2015년 1월 29일 목요일

Glinda of Oz 3

Glinda of Oz 3

"I happen to know," said she, "that the Flatheads intend to attack us
tomorrow, but we are ready for them. Until the battle is over, I shall
keep you two strangers prisoners on my island, from which there is no
chance for you to escape."

She turned and looked around the band of courtiers who stood silently
around her throne.

"Lady Aurex," she continued, singling out one of the young women, "take
these children to your house and care for them, giving them food and
lodging. You may allow them to wander anywhere under the Great Dome,
for they are harmless. After I have attended to the Flatheads I will
consider what next to do with these foolish girls."

She resumed her seat and the Lady Aurex bowed low and said in a humble

"I obey your Majesty's commands." Then to Ozma and Dorothy she added,
"Follow me," and turned to leave the throne room.

Dorothy looked to see what Ozma would do. To her surprise and a little
to her disappointment Ozma turned and followed Lady Aurex. So Dorothy
trailed after them, but not without giving a parting, haughty look
toward Queen Coo-ee-oh, who had her face turned the other way and did
not see the disapproving look.

Chapter Nine

Lady Aurex

Lady Aurex led Ozma and Dorothy along a street to a pretty marble house
near to one edge of the great glass dome that covered the village. She
did not speak to the girls until she had ushered them into a pleasant
room, comfortably furnished, nor did any of the solemn people they met
on the street venture to speak.

When they were seated Lady Aurex asked if they were hungry, and finding
they were summoned a maid and ordered food to be brought.

This Lady Aurex looked to be about twenty years old, although in the
Land of Oz where people have never changed in appearance since the
fairies made it a fairyland--where no one grows old or dies--it is
always difficult to say how many years anyone has lived. She had a
pleasant, attractive face, even though it was solemn and sad as the
faces of all Skeezers seemed to be, and her costume was rich and
elaborate, as became a lady in waiting upon the Queen.

Ozma had observed Lady Aurex closely and now asked her in a gentle tone:

"Do you, also, believe me to be an impostor?"

"I dare not say," replied Lady Aurex in a low tone.

"Why are you afraid to speak freely?" inquired Ozma.

"The Queen punishes us if we make remarks that she does not like."

"Are we not alone then, in this house?"

"The Queen can hear everything that is spoken on this island--even the
slightest whisper," declared Lady Aurex. "She is a wonderful witch, as
she has told you, and it is folly to criticise her or disobey her

Ozma looked into her eyes and saw that she would like to say more if
she dared. So she drew from her bosom her silver wand, and having
muttered a magic phrase in a strange tongue, she left the room and
walked slowly around the outside of the house, making a complete circle
and waving her wand in mystic curves as she walked. Lady Aurex watched
her curiously and, when Ozma had again entered the room and seated
herself, she asked:

"What have you done?"

"I've enchanted this house in such a manner that Queen Coo-ee-oh, with
all her witchcraft, cannot hear one word we speak within the magic
circle I have made," replied Ozma. "We may now speak freely and as
loudly as we wish, without fear of the Queen's anger."

Lady Aurex brightened at this.

"Can I trust you?" she asked.

"Ev'rybody trusts Ozma," exclaimed Dorothy. "She is true and honest,
and your wicked Queen will be sorry she insulted the powerful Ruler of
all the Land of Oz."

"The Queen does not know me yet," said Ozma, "but I want you to know
me, Lady Aurex, and I want you to tell me why you, and all the
Skeezers, are unhappy. Do not fear Coo-ee-oh's anger, for she cannot
hear a word we say, I assure you."

Lady Aurex was thoughtful a moment; then she said: "I shall trust you,
Princess Ozma, for I believe you are what you say you are--our supreme
Ruler. If you knew the dreadful punishments our Queen inflicts upon us,
you would not wonder we are so unhappy. The Skeezers are not bad
people; they do not care to quarrel and fight, even with their enemies
the Flatheads; but they are so cowed and fearful of Coo-ee-oh that they
obey her slightest word, rather than suffer her anger."

"Hasn't she any heart, then?" asked Dorothy.

"She never displays mercy. She loves no one but herself," asserted Lady
Aurex, but she trembled as she said it, as if afraid even yet of her
terrible Queen.

