2015년 7월 22일 수요일

A German Reader with Practical Exercises 20

A German Reader with Practical Exercises 20

One hard (~schwer~)
question after another (the other); for example (~zum Beispiel~): How
many times (~wievielmal~) did the sweet (~süß~) seventeenyearold
nod (with) her head before she ran toward her uncle’s house? What
was her brother’s name (~heißen~)? How do you say in German: “I will
pass over the next fortnight”? And how: “I shall pass over the next
fortnight”? Why does the story-teller make (~lassen~) Lindow count
only upto (~bis~) eight before he jumpsoff (~abspringen~),--why not
upto nine? And then, of course (~natürlich~): That fateful kiss at the
gardengate and behind the shrubbery! Why fateful? It was the first,
wasn’t it? Also the last? Oh (~o~) no! The young people met eachother
(~sich~) again, many, many times (~Mal~), and she became his wife; and
so (~also~): All’s well that ends well (~Ende gut, alles gut~), as the
proverb (~Sprichwort~) has it (it says inthe proverb).~
~The vocabulary contains all words found in the text and exercises of
this Reader, except such regularly inflected forms as even the beginner
should recognize at sight.~
~=Signs.= In indicating the inflection of nouns a dash (-) is used to
represent the title-word; a dash with the umlaut-sign over it (̈–)
represents the title-word with modification of the root vowel.~
~=Nouns=, as a rule, are given in the nominative singular and the
nominative plural, but the latter is omitted when it is identical with
the former or is not in common use. The genitive singular is inserted
between the two if it cannot be readily inferred from the nominative
plural; thus: ~das Auge, -s, -n~.~
~=Adjectives= used substantively are given thus: ~der Alte; (kein)
Alter~; [_pl._] ~Alte; die (keine) Alten~; see also ~Besonderes~ and
~das Neue~. Irregularity in the formation of the comparative and
superlative is shown thus: ~alt, älter, der älteste; nah, näher, der
~=Adverbs.= Since most adverbs are identical, in the positive and
comparative, with the uninflected adjective, the English equivalents of
German adverbs are omitted when they can be derived by adding _-ly_ to
the English adjective.~
~=Verbs.= The principal parts of regular weak verbs are not listed.
Of all strong or irregular verbs, however, and of all weak verbs
compounded with another than one of the inseparable prefixes, ~be-~,
~emp-~, ~ent-~, ~er-~, ~ge-~, ~ver-~, ~zer-,~ the principal parts are
given in full. Further peculiar or irregular forms are indicated after
the following model: ~sterben~ (infinitive), ~stirbt~ (3rd pers. sg.,
pres. ind.), ~starb~ (3rd pers. sg., past ind.), ~stürbe~ (3rd pers.
sg., past subj.), ~ist gestorben~ (past participle, with ~ist~ to
indicate the inflection of the perfect tenses with ~sein~ instead of
~=Idioms= are listed under the appropriate title-word.~
~=Parentheses=, in addition to their ordinary use, enclose material
that may be included in, or omitted from, the translation, or indicate
an alternative form or rendering.~
~=Square brackets=, in addition to their use in place of parentheses
within parentheses, enclose explanatory material, grammatical notes,
and directions as to pronunciation.~
~=Italic= type is used to call attention to explanatory material and
grammatical notes.~
~=Bold-faced= type is used within a paragraph to emphasize the contrast
between the English construction and the German.~
~=Small capitals= warn against mistakes commonly made by students whose
mother tongue is English.~
~=...= indicate an incomplete quotation.~
~=Figures= refer to page and line of this Reader.~
~=Pronunciation.= It is assumed that the reader knows the rules for
quantity as indicated by the orthography. Whenever a word deviates
from these rules or is for any reason likely to be mispronounced, its
pronunciation is indicated by the customary signs of length of vowel
and of accent or, when necessary, by respelling, the letters in this
case having the value usual in German (or English, as may be indicated
by the type,) unless a different quality is specifically mentioned. In
most instances the quantity of a vowel is marked only in the first form
but is to be understood as holding good for all inflected forms unless
something to the contrary is indicated. In an unaccented syllable the
sign of length of vowel indicates quality rather than time, save for
the vowel ~a~. A vowel before ~ch~ is to be pronounced as short unless
it is marked long.~
~=Accent.= Words with the prefix ~be-~, ~emp-~, ~ent-~, ~er-~, ~ge-~,
