2016년 1월 4일 월요일

The Bark Canoes and Skin Boats of North America 2

The Bark Canoes and Skin Boats of North America 2

59 Drawing: Details of Micmac canoes, including mast and sail. 67
60 Micmac canoe, Bathurst, N.B. (_Canadian Geological Survey
photo._) 68
61 Micmac woman gumming seams of canoe, Bathurst, N.B., 1913.
(_Canadian Geological Survey photo._) 69
62 Lines of 2½-fathom Malecite river canoe, 19th century. Old
form with raking ends and much sheer. 71
63 Lines of old form of Malecite-Abnaki 2½-fathom ocean canoe of
the Penobscots in the Peabody Museum, Salem, Mass. 72
64 Lines of large 3-fathom ocean canoe of the Passamaquoddy
porpoise hunters. 73
65 Lines of old form of Passamaquoddy 2½-fathom ocean canoe. 74
66 Lines of Malecite racing canoe of 1888, showing ~V~-shaped keel
piece between sheathing and bark to form deadrise. 75
67 Lines of sharp-ended 2½-fathom Passamaquoddy hunting canoe,
for use on tidal river. 76
68 Lines of Malecite 2½-fathom St. Lawrence River canoe,
probably a hybrid model. 77
69 Lines of Malecite 2½-fathom river canoe of 1890 from the
Rivière du Loup region. 78
70 Lines of Modern (1895) 2½-fathom Malecite St. John River
canoe. 79
71 Drawing: Malecite canoe details, gear, and gunwale
decorations. 80
72 Drawing: Malecite canoe details, stem profiles, paddles, sail
rig, and salmon spear. 81
73 Lines and decoration reconstructed from a very old model of a
St. John River ancient woods, or pack, canoe. 81
74 Lines of last known Passamaquoddy decorated ocean canoe to be
built (1898). 82
75 Drawing: Malecite canoe details and decorations. 83
76 Sketches: Wulegessis decorations. 84-85
77 Photo: End decorations, Passamaquoddy canoe. 86
78 Photo: End decorations, Passamaquoddy canoe. 87
79 Photo: Passamaquoddy decorated canoe. 87
80 Lines of 2-fathom St. Francis canoe of about 1865 89
81 Lines of "14-foot" St. Francis canoe of about 191090
82 Lines of 2½-fathom low-ended St. Francis canoe. 91
83 Lines of St. Francis-Abnaki canoe for open water, a type that
became extinct before 1890. From Adney's drawings of a canoe
formerly in the Museum of Natural History. 92
84 Photo: Model of a St. Francis-Abnaki canoe under construction. 93
85 Photo: St. Francis-Abnaki canoe. 93
86 A 15-foot Beothuk canoe of Newfoundland (_Sketch by Adney._) 95
87 Lines based on Adney's reconstruction of 15-foot Beothuk
canoe. 97
88 Montagnais crooked canoe. (_Canadian Geological Survey
photo._) 100
89 Birch-bark crooked canoe, Ungava Cree. (_Smithsonian
Institution photo._) 101
90 Lines of 3-fathom Nascapee canoe, eastern Labrador. 102
91 Lines of 2-fathom Montagnais canoe of southern Labrador and
Quebec. 102
92 Lines of 2½-fathom crooked canoe of the Ungava Peninsula. 103
93 Lines of hybrid-model 2-fathom Nascapee canoe. 103
94 Eastern Cree crooked canoe of rather moderate sheer and
rocker. (_Canadian Pacific Railway Company photo._) 104
95 Photo: Straight and crooked canoes, eastern Cree. 105
96 Montagnais canvas-covered crooked canoe under construction.
(_Canadian Geological Survey photo._) 106
97 Sketch: Fiddlehead of scraped bark on bow and stern of a
Montagnais birch-bark canoe at Seven Islands, Que., 1915. 107
98 Sketch: Disk of colored porcupine quills decorating canoe