"That's pretty bad," said Dorothy, shaking her head gravely. "I see
you've a lot to do here, Ozma, in this forsaken corner of the Land of
Oz. First place, you've got to take the magic away from Queen
Coo-ee-oh, and from that awful Su-dic, too. My idea is that neither of
them is fit to rule anybody, 'cause they're cruel and hateful. So
you'll have to give the Skeezers and Flatheads new rulers and teach all
their people that they're part of the Land of Oz and must obey, above
all, the lawful Ruler, Ozma of Oz. Then, when you've done that, we can
go back home again."

Ozma smiled at her little friend's earnest counsel, but Lady Aurex said
in an anxious tone:

"I am surprised that you suggest these reforms while you are yet
prisoners on this island and in Coo-ee-oh's power. That these things
should be done, there is no doubt, but just now a dreadful war is
likely to break out, and frightful things may happen to us all.  Our
Queen has such conceit that she thinks she can overcome the Su-dic and
his people, but it is said Su-dic's magic is very powerful, although
not as great as that possessed by his wife Rora, before Coo-ee-oh
transformed her into a Golden Pig."

"I don't blame her very much for doing that," remarked Dorothy, "for
the Flatheads were wicked to try to catch your beautiful fish and the
Witch Rora wanted to poison all the fishes in the lake."

"Do you know the reason?" asked the Lady Aurex.

"I don't s'pose there was any reason, 'cept just wickedness," replied

"Tell us the reason," said Ozma earnestly.

"Well, your Majesty, once--a long time ago--the Flatheads and the
Skeezers were friendly. They visited our island and we visited their
mountain, and everything was pleasant between the two peoples. At that
time the Flatheads were ruled by three Adepts in Sorcery, beautiful
girls who were not Flatheads, but had wandered to the Flat Mountain and
made their home there. These three Adepts used their magic only for
good, and the mountain people gladly made them their rulers. They
taught the Flatheads how to use their canned brains and how to work
metals into clothing that would never wear out, and many other things
that added to their happiness and content.

"Coo-ee-oh was our Queen then, as now, but she knew no magic and so had
nothing to be proud of. But the three Adepts were very kind to
Coo-ee-oh. They built for us this wonderful dome of glass and our
houses of marble and taught us to make beautiful clothing and many
other things. Coo-ee-oh pretended to be very grateful for these favors,
but it seems that all the time she was jealous of the three Adepts and
secretly tried to discover their arts of magic. In this she was more
clever than anyone suspected. She invited the three Adepts to a banquet
one day, and while they were feasting Coo-ee-oh stole their charms and
magical instruments and transformed them into three fishes--a gold
fish, a silver fish and a bronze fish. While the poor fishes were
gasping and flopping helplessly on the floor of the banquet room one of
them said reproachfully: 'You will be punished for this, Coo-ee-oh, for
if one of us dies or is destroyed, you will become shrivelled and
helpless, and all your stolen magic will depart from you.' Frightened
by this threat, Coo-ee-oh at once caught up the three fish and ran with
them to the shore of the lake, where she cast them into the water. This
revived the three Adepts and they swam away and disappeared.

"I, myself, witnessed this shocking scene," continued Lady Aurex, "and
so did many other Skeezers. The news was carried to the Flatheads, who
then turned from friends to enemies. The Su-dic and his wife Rora were
the only ones on the mountain who were glad the three Adepts had been
lost to them, and they at once became Rulers of the Flatheads and stole
their canned brains from others to make themselves the more powerful.
Some of the Adepts' magic tools had been left on the mountain, and
these Rora seized and by the use of them she became a witch.

"The result of Coo-ee-oh's treachery was to make both the Skeezers and
the Flatheads miserable instead of happy. Not only were the Su-dic and
his wife cruel to their people, but our Queen at once became proud and
arrogant and treated us very unkindly. All the Skeezers knew she had
stolen her magic powers and so she hated us and made us humble
ourselves before her and obey her slightest word. If we disobeyed, or
did not please her, or if we talked about her when we were in our own
homes she would have us dragged to the whipping post in her palace and
lashed with knotted cords. That is why we fear her so greatly."

