2016년 1월 14일 목요일

Humour wit Satire of the Seventeenth Century 94

Humour wit Satire of the Seventeenth Century 94

[26.] Certain Townsmen of _Prisal_, returning from a merry Meeting at
a certain Ale-House, met in the fields a Preacher, who had lately made
a bitter sermon against Drunkards, and among other opprobrious words,
called them Malt worms. Wherefore they agreed to take him, and by
violence compel him to preach a Sermon, and his text should be MALT.
The Preacher, thinking it better to yield, than contend with them in
their cause, began his Sermon as followeth.
There is no preaching without Division, and this Text cannot well be
divided into many parts, because it is but one word, nor into many
Syllables, because it is but one Syllable. It must therefore be
divided into Letters, and they are found to be four, _viz_ M. A. L. T.
These letters represent four interpretations, which Divines commonly
do use thus. M. Moral, A. Allegorical, L. Literal, T. Tropological.
The Moral Interpretation is well put first, and first to teach
you boysterious Men some good manners, at least, in procuring your
attention to the Sermon; Therefore M. Masters. A. All. L. Listen T. To
the Text.
An Allegory is when one thing is spoken of and another thing meant;
The thing spoken of is Malt, the thing meant is the Oyle of Malt,
commonly call'd Ale, which to you Drunkards is so precious, that you
account it to be M. Meat. A. Ale. L. Liberty. T. Treasure.
The Literal sense is as it hath been often heard of heretofore, so
it is true according to the letters. M. Much. A. Ale. L. Little. T.
The Tropological sence applyeth that which is now to somewhat
following, either in this world, or in the world to come; the thing
that now is, is the effect which Oyl of Malt produceth and worketh in
some of you, _viz_ M. Murther; in others A. Adultery; in all L. Loose
living: in many T. Treason, and that which hereafter followeth in
this world, and in the world to come is M. Misery. A. Anguish. L.
Lamentation. T. Trouble.
I shall now come to a Conclusion, and withal, to perswade you
boysterious men to amend, that so you may escape the danger whereinto
many of you are like to fall, but I have no hopes to prevail, because
I plainly see, and my Text as plainly telleth me, it is M. to A. that
is a Thousand Pound to a Pot of Ale you will never mend; because
all Drunkards are L. Lewd. T. Thieves; but yet for discharging my
Conscience and Duty, First towards God, and Secondly towards you my
Neighbours, I say once again, concluding with my Text, M. Mend A. All;
and L. Leave, T. Tippling: otherwise M. Masters, A. All, L. Look for
T. Terrour and Torment.
By this time the Ale wrought in the Townsmens Brains that then were
between Hawk and Buzzard,[F. 240] nearer sleeping than waking, which
the Preacher perceiving, stole away, leaving them to take their nap.
[Footnote 240: In a _doubtful_ condition.]
[82.] An Apprentice in the market, did aske the price of an hundred
Oysters; his friend perswaded him not to buy them, for they were too
small. Too small, reply'd the Prentice, there is not much losse in
that, for I shall have the more to the hundred.
[110.] Maister _Hobson_ being still very good to poore and most
bountyfull to aged people, there came to him usually twice or thrice a
weeke, a silly poore ould blinde man to sing under his window, for the
which he continually gave him twelve pence a time. Maister _Hobson_
having one of his servants so chorlish and withall so covitous that he
would suffer the blind man to come no more, unles he shared halfe his
benefit: the which the blind singing man was forst to give, rather
than loose all: after twice or thrice parting shares, Maister _Hobson_
had thereof intelligence, who consulting with the blind man, served
his servant in this maner; still he looked for halfe whatsoever
he got, so this at last was Maister _Hobsons_ guift, who gave
commaundement that the blind man should have for his singing three
score Jeerkes with a good whippe, and so to be equally parted as the
other guifts were, the which were presently given: the blinde mans
were but easie, but Master _Hobsons_ mans were very sound ones, so
that every Jerke drewe blood; after this he never sought to deminish
his masters bounty.
[4.] Some Gentlemen coming into a Tavern, whose Sign was the _Moon_,
(where for a Fancy they sold nothing but Claret, for which they
were very noted, and had great Custom) called for a bottle of Sack;
whereupon the Drawer told them they had none: At which, they, not a
little admiring,[F. 241] as not knowing the Humour, asked the Drawer
the reason, who told them, _The Man in the Moon drinks Claret_.[F. 242]
The Fancy of which pleased them so that they said they were resolved to
be sociable, and so called for each Man his Bottle to drink their
Brothers Health in the Moon.
[Footnote 241: Wondering.]
[Footnote 242: There was a roystering drinking song with that
title, which is not very scarce; there is one in the Roxburghe
Ballads. (C. 20, f. 7)/298.
"Our man in the moon drinks Clarret,
With powder-beef, turnep, and carret;