found at Namaquagon, Que., 1898. 107
99 Fleet of 51 birch-bark canoes of the Têtes de Boule Indians,
assembled at the Hudson's Bay Company post, Grand Lake
Victoria, Procession Sunday, August 1895. (_Photo,
Post-Factor L. A. Christopherson._) 108
100 Photo: Têtes de Boule canoe. 109
101 Photo: Têtes de Boule canoes. 110
102 Lines of 1½-fathom Têtes de Boule hunting canoe. 111
103 Lines of 2½-fathom Têtes de Boule canoe, with construction
details. 111
104 Lines of 2-fathom Têtes de Boule hunting canoe. 112
105 Photo: Old Algonkin canoe. 113
106 Lines of 2½-fathom old model, Ottawa River, Algonkin canoe. 114
107 Photo: Models made by Adney of Algonkin and Ojibway
stem-pieces. 115
108 Lines of light, fast 2-fathom hunting canoe of the old
Algonkin model. 116
109 Lines of hybrid 2½- and 2-fathom Algonkin canoes. 117
110 Lines of 2-fathom Algonkin hunter's canoe, without headboards. 118
111 Photo: Algonkin canoe, old type. 119
112 Photo: Algonkin "Wabinaki Chiman" 120
113 Algonkin canoe decorations, Golden Lake, Ont. 121
114 Lines of 2-fathom Ojibway hunter's canoe, built in 1873 123
115 Lines of 3-fathom Ojibway old model rice-harvesting canoe and
2-fathom hunter's canoe. 124
116 Lines of 3-fathom Ojibway freight canoe. 124
117 Lines of 2½-fathom Ojibway, old form, canoe and a 16-foot
long-nose Cree-Ojibway canoe. 125
118 Eastern Ojibway canoe, old form. (_Canadian Pacific Railway
photo._) 126
119 Photo: Ojibway Long-Nose canoe, Rainy Lake District. 126
120 Lines of 2-fathom Ojibway hunter's canoe, 1849 and long-nose
Minnesota Ojibway rice-harvesting canoe. 127
121 Photos: Canoe building, Lac Seul, Canada, 1918 128-129
122 Long Lake Ojibway long-nose canoe. (_Canadian Geological
Survey photo._) 130
123 Photo: Ojibway 19-foot canoe with 13 Indians aboard (1913) 131
124 Lines of 2½-fathom western Cree canoe, Winisk River district,
northwest of James Bay. 133
125 Lines of a 6-fathom fur-trade canoe of the early 19th century. 134
126 Inboard profile of a 6-fathom fur-trade canoe, and details of
construction, fitting, and decoration. 135
127 Lines of small 3-fathom north canoe of the Têtes de Boule
model. 136
128 Photo: Models of fur-trade canoes. 137
129 "Fur-Trade Maître Canot With Passengers." From an oil
painting by Hopkins (_Public Archives of Canada photo_). 138
130 "Bivouac in Expedition in Hudson's Bay Canoe." From an oil
painting by Hopkins (_Public Archives of Canada photo_). 139
131 Ojibway 3-fathom fur-trade canoe, a cargo-carrying type,
marked by cut-under end profiles, that was built as late as
1894. 139
132 Lines of a 5-fathom fur-trade canoe, Grand Lake Victoria
Post, Hudson's Bay Company. 140
133 "Hudson's Bay Canoe Running the Rapids." From an oil painting
by Hopkins (_Public Archives of Canada photo_). 141
134 "Repairing the Canoe." From an oil painting by Hopkins
(_Public Archives of Canada photo_). 142
135 Lines of a 4½-fathom Hudson's Bay Company "North Canoe,"
built by Crees near James Bay, mid-19th century. 143
136 Photo: 5-fathom fur-trade canoe from Brunswick House, a
Hudson's Bay Company post. 144
137 Fur-trade canoes on the Missinaibi River, 1901. (_Canadian Geological Survey photo._) 145

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