2015년 7월 28일 화요일

General Nelson's Scout 13

General Nelson's Scout 13

The soldiers that Nelson had gathered at Camp Dick Robinson were a
nondescript set, not only in clothing, but in arms. Squirrel rifles and
shotguns were the principal weapons. When he first began organizing his
troops, Nelson had ordered guns and ammunition from the Federal
government, and his impetuous spirit chafed at their non-arrival.
Consequently he was not in the best of humor, and was mentally cursing
the government for its exceeding slowness when Fred rode up to his
Fred's ride had been anything but a pleasant one. That he had taken a
desperate step for a boy of his age, he well knew. He passionately loved
his father, and the thought that he had been disowned for disobedience
was a bitter one. He strove to fight back the lump that would rise in
his throat; and in spite of all his efforts to keep them back, the tears
would well up in his eyes. But he never faltered in his determination.
He had given himself, heart and soul, to the cause of the Union, and had
no thought of turning back. Even if Nelson did not receive him, if it
came to the worst he would enlist as a private soldier. Serve the Union
he would.
"A boy to see me," snapped Nelson, when an orderly reported that a boy
was outside and wished to see him. "Tell him to go to the ----."
The orderly reported to Fred Nelson's kind wish.
"Tell him," replied Fred, rather indignantly, "that Fred Shackelford
wishes to see him."
The orderly soon returned, and ushered Fred into the presence of the
irate officer.
"It is you, Fred, is it?" said Nelson, as our hero entered and saluted
him. "I am sorry I told you to go where I did, but the truth is I am out
of sorts. Have you any news to cheer me up?"
"News, General, yes; and quite important, if you do not already know it.
But first," continued Fred, glancing at the star which glistened on
Nelson's shoulder, "let me congratulate you. I see you are no longer
Lieutenant Nelson of the navy, but General Nelson of the army."
"Yes," replied Nelson, with a twinkle in his eye, "I now command on
land; so, young man, be careful how you try to ride over me."
Fred laughed as he thought of his first meeting with Nelson, and
replied: "I shall never so forget myself again, General."
"Now," continued Nelson, "give me the news. You said you had something
important to communicate."
"So I have if you are not already informed. You are expecting arms for
your men, are you not?"
"I am, and I am all out of patience because I do not receive them. They
should have been here days ago. But what do you know about this?"
"I know that you will never receive them, if the friends of the South
can prevent it; and that they are taking active measures to do."
"Tell me all about it," said Nelson, manifesting the greatest interest.
Fred then related all that he had heard at the meeting which took place
at his father's house. Nelson's face grew very grave. Then he asked,
"Where did you learn of all this?"
"Please do not ask me," replied Fred, in a low voice. "I can only say
the information is absolutely correct."
"Never mind," said Nelson, kindly. "I think I understand. Your news is,
indeed, important. The enemy must have spies watching every movement.
You have again rendered me important service, Fred. How I wish you could
take up with that offer I made you."
"That is what I have come for, General, if you will accept my poor
"What! has your father consented?" asked Nelson, in surprise.
Fred colored, and then replied: "I have no home; my father has cast me
"For what?"
"I had my choice to accompany him in the Confederate army or to go to
Europe to attend some university. I refused to do either."
Nelson knitted his brows a moment as if in thought, and then replied:
"You were certainly right in refusing the first; I wonder at your father
making you the proposition. The last was a very reasonable proposition,
and a wise one. You should have accepted it. I am afraid I am to blame
for your folly--for such it is. The offer I made you appealed to your
boyish imagination and love of adventure, and caused you to go against
the wishes of your father. Four or five years at some foreign university
is a chance not to be idly thrown away, to say nothing about obeying the
wishes of your father. As much as I would like your services, Fred, be
reconciled to your father; go to Europe, and keep out of this infernal
war. It will cost the lives of thousands of just such noble youths as
you before it ends; and," he continued, with a tinge of sadness in his
tone, "I sometimes think I shall never live to see it end. I am
surrounded by hundreds of enemies who are hungering for my life."
"Your advice, General, is most kindly given," answered Fred, "and I
sincerely thank you for what you have said; but it is impossible for me
to accept it. It is all over between father and myself. He gave me
$1,000 and my horse, and told me to go my way. I love my father, but if
I should now go back after what has passed, he would despise me, as I
