2016년 1월 25일 월요일

Brittany 19

Brittany 19

LANVOLLON (C.N.) chl. arr. S. Brieuc. Reached by carrier from
Châtelaudren, is a dull town with one curious old house in it at the
junction of two streets; it is of wood and plaster, the wood covered
with carving. The church (S. Vollon = Foelan) belongs internally to the
14th cent., and has a good E. window, but externally the church has
been sadly maltreated by incompetent "restorers."
* LESNEVEN (F.) chl. arr. Brest. An uninteresting place in itself,
but headquarters to one attending the Pardon at Folgoët. Its fine
halles of the 15th or 16th cent. has been destroyed to make way for a
"place" with a statue in the midst of a General Floh, of bronze. When
this statue was sent down, and the Mayor opened the case, to his dismay
he found it was green. So he set his wife, cook, and house-maid to
sandpaper and scrape it, till it shone as gold, and then had it hoisted
to its pedestal, and it was solemnly unveiled. But the artist, who
beheld it thus burnished, was furious, and complained to the prefêt and
the authorities at Paris, and orders came to the Mayor to take down the
statue and restore to it the green rust. He was obliged accordingly to
re-erect the scaffold and crane, and have General Floh transferred to
his own house again, where he expended some barrels of cider over him
to reinvest him in verdigris. The church is very ugly, but it has a
late renaissance porch in the basement of the tower on the N. side.
The branch line is carried on to _Brignogan_, which is a
watering-place, and where there is a fine menhir 30 ft. high, the most
remarkable in the Department. At _Plounéour-trez_ the church is new,
but the old tower and spire are retained till they also can be pulled
down and replaced by something more in proportion with the new church.
The windows represent scenes in Breton history. The coast is not fine,
the sandy shore slopes very gently into the waves. But the good bathing
is an advantage.
_Folgoët._ This famous pilgrimage church was founded in the 14th cent.
when an imbecile youth died who could say no other words than Ave
Maria, Salaun a zepre bara, or Salaun wants bread. A lily grew out of
his grave and it was concluded accordingly that he was a saint. This
was in 1358. At the west end are two towers. That on the north is
admirably proportioned with spire and angle spirelets of the period,
1365, when Jean de Montfort laid the first stone. That on the S.
was never finished. It is surmounted by an upper stage with Ionic
pillasters added in the 17th cent. The S. side has a noble porch and
transept, the E. wall of which is a continuation of that of the choir.
The E. and S. transept windows are examples of the geometric style
in Brittany, a rose resting on a transom. Within the stone screen is
formed of three compartments, and though fine, is certainly inferior
to such as are in wood. A spring wells up under the high altar and is
conveyed to a Holy Well outside. La Doyenne is a picturesque building
with turrets erected by Anne of Brittany, converted into Mairie and
school. The P. is on the 7th and 8th September, and begins with vespers
and a procession bearing candles; many beautiful costumes may be seen
on this occasion.
The processions arrive with banners for High Mass, singing this hymn.
[Illustration: Musical score with lyrics
Pa-tronez dous ar Fol-goat, Hor mam ak non
I-troun, An dour en non da-ou-lagat Ni no-ped a ga-toun!
Har-pit an I-liz san-tel! A-vel-di-roll-a
ra Tenn ok hir eo ar brezel! Ar peoc'h, O ma-ri-a!]
_Goulven._ The church is late flamboyant with a fine renaissance tower
and porch within which are the apostles. Side by side may be seen
a doorway of the earlier and of the later periods. There is a fine
painted 16th cent. reredos in the church to a side altar. The gallery
of the roodscreen has been made into a west gallery. About a mile
distant is the Holy Well, with a stone trough at the side in which
patients were placed and given a bath in the miraculous water. No such
an attempt to recover health has however been made of late years. There
is a chapel at the Peniti of S. Goulven at a little distance. A double
dolmen at a junction of two lanes has been much injured, several of
the stones that composed one of the chambers, and perhaps an enclosing
circle, have been employed for the hedge. The P. is on June 30, the
costumes then seen are very rich, and the parish possesses very fine
old embroidered banners then produced.