If he doth so, why should not you
Drink until the sky looks blew?"
[93.] _George_ (_Peele_) once had invited halfe a score of his friends
to a great Supper, where they were passing merry, no cheere wanting,
wine enough, musicke playing: the night growing on, & being upon
departure, they call for a reckoning. _George_ swears there is not a
penny for them to pay. They, being men of good fashion, by no meanes
would yeeld unto it, but every man throwes downe his money, some tenne
shillings, some five, some more: protesting something they will pay.
Well, quoth _George_, taking up all the money; seeing you will be so
wilfull you shall see what shall follow: he commands the musicke to
play, and while they were skipping and dancing, _George_ gets his
Cloake, sends up two Pottles of Hypocrist, and leaves them and the
reckoning to pay. They wondring at the stay of _George_, meant to be
gone: but they were staide by the way, and before they went, forced to
pay the reckoning anew.
[26.] A Vintner being broke, was, it seems, forc'd to set up an Ale
house in the Suburbs, and being askt, why he did discredit himself so
much, to leave off Wine, to sell Beer and Ale? He told him the chief
reason was because he lov'd a Countryman better than a stranger;
for Beer and Ale are my Countrymen, but Wine's a Stranger: but the
Gentleman told him he did not well, for he must make much of any
Stranger that comes within his gates: So will I that, says he, when I
get it within my gates agen; I'll make more of it than I did; nay much
more, because I would not break the Command.
[105.] On a time the Bishop would feast divers French Lords, and hee
gave unto _Peter Achadus_ (_Scogins_ chamber fellow) twenty French
Crownes to bestow at the Poulters, in Feasant, Partridge, Plover,
Quaile, Woodcock, Larke, and such other: and because _Scogins_ chamber
fellow had great business to do, he wrote all such things as he would
have bought in a bill, and desired _Scogin_ to bestow the money, who
was well contented. When _Scogin_ had this money, he imagined in his
mind how hee might deceive some Poulter, and so to have the money to
himselfe. At last hee came to a Poulter in _Paris_, and said, sir, it
is so that my Master the Abbot of _Spilding_ doth feast a great many
of his friends, and I must have so many of every sort of your wares as
is mentioned in this bill, therefore I pray you lay them out quickly,
and let the Bill be prised reasonably, and to morrow in the morning
I will fetch them, and you shall have your money. The wares were laid
out and prized, and the sum came to sixe pound and odde money, then on
the morrow _Scogin_ did come to the Poulter, and asked if everything
were ready. Yea, said the Poulter, and here is your bill reasonably
prized. Then said _Scogin_, let somebody goe with me for to receive
your money: the Poulter said, my wife shal goe with you. _Scogin_
went to _St. Peter's_ Church, where there was a Priest that had on his
Albe, and was ready to goe to Masse: _Scogin_ went to the Priest, and
said, Master, here is a woman that will not bee perswaded that her
Husband ought to be her Head, and I have brought her to you, to the
intent you should perswade her. The Priest said he would doe what he
could. I thanke you, said _Scogin_. Then _Scogin_ came to the woman,
and said, if you will have your money, come to my Master, and hear
what he doth say. Then _Scogin_ came to the Priest, and said Master,
here is the woman, will you dispatch her after Masse is done? Yea,
said the Priest. Then said _Scogin_ to the woman, you heare what my
master doth say, therefore I pray you send me by some token, whereby
I may receive the wares. The woman sent him by a true token, and then
_Scogin_ did hire two porters, and did fetch away all the wares from
the Poulters house, and did carry it to his chamber: when masse was
done, the Priest called the Poulters wife unto him, and asked why she
would not acknowledge her husband to be her head? Why, said the woman,
I cannot tarry to reason of such matters, therefore I pray you to pay
me my money, that I were gone: Wherefore? said the Priest. The woman
said, for wares that your man hath received. What man? said the
Priest. He that spake to you when you went to masse. The Priest
said, he is none of my man, and he said to me, that you would not bee
perswaded that your husband ought to be your head. What, master Abbot,
said the woman, you shal not mock me so, I must have 6 pound & 8
shillings of you for wares that your man hath received, for you
promised to pay me when you went to masse. I am no Abbot, said the
Priest, nor none of my men never received anything of you, nor I
promised nothing when I went to masse, but that I would perswade you
to obey your Husband, who ought to be your head, and so the Priest
went his way. The woman perceiving that shee was deceived, went home
to see if _Scogin_ had received the ware, and he had received them,
and was gone an houre before. Then both she and her husband sought for Scogin, but they could not find him.

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