2016년 4월 28일 목요일

The Lost Fruits of Waterloo 24

The Lost Fruits of Waterloo 24

No one knows as yet just who owns the bonds in the several nations.
From Germany we hear that they are widely held. It is the policy of
the government of any nation to distribute a heavy debt as widely as
possible; and we have in recent history instances of great patriotism
in assuming debts of this kind. Now it is fair to say that the
more widely the debt is distributed, the greater its likelihood of
permanency. The larger the number of poor people who own it, the harder
it will be to lessen the burden of the nation. It follows that in this
case the immense interest charge is likely to persist as a permanent
encumbrance on the economic life of the country.
On the other hand, let us say that it turns out that the debt is not
very widely distributed after all, or that after the war it follows the
course of most national debts and passes into the hands of the rich.
Then we have the situation likely to promote class friction. The taxes
necessary to pay the interest will fall on the mass of people, who
will probably come to believe that they are taxed for the benefit of
the wealthy. Class jealousy will lead to suggestions of repudiation.
Such a course is more than ordinarily easy in Germany, France, and
Russia, where there are well organized socialist parties, already
keenly suspicious of the capitalists.
Thus, whether the debt is widely distributed or not, it contains a
menace to society. In one case it constitutes such a burden that it
absorbs the financial strength of the government. In the other it
invites the most formidable struggle of the poor against the rich that
the world has seen in a century.
Such a situation is bad enough in itself, but it does not directly
affect the question of peace, our main consideration at this time;
for the debt will exist as a result of the war, and nothing in the
view of the friends of peace can prevent it. But through whichever of
the two contingent courses it goes, the state will have difficulty in
continuing the old system.
Let us say that we have a permanent great debt with a huge interest
fund, and the state wishes to add to the taxes in order to keep up
its measures of preparedness. The result must be to produce uneasiness
in the minds of the taxpayers. In Germany, for example, the interest
charge and the provision for pensions on account of the present war
will probably be considerably more than a billion dollars a year.
Added to the ordinary expenses of government it will make a burden
more than double that of 1913. Can the government go on providing
armaments, that may lead to another war, without jeopardizing the
loans that are already issued? In the face of such heavy taxation it
would not be surprising if the people sold their holdings of bonds
to the capitalists and later turned toward repudiation. On the other
hand, it would be to the interest of the capitalists to favor moderate
expenditures for armaments and armies, lest the patience of the people
under their burdens might be exhausted.
But suppose the debt was not distributed widely in the first place,
and suppose it was repudiated after a class struggle, or for any other
reason scaled down. The result would be a severe blow to credit, and
in the future it might be so difficult to raise funds that war could
not be carried on. No nation can afford to contemplate war if it has
not borrowing capacity. If the debts of one war are repudiated those of
another may also be repudiated. It behooves the capitalists, therefore,
to support a policy which will make armed conflict impossible. While
bonds benefit the banker when issued up to a certain point, they can
in some conditions become his most serious difficulty. So many perils
await the capitalist from a renewal of struggles like the present, that
it is not too much to count upon him as a supporter of peace until the
financial situation in Europe shall become better than it will be for
many a day. It is his true interest to support a federated peace, which
will tend to make his bonds secure.
As to the influence of autocracy, the advocate of peace must admit
that it is by nature hostile to his system of coöperative peace.
Such coöperation must depend on mutual confidence and trust between
nations; and it is natural for distrust to exist between republican and
autocratic states. The whole trend of autocracy is to self-assertion.
As it exists in Germany today it could hardly be relied on to take its
place in any union of states which would involve the subordination of
individual national interests to the common good.
Granting this, the advocate of peace can assert that Germany must
eventually give up autocracy. As the only great nations that hold to
this relic of a departed age Germany and Austria-Hungary are becoming
anachronisms. They are set against the spirit of the twentieth
century. If they tide over the crisis that now confronts them they
will encounter more furious storms at a later time, and eventually
autocracy must be broken down. The argument rests on faith in progress.
It is the result of confidence in the innate qualities of human nature.
So many times in the past ages have the people risen against bad
government, that it is safe to say they will repeat the process until
all inequality shall have been reduced.
German autocracy, a survival of a past century, exists only because it
takes for its object the good government of a parliamentary system.
In intelligence and honesty it is not like the ancient system. The
resemblance is only in forms. The republican says: “I will give the
people just, intelligent, and honest government.” The German autocrat
says: “I will do all these things”; and he redeems his promise. His
