2015년 7월 16일 목요일

A Compendium of the Doctrines of the Gospel 41

A Compendium of the Doctrines of the Gospel 41

"_Universal Apostacy," a pamphlet by O. Pratt_.
The earliest account we have of Jerusalem is in the fourteenth chapter
of Genesis, under the date of 1913 B. C.
When Abram was returning from the slaughter of the five kings,
Melchisedek, king of Salem, brought him refreshments. He was a
righteous prince and a priest of the Most High God; and he blessed
Josephus, the Jewish historian, states that this city of Salem was
afterwards called Jerusalem; _Ant. of the Jews, B_. 1., _Chapter_ 10.
It has been the scene of many great events connected with the ministry
of the holy Priesthood on the earth.
Abram was commanded to offer his son Isaac, on one of the mountains in
the land of Moriah; _Gen_. 22. 2. Josephus says, that the mountain on
which Abram built an altar, to offer his son Isaac, was the same on
which king David (Solomon) afterwards built a temple.
The Jebusites retained possession of the city of Jerusalem until 1048
B. C., when it was subdued by David. He first took the stronghold of
Zion; "The same is the city of David." At that time, this was only a
strong outwork or fortification for the defence of the city; 2 _Sam_.
5. 6-9.
In the days of Solomon, Jerusalem became a great and strong city, with
a magnificent temple towering on Mount Moriah.
From its conquest by David, until the death of Solomon, it was the
capital city of Israel, and afterwards of the kingdom of Judah. B. C.
585, Jerusalem was burned by the army of Nebuchadnezzar, and the better
part of the inhabitants of the land were carried captive to Babylon; 3
_Kings_, _chapters_ 24 and 25.
The city was re-established at the end of the seventy years' captivity.
It afterwards played an important part in the history of that part of
Almost under the shadow of its walls, our Savior was born. It was
the central place of the scenes of his earthly mission. In it he was
scourged and condemned to death. Just outside of its walls, and in
sight of its towers, and the glorious temple built to his name, the God
of Israel died the death of a malefactor.
It was here, and near here, that he consummated his earthly mission,
and ascended to his Father.
In A. C. 70, the land of Judea, and city of Jerusalem, were made a
desolation by the Roman armies, and the Jews, as a nation, entirely
rooted out of their heritage, and scattered among all nations.
For information on this subject, the student should read, carefully,
Josephus' "_Wars of the Jews_."
Up to this time, in her history, many prophecies were fulfilled. In
her future many more are to be fulfilled, for she is yet to take an
important part in the great work of the latter days. Like the New
Jerusalem of the American continent, this city will descend out of
heaven, after the final change of the earth to its celestial condition;
_Rev_. 21. 10-27.
It is often called Zion in the Old Testament, and will be the capital
city of gathered Israel on the Eastern hemisphere, in the latter days.
There are many passages in the scriptures relating to this important
city. A few are appended to assist the student in further researches
concerning it.
_Deut_. 31. 29 evil will befall you in the latter days, because ye will
do evil.
1 _Kings_ 11. 11-13 Lord declared he would rend the kingdom from
14. 15 Lord shall root up Israel, and scatter them beyond the river.
2 _Kings_ 20. 17, 18 treasures laid up by the fathers, to be carried to
23. 27 I will remove Judah out of my sight, as I have removed Israel.
2 _Chron_. 36. 21 the land shall enjoy her Sabbaths seventy years.
_Jer_. 29. 10.
_Isa_. 4. this chapter evidently refers to the latter days, and to the
Zion of the Western Hemisphere, and to the city of Jerusalem, on the
25. 6-12 in this mountain shall the Lord make a feast of fat things.
He will destroy the face of the covering cast over all people, He will
swallow up death in victory.
32. 9-18 land of Israel to be desolate, until the Spirit is poured out
from on high.
52. 9, 10 sing together, ye waste places of Jerusalem.
51. 17 stand up, O Jerusalem, which has drunk of the cup of his fury.
