2015년 7월 28일 화요일

General Nelson's Scout 14

General Nelson's Scout 14

As for Fred, he drew a long breath. He knew that he had gained
information of the greatest value to the Federal cause.
"It is time for me to be going," he said to himself. "Nelson must know
of this as soon as possible."
As he passed out of the room, he came face to face with Major Hockoday.
The major stared at him a moment, and then roughly asked: "What is your
name, and what are you doing here?"
"I see no reason why I should report to you," replied Fred. "I am a
guest at this hotel, and am minding my own business. I wish I could say
as much for you," and he walked away.
The major looked after him, his face red with anger, and muttered:
"Strange! but if that boy didn't have black hair and was not dark, I
should swear it was Fred Shackelford. I must find out more about him."
But a gentleman came along just then and engaged him in conversation. As
soon as he could disengage himself, the major examined the hotel
register to find who occupied room 13. Opposite that number he found
written in a bold, boyish hand:
"F. Carrington.... Louisville."
Fred's full name was Fred Carrington Shackelford, and he had registered
his given names only. Major Hockoday made careful inquiry about the boy,
but no one knew him. He had paid his bill, called for his horse, and
rode away. More the people could not tell. Major Hockoday was troubled,
why he hardly knew; but somehow he felt as if the presence of that
black-haired boy boded no good to their cause.
All of this time Fred was riding swiftly towards Lexington.
General Nelson listened to his report not only with attention, but with
"Fred," said he, "you are a marvel; you are worth a brigade of soldiers.
I have been reporting all the time to the authorities at Washington that
Buckner was heart and soul with the South; but they wouldn't believe me.
Neither will they believe me now, but I can act on your information."
"Fred," continued the general, walking rapidly up and down the room, "I
sometimes think there is a set of dunderheads at Washington. They think
they know everything, and don't know anything. If Kentucky is saved, it
will be saved by the loyal men of the State. Just think of their
listening to Buckner instead of me," and the general worked himself into
a violent rage, and it took him some time to cool off. Then he said: "I
will try once more to hurry up those arms. I will send you to-morrow to
Cincinnati as a special messenger. I will write what you have told me,
and I want you to impress it on General Anderson's mind. Tell him to
hurry, hurry, or it will be too late."
The next morning Fred was on his way back to Nicholasville. From there
he took the train for Cincinnati, at which place he arrived in due time.
He delivered his dispatches to General Anderson, who, after reading
them, looked at him kindly and said:
"General Nelson sends a young messenger, but he tells me of the great
service you have performed and the valuable information you have
gathered. It is certainly wonderful for so young a boy. Tell me more
about it."
Fred modestly related what had occurred at Georgetown.
General Anderson listened attentively, and when Fred had finished, said:
"You certainly deserve the credit General Nelson has given you. The
information you received is of the greatest importance, and will be at
once forwarded to Washington. In the mean time, we must do the best we
can. General Nelson may think I am slow, but there is so much to do--so
much to do, and so little to do with," and the general sighed. Fred
observed him with interest, for he realized that he was talking to the
hero who had defended Fort Sumter to the last.
The general was broken in health, and looked sick and careworn, and not
the man to assume the great burden he was bearing. It was with joy that
Fred heard that the arms would be shipped in a day or two. But when the
train carrying them was ready to start, Fred saw, to his amazement, that
it was not to be guarded.
"That train will never get through," he thought. "It is funny how they
do things."
Fred was right; the enemies of the government were not idle. Spies were
all around, and they knew when the train was to start to a minute, and
the news was flashed ahead. At a small station in Harrison county the
train was stopped by a large mob, who tore up the track in front, making
it impossible for it to proceed. There was nothing to do but to take the
train back to Cincinnati, and with it a communication to the officials
of the road that if they attempted to run the train again the whole
track would be torn up from Covington to Lexington.
The railway officials, thoroughly frightened, begged General Anderson
not to attempt to run the train again. The Southern sympathizers were
jubilant over their success, and boldly declared the arms would never be
As for Fred, he was completely disgusted, and expressed himself so.
"Well, my boy, what would you do?" asked General Anderson, smiling.
"Do! do!" answered Fred, excitedly. "I would send a regiment and a
battery on a train ahead of the one carrying the arms, and if the mob
interfered I would sweep them from the face of the earth."
