the husband in
the interests of the wife.
If in the face of the facts the word chattel, as applied to the wife,
has become a little too preposterous even for Feminist controversial
methods, there is another falsehood scarcely less brazen that we hear
from Feminist fanatics every day. The wife, we are told, is the only
_unpaid servant_! A more blatant lie could scarcely be imagined. As
every educated person possessing the slightest acquaintance with the
laws of England knows, the law requires the husband to maintain his
wife in a manner according with his own social position; has, in other
words, to feed, clothe and afford her all reasonable luxuries, which
the law, with a view to the economic standing of the husband, regards
as necessaries. This although the husband has no claim on the wife’s
property or income, however wealthy she may be. Furthermore, it need
scarcely be said, a servant who is inefficient, lazy, or otherwise
intolerable, can be dismissed or her wage can be lowered. Not so that
privileged person, the legally wedded wife. It matters not whether
she perform her duties well, badly, indifferently, or not at all,
the husband’s legal obligations remain just the same. It will be
seen, therefore, that the wife in any case receives from the husband
economic advantages compared with which the wages of the most highly
paid servant in existence are a mere pauper’s pittance. This talk we
hear _ad nauseam_, from the Feminist side, of the wife being an “unpaid
servant,” is typical of the whole Feminist agitation. We find the same
deliberate and unscrupulous dishonesty characterising it throughout.
Facts are not merely perverted or exaggerated, they are simply turned
upside down.
Another statement commonly made is that women’s lower wages as compared
with men’s is the result of not possessing the parliamentary franchise.
Now this statement, though not perhaps bearing on its face the wilful
deception characterising the one just mentioned, is not any the less a
perversion of economic fact, and we can hardly regard it otherwise than
as intentional. It is quite clear that up to date the wages of men have
not been raised by legislation, and yet sections of the working classes
have possessed the franchise at least since 1867. What legislation
has done for the men has been simply to remove obstacles in the way
of industrial organisation on the part of the workman in freeing the
trade unions from disabilities, and even this was begun, owing to
working-class pressure from outside, long beforeas long ago as the
twenties of the last century under the auspices of Joseph Hume and
Francis Place. Now women’s unions enjoy precisely the same freedom as
men’s unions, and nothing stands in the way of working women organising
and agitating for higher wages. Those who talk of the franchise as
being necessary for working women in order to obtain equal industrial
and economic advantages with working men must realise perfectly well
that they are performing the oratorical operation colloquially known as
“talking through their hat.” The reasons why the wages of women workers
are lower than those of men, whatever else may be their grounds, and
these are, I think, pretty obvious, clearly are not traceable to
anything which the concession of the franchise would remove. If it be
suggested that a law could be enacted compulsorily enforcing equal
rates of payment for women as for men, what the result would be the
merest tyro in such matters can foreseeto wit, that it would mean the
wholesale displacement of female by male labour over large branches of
industry, and this, we imagine, is not precisely what the advocates of
female suffrage are desirous of effecting.
Male labour, owing to its greater efficiency and other causes, being
generally preferred by employers to female labour, it is not likely
that, even for the sake of female _beaux yeux_, they are going to
accept female labour in the place of male, on an equal wage basis.
All this, of course, is quite apart from the question referred
to on a previous page, as to the economic responsibilities in the
interests of women, which our Feminist law-makers have saddled on the
mannamely, the responsibility of the husband, and the husband alone,
for the maintenance of his wife and family, obligations from anything
corresponding to which the female sex is wholly free.
In a leaflet issued by the “Men’s Federation for Women’s Suffrage”
it is affirmed that “many laws are on the statute book which inflict
injustice on Women.” We challenge this statement as an unmitigated
falsehood. Its makers ought to know perfectly well that they cannot
justify it. There are no laws on the statute book inflicting injustice
on women as a Sex, but there are many laws inflicting injustice on
men in the supposed interests of women. The worn-out tag which has so
long done duty with Feminists in this connectionviz. the rule of the
Divorce Court, that in order to procure divorce a wife has to prove
cruelty as well as adultery on the part of a husband, whereas a husband
has to prove adultery alone on the part of a wifehas already been
dealt with and its rottenness as a specimen of a grievance sufficiently
exposed in this work and elsewhere by the present writer. Is what the
authors of the leaflet may possibly have in their mind (if they have
anything at all) when they talk about statutes inflicting injustice
on women, that the law does not carry sex vindictiveness against men
far enough to please them? With all its flogging, penal servitude,
hard labour and the rest, for offences against women, some of them of
a comparatively trivial kind, does the law as regards severity on men
not even yet satisfy the ferocious Feminist souls of the members of the
“Men’s Federation for Women’s Suffrage”? This is the only explanation
of the statement in question other than that it is sheer bald bluff
designed to mislead those ignorant of the law.
Another flagrant falsehood perpetually being dinned into our ears by
the suffragists is the statement that _women have to obey the same laws
as men_. The conclusion drawn from this false statement is, of course,
that since they have to obey these laws equally with men, they have
an equal claim with men to take part in the making or the modifying
of them. Now without pausing to consider the fallacy underlying the
conclusion, we would point out that it is sufficient for our present
purpose to call attention to the falsity of the initial assumption
itself. It needs only one who follows current events and reads his
newspaper with impartial mind to see that to allege that women _have
to_, in the true sense of the words (_i.e._ are compelled to), obey
the same laws as men is a glaringly mendacious statement. It is
unnecessary in this place to go over once more the mass of evidence

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