2016년 4월 28일 목요일

The Lost Fruits of Waterloo 23

The Lost Fruits of Waterloo 23

This array of obstacles to enduring peace, is it not formidable?
Economic competition, the actual if false sense of patriotism, the
desire for nationality--which is liable to run into extreme assertions
and sometimes to run counter to the strongest economic interests--the
existence of autocratic government, and the powerful influence of
munition makers and professional warriors--these are some of the
obstacles against which those must contend who try to convince the
world that peace is the better way. They may well appal the stoutest
hearted friend of enduring peace.
The arguments against attempting to establish an enduring peace are
undoubtedly formidable, but they do not leave the idealist entirely
vanquished. On his side fight humanity and reason, and it is his
function to stand by humanity and reason. He has long ago formed the
habit of attacking obstacles. In this case the objections he meets are
all rooted in the opinions of men, and he loves to change opinions,
or, if he does not change them, to hammer away at them as long as life
lasts. For his fine optimism we can but have great respect, and in
this chapter I intend to summarize his arguments and give them to the
public in as strong a light of plausibility as possible. If the stolid
opposition of the “practical” world is not to be broken down, let it be
shaken as much as may be. The time of its defeat is written in the book
of fate. It may be that the time is near at hand.
In the first place, let me recall a statement made in the preceding
chapter. To get any desired reform adopted and carried out, it is
first necessary to get the people to imagine the reform in operation.
I mean that they must have a clear mental picture of themselves living
contentedly under the proposed plan. Let the proposition be made in
such a way that the effective people who direct the government can not,
or will not, in the mind’s eye see it in operation, and it will surely
fail. Let them imagine its successful use and they will most likely
find it unobjectionable. Likewise, if the people of the world could
imagine a great coöperative union to promote peace, with enough force
behind it to enforce the will of the union, if in their minds they
could see themselves adjusted into such a system, with all its economy
in taxes, human suffering, and ordinary governmental effort, it would
not be very difficult to make such a scheme work in actual experience.
The “practical” man has but little imagination. He has to be deceived
into the acceptance of reforms. Make him believe that a given plan
has been made to work and his objections are diminished, if not
overcome altogether. This is not said for scolding but as a sober
fact confronting the man who reasons his way through matters that
perplex him. The “practical” man is not responsible for his weakness,
and he is in the majority among men. On the other hand, the man with
imagination is not to be faint-hearted. If he can see and talk, he may,
by reiteration finally make his brothers see also.
Fundamentally his position rests upon the reasonableness of his
proposition: war is madness, brutality, useless waste of wealth
and life, and the negation of civilization. It proceeds from the
unnecessarily irritated state of the public mind. Reason demands that
she be allowed to have an opportunity to exert her influence in a
reasonable world over reasonable beings. Since law is the __EXPRESSION__ of
the will of reasonable beings, let law be given the supervision of all
the disputes which may possibly lead to war. How true all this sounds!
And the preacher of peace says boldly that it is more worth while to
plan, spend money, and take a chance in a great world effort to bring
such a reasonable situation to pass than to go on planning, spending,
and risking things in the efforts to make a system work that has ever
led us around in a circle to the same old end, war and misery.
The advocate of peace points to the duel. There was a time when every
man felt it his right and duty to settle his own quarrels. He was
his own judge and his own sheriff. The result was so bad that law
was created to enforce peace between individuals. The old condition
survived in the duel, but in most countries this at last was brought
under the authority of law. Private combat in its nature does not
differ from public combat, and if one was eliminated by the creation of
a law that was strong enough to forbid it, the other can be abolished
by creating a still stronger law, powerful enough to restrain states as
criminal law restrains individuals.
Kant’s argument for perpetual peace ran like this, but he, in sympathy
with Rousseau’s social contract theory, argued that the law that
restrained individuals was the result of agreement between individuals;
and he went further and argued that all that was necessary to secure
perpetual peace would be for the states to agree to establish a league,
or a federation, to enforce it.
Now there was a fallacy in Kant’s argument that has a bearing on the
subject immediately before us today. There is no reason to suppose that
any state ever arose from an agreement of individuals. The ordinary
process was growth out of several conditions. An enlarged family might
become a state, or one tribe might conquer another and enlarge itself
into a state. Kinship and force were probably the chief causes in
producing the state; and reason seems to have played a small part.
Similarly, law grew up, not as the result of reason, but as a body of
