2015년 7월 21일 화요일

The Provinces of the Roman Empire 69

The Provinces of the Roman Empire 69

[308] The arguments of Mr. B. W. Henderson (_English Hist. Review_,
1903, 1-23) for a different advance seem to me to be based on a
misconception of some of the evidence. Thus, there is no tile of
Leg. ix. at Leicester, nor any trace yet noted of Leg. ii. Aug. at
Cirencester or Gloucester.
Abdagaeses, ii. 44.
Abgarus, of Edessa, ii. 46 (under Claudius), 68 (under Trajan),
78 (under Severus).
Abrinca, rivulet, i. 119 _n._
Achaeans, diet, i. 264.
Achaemenids, dynasty, ii. 2, 3, 10;
“seven houses,” 6.
Achaia, province, i. 255 f. _n._;
under the emperors, 260.
Acraephia, inscription, i. 265 _n._, 273 _n._
Actiads, i. 296 _n._
Actian games, i. 296 _n._
Adane, ii. 288 f.;
destroyed, 293 f. _n._
Adiabene, ii. 68, 78 _n._, 88.
_Adiabenicus_, ii. 78 _n._
Adminius, i. 174.
Adrianopolis, i. 307.
Adulis, ii. 280, 281, 282, 296.
Aedemon, ii. 313.
Aegium, diet of, ii. 264 _n._
Aeizanas, ii. 284 _n._
Aelana, ii. 288.
Aemilianus, Marcus Aemilius, i. 241.
Aemilianus, Egyptian tyrant, ii. 251.
Aethiopia and Aethiopians, ii. 275-278;
traffic, 278.
_Afer_, ii. 304 _n._
Africa, North, ii. 303;
Berber stock, 303-305;
Phoenician immigration, 306;
government of republic, 306 f.;
Caesar’s policy, 307 f.;
extent of Roman rule, 308 f.;
no strict frontier, 309;
province of, 310;
two Mauretanian kingdoms, 310 f.;
physical conformation, 314;
Africano-Numidian territory, 316 f.;
war against Tacfarinas and later conflicts, 317-320;
Roman civilisation in Mauretania, 320 f.;
continuance of Berber language, 325 f.;
of Phoenician, 326 f.;
coinage, 327 _n._;
Latin language, 329;
Phoenician urban organisation, 329;
transformed into Italian, 331;
number of towns, 331 _n._;
Italian colonists, 332;
large landed estates, 333 f.;
husbandry, 336;
corn supplied to Rome, 337;
oil and wine, 337 f.;
manufactures and commerce, 338 f.;
prosperity, 339;
roads, 339 f.;
introduction of camels, 340;
character and culture of people, 340 f.;
scholasticism, 342;
Christian literature, 343-345;
Latin scriptures, 343 f. _n._
Agonistic institutes, i. 289 _n._
_Agonothesia_, i. 347 _n._, 348 _n._
Agricola, Gnaeus Julius, i. 182-184, 194.
_see_ Herod Agrippa.
Agrippa, M. Vipsanius, in command on the Danube, i. 22;
transference of Ubii, 25;
combats in Gaul, 80.
Agrippa, Marcus Fonteius, i. 218.
Agrippina (Cologne), i. 119.
Ahenobarbus, Lucius Domitius, expedition to Elbe, i. 31;
dyke between Ems and Lower Rhine, 34.
Ahuramazda, ii. 10 f., 84.
Alamanni, war with, i. 161 f., 163;
raids, 166 f.
Alani, ii. 62 _n._, 64, 73, 74 _n._
Albani, ii. 72 f.
Alexander the Great, basing his empire on towns, not on tribes, ii. 120.
Alexander II. of Egypt, testament, ii. 232.
Alexander, son of Cleopatra, ii. 24, 25, 26;
installed king of Armenia, 33.
Alexander Severus, purchases peace in Germany, i. 162;
murder, 162; ii. 91;
character, 89 f.;
war with Ardashir, 90 _n._;
nicknamed “chief Rabbi,” 263.
Alexander of Abonoteichos, i. 350.
Alexander, Tiberius Julius, ii. 168, 204, 242 _n._, 246 _n._
Alexandria, in Egypt, under the Palmyrenes, ii. 107, 108 _n._, 250;
number and position of Jews, 165 _n._, 200 _n._, 267;
Jew-hunt, 192, 193 _n._;
deputations to Gaius, 193 f.;
“Greek city,” 235 f.;
chief priest of, 238;
exemptions and privileges, 240 _n._;
libraries, 246, 271;
chief officials, 248 _n._;
distribution of corn, 251 _n._;
Italian settlement in, 257;
mariners’ guilds, 257 _n._;
comparison with Antioch, 262;
Alexandrian Fronde, 263;
nicknames, 263;
tumults frequent and serious, 264 _n._, 265;
worship, 265 f., 266 _n._;
old cultus retaining its hold, 267;
learned world, 267 f.;
physicians and quacks, 268;
scholar-life, 269 f.;
Museum, 271 f., 272;
labours of erudition, 271 f.;
“jointure” of Greek science, 273;
camp in suburb of Nicopolis, 274.
Alexandria, in Troas, i. 326 f.
Alexandropolis, ii. 15.
Aliso, fortress, i. 34 f., 36;
defence by Caedicius, 48.
Allegorical interpretation, Jewish, ii. 168 f.
Allobroges, i. 87, 88 _n._, 91.
Alps, subjugation, i. 15;
military districts, 17 f.;
roads and colonies, 19.
Amasia, i. 331.
Amâzigh, ii. 303.
_Ambubaia_, ii. 133.
Amida, ii. 115.
Amisus, i. 331 f.
Amphictiony remodelled by Augustus, i. 254 _n._, 255 _n._
Amsivarii, i. 124.
Amyntas, i. 335 _n._; ii. 24, 37.
Ananias, ii. 102 f.
Ancyra, i. 341 _n._, 342 _n._
Anthedon, ii. 210.
Antigonea, ii. 127 _n._
Antigonus, son of Hyrcanus, ii. 175-178.
Antinoopolis, ii. 236, 237 _n._, 297 _n._
Antioch, earthquake at, ii. 68;
capture by the Persians (260), 101, 132;
and by Aurelian, 109;
creation of monarchic policy, 127;
capital of Syria, 127;
Daphne, 128;
water supply, and lighted streets, 129 _n._;
poverty of intellectual interests, 130;
paucity of inscriptions, 132;
exhibitions and games, 132;
races, 132 _n._;
immorality, 133;
dissolute cultus, 134;
fondness for ridicule, 134 f.;
support of pretenders, 134;
reception of, and capture by Nushirvan, 135;
Jew-hunt at, 219.

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