This story filled Ozma's heart with sorrow and Dorothy's heart with

"I now understand," said Ozma, "why the fishes in the lake have brought
about war between the Skeezers and the Flatheads."

"Yes," Lady Aurex answered, "now that you know the story it is easy to
understand. The Su-dic and his wife came to our lake hoping to catch
the silver fish, or gold fish, or bronze fish--any one of them would
do--and by destroying it deprive Coo-ee-oh of her magic. Then they
could easily conquer her. Also they had another reason for wanting to
catch the fish--they feared that in some way the three Adepts might
regain their proper forms and then they would be sure to return to the
mountain and punish Rora and the Su-dic. That was why Rora finally
tried to poison all the fishes in the lake, at the time Coo-ee-oh
transformed her into a Golden Pig. Of course this attempt to destroy
the fishes frightened the Queen, for her safety lies in keeping the
three fishes alive."

"I s'pose Coo-ee-oh will fight the Flatheads with all her might,"
observed Dorothy.

"And with all her magic," added Ozma, thoughtfully.

"I do not see how the Flatheads can get to this island to hurt us,"
said Lady Aurex.

"They have bows and arrows, and I guess they mean to shoot the arrows
at your big dome, and break all the glass in it," suggested Dorothy.

But Lady Aurex shook her head with a smile.

"They cannot do that," she replied.

"Why not?"

"I dare not tell you why, but if the Flatheads come to-morrow morning
you will yourselves see the reason."

"I do not think they will attempt to harm the island," Ozma declared.
"I believe they will first attempt to destroy the fishes, by poison or
some other means. If they succeed in that, the conquest of the island
will not be difficult."

"They have no boats," said Lady Aurex, "and Coo-ee-oh, who has long
expected this war, has been preparing for it in many astonishing ways.
I almost wish the Flatheads would conquer us, for then we would be free
from our dreadful Queen; but I do not wish to see the three transformed
fishes destroyed, for in them lies our only hope of future happiness."

"Ozma will take care of you, whatever happens," Dorothy assured her.
But the Lady Aurex, not knowing the extent of Ozma's power--which was,
in fact, not so great as Dorothy imagined--could not take much comfort
in this promise.

It was evident there would be exciting times on the morrow, if the
Flatheads really attacked the Skeezers of the Magic Isle.

Chapter Ten

Under Water

When night fell all the interior of the Great Dome, streets and houses,
became lighted with brilliant incandescent lamps, which rendered it
bright as day. Dorothy thought the island must look beautiful by night
from the outer shore of the lake. There was revelry and feasting in the
Queen's palace, and the music of the royal band could be plainly heard
in Lady Aurex's house, where Ozma and Dorothy remained with their
hostess and keeper. They were prisoners, but treated with much

Lady Aurex gave them a nice supper and when they wished to retire
showed them to a pretty room with comfortable beds and wished them a
good night and pleasant dreams.

"What do you think of all this, Ozma?" Dorothy anxiously inquired when
they were alone.

"I am glad we came," was the reply, "for although there may be mischief
done to-morrow, it was necessary I should know about these people,
whose leaders are wild and lawless and oppress their subjects with
injustice and cruelties. My task, therefore, is to liberate the
Skeezers and the Flatheads and secure for them freedom and happiness. I
have no doubt I can accomplish this in time."

"Just now, though, we're in a bad fix," asserted Dorothy. "If Queen
Coo-ee-oh conquers to-morrow, she won't be nice to us, and if the
Su-dic conquers, he'll be worse."

"Do not worry, dear," said Ozma, "I do not think we are in danger,
whatever happens, and the result of our adventure is sure to be good."

Dorothy was not worrying, especially. She had confidence in her friend,
the fairy Princess of Oz, and she enjoyed the excitement of the events
in which she was taking part. So she crept into bed and fell asleep as
easily as if she had been in her own cosy room in Ozma's palace.

A sort of grating, grinding sound awakened her. The whole island seemed
to tremble and sway, as it might do in an earthquake. Dorothy sat up in
bed, rubbing her eyes to get the sleep out of them, and then found it
was daybreak.

Ozma was hurriedly dressing herself.

"What is it?" asked Dorothy, jumping out of bed.