tribal customs, reasonably interpreted by the wise men of the early
There is, therefore, no analogy between the proposed method of forming
a great super-state with its own body of law, the object of which is
to restrain the states from going to war, and the method by which the
early state was created. In fact, if one great nation were to conquer
the rest of the world and impose its peace on all the world, as it
would do, we should have a process more analogous to the origin of the
early state. And that is one way of having peace. Within the last years
it has seemed a horribly possible method; for if Mittel-Europa becomes
a fact, it will have such predominating power that it is difficult to
see what will stop its march to general authority.
Pointing out Kant’s fallacy weakens his argument as such, but it leaves
us in such a dilemma that we are prone to pronounce his suggestion
worth trying as an escape from conquest by one great power. For if the
world is tending toward unity through conquest, who can doubt that it
would be better to anticipate the process, save a great sum of human
suffering, and by agreement found the world federation which is the
same result to which ages of war will lead us. That we could have such
a super-state by contract is not to be doubted. It would be as possible
as the creation of the United States of America by agreement.
Another argument of the peace advocate is that the old system by which
the world was kept in equilibrium, the balance of power, has broken
down, and cannot be trusted to preserve the peace of the future. Its
chief characteristic was that several states mutually checked one
another. If one manifested an intention that was alarming to the rest
they combined to restrict the action of the aggressor. The several
states were with regard to one another in a condition mobile enough to
permit any state to shift from one side to another as the situation
demanded. Now this condition no longer exists. There has developed a
mid-continental alliance, apparently expecting to continue to act as
one state for practical purposes, which in itself threatens to dominate
Europe. To hold it in check calls forth all the united force of the
other states and then success is obtained only through the greatest
amount of preparedness. Such a condition is anything but the old system
which was to work through balance and concert of action.
The central position of the Germans and Austrians gives them an immense
advantage, if the world is to go on in its national rivalries. On
the west lie the two nations who are today doing most to hold them
in restraint, France and Great Britain. The former could never stand
against Germany alone, and the latter is remote enough from the German
frontier to make it improbable that her forces could reach that spot in
time to prevent the Germans from gaining the initial advantage which,
in a state of efficient preparation is the only military success that
either side can hope to win. In the face of a strong and threatening
Germany it would be very likely that these two nations would have to
make a more than formal alliance. Even if that happened, it is possible
that Germany would construe it as a threat and begin war.
The only other strong check on the central powers is Russia, now
in a sad state of change. What her future is going to be is still
problematic. It is a stupendous task for so large a nation, composed
of landlords and peasants for the most part, to pass from an autocracy
to a self-governing nation. It took France, a smaller country, from
1789 to 1879 to pass through the various changes and counter-changes by
which she reformed her government into a republic. It is safe to say
that in the Russian development the changes will come more rapidly, but
it is not impossible that in this country a period of prolonged unrest
is ahead. Under such circumstances Russia could hardly be counted on to
give much aid to the Western nations who wished to restrain Germany. In
fact, so fluid would be the state of her society that she might well
become the victim of German ambition and contribute valuable parts of
her empire to swell the resources of her aggressive western neighbors.
One insecure spot must be pointed out in this argument. It is the
continuous close alliance of Germany and Austria-Hungary. If that
breaks down the whole argument fails. At the present time it is
impossible to say what may happen in this respect. Much will depend
on the new emperor of the Dual Empire. That he has a very difficult
problem before him is without question. On one hand is the intense
Hungarian aversion to absorption by Germany, on the other the
passionate desire for union by the German people in the Dual Empire. It
is supposed that the emperor does not favor absorption; but it seems
certain that he is not able at this time to take an open stand against
The strong part Germany has taken in saving Austria from Russia gives
Germany a firm hold over the imagination of the Austrian people. It is
possible that financial aid has also been extended to such an amount
that Austria would be embarrassed if called on to pay back. Nor is the
kaiser in Berlin in a mood to brook defiance from Vienna. If, therefore
Kaiser Karl wishes to be free of his too intimate dependence on Kaiser
Wilhelm, he will find it to his advantage to conceal his desire for
the time being. It is probable that we shall not know the present true
state of feelings in Austria for several years after the war. But
unless she is very well Germanized, it would seem that she must soon

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