2015년 1월 28일 수요일

Sumerian Hymns 5

Sumerian Hymns 5

_ab-ba_: _ab_ equals _tamtu_, “sea” (Br. 3822). The common word for
“sea” is AB.ZU, written ZU.AB, meaning “sea of wisdom”, the abode of Ea,
the god of wisdom. _ab_ also equals _aptu_, “abyss” (Br. 3815). _ab_,
“sea”, or “abyss” is a shortened form of _a-ab_, “water enclosure”,
“water space”. AB with the value _eš_ we have had (Hymn to Sin, line

_u um-me-ši-la-la_ (line 16).

  20. _nim-gir luḥ su-ši-šu mu-ra-du-ud_
    As the lightning, a messenger for terror, thou didst go.

_nim-gir_ equals _birḳu_, “lightning” (Br. 9020). _nim-gir_ literally
means “high lightning”. _nim_ equals _elu_, “high”. _gir_ alone equals
_birḳu_ (Br. 306). The sign GIRU in its primitive form is a picture of a
“dagger”. From the conception of the “dagger”, there is, of course, but
a short step to that of the forked lightning.

_luḥ_ equals _sukkallu_, “messenger” (Br. 6170). We have had the sign
SUKKALLU with the value _laḥ_ (line 14, _laḥ_, and Hymn to Sin, line

_su-ši-šu_ equals noun _su-ši_ and postposition _šu_. _su-ši_: SU.ŠI
means “increase of eye” and eqnals _šalummatu_ which means “splendour”,
or perhaps “terror”. SU.ŠI might be read _su-lim_. SU.ZI, however, has
the same meaning (see Br. 235 and 187, also MSL. p. 298), proving the
reading SU.ŠI.

_mu-ra-du-ud_: _mu_ (see Hymn to Bel, line 18). _ra_ is an infix of
adverbial character denoting motion (MSL. p. XXIV). _du-ud_ is no doubt
for _du-du_, an intensified form of _du_ (see Hymn to Bel, line 23,

  21. _mulu dumu-mu ru gin-na-gin-na a-ba zi-gi-en te-ga_
    When thou who art my son goest violently about, who can attack like

_mulu dumu-mu_ (see on line 16).

_ru_ equals _naḳapu_, “break forth violently”, or “storm furiously”,
(Br. 9144). Here we come near to the primary idea of the sign which is
that of “the goring bull” (see Hymn to Sin, line 14).

_gin-na-gin-na_: DU = _alaku_ may have any one of three values, _gin_,
_tum_ or _ra_ (Br. 4871). _gin_ is the correct value here, as is shown
by the phonetic complement _na_. The value _du_ must be closely related
to _tum_ and _gin_. _du_ by change of _d_ to _t_ and by addition of the
nasal _m_ becomes _tum_. _tum_ by change of _t_ to _g_, of _u_ to _i_
and of _m_ to _n_ becomes _gin_.

_a-ba_ equals _mannu_, “who” (Br. 11370). See also below.

_zi-gi-en_ probably is a phonetic and dialectic form for _za-e-gim_
(line 22).

_te-ga_: _te_ equals _ṭeḥu_, “attack” (Br. 7688). _ga_: BA is probably
dialectic for _ga_ (Br. 103) which would be the same as PISANNU, i. e.,
_bašu_, “being”, or _šakanu_, “establishing”.


  22. _ki-bala ḥul gig a-a muḥ-zu-šu a-ba za-e-gim te-ga_
    The troublesome evil hostile land, O father, which is against thee,
              who like thee can attack!

_ki-bala_: _ki_ (see Hymn to Bel, line 9). _bala_ equals _palu_,
“weapon” (Br. 276). From the idea of “weapon”, it is easy to pass to
that of “hostility”, expressed by _nukurtu_ (Br. 272).

_ḥul_ equals _limnu_, “bad” (see Br. 9502 and Hymn to Sin, line 16,

_gig_ equals _mar⋅u_, “sick” (Br. 9235). The sign is composite, the
principal element of which is MI meaning “black”.

_a-a_ (see Hymn to Bel, line 3).

_muḥ-zu-šu_: _muḥ_ equals _eli_, “upon”, or “against” (Br. 8841). _zu_
(Hymn to Bel, line 21). _šu_ (Hymn to Bel, line 15) governs the phrase

_a-ba_ (see on line 21).

_za-e-gim_: _za-e_ (see Hymn to Bel, line 16). _gim_ (see line 12).

_te-ga_ (see on line 21).

  23. _na imi tur-tur-e šu-um-me-ti a-ba za-e-gim te-ga_
    The little stone of the storm do thou take. Who can attack like

_na_: DAḲḲU has three values for _abnu_, “stone”, _za_, _⋅i_ and _na_.
We have also had the sign ZA with the value _za_ equal to _abnu_ (line
13). No doubt DAḲḲU indicates “hailstone” here.