"Well said, my lad," replied Anderson, his face lighting up and his eyes
kindling. "I feel that way myself, but a soldier must obey orders, and
unfortunately I have different orders."
"What is the next move?" asked Fred.
"I have orders to load them on a steamboat, and send them up the
Kentucky River to Hickman Bridge."
Fred looked his disgust.
"You don't seem pleased," said the general.
"Pleased!" blurted out Fred; "excuse me, General, but it is all
foolishness. Have I not heard those fellows plotting? The boat will be
stopped the same as the train."
The general turned away, but Fred heard him say, as if to himself: "I am
afraid it will be so, but the government persists in tying our hands as
far as Kentucky is concerned."
General Anderson's position was certainly an anomalous one--the
commander of a department, and yet not allowed to move troops into it.
According to his orders, Fred took passage on the boat with the arms,
but he felt it would never be permitted to reach its destination. His
fears proved only too true. When the boat reached the confines of Owen
county they found a great mob congregated on the banks of the river.
"Turn back! turn back!" was the cry, "or we will burn the boat." The
captain tried to parley, but he was met with curses and jeers.
Fred went on shore, and mingling with the mob, soon learned there was a
conspiracy on the part of the more daring to burn the boat, even if it
did turn back. Hurrying on board, Fred told the captain his only
salvation was to turn back at once, and to put on all steam. He did so,
and the boat and cargo were saved.
Once more the Confederate sympathizers went wild with rejoicing, and the
Union men were correspondingly depressed.
But the boat made an unexpected move, as far as the enemy were
concerned. Instead of proceeding back to Cincinnati, it turned down the
Ohio to Louisville. Here the arms were hastily loaded on the cars, and
started for Lexington. Fred was hurried on ahead to apprise General
Nelson of their coming. Fred delivered his message to the general, and
then said: "The train will never get through; it will be stopped at
Lexington, if not before."
"If the train ever reaches Lexington I will have the arms," grimly
replied Nelson. "Lexington is in my jurisdiction; there will be no
fooling, no parleying with traitors, if the train reaches that city."
Then he turned to Colonel Thomas E. Bramlette, and said: "Colonel, take
a squadron of cavalry, proceed to Lexington, and when that train comes,
take charge of it and guard it to Nicholasville. I will have wagons
there to transport the arms here."
Colonel Bramlette saluted, and replied: "General, I will return with
those arms or not at all."
The general smiled; he understood.
"May I accompany the colonel?" asked Fred.
"Certainly, if you wish," answered Nelson. "You have stayed by the arms
so far, and it is no more than right that you should be in at the
The enemy was alert, and the news reached Lexington that the train
loaded with the arms and ammunition for the soldiers at Dick Robinson
was coming.
Instantly the little city was aflame with excitement. The State Guards
under the command of John H. Morgan gathered at their armory with the
avowed intention of seizing the train by force. John C. Breckinridge
made a speech to the excited citizens, saying the train must be stopped,
if blood flowed.
In the midst of this excitement Colonel Bramlette with his cavalry
arrived. This added fuel to the already intense excitement.
"Drive the Lincoln hirelings from the city!" shouted Breckinridge, and
the excited crowd took up the cry.
A demand was at once drawn up, signed by Breckinridge, Morgan and many
others, and sent to Colonel Bramlette, requesting him to at once
withdraw from the city, or blood would be shed.
Colonel Bramlette's lips curled in scorn as he read the demand, and
turning to the messenger who brought it, said: "Go tell the gentlemen
they shall have my answer shortly."
Writing an answer, he turned to Fred, saying: "Here, my boy, for what
you have done, you richly deserve the honor of delivering this message."
Right proudly did Fred bear himself as he delivered his message to
Breckinridge. Major Hockoday, who was standing by Breckinridge, scowled
and muttered, "It's that ---- Shackelford boy."
Captain Conway heard him, and seeing Fred, with a fearful oath, sprang
towards him with uplifted hand. He had not seen Fred since that night he
plunged from the train. His adventure had become known, and he had to
submit to any amount of chaffing at being outwitted by a boy; and his
brother officers took great delight in calling out: "Look out, Conway,
here comes that detective from Danville!"
This made Captain Conway hate Fred with all the ardor of his small soul,
and seeing the boy, made him so forget himself as to attack him.
But a revolver flashed in his face, and a firm voice said: "Not so fast,
The irate captain was seized and dragged away, and when the tumult had
subsided Breckinridge said: "I am sorry to see the son of my friend,
Colonel Shackelford, engaged in such business; but it is the message that he brings that concerns us."

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