2015년 7월 22일 수요일

A German Reader with Practical Exercises 21

A German Reader with Practical Exercises 21

ăbsitzen=, sāß ab´, abgesessen ~“sit out,” serve [_time in prison_]~
=ăbspringen=, sprang ab´, ist abgesprungen ~leap (jump) off (down)~
der =Ăbsprung=, sprünge ~(place for) leaping off; place to leap from~
=ăbsterben=, stirbt ab´, starb (stürbe) ab´, ist abgestorben ~die
(off); wither~
=ăbtrāgen=, trǟgt ab´, trūg ab´, abgetrāgen ~wear threadbare~
=ăbwarten=, wartete ab´, abgewartet ~wait for [_the accomplishment of a
thing_], wait (to see what will happen)~
=ăbwăschen=, wäscht ab´, wūsch ab´, abgewăschen ~wash off~
=ăbwechselnd= ~[~chs = ks~] alternately, by turns~
=ăbwenden=, wandte ~_or_~ wendete (~_past subj._~ wendete) ab´,
abgewandt ~_or_~ abgewendet ~turn away~
=ăbzehren=, zehrte ab´, ist abgezehrt ~waste away, become emaciated~
der =Ăbzūg=, züge ~deduction, reduction~
=ăbzuholen= ~_see_~ abholen
=ăbzunehmen= ~_see_~ abnehmen
=ach= ~ah, oh; alas;~ Ach du! ~Oh hush!~
=acht= ~eight;~ acht Tage ~a week [_Cf. French_ huit jours.]~
=achtjährig= ~of eight years, eight year(s) old~
der =Acker= ~[_invariable after a numeral_] acre [_Cf._~ Sack~.]~
das =Ackerland=, des -(e)s ~tillable land~
=Ackermann= ~Rudolf Ackermann (1764-1834), a native of Schneeberg in
Saxony, learned the saddler’s trade, at which he worked in various
cities in Germany and later in Paris and London, acquiring a reputation
as a designer of elegant models for coach builders. Ackermann was an
enterprising inventor and publisher (cf. Encycl. Brit. I. 148). After
the battle of Leipzig he collected over a million dollars for the
German sufferers.~
der =Advent´=, -e ~[-tv- _or_ -dv-] advent; Advent;~ =im= Advent ~=in=
der =Advōkāt´=, -en ~[-tv- _or_ -dv-] =~ Rechtsanwalt ~lawyer;~ einen
Advokaten annehmen ~hire a lawyer, engage counsel~
=Ägypten(land)= ~[~ǟgĭp´ten~] (the land of) Egypt~
=āhā´= ~aha~
=ähnlich= ~similar~
die =Ähre=, -n ~ear [_of grain_]~
die =Ährenlese=, -n ~gleaning(s)~
der =Alarm´schŭß=, schüsse ~alarm shot~
=Ālexan´der= ~Alexander~
=all= ~[_infl. like_~ dieser, ~_hence a following adj. has the weak
ending._~ all ~_is usually uninfl. before the def. art., and frequently
so before a demonstr. or a poss. pron._] all;~ alles ~everything, all;
[_usually before a pl., but occasionally before a sg._] every;~ alle
Tage = jeden Tag ~every day [_After_~ all, der ~_is used only when it
specifies definite individuals, usually identified in addition by a
relat. clause. Note also that German does not say_ all =of= the pears,
_but_~ alle Birnen.]
=allein´= ~alone, (all) by one’s self~
=allein´= ~_conj._ [_without effect on the order of words_] but
[_Less common, and therefore more forcible, than_~ aber ~_in making a
contrasting statement_]~
=al´lemāl´= = alle Male ~each time, always, invariably~
=al´lenthal´ben= ~everywhere, on all sides~
=al´lerdings´= ~[_corroboratory or concessive_] to be sure; it must be
=al´lergnä´digst= ~most gracious~
=al´lerhand´= ~[_invariable_] =~ allerlei ~all kinds (sorts) of,
=al´lerhȫch´ste=, der, die, das ~[~ch ~_as in_~ ich~] very highest (of
=al´lerlei´= ~[_invariable_] _adj._, of all kinds, all sorts of;
_subst._, all sorts of things~
=alles= ~everything, all [_A following substantivized adj. has the
weak ending_];~ es hilft alles nichts ~it’s all (of no use) in vain;~
das alles ~all (of) that, the whole story (thing);~ alles, was... ~all
(everything) that...~
=al´lezeit´= ~always, at all times~