~ver-~, or ~zer-~ are accented on the second syllable. All others
-- with the exceptions that are noted -- are accented on the first
syllable. If a word has two syllables stressed equally, or nearly so,
this is indicated as follows: ~al´lerdings´~, ~stein´reich´~. In the
rare cases where it is necessary to indicate secondary stress this is
done by an accent lighter than that used to mark the syllable bearing
the chief stress.~
~=Punctuation.= Besides setting off an illustrative example and its
translation, the semicolon is used to separate distinct meanings of
a German word, the various renderings of one general meaning being
separated by commas.~
~=Abbreviations= are used as follows: -- _acc._, accusative; _adj._,
adjective, adjectival; _adv._, adverb, adverbial; _art._, article;
_aux._, auxiliary; _cf._, compare, see; _colloqu._, colloquial,
colloquially; _comp._, comparative; _conj._, conjunction; _dat._,
dative; _def._, definite; _demonstr._, demonstrative; _dep._,
dependent; _e.g._, for example; _Encycl. Brit._, Encyclopædia
Britannica, 11th edition; _f._, and following page; _fem._, feminine;
_fut._, future; _gen._, genitive; _i.e._, that is; _imper._,
imperative; _impers._, impersonal; _ind._, indicative; _indef._,
indefinite; _infin._, infinitive; _infl._, inflected, inflection;
_interj._, interjection; _interrog._, interrogative; _intr._,
intransitive; _masc._, masculine; _mod._, modal; _n.b._, note well;
_neut._, neuter; _nom._, nominative; _p._, page; _part._, participle;
_perf._, perfect; _pers._, person, personal; _pl._, plural; _pos._,
positive; _poss._, possessive; _pp._, pages; _pred._, predicate;
_pref._, prefix; _prep._, preposition, prepositional; _pres._, present;
_pron._, pronoun; _refl._, reflexive; _relat._, relative; _sep._,
separable; _sg._, singular; _sub._, subordinate; _subj._, subjunctive;
_subst._, substantive; _superl._, superlative; _tr._, transitive;
_uninfl._, uninflected.~
der =Aal=, -e ~eel~
=ăb= ~[~ăp~] _adv._ down;~ auf und ab ~up and down, to and fro;~ von
nun ab ~from this (that) day on (forward)~
=ăb= ~_sep. pref._ [_expressing 1. removal or separation, 2. direction
downward, 3. deterioration, 4. completion_] off, away, down~
der =Ābend=, -e ~evening [_cf._~ Tag~];~ guten Abend ~good evening
[_acc._, _object of_~ ich wünsche (~dir~, _etc._), _which is left
unexpressed, as in English_~]
=ābend= ~(in the) evening [_used in adv. phrases after_~ gestern~,~
heute~,~ morgen~, _or the name of a day_]~
das =Ābendbrōt=, des -(e)s ~[~ent~] evening meal, supper~
das =Ābendlicht=, -er ~[~ent~] evening candle~
das =Ābenteuer= ~adventure~
=āber= ~[_without effect on the order of words_] but; yet; [_within its
clause_] however [_but not set off by commas_], but, now~
=ăbfallen=, fällt ab´, fiel ab´, ist abgefallen ~drop sheer~
=ăbgekratzt= ~_see_~ abkratzen
=ăbgeliefert= ~_see_~ abliefern
=ăbgelȫst= ~_see_~ ablösen
=ăbgenommen= ~_see_~ abnehmen
=ăbgestorben= ~_see_~ absterben
=ăbgetrāgen= ~worn, threadbare, shabby~
=ăbgewaschen= ~_see_~ abwaschen
=ăbgezehrt= ~wasted (away), emaciated~
der =Ăbglanz=, des -es ~(reflected) light (splendor), reflection~
=ăbhangen=, hängt ab´, hing ab´, abgehangen ~hang down; depend (upon
~von); alles hängt davon ab, daß ich... ~everything depends (upon this,
namely, that I..., _i.e._,) upon my... [_doing the thing expressed by
the verb in the_ ~daß-~_clause_]~
=ăbhängt= ~_see_~ abhangen
=ăbholen=, holte ab´, abgeholt ~fetch (call) away, call for (and carry
=ăbkaufen=, kaufte ab´, abgekauft ~buy (something, _acc._) from someone
=ăbkratzen=, kratzte ab´, abgekratzt ~scratch (scrape) off~
=ăblassen=, läßt ab´, ließ ab´, abgelassen ~sell, let one (_dat._)
have, spare~
=ăbliefern=, lieferte ab´, abgeliefert ~deliver (up), hand over (to the
=ăblösen=, löste ab´, abgelöst ~take off, detach; replace, relieve,
change [_sentry_]~
=ăbmāgern=, magerte ab´, ist abgemagert ~grow lean (emaciated), fall
(waste) away~
=ăbnehmen=, nimmt ab´, nahm ab´, abgenommen ~remove, take off~
=ăbriegeln=, riegelte ab´, abgeriegelt ~(fasten with a) bolt~
=ăbscheu´lich= ~horrid, dreadful~
der =Ăbschied=, -e ~departure, leave(-taking), parting;~ von einem
Abschied nehmen ~take leave of a person;~ zum Abschied ~in (as a)
das =Ăbschiedsgesūch´=, -e ~[~ts~] resignation~
der =Ăbschiedsgrūß´=, grüße ~[~ts~] farewell (greeting), adieu~
=ăbsichtlich= ~[_if emphatic_,~ absicht´lich~] intentional; [_adv._, _also_] deliberately~

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