"I'm not sure," answered Ozma "but it feels as if the island is

As soon as possible they finished dressing, while the creaking and
swaying continued. Then they rushed into the living room of the house
and found Lady Aurex, fully dressed, awaiting them.

"Do not be alarmed," said their hostess. "Coo-ee-oh has decided to
submerge the island, that is all. But it proves the Flatheads are
coming to attack us."

"What do you mean by sub-sub-merging the island?" asked Dorothy.

"Come here and see," was the reply.

Lady Aurex led them to a window which faced the side of the great dome
which covered all the village, and they could see that the island was
indeed sinking, for the water of the lake was already half way up the
side of the dome. Through the glass could be seen swimming fishes, and
tall stalks of swaying seaweeds, for the water was clear as crystal and
through it they could distinguish even the farther shore of the lake.

"The Flatheads are not here yet," said Lady Aurex. "They will come
soon, but not until all of this dome is under the surface of the water."

"Won't the dome leak?" Dorothy inquired anxiously.

"No, indeed."

"Was the island ever sub-sub-sunk before?"

"Oh, yes; on several occasions. But Coo-ee-oh doesn't care to do that
often, for it requires a lot of hard work to operate the machinery. The
dome was built so that the island could disappear. I think," she
continued, "that our Queen fears the Flatheads will attack the island
and try to break the glass of the dome."

"Well, if we're under water, they can't fight us, and we can't fight
them," asserted Dorothy.

"They could kill the fishes, however," said Ozma gravely.

"We have ways to fight, also, even though our island is under water,"
claimed Lady Aurex. "I cannot tell you all our secrets, but this island
is full of surprises. Also our Queen's magic is astonishing."

"Did she steal it all from the three Adepts in Sorcery that are now

"She stole the knowledge and the magic tools, but she has used them as
the three Adepts never would have done."

By this time the top of the dome was quite under water and suddenly the
island stopped sinking and became stationary.

"See!" cried Lady Aurex, pointing to the shore. "The Flatheads have

On the bank, which was now far above their heads, a crowd of dark
figures could be seen.

"Now let us see what Coo-ee-oh will do to oppose them," continued Lady
Aurex, in a voice that betrayed her excitement.

   *     *     *     *     *

The Flatheads, pushing their way through the line of palm trees, had
reached the shore of the lake just as the top of the island's dome
disappeared beneath the surface. The water now flowed from shore to
shore, but through the clear water the dome was still visible and the
houses of the Skeezers could be dimly seen through the panes of glass.

"Good!" exclaimed the Su-dic, who had armed all his followers and had
brought with him two copper vessels, which he carefully set down upon
the ground beside him. "If Coo-ee-oh wants to hide instead of fighting
our job will be easy, for in one of these copper vessels I have enough
poison to kill every fish in the lake."

"Kill them, then, while we have time, and then we can go home again,"
advised one of the chief officers.

"Not yet," objected the Su-dic. "The Queen of the Skeezers has defied
me, and I want to get her into my power, as well as to destroy her
magic. She transformed my poor wife into a Golden Pig, and I must have
revenge for that, whatever else we do."

"Look out!" suddenly exclaimed the officers, pointing into the lake;
"something's going to happen."

From the submerged dome a door opened and something black shot swiftly
out into the water. The door instantly closed behind it and the dark
object cleaved its way through the water, without rising to the
surface, directly toward the place where the Flatheads were standing.

"What is that?" Dorothy asked the Lady Aurex.

"That is one of the Queen's submarines," was the reply. "It is all
enclosed, and can move under water. Coo-ee-oh has several of these
boats which are kept in little rooms in the basement under our village.
When the island is submerged, the Queen uses these boats to reach the
shore, and I believe she now intends to fight the Flatheads with them."

The Su-dic and his people knew nothing of Coo-ee-oh's submarines, so
they watched with surprise as the under-water boat approached them.
When it was quite near the shore it rose to the surface and the top
parted and fell back, disclosing a boat full of armed Skeezers. At the
head was the Queen, standing up in the bow and holding in one hand a
coil of magic rope that gleamed like silver.

The boat halted and Coo-ee-oh drew back her arm to throw the silver
rope toward the Su-dic, who was now but a few feet from her. But the
wily Flathead leader quickly realized his danger and before the Queen
could throw the rope he caught up one of the copper vessels and dashed
its contents full in her face!