=all´gemein´= ~general, of all~
=allmäh´lich= ~gradual; [_adv._, _also_] by degrees, little by little~
=all´zu= ~too, too... by far, much too; utterly;~ nicht allzu... ~not
_too_..., not so very...~
=all´zulan´ge= ~far (altogether) too long (a time)~
=all´zumāl´= ~all together, one and all~
=all´zuviel´= ~(altogether) too much~
=all´zuweit´= ~(altogether, quite) too far~
die =Alpen= ~[_pl._] the Alps~
=als= ~[_time; always followed by transposition_] when, as;
[_comparison; see_~ so~] than, as; [_identity, usually =without=_~
ein ~_before the noun unless this is modified by an adj. or a relat.
clause_] as, by way of, for; [_after a negative_] but;~ als ob, als
wenn, ~_or_~ als ~_followed by inversion_ as if, as though (+ _subj._)
[_In temporal clauses_~ als ~_refers to a definite occasion or period
in the past, never to the present or the future._]~
=alsdann´= ~then, after that~
=alsō= ~[-zo] thus, in this way (manner); [_conj._] therefore, then,
consequently, “(and) so,” accordingly, for this (that) reason~
=al´sobald´= ~[~lt~] forthwith~
=ălt=, älter, der älteste ~old~
der =Alte=; (kein) Alter; ~[_pl._]~ Alte; die (keine) Alten ~old man;
[_pl._] (the) old (folks), grown-ups~
die =Alte=, ~[_gen. and dat. sg._]~ -n ~old woman (lady); [_in
address_] Dear, Mother~
das =Alter= ~(old) age~
=älter= ~_comp. of_~ alt
=älteste=, der, die, das ~_see_~ alt
=ältlich= ~elderly~
die =Altmühl= ~the Altmühl, a tributary of the Danube~
der =Altschuhmacher= ~chief master bootmaker (shoemaker)~
=ăm= = an dem
der =Ămbŏß=, Ambosse ~anvil~
das =Āmeischen= ~little ant, [_but in address_] my good (dear) ant
[_Cf._~ Krebslein.]
die =Āmeise=, -n ~ant~
=Āmē´rīkā= ~[_neut._] America~
=āmērīkā´nisch= ~American~
der =Amtmann=, männer ~magistrate~
die =Amtsstube=, -n ~office, bureau~
=ăn= ~_prep._ [_dat._] on, in [_a day, morning, afternoon, evening_];
[_location_] on, at, by, in, against, along, in the act of, on the
point of; [_relation_] in the case of, on, upon, in the way _or_ line
of; [_acc.; direction, motion, effort, thought, attention_] to, on,
of, at, against;~ glauben an + ~_acc._ believe in; [_approximation,
with numerals_] about, nearly [~an ~_implies close proximity to, or
immediate contact with, a side or edge;_~ auf ~_usually implies contact
with a horizontal surface._]~
=ăn= ~_adv._ on;~ von... an ~from ... on, ever since...~
=ăn= ~_sep. pref._ [_expressing 1. incipient action or state, 2.
direction toward the object, 3. approach, 4. contact, 5. growth_] to,
at, on, in, against, begin to, up~
sich =ănbauen=, baute an´, angebaut ~settle (down)~
=ănbieten=, bōt an´, angebōten ~offer~
der =Ănblick=, -e ~sight;~ ihr Anblick ~the sight of her (it, them)~
=ănblinzeln=, blinzelte an´, angeblinzelt ~look with twinkling eyes at~
das =Ăndenken= ~souvenir, memento (of~ an ~+ _acc._)~
=ander= ~[_never occurring in uninfl. form_] other; different;~ unter
anderm ~among other things;~ am andern Tage ~on the next (following)
day [_The_ ~e~ _is often elided before the ending_ ~e~; _but the_ ~e~
_of the ending is often dropped in inflections ending in a consonant._]~
=anderm= = anderem
=andern= = anderen
=anders= ~[-ers, NOT -erz] otherwise, differently; else;~ anders werden
~change;~ was anders als... ~what else but...~
=ăndeuten=, deutete an´, angedeutet ~indicate; hint, give to understand~
=Andrēas= ~Andrew~
=An´dres= ~[_colloqu. form of_~ Andreas~] Andy~

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