_imi_ is the common value of the sign IMMU for _šaru_, “storm” (Br.

_tur-tur-e_: _tur_ (see Hymn to Sin, line 28, _ban-da_). The sign is
DUMU (lines 3, 15 and 16). _e_ (see Hymn to Bel, line 3).

_šu-um-me-ti_: _šu_ is a part of the verbal conjugation (see Hymn to
Bel, line 25), making it causal. _um-me_ (see on line 16). _ti_ equals
_laḳu_, “take” (Br. 1700). This is the same word as _ti_ meaning “life”
(Hymn to Bel, line 16).

_a-ba za-e-gim te-ga_ (see on line 22).

  24. _na gal-gal-e šu-um-me-ti a-ba za-e-gim te-ga_
    The large stone do thou take. Who like thee can attack!

_na_ (see on line 23).

_gal-gal-e_: _gal_ (see Hymn to Bel, line 14). _e_ (see Hymn to Bel,
line 3).

_šu-um-me-ti a-ba za-e-gim te-ga_ (see line 23).

  25. _na tur-tur-zu na gal-gal-zu muḥ-ba u-me-am_
    Thy little stone, thy large stone, on it (the land) let it be!

_na_ (see on line 23).

_gal-gal-zu_: _gal_ (see Hymn to Bel, line 14). _zu_ (Hymn to Bel, line

_tur-tur-zu_: _tur_ (see on line 23).

_muḥ-ba_: _muḥ_ (see line 22). _ba_ is a pronominal suffix of the third
person singular (Br. 114).

_u-me-am_ verb in the imperative mood. _u-me_, the same as _um-me_ (line
16). _am_ (see Hymn to Bel, line 12).

  26. _ki-bala-a zi-da-zu u-mu-e-gul da bur su u-mu-e-se_
    The hostile land thy right hand destroys. It gives complete
              destruction (?)

_ki-bala-a_ (see on line 22). _a_ (see Hymn to Bel, line 9).

_zi-da-zu_: _zi_ equals _imnu_, “right hand” (Br. 2312). _da_ is a
phonetic complement (see Hymn to Bel, line 4). _zu_ (see Hymn to Bel,
line 21).

_u-mu-e-gul_: _u_ is an indeterminate verbal prefix; it is used of the
third person (Br. p. 547; see also Hymn to Bel, line 1). _mu-e_
constitutes a double verbal infix, the _mu_ being pronominal and the _e_
adverbial. _mu_ (see line 16 and Hymn to Bel, line 18). _e_ (see Hymn to
Bel, line 18). _gul_ equals _abatu_, “destroy” (Br. 8954).

_da_ equals _idu_, “strength” (see Hymn to Bel, line 16). _bur_ equals
_nasaḥu_, “tear away” (Br. 7528). The sign SIRU occurs only here in all
of the four hymns of this Thesis. _su_ is the common word for “body”,
represented by _zumru_ (Br. 172). This translation is only provisional.

_u-mu-e-se_: _u-mu-e_ (just explained). _se_ equals _nadanu_, “give”
(Br. 4418). Brunnow gives to the sign the value _si_, when it stands for

  27. _^dimmer Mer-ri dug-dug-ga a-a muḥ-na-šu geš-ni ba-ši-in-ag_
    Adad, when he speaks (to one), O father, on him he imposes his

_^dimmer Mer-ri_ (see on line 17).

_dug-dug-ga_ is a _ḥal_-clause equal to “in commanding”. _dug_ (see Hymn
to Sin, line 15).

_a-a_ (see Hymn to Bel, line 3).

_muḥ-na-šu_: muḥ (see line 22). _na_, pronominal suffix of the third
person (see Hymn to Bel, line 1). _šu_ (see Hymn to Bel, line 15).

_geš-ni_: _geš_ equals _šutešuru_, “government” (Br. 5706). _ni_ (Hymn
to Bel, line 13).

_ba-ši-in-ag_: _ba_ (see Hymn to Bel, line 25). Suffix _ši-in_ (see Hymn
to Sin, line 16). _ag_ (see Hymn to Bel, line 25).

  28. _a-a ^dimmer Mer e-ta e-a-ni u i di na-nam_
    Father Adad, when he comes out of the house he fixes the day of

_e-ta_: _e_ (see Hymn to Sin, line 3). _ta_ (see Hymn to Bel, line 15).

_e-a-ni_: _e_ (see Hymn to Bel, line 15). _a_ is a vowel of
prolongation, which _e_ is accustomed to take (see Hymn to Bel, line 9).
_ni_ (see Hymn to Bel, line 13).