Chapter Eleven

The Conquest of the Skeezers

Queen Coo-ee-oh dropped the rope, tottered and fell headlong into the
water, sinking beneath the surface, while the Skeezers in the submarine
assist her and only stared at the ripples in the water where she had
disappeared. A moment later there arose to the surface a beautiful
White Swan. This Swan was of large size, very gracefully formed, and
scattered all over its white feathers were tiny diamonds, so thickly
placed that as the rays of the morning sun fell upon them the entire
body of the Swan glistened like one brilliant diamond. The head of the
Diamond Swan had a bill of polished gold and its eyes were two
sparkling amethysts.

"Hooray!" cried the Su-dic, dancing up and down with wicked glee. "My
poor wife, Rora, is avenged at last. You made her a Golden Pig,
Coo-ee-oh, and now I have made you a Diamond Swan. Float on your lake
forever, if you like, for your web feet can do no more magic and you
are as powerless as the Pig you made of my wife!

"Villain! Scoundrel!" croaked the Diamond Swan. "You will be punished
for this. Oh, what a fool I was to let you enchant me!

"A fool you were, and a fool you are!" laughed the Su-dic, dancing
madly in his delight. And then he carelessly tipped over the other
copper vessel with his heel and its contents spilled on the sands and
were lost to the last drop.

The Su-dic stopped short and looked at the overturned vessel with a
rueful countenance.

"That's too bad--too bad!" he exclaimed sorrowfully. "I've lost all the
poison I had to kill the fishes with, and I can't make any more because
only my wife knew the secret of it, and she is now a foolish Pig and
has forgotten all her magic."

"Very well," said the Diamond Swan scornfully, as she floated upon the
water and swam gracefully here and there. "I'm glad to see you are
foiled. Your punishment is just beginning, for although you have
enchanted me and taken away my powers of sorcery you have still the
three magic fishes to deal with, and they'll destroy you in time, mark
my words."

The Su-dic stared at the Swan a moment. Then he yelled to his men:

"Shoot her! Shoot the saucy bird!"

They let fly some arrows at the Diamond Swan, but she dove under the
water and the missiles fell harmless. When Coo-ce-oh rose to the
surface she was far from the shore and she swiftly swam across the lake
to where no arrows or spears could reach her.

The Su-dic rubbed his chin and thought what to do next. Near by floated
the submarine in which the Queen had come, but the Skeezers who were in
it were puzzled what to do with themselves. Perhaps they were not sorry
their cruel mistress had been transformed into a Diamond Swan, but the
transformation had left them quite helpless. The under-water boat was
not operated by machinery, but by certain mystic words uttered by
Coo-ee-oh. They didn't know how to submerge it, or how to make the
water-tight shield cover them again, or how to make the boat go back to
the castle, or make it enter the little basement room where it was
usually kept. As a matter of fact, they were now shut out of their
village under the Great Dome and could not get back again. So one of
the men called to the Supreme Dictator of the Flatheads, saying:

"Please make us prisoners and take us to your mountain, and feed and
keep us, for we have nowhere to go."

Then the Su-dic laughed and answered:

"Not so. I can't be bothered by caring for a lot of stupid Skeezers.
Stay where you are, or go wherever you please, so long as you keep away
from our mountain." He turned to his men and added: "We have conquered
Queen Coo-ee-oh and made her a helpless swan. The Skeezers are under
water and may stay there. So, having won the war, let us go home again
and make merry and feast, having after many years proved the Flatheads
to be greater and more powerful than the Skeezers."

So the Flatheads marched away and passed through the row of palms and
went back to their mountain, where the Su-dic and a few of his officers
feasted and all the others were forced to wait on them.

"I'm sorry we couldn't have roast pig," said the Su-dic, "but as the
only pig we have is made of gold, we can't eat her. Also the Golden Pig
happens to be my wife, and even were she not gold I am sure she would
be too tough to eat."

Chapter Twelve

The Diamond Swan

When the Flatheads had gone away the Diamond Swan swam back to the boat
and one of the young Skeezers named Ervic said to her eagerly:

"How can we get back to the island, your Majesty?"

