2016년 8월 26일 금요일

The Joyful Wisdom 14

The Joyful Wisdom 14

Women and their Effect in the Distance._Have I still ears? Am I only
ear, and nothing else besides? Here I stand in the midst of the surging
of the breakers, whose white flames fork up to my feet;from all sides
there is howling, threatening, crying, and screaming at me, while in the
lowest depths the old earth-shaker sings his aria, hollow like a roaring
bull; he beats such an earth-shaker's measure thereto, that even the
hearts of these weathered rock-monsters tremble at the sound. Then,
suddenly, as if born out of nothingness, there appears before the portal
of this hellish labyrinth, only a few fathoms distant,a great
sailing-ship gliding silently along like a ghost. Oh, this ghostly
beauty! With what enchantment it seizes me! What? Has all the repose and
silence in the world embarked here? Does my happiness itself sit in this
quiet place, my happier ego, my second immortalised self? Still not
dead, yet also no longer living? As a ghost-like, calm, gazing, gliding,
sweeping, neutral being? Similar to the ship, which, with its white
sails, like an immense butterfly, passes over the dark sea! Yes! Passing
_over_ existence! That is it! That would be it!——It seems that the noise
here has made me a visionary? All great noise causes one to place
happiness in the calm and the distance. When a man is in the midst of
_his_ hubbub, in the midst of the breakers of his plots and plans, he
there sees perhaps calm, enchanting beings glide past him, for whose
happiness and retirement he longs_they are women_. He almost thinks
that there with the women dwells his better self; that in these calm
places even the loudest breakers become still as death, and life itself
a dream of life. But still! But still! My noble enthusiast, there is
also in the most beautiful sailing-ship so much noise and bustling, and
alas, so much petty, pitiable bustling! The enchantment and the most
powerful effect of women is, to use the language of philosophers, an
effect at a distance, an _actio in distans_; there belongs thereto,
however, primarily and above all,_distance_!
_In Honour of Friendship._That the sentiment of friendship was regarded
by antiquity as the highest sentiment, higher even than the most vaunted
pride of the self-sufficient and wise, yea as it were its sole and still
holier brotherhood, is very well expressed by the story of the
Macedonian king who made the present of a talent to a cynical Athenian
philosopher from whom he received it back again. "What?" said the king,
"has he then no friend?" He therewith meant to say, "I honour this pride
of the wise and independent man, but I should have honoured his humanity
still higher if the friend in him had gained the victory over his pride.
The philosopher has lowered himself in my estimation, for he showed that
he did not know one of the two highest sentimentsand in fact the higher
of them!"
_Love._Love pardons even the passion of the beloved.
_Woman in Music._How does it happen that warm and rainy winds bring the
musical mood and the inventive delight in melody with them? Are they not
the same winds that fill the churches and give women amorous thoughts?
_Sceptics._I fear women who have become old are more sceptical in the
secret recesses of their hearts than any of the men are; they believe in
the superficiality of existence as in its essence, and all virtue and
profundity is to them only the disguising of this "truth," the very
desirable disguising of a _pudendum_,an affair, therefore, of decency
and of modesty, and nothing more!
_Devotedness._There are noble women with a certain poverty of spirit,
who, in order to _express_ their profoundest devotedness, have no other
alternative but to offer their virtue and modesty: it is the highest
thing they have. And this present is often accepted without putting the
recipient under such deep obligation as the giver supposed,a very
melancholy story!
_The Strength of the Weak._Women are all skilful in exaggerating their
weaknesses, indeed they are inventive in weaknesses, so as to seem quite
fragile ornaments to which even a grain of dust does harm; their
existence is meant to bring home to man's mind his coarseness, and to
appeal to his conscience. They thus defend themselves against the strong
and all "rights of might."
_Self-dissembling._She loves him now and has since been looking forth
with as quiet confidence as a cow; but alas! It was precisely his
delight that she seemed so fitful and absolutely incomprehensible! He
had rather too much steady weather in himself already! Would she not do
well to feign her old character? to feign indifference? Does notlove
itself advise her _to do so_? _Vivat comœdia!_
_Will and Willingness._Some one brought a youth to a wise man and said,
"See, this is one who is being corrupted by women!" The wise man shook
his head and smiled. "It is men," he called out, "who corrupt women; and
everything that women lack should be atoned for and improved in men,for
man creates for himself the ideal of woman, and woman moulds herself
according to this ideal.""You are too tender-hearted towards women,"
said one of the bystanders, "you do not know them!" The wise man
answered: "Man's attribute is will, woman's attribute is
willingness,such is the law of the sexes, verily! a hard law for woman!
All human beings are innocent of their existence, women, however, are
doubly innocent; who could have enough of salve and gentleness for
them!""What about salve! What about gentleness!" called out another
person in the crowd, "we must educate women better!""We must educate
men better," said the wise man, and made a sign to the youth to follow
him.The youth, however, did not follow him.
_Capacity for Revenge._That a person cannot and consequently will not
defend himself, does not yet cast disgrace upon him in our eyes; but we
despise the person who has neither the ability nor the good-will for
revengewhether it be a man or a woman. Would a woman be able to
captivate us (or, as people say, to "fetter" us) whom we did not credit
with knowing how to employ the dagger (any kind of dagger) skilfully
_against us_ under certain circumstances? Or against herself; which in a
certain case might be the severest revenge (the Chinese revenge).
_The Mistresses of the Masters._A powerful contralto voice, as we
occasionally hear it in the theatre, raises suddenly for us the curtain
on possibilities in which we usually do not believe; all at once we are
convinced that somewhere in the world there may be women with high,
heroic, royal souls, capable and prepared for magnificent remonstrances,
resolutions, and self-sacrifices, capable and prepared for domination
over men, because in them the best in man, superior to sex, has become a
corporeal ideal. To be sure, it is not the intention of the theatre that
such voices should give such a conception of women; they are usually
intended to represent the ideal male lover, for example, a Romeo; but,
to judge by my experience, the theatre regularly miscalculates here, and
the musician also, who expects such effects from such a voice. People do
not believe in _these_ lovers; these voices still contain a tinge of the
motherly and housewifely character, and most of all when love is in
their tone.
_On Female Chastity._There is something quite astonishing and
extraordinary in the education of women of the higher class; indeed,
there is perhaps nothing more paradoxical. All the world is agreed to
educate them with as much ignorance as possible _in eroticis_, and to
inspire their soul with a profound shame of such things, and the
extremest impatience and horror at the suggestion of them. It is really
here only that all the "honour" of woman is at stake; what would one not
forgive them in other respects! But here they are intended to remain
ignorant to the very backbone:they are intended to have neither eyes,
ears, words, nor thoughts for this, their "wickedness"; indeed knowledge
here is already evil. And then! To be hurled as with an awful
thunderbolt into reality and knowledge with marriageand indeed by him
whom they most love and esteem: to have to encounter love and shame in
contradiction, yea, to have to feel rapture, abandonment, duty,

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