_u_ (see Hymn to Sin, line 17).

_i_ (see on line 19).

_di_ (see on line 19).

_na-nam_: _na_ is an indeterminate verbal prefix (see MSL. p. XXIV and
Hymn to Bel, lines 1 and 18). _nam_ evidently a verb here, equals
_šimtu_, “fixing” (Br. 2103).

  29. _e-ta eri-ta e-a-ni uku ban-da na-nam_
    When he comes out of the house out of the city, he fixes the mighty

_e-ta_ (see on line 28).

_eri-ta_: _eri_ (see Hymn to Bel, line 13).

_e-a-ni_ (see on line 28).

_uku_ (see on line 9).

_ban-da_ equals _ekdu_, “strong” (Br. 4127). _ban-da_, following the
idea “strength”, also equals “young” (see Hymn to Sin, line 28).

_na-nam_ (see line 28).

  30. _eri-ta an-na-ta gar-ra-ni u i ḥar-ra na-nam_
    When he establishes himself out of the city, out of heaven, he fixes
              the day of curse.

_eri-ta_ (see line 29).

_an-na-ta_: _an-na_ (see Hymn to Bel, line 18). _ta_ (see Hymn to Bel,
line 15).

_gar-ra-ni_: _gar_ equals _šakanu_, “establish” (Br. 11978). _ra_,
phonetic complement, (Hymn to Bel, line 3). _ni_ (see line 28).

_u_ (see Hymn to Sin, line 17).

_i_ (see on line 19).

_ḥar-ra_: _ḥar_ equals _u⋅urtu_, “curse” (Br. 8545). _ra_, phonetic

_na-nam_ (see on line 28).

  31. _.. er lim-ma ^dimmer Mer_
    .... Hymn to Adad.

                               Chapter IV
                 Tablet 29628, Plate 19, Hymn to Tammuz


  1. _šes-e tuš(KU)-e-na eri er(A.ŠI)-ra na-nam_
    To the brother whose dwelling is the city of weeping, thus:

  2. _a-kala šes-e tab An-na_
    The mightiness of the brother, the companion of Anu!

  3. _a-kala a(ID)-ba en ^dimmer Dumu(TUR)-zi_
    The mightiness of his power, the lord Tammuz!

  4. _dumu(TUR) e(BIT)-gal-a-ni nu mu-un-su(SUD,SUG)-ga-mu_
    The son whose temple is not far away!

  5. _azag ^dimmer Nana-ge(KIT) e(BIT) An-na-ka im-me_
    The shining one of Ištar, who is in the house of Anu!

  6. _mulu u-sun-na-ge(KIT) nu mu-un-su-ga-mu_
    The one of plant-germination, who is not far away!

  7. _azag ^dimmer Nana-ge(KIT) za NANNA Unug(UNU)-^ki-ka im-me_
    The shining one of Ištar, who is the NANNA-stone of Erech!

  8. _mulu zib(KA)-ba-ra-ge(KIT) nu mu-un-su(SUD,SUG)-ga-mu_
    The one of speech, who is not far away!

  9. _bara-ka azag ^dimmer Nana-ge(KIT) te ki-ka im-me_
    In the temple, the shining one of Ištar, who is the foundation of
              the land!

  10. _mulu ka-aš-ka-sa-ge(KIT) nu mu-un-su(SUD,SUG)-ga-mu_
    The one of much wine, who is not far away!

  11. _azag ^dimmer Nana-ge(KIT) ša(LIB)-mu u-sun mu-un-si-mal(IG)_
    The shining one of Ištar, whose heart is full of plant-production!

  12. _mulu ḥul-mal(IG) nu mu-un-su-ga-mu_
    The one enduring evil, who is not far away!

  13. _dimmer mutin(GEŠTIN) An-na-ge(KIT) kaš(BI)-ra-bi mu-un-šub(RU)_
    The wine-god of Anu, to whom they present their offering!

  14. _mulu u-sun-na-ge(KIT) a-na-am(A.AN) šu-ba ab-ru(UL)_
    The one of plant-germination, what does his hand ordain!

  15. _mulu zib(KA)-ba-ra-ge(KIT)_
    The one of speech!

  16. _mulu ka-aš-ka-sa-ge(KIT)_
    The one of much wine!

  17. _mulu ḥul-mal(IG) a-na-am(A.AN) šu-ba ab-gin(DU)_
    The one who endures evil, whither does his hand go!

  18. _dimmer mutin(GEŠTIN) An-na-ge(KIT) PAḤADU sigišše-ra
    The wine-god of Anu, to whom they offer the lamb of sacrifice!

  19. _nim-me azag ^dimmer Nana-ra i(KA) mu-un-na-ab-e-e_
    The lofty one, the shining one of Ištar, to whom they speak!