_Treflez._ Tomb of 16th cent. of S. Elfleda or Ediltruda, daughter of
Oswy, King of Northumberland, and Abbess of Whitby. She died in 715,
but how her body comes to be at Treflez passes knowledge.
_Guiseny._ Church of S. Sezni (Setna or in Cornwall, Sithney)
renaissance. There is a N. late flamboyant porch. Curious early Calvary
with four figures on the branches. P. 3rd Sunday in September.
LÉZARDRIEUX (C.N.) chl. arr. Lannion, on a little tidal port, between
Pampol and Tréguier. An excursion may be made to the Ile Modez. _See_
LOCMARIAQUER (M.) com. in arr. Auray. A most interesting place that
seems to have been crowded with monuments of the prehistoric dead,
and although destruction has been carried on for two thousand years,
many still remain. Locmariaquer is situated on a spit of land between
the estuary of Crach and the Rivière de la Trinité, but it is itself
split by the creek of S. Philibert. The shores that are low are covered
far inland at the high tides, and the sea has gained considerably on
the land. Roman constructions noted in 1727 are now permanently under
water. A camp in the hamlet of Lannbric is now eaten into by the waves.
The principal prehistoric monuments are the Mané-er-hroeg, south of the
village; a tumulus containing a dolmen that was explored in 1863 and
yielded 103 polished stone axes, a collar of callais, and a jade ring.
Near it was found a slab on which are mysterious markings representing
cartouches, celts with handles, and other symbols unexplained. On the
summit of the tumulus were found coins of Tiberius and Trajan. The
tumulus of Mané Lud to the N.E. of the village contained two skeletons,
one a case of carnal interment, the other had been burnt. At the W. end
of the tumulus is a sepulchral chamber led to by a passage, and here
also are carvings. Between this tumulus and the village is the huge
dolmen called Table des Marchands. On the stone at the back are also
carvings. Close to this is the longest menhir known. It is 64 ft. long,
but was struck by lightning, thrown down and broken into four pieces.
In a field near the village is the Mein Rutal, another dolmen of
considerable size. West of the village and near the sea are the remains
of an allée couverte, 74 ft. long, called Les Pierres plates. On this
also are inexplicable carvings, next to those on Gavr Inis, the most
remarkable in the country. There are smaller dolmens at Pont-el-leu,
Kercadoret-er-Gal, Coetcourzo, Kerhan, Porher, Kerlud, Locperhet,
Pont-er-vel, Kervéres, Kerdaniel, Kervoch, and Cocordeau; and menhirs
at Kerpenhir, Bronso, Porher, Mané-er-hroeg, Kerguelvan and Lannbric.
Locmariaquer was a Roman station. P. 1st Sunday in July; that of S.
Philibert on the 3rd Sunday in August.
LOCMINÉ (M.) chl. arr. Pontivy (Locus Monachorum). A considerable
district was here made over to Gildas who founded a monastery where
now stands the village of Moustoir. Owing to the ravages of the
Northmen the monks of S. Gildas de Rhuys and of Locminé fled into
Berry. They returned in 1001, and set about restoring their ruined
monasteries, but the old site at Moustoir was not rebuilt upon; the
abbey was transferred to Locminé. The parish church and the Chapel of
S. Columbanus are side by side, in communication through an arch. The
latter owes its origin to some relics of S. Columbanus having been
brought hither. The chapel is late flamboyant, but has a 17th cent.
tower, under it an earlier doorway with mutilated tracery above it. The
parish church has a slated spire, that of S. Columbanus is surmounted
by a small cupola. A quaint ossuary of good renaissance work is on
the N. side. The east window of the chapel contains 16th cent. glass
representing the life of S. Columbanus in four groups, but in a very
poor condition. East of the chapel is the beautiful Chapel of N.D. de
Plasquer, of the finest flamboyant work. The W. doorway has disengaged
pinnacles and some curious carving. The E. window tracery forms three
fleurs-de-lys. Within is a pretty flamboyant credence in the N. chapel
under the tower. In a corner thrown aside is a noble carved oak statue
of S. Gildas of the 15th cent. with his symbol, a snarling dog, at his
side. P. 31st June, but that of Locminé is the Sunday nearest 27th
June and lasts three days.
