2015년 7월 16일 목요일

A Compendium of the Doctrines of the Gospel 44

A Compendium of the Doctrines of the Gospel 44

86. 9 lawful heirs, and have been hid from the world, with Christ in
93. 23 ye were also in the beginning with the Father.
_See Sermon by O. Pratt, J. of D., Vol. 14, page 233_.
" " " " " _15, " 241_.
The passages are numerous in the inspired writings which indicate a
plurality of Gods. In the account of creation, in the Book of Abraham,
the plural Gods is exclusively used; _P. of G. P. page_ 33.
The Psalmist, speaking of God, says: "Thou lovest righteousness, and
hatest wickedness: therefore God, thy God, hath anointed thee with the
oil of gladness above thy fellows;" _Psalm_ 45. 7. It is not possible
that any other than the true God is here referred to, for the God
that was anointed above his fellows had loved righteousness and hated
iniquity. "God standeth in the congregation of the mighty; he judgeth
among the Gods;" 82. 1. In this passage the number of Gods among whom
God judgeth is indefinite, and the words, "congregation of the mighty,"
indicate that they might be quite numerous.
John, the Evangelist, opens his history of our Savior thus; "In the
beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was
God;" 1. 1. In this passage we have an account of two Gods, one of
which dwelt with the other in the beginning. That the "Word," spoken
of, is Jesus Christ is evident from _verse_ 14: "And the Word was made
flesh, and dwelt among us."
"Which in his times he shall shew, _who is_ the blessed and only
Potentate, the King of kings, and Lord of Lords;" 1 _Tim_. 6. 15. From
the context of this passage we learn that the kings and lords here
referred to were holy men. Of like significance is the following: "And
hath made us kings and priests unto God and his Father;" _Rev_. 1. 6.
That is to God and the Father of God.
"A Lamb stood on the Mount Sion, and with him an hundred forty _and_
four thousand, having his Father's name written in their foreheads;"
14. 1. From the third verse we learn that these were redeemed from the
earth. Whether this name of the Father of Jesus Christ was God, or some
other title indicating his power and attributes, is not revealed to us,
but, whatever it was, it evidently identified those who received it as
_Gen_. 1. 26 and God said, let us make man in our image.
_Exo_. 15. 11 who is like unto thee, O Lord, among the gods.
_Deut_. 10. 17 Lord your God is God of gods, and Lord of lords.
_Josh_. 22. 22 the Lord God of gods. Israel he shall know.
1 _Chron_. 16. 25 great is the Lord; to be feared above all gods.
2 _Chron_. 2. 5 for great is our God, above all gods.
_Psalm_ 86. 8 among the gods, there is none like unto thee, O Lord.
126. 2, 3 O give thanks to the God of gods.
138. 1 before the gods will I sing praise unto thee.
_Dan_. 2. 11 none can shew it before the king, except the gods.
47 your God is a God of gods, and a Lord of kings.
4. 8 in whom is the Spirit of the holy Gods.. _Chap_. 5. 14.
11. 36 and shall speak marvellous things against the God of gods.
_Matt_. 5. 48 be ye perfect, as your Father in heaven is perfect.
_John_ 5. 19 the Son doeth nothing except what he seeth the Father do.
1 _Cor_. 8. 5 for though there be that are called gods.
_Phil_. 3. 21 that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body.
1 _Tim_. 6. 15 who is the King of kings and Lord of lords.
1 _John_ 3. 2 when he shall appear we shall be like him.
_Rev_. 3. 21 to him that overcometh, will I grant to sit on my throne.
14. 1 with him 144,000, having his Father's name in their foreheads.
17. 14 for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings.
20. 4 I saw thrones, and they that sat upon them.
21. 7 he that overcometh shall inherit all things.
Book of Mormon.
_Alma_ 12. 31 becoming as Gods, knowing good and evil.
3 _Nephi_ 27. 27 what manner of men ought ye to be? verily I say unto
you, even as I am.
28. 10 ye shall be as I am, and I, even as the Father.
Doctrine and Covenants.
_Sec_. 35. 2 one in me, even as I am one in the Father.
39. 4 as many as received me, gave I power to become my sons.
76. 24 worlds were created, and the inhabitants begotten sons and
daughters of God.
55-59 have received of his fulness and glory; they are Gods.
94, 95 know as they are known; and he makes them equal in power and
84. 35-39 receiveth me, receiveth my Father and his kingdom.
93. 20 be glorified in me, as I am in the Father.
121. 28 whether there be one God or many Gods, they shall be manifest.
32 in the midst of the council of the eternal God of all other Gods.
128. 23 proclaiming in our ears eternal life, kingdoms, principalities
and powers.
132. 17 and from henceforth are not Gods. but angels of God, forever.
19 shall pass by the angels and the Gods which are set there.
37 entered into their exaltation; sit upon thrones, and are not angels
but Gods.
_History of Joseph Smith, June 16, 1844_.
_Gen_. 1. 25-27 man created in the image of God.
3. 9, 10 Adam heard the voice of the Lord.
4. 6 the Lord said unto Cain. 14.
5. 1, 2 Lord created man male and female, in his own likeness.
6. 6 it repented and grieved the Lord that he had made man.
13-21 God talked with Noah. _Chap_. 7. 1-4. _Chap_. 9. 8.
8. 1 God remembered Noah. 15, 21. _Chap_. 9, 16.
11. 5 the Lord came down to see the city and the tower. 7.
12. 7 the Lord appeared to Abraham. _Chap_. 17. 22.
_Chap_. 18. the Lord ate and talked with Abraham.
28. 13 the Lord stood above the ladder Jacob saw.
32. 30 Jacob saw God face to face. 35. 13.
_Exo_. 3. 6 Moses was afraid to look on God.
15. 3 the Lord is a man of war. 8, 16, 17.
24. 10, 11 they saw God and did eat and drink. 12.
31. 18 the tables of testimony, written with the finger of God.
33. 11 the Lord talked with Moses as one man speaks with a friend.
23 thou shalt see my back parts, but not my face.
_Num_. 12. 8 with him will I speak, mouth to mouth.
35. 34 for I, the Lord, dwell among the children of Israel.
_Deut_. 5. 15 the Lord's mighty hand and stretched out arm.
2 _Sam_. 22. 16 the breath of his nostrils. _Job_ 1. 11. _Chap_. 89. 20.
2 _Chron_. 16. 9 the eyes of the Lord run to and fro.
_Job_ 13. 8 will ye accept his person?
_Psalm_ 13. 1 how long wilt thou hide thy face?
34. 15 the eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous. 16.

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