  20. _nim-me ki mu-lu ni ma-ra an-pad-de(NE) a-na mu-un-ba-e-e_
    The lofty one of earth who is the abundance of the land, to whom
              they speak! what do they say?

  21. _e(BIT) kaš(BI)-a-ka e(BIT) gurun(KIL)-na-ka dumu(TUR) mu-lu azag
              zu-ge(KIT) ne-ne mu-un-til-li_
    In the house of wine, in the house of fruit, the son, the shining
              one of wisdom, who indeed lives!

  22. _nim-me azag dimmer mutin(GEŠTIN) An-na-ge(KIT) i(KA)
    The lofty one, the shining one, the wine-god of Anu, to whom they

  23. _nim-me ki šes ma-ra an-pad-de(NE) a-na-am(A.AN) mu-un-ma-al_
    The lofty one of earth, the brother of the land, to whom they speak!
              what is it (that they say)?


  24. _e(BIT) kaš(BI)-a-ka e(BIT) gurun(KIL)-na-ka dumu(TUR) mulu azag
              zu-ge(KIT) sigišše-sag tuk-a-na_
    In the house of wine, in the house of fruit, the son, the shining
              one of wisdom, who has a great sacrifice!

  25. _ur-sag ^giš ku-a sag-mal-mal-ge(KIT)_
    The hero of great weapons!

  26. _dimmer mutin (GEŠTIN) An-na-qe(KIT) u-sun-na saq-mal-mal-ge(KIT)_
    The wine-god of Anu, the great plant-germinator!

  27. _u-sun gurun(KIL)-gurun(KIL) u-sun gurun(KIL)-gurun(KIL) šes-mu
              u-sun gurun(KIL)-gurun(KIL)_
    The germinator of many fruits, the germinator of many fruits, my
              brother, the germinator of many fruits!

  28. _u-sun a-ra-li u-sun gurun(KIL)-gurun(KIL) šes-mu u-sun
    The germinator of the lower world, the germinator of many fruits, my
              brother, the germinator of may fruits!

  29. _in-nu giš(UŠ) ^giš gu-ga-ge(KIT) tal(AŠ)-ta-al-ta-al mu-ib-ra
    The vegetable-germinator, the only plant-begetter, who goeth forth!

  30. _dumu(TUR) zi-ga-na ga-ni ša(LIB)-zi-zi mu-ib-ra(DU)_
    The son of life; in his fulness, in the midst of life goeth.

  31. _eš diš er(A.ŠI)-lim(LIB)-ma ^dimmer Dumu-zi-da-kam_
    Thirty lines. Hymn to Tammuz.

The salient phases of the rounded out Tammuz story are touched upon in
this hymn; viz., his local dwelling in a city where he had a temple; the
memorial weeping; his relation to Anu; his lordly power; his
specification as “a brother”; his relation to the goddess Ištar; his
characteristic and supreme function of plant-germination. Note also that
he was the agricultural god of spring vegetation. Offerings of wine were
poured out over his bier, he having been humbled to sorrow by banishment
to the lower world, where he became a lord over the occult and internal
forces inherent beneath the soil of the earth. So he became a god of a
new life. The hymn does not seem altogether to confine the germinating
work of Tammuz to the vegetation of spring growth, but appears,
especially in the Reverse, to include fruit growing which might come
later in the season. Possibly this hymn was sung as a dirge at
Babylonian anniversaries for the departed Tammuz. The Babylonians at the
time of the summer solstice annually commemorated with lamentation the
departure of Tammuz to the lower world. He had instructed them that they
should gather at his bier and that hired musicians should sing and play
and that the people should sacrifice and drink wine.


  1. _šes-e tuš-e-na eri er-ra na-nam_
    To the brother whose dwelling is the city of weeping, thus:

_šes-e_: _šes_ same as _šis_ (Hymn to Sin, line 2). _e_ equals _ana_,
“to” (Br. 5847).

_tuš-e-na_: _tuš_ equals _ašabu_, “dwell” (Br. 10523). Probably the sign
has the same value for _šubtu_, “dwelling” (Br. 10553). We have had the
sign (KU) with the value _šu_ (Hymn to Bel, line 15). _e_, vowel of
prolongation. _na_, pronominal suffix (see Hymn to Adad, line 27).

_eri_ (Hymn to Bel, line 13).

_er-ra_: _er_ (Hymn to Bel, Colophon). _ra_, phonetic complement (Hymn
to Bel, line 3).

_na-nam_ equals _kiam_, “thus” (see Br. 1597 and Hymn to Adad, line 28).
The words “O my brother” are represented in legend as being first
uttered by the sister of Tammuz and then taken up by other mourners.
Probably the custom of weeping for Tammuz originated in the city of

  2. _a-kala šes-e tab An-na_
    The mightiness of the brother, the companion of Anu!