"Am I not beautiful?" asked Coo-ee-oh, arching her neck gracefully and
spreading her diamond-sprinkled wings. "I can see my reflection in the
water, and I'm sure there is no bird nor beast, nor human as
magnificent as I am!"

"How shall we get back to the island, your Majesty?" pleaded Ervic.

"When my fame spreads throughout the land, people will travel from all
parts of this lake to look upon my loveliness," said Coo-ee-oh, shaking
her feathers to make the diamonds glitter more brilliantly.

"But, your Majesty, we must go home and we do not know how to get
there," Ervic persisted.

"My eyes," remarked the Diamond Swan, "are wonderfully blue and bright
and will charm all beholders."

"Tell us how to make the boat go--how to get back into the island,"
begged Ervic and the others cried just as earnestly: "Tell us,
Coo-ee-oh; tell us!"

"I don't know," replied the Queen in a careless tone.

"You are a magic-worker, a sorceress, a witch!"

"I was, of course, when I was a girl," she said, bending her head over
the clear water to catch her reflection in it; "but now I've forgotten
all such foolish things as magic. Swans are lovelier than girls,
especially when they're sprinkled with diamonds. Don't you think so?"
And she gracefully swam away, without seeming to care whether they
answered or not.

Ervic and his companions were in despair. They saw plainly that
Coo-ee-oh could not or would not help them. The former Queen had no
further thought for her island, her people, or her wonderful magic; she
was only intent on admiring her own beauty.

"Truly," said Ervic, in a gloomy voice, "the Flatheads have conquered

   *     *     *     *     *

Some of these events had been witnessed by Ozma and Dorothy and Lady
Aurex, who had left the house and gone close to the glass of the dome,
in order to see what was going on. Many of the Skeezers had also
crowded against the dome, wondering what would happen next. Although
their vision was to an extent blurred by the water and the necessity of
looking upward at an angle, they had observed the main points of the
drama enacted above. They saw Queen Coo-ee-oh's submarine come to the
surface and open; they saw the Queen standing erect to throw her magic
rope; they saw her sudden transformation into a Diamond Swan, and a cry
of amazement went up from the Skeezers inside the dome.

"Good!" exclaimed Dorothy. "I hate that old Su-dic, but I'm glad
Coo-ee-oh is punished."

"This is a dreadful misfortune!" cried Lady Aurex, pressing her hands
upon her heart.

"Yes," agreed Ozma, nodding her head thoughtfully; "Coo-ee-oh's
misfortune will prove a terrible blow to her people."

"What do you mean by that?" asked Dorothy in surprise. "Seems to me the
Skeezers are in luck to lose their cruel Queen."

"If that were all you would be right," responded Lady Aurex; "and if
the island were above water it would not be so serious. But here we all
are, at the bottom of the lake, and fast prisoners in this dome."

"Can't you raise the island?" inquired Dorothy.

"No. Only Coo-ee-oh knew how to do that," was the answer.

"We can try," insisted Dorothy. "If it can be made to go down, it can
be made to come up. The machinery is still here, I suppose.

"Yes; but the machinery works by magic, and Coo-ee-oh would never share
her secret power with any one of us."

Dorothy's face grew grave; but she was thinking.

"Ozma knows a lot of magic," she said.

"But not that kind of magic," Ozma replied.

"Can't you learn how, by looking at the machinery?"

"I'm afraid not, my dear. It isn't fairy magic at all; it is

"Well," said Dorothy, turning to Lady Aurex, "you say there are other
sub-sub-sinking boats. We can get in one of those, and shoot out to the
top of the water, like Coo-ee-oh did, and so escape. And then we can
help to rescue all the Skeezers down here."

"No one knows how to work the under-water boats but the Queen,"
declared Lady Aurex.

"Isn't there any door or window in this dome that we could open?"

"No; and, if there were, the water would rush in to flood the dome, and
we could not get out."

"The Skeezers," said Ozma, "could not drown; they only get wet and
soggy and in that condition they would be very uncomfortable and
unhappy. But you are a mortal girl, Dorothy, and if your Magic Belt
protected you from death you would have to lie forever at the bottom of
the lake."

"No, I'd rather die quickly," asserted the little girl. "But there are
doors in the basement that open--to let out the bridges and the
boats--and that would not flood the dome, you know."