_Jer_. 25. 11 these nations shall serve the king of Babylon seventy
18 to make Jerusalem and her kings a desolation, and a curse.
26. 18 Micah prophesied that Zion should be plowed like a field.
50. 4 in those days Israel and Judah, together, shall come, going and
51. 19-23 Israel the rod of the Lord's inheritance, with which he will
break in pieces their enemies.
_Ezek_. 38 and 39. these chapters are a prophecy of the gathering of
the nations against Jerusalem in the latter days.
_Zeph_. 1. this chapter is, evidently, a prophecy of the desolation of
_Haggai_ 2. 9 the glory of this latter house, shall be greater than
that of the former.
_Zech_. 12. the restoration of Judah.
_Chap_. 14. in the latter days the Lord will deliver Jerusalem from the
nations that will go up to battle against it.
_Matt_. 24. Destruction of Jerusalem foretold. _P. of G. P., page_ 38.
_Luke_ 19. 41-44 Christ foretells the destruction of Jerusalem. _Chap_.
23. 28-30.
_See Article, by C. W. Penrose, Mil. Star, Vol. 30, page 353_.
"_New Jerusalem," a pamphlet by O. Pratt_.
The Jaredite prophet, Ether, predicted, 600 B. C., that a city which
should be called a holy city, should be built on the land of North
America, and that it should be built up unto the remnant of the seed
of Joseph. He further informs us, that it should be called the New
Jerusalem, to distinguish it from Jerusalem which should be built on
the eastern hemisphere; _Ether_ 13. 3-8.
Ether also saw that this New Jerusalem was the one that John the
Revelator saw, in vision, coming down out of heaven. "Until the end
come, when the earth shall pass away, and there shall be a new heaven
and a new earth; and they shall be like unto the old, save the old have
passed away, and all things have become new. And then cometh the New
Jerusalem;" _verses_ 8-10. _Rev_. 21. 2.
Our Savior, in his personal ministration among the Nephites, six
hundred years after the predictions of Ether, renews the promise that a
New Jerusalem should be built upon this land.
Speaking to the Nephites, he says: "This people will I establish in
this land, unto the fulfilling of the covenant which I made with your
father Jacob; and it shall be a New Jerusalem;" 3 _Nephi_ 20. 22.
The Savior again says, speaking to the Gentiles, that those who shall
come into the covenant, shall "be numbered among this the remnant of
Jacob." "And they shall assist my people, the remnant of Jacob, and
also, as many of the house of Israel as shall come, that they may build
a city, which shall be called the New Jerusalem; and then shall they
assist my people that they may be gathered in, who are scattered upon
all the face of the land in unto the New Jerusalem;" 21. 22-24.
We learn from the Book of Doctrine and Covenants, that this New
Jerusalem is to be the city of Zion, of the latter days. "And it shall
be called the New Jerusalem, a land of peace, a city of refuge, a place
of safety for the Saints of the most High God; And the glory of the
Lord shall be there, and the terror of the Lord also shall be there,
insomuch that the wicked will not come unto it, and it shall be called
Zion;" _Doc. & Cov_. 45. 66, 67.
This is, also, the Zion spoken of by the ancient Jewish prophets,
as separate and distinct from the Zion, or Mount Zion, that was in
Jerusalem, in the land of Palestine.
In the following passages, evidently, two distinct places are intended.
"Zion is a wilderness, Jerusalem a desolation;" _Isa_. 64. 10. "For the
law shall go forth of Zion, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem;"
_Micah_ 4. 2.
There are three Zions spoken of in the sacred writings--the Zion on the
American continent, the Zion at Jerusalem, and the Zion of Enoch. For
some account of the Zion of Enoch, _see Pearl of Great Price, pages_
18-22. On the 22d page we learn, that, when Christ shall come, the Zion
of the western hemisphere and the Zion of Enoch shall be united in one.
There the Lord will reside, and it will be the gathered Zion "which shall come forth out of all the creations which I have made."

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