_a-kala_ is an abstract noun like _nam-kala_ which is equal to _dannutu_
(Br. 6194). _a_ is an abstract prefix, as in A.DU, equal to _a-ra_,
“going” (MSL. p. XVII). _kala_ equal _dannu_, “mighty” (Br. 6194).

_šeš-e._ See on _šes_ (line 1). _e_, probably sign of the genitive, if
not merely a vowel of prolongation. It can certainly be a postposition
(see on line 1).

_tab_ (see Hymn to Adad, line 6).

_An-na_ (see Hymn to Adad, line 3 and Hymn to Bel, line 18). Tammuz was
a companion of Gišzida in the dominion of Anu. Gišzida was also a god of
vegetable growth. At a certain period of the year, Tammuz and Gišzida
were stationed in companionship as attendants at the gate of heaven.
Here the power of Tammuz to cause vegetation to grow began to be
effective. He was, in the first days of his existence, a sun-god, and,
stationed in heaven, the rays of his power were felt on earth. So,
probably every year, at the time of spring growth, he was conceived of
as operating from heaven like a sun.

  3. _a-kala a-ba en ^dimmer Dumu-zi_
    The mightiness of his power, the lord Tammuz!

_a-kala_ (see on line 2).

_a-ba_: _a_ (see Hymn to Bel, line 14). _ba_ (Hymn to Adad, line 25).

_en_ (see Hymn to Bel, line 19).

_^dimmer Dumu-zi_. _Dumu-zi_ means “son of life”. _Dumu_ (Hymn to Sin,
line 5). _zi_ (see Hymn to Bel, line 23).

  4. _dumu e-gal-a-ni nu mu-un-su-ga-mu_
    The son whose temple is not far away!

_dumu_ (see Hymn to Sin, line 5, _ṭu-mu_).

_e-gal-a-ni_: _e-gal_ equals _ekallu_, “temple”, (Br. 6252). E.GAL,
“great house”, is the common compound ideogram for “temple”, both in
Sumerian and Assyrian. The Assyrian _ekallu_ is evidently the Sumerian
_e_, plus _gal_ which is changed to _kal_. The word has passed over into
Hebrew, Syriac and Arabic. _e_ (see Hymn to Sin, line 3). _gal_ (see
Hymn to Bel, line 14). _e-gal_ is often followed by _la_; here, however,
it is followed by _a_, showing that the phonetic use of _la_ and _a_ is
quite similar. _ni_ (see Hymn to Bel, line 13).

_nu_ (Hymn to Sin, line 27).

_mu-un-su-ga-mu_ is a verb and seems to mean “who is far away”. The
clause occurs also in lines 6, 8, 10 and 12, only that in lines 6 and 12
SU is used instead of SUD. _mu-un_ (see Hymn to Sin, line 17). _su_: SUD
seems to equal _ruḳu_, “distant”, here. Yet when it is equal to _ruḳu_,
it generally has the value _sud_ and is followed by the phonetic
complement _da_; here it is followed by _ga_. So the value should be
_sug_ or _su_. _mu_ is a relative suffix related to _mu_ of _mu-un_ (see
Hymn to Adad, line 16).

  5. _azag ^dimmer Nana-ge e An-na-ka im-me_
    The shining one of Ištar, who is in the house of Anu!

_azag_ (see Hymn to Sin, line 1).

_^dimmer Nana-ge_. _Nana_, also written _Nanna_, is the Sumerian name of
Ištar. NANNU is sometimes written like RI which, when preceded by the
god-sign, also equals “Ištar”. _ge_ (see Hymn to Adad, line 4).

_e_ (see Hymn to Sin, line 3).

_An-na-ka_ (see Hymn to Adad, line 4). _ka_ equals _nota genitivi_ (see
Br. 551 and Hymn to Bel, line 1).

_im-me_: _im_ (see Hymn to Sin, line 23). _me_ (Hymn to Bel, line 16).
Tammuz seems to be the shining one. The epithet “shining” is sometimes
applied to gods, goddesses, kings, princes and others. The primary
relation of Tammuz was that of lover. But in the lower world he made
love to another. But each year during the season of vegetable growth he
was supposed to be living with Ištar and during the season of vegetable
decline he was supposed to be living with the other whom he loved in the
regions below. The house of Anu might mean the temple of Anu, but the
reference in this line is no doubt to heaven, over which Anu was lord
and at whose portals Tammuz sometimes acted as porter.

  6. _mulu u-sun-na-ge nu mu-un-su-ga-mu_
    The one of plant-germination, who is not far away!

_mulu_ (see Hymn to Adad, line 16).