brother of the eighteenth century had no such purpose, being so certain
of his position that he did not have to promise the people anything.
The German autocrat lives in fear of an overthrow. Perhaps some day he
will make a slip--it may be from the action of an unwise emperor or a
selfish party clique--and away will go the whole system.
Last summer a crisis arose in Berlin. The very life of the autocracy
seemed about to be taken. It was saved finally by a narrow margin,
and with the making of promises which seem a long step forward. The
people were assured that such was their meaning. If the promises are
broken, there will be a reckoning. It may be said that there will never
again be so good an opportunity to force the granting of parliamentary
reforms. That statement is contestable. The autocracy needs the support
of the people at present, in order to bring Germany through the crisis
that has arisen from the action of the autocracy, and it may seem from
that standpoint that the people never had and will never have an
equally good opportunity to strike a blow. But the call of patriotism
is strong in Germany, and if the liberally minded persons were to
stand deliberately for the defeat of the war credits unless they were
given the reforms they demanded, it is doubtful if the people would
support them. It is hard to carry a country through a great political
revolution while the very life of the country is threatened.
After war comes a time of questioning. The German people will have
reason to ask themselves what has been done to them. The burdens of
taxes, the loss of commerce, the wrecks of human life through maiming,
and the great gaps in population through death, all these things can
but come to the minds of the people. At that time the press must lose
something of its rigorous control, for it is impossible that when the
Germans get over the feeling that their country is in danger they will
continue to tolerate a press whose every word is dictated by the one
thought of keeping the people solidly united in war sentiment. If it
should happen that the empire has an emperor who is not trusted by the
people it may be that the questioning will sweep away many old doubts
and forms.
These things should not be taken as prophecy, but as possibilities
for tempering the opinion that Germany is destined to be permanently
autocratic. The advocate of an enduring peace has a right to think a
self-governing Germany well within the bounds of possibility before
another decade has elapsed. If such a thing happens, certainly one of
the most serious obstacles to peace will have been removed.
I shall venture to put one more argument into the mouth of the advocate
of peace. Probably he has not used it as I am going to use it, but it
works his way; for it shows that a tremendous fate threatens, unless
some coöperative movement is established to avert it. Stated briefly it
is this: Through the ages runs a law of unification in society, and it
seems probable that the world has today come to the point at which the
unifying force is likely to take a long stride forward, a force which
may operate in one of two directions. I mean that with the next century
unification seems imminent by conquest, if not by common consent.
It is not easy to say that the process of concentration in human
society is a law in the sense in which there is law in natural science.
But there is a general social tendency, seemingly irrepressible,
operating steadily from the beginning of history, for the political
units to be larger and ever larger. If this tendency is not a law it is
an extremely strong force; and we may well ask if it is not about to
take one of its great steps forward.
A glance at the past will show how the process has gone on. In ancient
times diminutive states were absorbed by larger but still very small
states, which in turn were welded into so-called confederacies, or
leagues, which at last became integrated states. The concentration
went forward in cycles, one empire rising in power until it ruled most
of its known world, and then it broke into pieces through its lack of
cohesive power. Thus it was with Babylon, Assyria, Persia, Greece, and
Rome. Whenever the bubble burst the process of unification began again
immediately, and on a larger scale. After the fall of Rome it was again
set in motion in an area that included most of Europe, the unifying
hand belonging to Charlemagne, king of the Franks. His personal valor
won the triumph of his will, but his empire fell away soon after he
relaxed his hold upon it.
Then began a rebuilding process. Feudal states evolved out of clashing
duchies, counties, and bishoprics. Immediately feudal states began to
devour one another. With each century the unit of government became
larger. At last rose the great power of Spain, so great that it became
a threat to other powers, and then followed a series of wars to decide
whether or not Spain should be the supreme state in Europe, and Spain
lost. A century later France seemed to be seeking to establish herself
in the same kind of supremacy, and again the combined force of Europe
was necessary to break her purposes. Still later came the Napoleonic
wars, in which Europe seemed for a moment to be subjected by one
central will, but again it was saved through great suffering. To some
people it seemed that the Napoleonic attempt would be the last.
Of these modern struggles in Europe it is seen that each has been
harder than the struggle that preceded it. That is because in each the
implements and organization of warfare were improved as compared with
the former struggle, and because states were stronger and more capable

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