"Those doors open by a magic word, and only Coo-ee-oh knows the word
that must be uttered," said Lady Aurex.

"Dear me!" exclaimed Dorothy, "that dreadful Queen's witchcraft upsets
all my plans to escape. I guess I'll give it up, Ozma, and let you save

Ozma smiled, but her smile was not so cheerful as usual. The Princess
of Oz found herself confronted with a serious problem, and although she
had no thought of despairing she realized that the Skeezers and their
island, as well as Dorothy and herself, were in grave trouble and that
unless she could find a means to save them they would be lost to the
Land of Oz for all future time.

"In such a dilemma," said she, musingly, "nothing is gained by haste.
Careful thought may aid us, and so may the course of events. The
unexpected is always likely to happen, and cheerful patience is better
than reckless action."

"All right," returned Dorothy; "take your time, Ozma; there's no hurry.
How about some breakfast, Lady Aurex?"

Their hostess led them back to the house, where she ordered her
trembling servants to prepare and serve breakfast. All the Skeezers
were frightened and anxious over the transformation of their Queen into
a swan. Coo-ee-oh was feared and hated, but they had depended on her
magic to conquer the Flatheads and she was the only one who could raise
their island to the surface of the lake again.

Before breakfast was over several of the leading Skeezers came to Aurex
to ask her advice and to question Princess Ozma, of whom they knew
nothing except that she claimed to be a fairy and the Ruler of all the
land, including the Lake of the Skeezers.

"If what you told Queen Coo-ee-oh was the truth," they said to her,
"you are our lawful mistress, and we may depend on you to get us out of
our difficulties."

"I will try to do that," Ozma graciously assured them, "but you must
remember that the powers of fairies are granted them to bring comfort
and happiness to all who appeal to them. On the contrary, such magic as
Coo-ee-oh knew and practiced is unlawful witchcraft and her arts are
such as no fairy would condescend to use. However, it is sometimes
necessary to consider evil in order to accomplish good, and perhaps by
studying Coo-ee-oh's tools and charms of witchcraft I may be able to
save us. Do you promise to accept me as your Ruler and to obey my

They promised willingly.

"Then," continued Ozma, "I will go to Coo-ee-oh's palace and take
possession of it. Perhaps what I find there will be of use to me. In
the meantime tell all the Skeezers to fear nothing, but have patience.
Let them return to their homes and perform their daily tasks as usual.
Coo-ee-oh's loss may not prove a misfortune, but rather a blessing."

This speech cheered the Skeezers amazingly. Really, they had no one now
to depend upon but Ozma, and in spite of their dangerous position their
hearts were lightened by the transformation and absence of their cruel

They got out their brass band and a grand procession escorted Ozma and
Dorothy to the palace, where all of Coo-ee-oh's former servants were
eager to wait upon them. Ozma invited Lady Aurex to stay at the palace
also, for she knew all about the Skeezers and their island and had also
been a favorite of the former Queen, so her advice and information were
sure to prove valuable.

Ozma was somewhat disappointed in what she found in the palace. One
room of Coo-ee-oh's private suite was entirely devoted to the practice
of witchcraft, and here were countless queer instruments and jars of
ointments and bottles of potions labeled with queer names, and strange
machines that Ozma could not guess the use of, and pickled toads and
snails and lizards, and a shelf of books that were written in blood,
but in a language which the Ruler of Oz did not know.

"I do not see," said Ozma to Dorothy, who accompanied her in her
search, "how Coo-ee-oh knew the use of the magic tools she stole from
the three Adept Witches. Moreover, from all reports these Adepts
practiced only good witchcraft, such as would be helpful to their
people, while Coo-ee-oh performed only evil."

"Perhaps she turned the good things to evil uses?" suggested Dorothy.

"Yes, and with the knowledge she gained Coo-ee-oh doubtless invented
many evil things quite unknown to the good Adepts, who are now fishes,"
added Ozma. "It is unfortunate for us that the Queen kept her secrets
so closely guarded, for no one but herself could use any of these
strange things gathered in this room."

"Couldn't we capture the Diamond Swan and make her tell the secrets?"
asked Dorothy.