_u-sun-na-ge_: _u-sun_ seems to be a compound noun meaning
“plant-growing”. It occurs eight times in the hymn. _u_ equals _šammu_,
“plant” (Br. 6027). It is sometime a determinative before the name of a
plant (Br. 6029). _sun_ means “irrigate” (MSL. 299). It is improbable
that this sign is KIB. _ge_ (see Hymn to Adad, line 4).

_nu_ (see Hymn to Sin, line 27).

_mu-un-su-ga-mu_ (see line 4). _su_(SU) and _su_(SUD,SUG) are
interchangeable (Br. 7593).

  7. _azag ^dimmer Nana-ge za NANNA Unug-ka im-me_
    The shining one of Ištar, who is the NANNA-stone of Erech!

_azag ^dimmer Nana-ge_ (see on line 5).

_za_: the probable meaning of _za_ here is “stone” (see Hymn to Adad,
line 13).

NANNA: there are no citations in Brunnow showing the meaning of NANNA
when standing alone. _za_-NANNA-_di_ equals _mammu_, “snow”, and
_za_-NANNA may mean “white stone”. If NANNA can equal UŠLANU-GUNU, then
it can mean _nasaḳu_ (Br. 3019) and _za_-NANNA means “shining stone”. It
may be that NANNA stands for UŠLANU-GUNU, then ZA.NANNA.UNU.KI could be
equal to _Unug-^ki_ (Br. 11749), and the line would read _azag ^dimmer
Nana-ge Unug-^ki-ka im-me_, “the shining one of Ištar of Erech he is”.

_Unug_: that _Unug_ is the correct value is shown by the phonetic
complement _ga_ that often follows UNU. Erech, we know, was the city of
Ištar (Br. 3023). _unu_ (see Hymn to Sin, line 2). _ka_ (line 5).

_im-me_ (see on line 5).

  8. _mulu zib-ba-ra-ge nu mu-un-su-ga-mu_
    The one of speech, who is not far away!

_mulu_ (see Hymn to Adad, line 16).

_zib-ba-ra-ge_: _zib-ba_ (see Hymn to Sin, line 16, _gu_). _ra_ must
answer for vowel prolongation (Hymn to Bel, line 3). _ge_ (see Hymn to
Adad, line 4). “One of speech” must mean the god endowed with
authoritative utterance on the subject of germination.

_nu mu-un-su-ga-mu_ (see on line 4).

  9. _bara-ka azag ^dimmer Nana-ge te ki-ka im-me_
    In the temple the shining one of Ištar, who is the foundation of the

_bara-ka_: _bara_ equals _parakku_, “dwelling room in the temple” (Br.
6878). _ka_ (line 5).

_azag ^dimmer Nana-ge_ (line 5).

_te_ equals _temennu_, “foundation” (Br. 7710).

_ki-ka_: _ki_ (Hymn to Bel, line 9). _ka_ (Hymn to Bel, line 1).

_im-me_ (line 5).

  10. _mulu ka-aš-ka-sa-ge nu mu-un-su-ga-mu_
    The one of much wine, who is not far away!

_mulu_ (see Hymn to Adad, line 16).

_ka-aš_ is evidently a phonetic representation of _kaš_(BI), cognate
with _geš_ in _geštin_ and equal to _karanu_, “wine” (Br. 5121, 5004 and

_ka-sa-ge_: _ka-sa_ may be a phonetic form for _kas_ equal to _šina_,
“two” (Br. 4459). Perhaps it would be better to consider _ka-aš ka-sa_
as a reduplication of _kaš_, as _kaš-kas(š)_ = “much wine”. _ge_ (Hymn
to Adad, line 4). One form of the legend makes Tammuz the begetter of
autumn vegetation. If so, he is the producer of much wine. More likely
the meaning is that, on his account, much wine was offered in the
service of lamentation at his departure.

_nu mu-un-su-ga-mu_ (see on line 4).

  11. _azag ^dimmer Nana-ge ša-mu u-sun mu-un-si-mal_
    The shining one of Ištar, whose heart is full of plant-production!

_azag ^dimmer Nana-ge_ (line 5).

_ša-mu_: _ša_ (Hymn to Sin, line 9, _šsag_). Relative _mu_ (see line 4).

_u-sun_ (line 6).

_mu-un-si-mal._ _mu-un_ (see Hymn to Sin, line 17). _si_ (see Hymn to
Bel, line 22). _mal_ (see Hymn to Bel, line 18). Plant growth is a
matter of intelligent devising on the part of Tammuz.

  12. _mulu ḥul-mal nu mu-un-su-ga-mu_
    The one enduring evil, who is not far away!

_mulu_ (see Hymn to Adad, line 16).