would despise myself. Father is the soul of honor; if I should play the
craven after all that I have said, he would not only despise, but loathe
me. Now I can hope that time may once more unite us. Be assured that
though his heart may be filled with anger towards me now, if I prove
myself worthy, he will yet be proud of his son."
Nelson's heart was touched. He grasped Fred's hand, and exclaimed with
much feeling: "You must have a noble father, or he could not have such a
son. Yes, Fred, I will take you. Consider yourself attached to my staff
as confidential scout and messenger. I do not wish you to enlist; you
will be more free to act if you are not an enlisted soldier."
Fred warmly thanked the general for his __EXPRESSION__ of confidence, and
announced himself as ready for orders.
Nelson smiled at his ardor, and then said: "I believe you stated that
that meeting is to take place in Scott county the 17th?"
"Yes, sir."
"This is the 14th. You can make it all right. How would you like to go
there, and see what you can learn?"
Fred's eyes kindled. "I can make it all right, but I am afraid some of
them may know me."
"We will fix that all right," responded Nelson.
The next morning, a boy with jet black hair and hands and face stained
brown rode away from General Nelson's headquarters. It would have been
a close observer indeed that would have taken that boy for Fred
It was on the evening of the 16th that Fred reached Georgetown. He found
the little city full of excited partisans of the South. At the meeting
the next day many fierce speeches were made. The extremists were for at
once calling out the State Guards, and marching on Camp Dick Robinson,
and capturing it at the point of the bayonet. But more pacific advice
prevailed. Governor Magoffin was instructed to protest in the strongest
language to President Lincoln, and to call on him at once to disband the
troops at Dick Robinson. As for allowing the arms to be shipped, it was
resolved that it should be prevented at all hazards.
When Fred arrived at Georgetown, he found at the hotel that he could
procure a room next to the one occupied by Major Hockoday, and believing
that the major's room might be used for secret consultations of the more
violent partisans of the South, he engaged it, hoping that in some
manner he might become possessed of some of their secrets. While the
room engaged by Major Hockoday was unoccupied he deftly made a hole
through the plastering in his room, and then with the aid of a sharpened
stick made a very small opening through the plastering into the next
room. He then rolled up a sheet of paper in the shape of a trumpet. By
placing the small end of the paper in the small opening, and putting his
ear to the larger end, he was enabled to hear much that was said,
especially if everything was still and the conversation was animated.
The result exceeded his most sanguine expectations. After the close of
the public meeting, a number of the more prominent actors gathered in
Major Hockoday's room.
A heated discussion arose as to how Kentucky could the most quickly
throw off her neutrality, and join her fortune to that of the
"Gentlemen," said Major Hockoday, "I believe every one present is a true
son of the South, therefore I can speak to you freely. The first thing,
as we all agree, is to prevent the shipment of these arms. Then if
Lincoln refuses to disband the troops at Dick Robinson, the program is
this: You all know that General Buckner has been in Washington for some
time talking neutrality. In a measure he has gained the confidence of
Lincoln, and has nearly received the promise that no Federal troops from
other States will be ordered into the State as long as the Confederate
troops keep out. Buckner has secretly gone to Richmond, where he will
accept a commission from the Confederate government. He will then come
back by way of the South, and issue a proclamation to loyal Kentuckians
to join his standard. The State Guards should join him to a man. Then,
if Lincoln refuses to disband the soldiers at Dick Robinson, the
Confederate government will occupy the State with troops, claiming and
justly, too, that the Federal government has not respected the
neutrality of the State. The coming of the Confederate troops will fire
the heart of every true Kentuckian, and all over the State Confederates
will spring to arms, and the half-armed ragamuffins of Nelson will be
scattered like a flock of sheep. By a dash Louisville can be occupied,
and Kentucky will be where she belongs--in the Southern Confederacy.
What think you, gentlemen, of the program?"
A wild cheer burst from those present. Strong men embraced each other
with tears streaming down their cheeks. They believed with their whole
hearts and souls that the South was right, and that Kentucky's place was
with her Southern sisters, and now that there seemed to be a possibility of this, their enthusiasm knew no bounds.

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