_Remungol_ has a Holy Well near the church, a work of the 16th cent.
LORIENT, chl. d'arr. A port. The town is composed of Lorient itself,
a fortified place, and the Faubourg of Kérentrech, where a suspension
bridge crosses the Scorff. Lorient owes its origin to the East India
Company. That company, created in 1664, was in quest of a port. The Duc
de la Meilleraye offered Port Louis, and in 1666 royal authority was
granted to the company to form there quays, factories and storehouses.
The village founded by La Compagnie de l'Orient took thence its name.
The company having got over a financial crisis in 1669 bought up land
in the neighbourhood. In 1712 the settlement comprised 700 families;
it was raised to be a parish in 1709. In 1717 the company began to
build and lay out quays and form basins on a grand scale, and in 1739
Lorient attained the dignity of being accounted a town. In 1745, the
company had reached its highest point of prosperity, and had become
a veritable maritime power, with 35 frigates in the harbour. Its
flag was blue charged with a fleur-de-lys _or_, and it had as device
Florebo quocunque ferar. English jealousies were aroused, and in
1746 an English fleet anchored in the Bay of Pont-du. Seven thousand
men were disembarked under General Sinclair and summoned the town to
surrender. As this was refused it was besieged, but after a few days
General Sinclair withdrew without having effected anything. Curiously
enough, the garrison had resolved on surrender, and sent to notify
their purpose to the general, but found that the English had departed.
The company failed, partly through internal dissension, mainly through
the loss of Bengal, which was secured by the English in 1753. From
this time the fortunes of the company declined, and at last it became
bankrupt in 1769. It was then that Lorient passed to the Crown. The
town is supremely uninteresting, and no visitor will stay in it except
under constraint.
_Port Louis._ The Church of N.D., 1665. The citadel of the 18th cent.,
at one time served as a prison to Louis Napoleon.
_Ploemeur._ A circle of standing stones 20 ft. in diameter surrounds
a tumulus, on the top of which is a dolmen fallen, thrown down by
clumsy excavators. Near Kerroch a dolmen, the table sustained by
three uprights, and near it the supporter of another. On the S. some
menhirs, the remains of an alignment. At Kerpape, near the powder mill,
another dolmen. At the Pointe du Tallut a menhir 12 ft. high, and near
it another fallen. Ploumaur, the Great Tribe, was one of the largest
parishes in the diocese; it was settled by S. Ninnoc, supposed to have
been a daughter of the King of Brecknock. Her double monastery for
both sexes was destroyed by the Northmen, and it was not rebuilt till
the 12th cent. The church contains Romanesque work, but the tower was
built in 1686, and the chancel was altered and disfigured in 1783. P.
1st Sunday in May. The Chapel of N.D. de Larmor was built in 1506, the
tower and spire added in 1615. It was a great place of pilgrim resort
till S. Anne d'Auray drew away the seamen who were wont to resort to
Larmor. The benediction of the sea takes place on the 24th June.
_Plouhinec._ On the N. near Kerfourches two ruined dolmens and a
menhir. The W., near the mill of Keronsine, alignments running parallel
with the coast. Near Kersur a small menhir and four dolmens. At the
mill of Gueldro the alignments recommence in seven or eight rows, and
run on to Keroué and Kervelhué. At Magouer a tumulus with a dolmen and
a group of menhirs, most of them fallen, and others have been split and used for building purposes.

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