_ḥul-mal_ equals _limnu_, “evil” (Br. 9508). _ḥul_ equals _limenu_, “be
evil”. _mal_ (Hymn to Bel, line 18).

_nu mu-un-su-ga-mu_ (line 6).

  13. _dimmer mutin An-na-ge kaš-ra-bi mu-un-šub_
    The wine-god of Anu, to whom they present their offering!

_mutin_ is “wood of life”, _mu_ being ES for _geš_, “wood”, and _tin_
being for _ti_ (Hymn to Bel, line 16).

_An-na-ge_: _An-na_ (see Hymn to Adad, line 3). _ge_ (Hymn to Adad, line

_kaš-ra-bi_: _kaš_ equals _šikaru_, “strong drink” (Br. 5126). _ra_
answers as a vowel of prolongation (Hymn to Bel, line 3). If _ra_ were a
postposition, it would follow the suffix _bi_ (on which see Hymn to Sin,
line 27).

_mu-un-šub_: _mu-un_ (Hymn to Sin, line 17). _šub_ equals _nadu_ “cast
down” (Br. 1434). RU signifies “bent down”. The attitude of the mourners
may be noted.

  14. _mulu u-sun-na-ge a-na-am šu-ba ab-ru_
    The one of plant-germination, what does his hand ordain!

_mulu u-sun-na-ge_ (see line 6).

_a-na-am_ equals _minammi_ (Br. 11436) which is the same as _minu_
“what?” (Br. 11434). Note that _a-ba_ (Hymn to Adad, line 21) equals
_mannu_, “who?”

_šu-ba_: _šu_ (Hymn to Bel, line 25). _ba_ (see Hymn to Adad, line 25).

_ab-ru_: _ab_ (Hymn to Bel, line 16). _ru_ (Hymn to Sin, line 14).

  15. _mulu zib-ba-ra-ge_
    The one of speech!

See line 8.

  16. _mulu ka-aš-ka-sa-ge_
    The one of much wine!

See line 10.

  17. _mulu ḥul-mal a-na-am šu-ba ab-gin_
    The one who endures evil, whither does his hand go!

_mulu ḥul-mal_ (line 12).

_a-na-am šu-ba_ (line 14).

_ab-gin_: _ab_ (Hymn to Bel, line 16). _gin_ (Hymn to Bel, line 23).

  18. _dimmer mutin An-na-ge PAḤADU sigišše-ra mu-un-šub-bi_
    The wine-god of Anu, to whom they offer the lamb of sacrifice!

_dimmer mutin An-ua-ge_ (line 13).

PAḤADU, Assyrian for “lamb”. The sign is PISANNU enclosing GESṬARU (Br.
5489). The Sumerian value of the sign is not known. Among the few
citations in which the sign appears, a female lamb is mentioned (Br.

_sigišše-ra_: _sigišše_ equals _niḳu_, “sacrifice”, and _ra_ answers as
a vowel of prolongation which the sign takes (Br. 9092).

_mu-un-šub-bi_: _mu-un-šub_ (line 13). _bi_ is a phonetic complement.

  19. _nim-me azag ^dimmer Nana-ra i mu-un-na-ab-e-e_
    The lofty one, the shining one of Ištar, to whom they speak.

_nim-me_: _nim_ (see Hymn to Adad, line 20). _me_, phonetic complement.

_azag_ (Hymn to Sin, line 1).

_^dimmer Nana-ra_: _^dimmer Nana_ (line 5). _ra_ (Hymn to Bel, line 3).

_i_ (Hymn to Adad, line 19).

_mu-un-na-ab-e-e_: _mu-un_ (Hymn to Sin, line 17). _na-ab_ is a verbal
infix = “to him”, third person here (MSL. p. XXXII). _e-e_ (Hymn to Bel,
line 14).

  20. _nim-me ki mu-lu ni ma-ra an-pad-de a-na mu-un-ba-e-e_
    The lofty one of the earth who is the abundance of the land, to whom
              they speak. What doth he say!

_nim-me_ (line 19).

_ki_ (Hymn to Bel, line 9).

_mu-lu_ (Hymn to Bel, line 20).

_ni_ (Hymn to Bel, line 13).

_an-pad-de_: _an_ (Hymn to Adad, line 1). _pad_ (Hymn to Sin, line 10).
_de_, phonetic complement.

_a-na_ equals _minu_, “what” (Br. 11434), the same as _a-na-am_ (line

_mu-un-ba-e-e_: _mu-un_ (Hymn to Sin, line 17). _ba_ may be used as an
infix as well as a prefix (MSL. p. XXIV, and Hymn to Bel, lines 24 and
25). _e-e_ (line 19).

  21. _e kaš-a-ka e gurun-na-ka dumu mu-lu azag zu-ge ne-ne
    In the house of wine, in the house of fruit, the son, the shining
              one of wisdom, who indeed liveth!