"No; even were we able to capture her, Coo-ee-oh now has forgotten all
the magic she ever knew. But until we ourselves escape from this dome
we could not capture the Swan, and were we to escape we would have no
use for Coo-ee-oh's magic."

"That's a fact," admitted Dorothy. "But--say, Ozma, here's a good idea!
Couldn't we capture the three fishes--the gold and silver and bronze
ones, and couldn't you transform 'em back to their own shapes, and then
couldn't the three Adepts get us out of here?"

"You are not very practical, Dorothy dear. It would be as hard for us
to capture the three fishes, from among all the other fishes in the
lake, as to capture the Swan."

"But if we could, it would be more help to us," persisted the little

"That is true," answered Ozma, smiling at her friend's eagerness. "You
find a way to catch the fish, and I'll promise when they are caught to
restore them to their proper forms."

"I know you think I can't do it," replied Dorothy, "but I'm going to

She left the palace and went to a place where she could look through a
clear pane of the glass dome into the surrounding water. Immediately
she became interested in the queer sights that met her view.

The Lake of the Skeezers was inhabited by fishes of many kinds and many
sizes. The water was so transparent that the girl could see for a long
distance and the fishes came so close to the glass of the dome that
sometimes they actually touched it. On the white sands at the bottom of
the lake were star-fish, lobsters, crabs and many shell fish of strange
shapes and with shells of gorgeous hues. The water foliage was of
brilliant colors and to Dorothy it resembled a splendid garden.

But the fishes were the most interesting of all. Some were big and
lazy, floating slowly along or lying at rest with just their fins
waving. Many with big round eyes looked full at the girl as she watched
them and Dorothy wondered if they could hear her through the glass if
she spoke to them. In Oz, where all the animals and birds can talk,
many fishes are able to talk also, but usually they are more stupid
than birds and animals because they think slowly and haven't much to
talk about.

In the Lake of the Skeezers the fish of smaller size were more active
than the big ones and darted quickly in and out among the swaying
weeds, as if they had important business and were in a hurry. It was
among the smaller varieties that Dorothy hoped to spy the gold and
silver and bronze fishes. She had an idea the three would keep
together, being companions now as they were in their natural forms, but
such a multitude of fishes constantly passed, the scene shifting every
moment, that she was not sure she would notice them even if they
appeared in view. Her eyes couldn't look in all directions and the
fishes she sought might be on the other side of the dome, or far away
in the lake.

"P'raps, because they were afraid of Coo-ee-oh, they've hid themselves
somewhere, and don't know their enemy has been transformed," she

She watched the fishes for a long time, until she became hungry and
went back to the palace for lunch. But she was not discouraged.

"Anything new, Ozma?" she asked.

"No, dear. Did you discover the three fishes?"

"Not yet. But there isn't anything better for me to do, Ozma, so I
guess I'll go back and watch again."

Chapter Thirteen

The Alarm Bell

Glinda, the Good, in her palace in the Quadling Country, had many
things to occupy her mind, for not only did she look after the weaving
and embroidery of her bevy of maids, and assist all those who came to
her to implore her help--beasts and birds as well as people--but she
was a close student of the arts of sorcery and spent much time in her
Magical Laboratory, where she strove to find a remedy for every evil
and to perfect her skill in magic.

Nevertheless, she did not forget to look in the Great Book of Records
each day to see if any mention was made of the visit of Ozma and
Dorothy to the Enchanted Mountain of the Flatheads and the Magic Isle
of the Skeezers. The Records told her that Ozma had arrived at the
mountain, that she had escaped, with her companion, and gone to the
island of the Skeezers, and that Queen Coo-ee-oh had submerged the
island so that it was entirely under water. Then came the statement
that the Flatheads had come to the lake to poison the fishes and that
their Supreme Dictator had transformed Queen Coo-ee-oh into a swan.

No other details were given in the Great Book and so Glinda did not
know that since Coo-ee-oh had forgotten her magic none of the Skeezers
knew how to raise the island to the surface again. So Glinda was not
worried about Ozma and Dorothy until one morning, while she sat with
her maids, there came a sudden clang of the great alarm bell. This was so unusual that every maid gave a start and even the Sorceress for a moment could not think what the alarm meant.

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