_kaš-a-ka_: _kaš_ (line 13). _a_ (Hymn to Bel, line 9). _ka_ (line 5).

_gurun-na-ka_: _gurun_ equals _inbu_, “fruit” (Br. 10179). _na_,
phonetic complement. _ka_ (just explained).

_dumu_ (Hymn to Sin, line 5).

_mu-lu_ (Hymn to Bel, line 20).

_azag_ (Hymn to Sin, line 1).

_zu-ge_: _zu_ (Hymn to Bel, line 1). _ge_ (Hymn to Adad, line 4).

_ne-ne_ (Hymn to Bel, line 21).

_mu-un-til-li_: _mu-un_ (Hymn to Sin, line 17). _til_ is probably the
longer form of _ti_ (Hymn to Bel, line 16).

  22. _nim-me azag dimmer mutin An-na-ge i mu-un-na-ab-e-e_
    The lofty one, the shining one, the wine-god of Anu, to whom they

_nim-me azag_ (line 19).

_dimmer mutin An-na-ge_ (line 13).

_i mu-un-na-ab-e-e_ (line 19).

  23. _nim-me ki šes ma-ra an-pad-de a-na-am mu-un-ma-al_
    The lofty one of earth, the brother of the land, to whom they speak!
              What doth his hand effect!

_nim-me ki_ (line 20).

_šes_ (line 1).

_ma-ra_ (Hymn to Sin, line 16).

_an-pad-de_ (line 20).

_a-na-am_ (line 14).

_mu-un-ma-al_: _mu-un_ (Hymn to Sin, line 17). _ma-al_ is the verb (Hymn
to Bel, line 11).


  24. _e kaš-a-ka e gurun-na-ka dumu mulu azag zu-ge sigišše sag
    In the house of wine, in the house of fruit, the son, the shining
              one of wisdom, who has a great sacrifice!

_e kaš-a-ka e gurun-na-nka dumu mulu azag zu-ge_ (line 21).

_sigišše_ (line 18).

_sag_ (Hymn to Bel, line 5).

_tuk-a-na_: _tuk_ equals _išu_, “have” (Br. 11237). _a_, vowel of
prolongation (Hymn to Bel, line 9). _na_, suffix of the third person
(Hymn to Bel, line 1).

  25. _ur-sag ^giš ku-a sag-mal-mal-ge_
    The hero of great weapons!

_ur_ equals _amelu_, “man” (Br. 11256).

_sag_ (Hymn to Bel, line 5). _ur-sag_ means “head-man”, and is also
equal to _ḳarradu_, “mighty one”.

_^giš ku-a_: _^giš_ equals _i⋅u_, “wood”, and is a determinative before
names of things made of wood. _ku_ equals _belu_, “weapon”, perhaps
sacrificial implements. _a_, vowel of prolongation.

_sag-mal-mal-ge_: _sag_ (just explained). _mal-mal_: PISANNU is
dialectic for either MA.AL or IḲU and as a suffix makes an adjective of
a noun (see Hymn to Bel, lines 1 and 18). _ge_ (see Hymn to Adad, line

  26. _dimmer mutin An-na-ge u-sun-na sag-mal-mal-ge_
    The wine god of Anu, the great plant-germinator!

_dimmer mutin An-na-ge_ (line 13).

_u-sun-na_ (line 6).

_sag mal-mal-ge_ (line 25).

  27. _u-sun gurun-gurun u-sun gurun-gurun šes-mu u-sun gurun-gurun_
    The germinator of many fruits, the germinator of many fruits, my
              brother, the germinator of many fruits!

_u-sun_ (line 6).

_gurun-gurun_, plural form of _gurun_ (line 21).

_šes-mu_: _šes_ (line 1). _mu_ (Hymn to Adad, line 16).

  28. _u-sun a-ra-li u-sun gurun-gurun šes-mu u-šun gurun-gurun_
    The germinator of the lower world, the germinator of many fruits, my
              brother, the germinator of many fruits!

_u-sun_ (line 6).

_a-ra-li_ has passed over into Assyrian as _arallu_, “lower world”.
_a-ra-li_ is phonetic. There is a sign, URUGAL, translated by _arallu_.
URUGAL consists of the “enclosure” sign containing the sign GAL and
means “great house”. _e-kur-be_ is also translated by _arallu_ and is
equal to _bit muti_, “house of the dead” (Br. 6259); more literally the
meaning is “house of the land of the dead”.

_u-sun gurun-gurun šes-mu_ (line 27).

  29. _in-nu giš ^giš gu-ga-ge tal-ta-al-ta-al mu-ib-ra-ra_
    The vegetable germinator(?), the only plant begetter, who goeth  forth!

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