2015년 6월 25일 목요일

Metal Spinning 2

Metal Spinning 2

For holding the sheet metal blank to the spinning form, a block of wood
known as the follower, is used (see Fig. 6). Followers are made to
suit the shape of the work with which they are to be employed, always
being made with the largest possible bearing on the work; thus a shell
with a flat bottom twelve inches in diameter would be turned with the
aid of a follower having an 11¾-inch face, while a shell with a 4-inch
face would take a follower with a 3-inch face. All shells do not have
flat bottoms, consequently, in spinning such as do not, it becomes
necessary to employ hollow followers. Hollow followers have their
bearing surfaces turned out to fit the ends of the forms with which
they are to be used. In practice, the blank is held against the end of
the spherical form with a small flat follower until enough of the shell
has been spun to admit of the hollow follower being used. All followers
are made with a large center hole in one end to receive the revolving
[Illustration: Fig. 6. Three Types of Followers]
In starting to spin a difficult shell it sometimes happens that the
necessarily small follower will not hold the blank. To prevent this
slipping, the face of the follower is covered with emery cloth. Often,
however, on rough work, the spinner will not stop to face the follower,
but will make a large shallow dent at the center of the blank; the
extra pressure required to force the metal against the form will
usually overcome the slipping tendency.
[Illustration: Fig. 7. Specimens of Metal Spinning]
Hand Tools
Hand tools, in great variety, form the principal asset of the spinner’s
kit. Spinning tools are made of tool steel forged to the required
shapes, and are hardened and polished on the working end. The round
steel from which they are made varies from ½ inch to 1½ inch in
diameter, according to the class of work upon which they are to be
used. The length of a spinning tool is about 2 feet, and it is fitted
into a wooden handle 2 inches diameter and 18 inches long, making the
total length of the handled tool about 3 feet, as shown in Fig. 8. As
the spinner holds this handle under the right armpit, he secures a
great leverage upon the work and is better able to supply the physical
power required to bring the metal to the desired shape.
[Illustration: Figs. 8 and 9. Spinning Tool and Swivel Cutter]
The commonest and by far the most useful of the spinning tools is
the combination “point and ball” which together with a number of
other tools, is shown in Fig. 11. This tool is used in doing the bulk
of the spinning operations--for starting the work and bringing it
approximately to the shape of the form. Its range of usefulness is
large on account of the many different shapes that may be utilized by
merely turning the tool in a different direction. Next in importance
comes the flat or smoothing tool which, as the name implies, is for
smoothing the shell and finishing any rough surfaces left by the point
and ball tool. The fishtail tool, so named from its shape, is used
principally in flaring the end of a shell from the inside, “spinning on
air,” as it is sometimes termed. This tool is used to good advantage in
any place where it is necessary to stretch the metal to any extent, and
its thin rounding edge proves useful in setting the metal into corners
and narrow grooves. Other tools are the ball tool which is adapted to
finishing curves; the hook tool, used on inside work; and the beading
tool which is needed in rolling over a bead at the edge of a shell when
extra strength or a better finish is desired.
When much beading of one kind is being done, a large heavy pair of
round-nose pliers (Fig. 10) with the jaws bent around in a curve and
sprung apart enough to allow for the thickness of the metal proves to
be a handy tool. After the edge of the shell has been flared out to
start the bead, the pliers are opened enough to admit the metal and
then closed and the stock guided around to form the bead as far as
possible. In this way the larger part of a bead is rapidly formed, one
jaw of the pliers acting as a spinning tool and the other corresponding
to the back-stick. During this operation, the pliers are, of course,
supported by being held against the T-rest.
[Illustration: Fig. 10. Spinners’ Pliers]
Closely allied with these spinning tools are two other tools (also
shown in Fig. 11) known as the diamond point and the skimmer. The
diamond point is for trimming the edges of the shell during the
spinning operation and for cutting out centers or other parts of the
work. The skimmer is for cleaning up the surface of a shell, removing a
small amount of metal in doing so, the amount depending upon the skill
the spinner used in the spinning proper.
[Illustration: Fig. 11. Hand Tools of Various Forms used in Spinning]
When the bottoms are to be cut from a large number of shells and it
is necessary that they be cut exactly alike, a tool known as a swivel
cutter is used. This tool (see Fig. 9) is simply an iron bar with a
cutter on one end, which swivels near the center around a pin in the
T-rest; thus by a slight movement of the arm the cutter is brought up
to the work, cutting a piece from the shell of exactly the same size
each time.
The Spinning Operation
In order to make clear the successive steps in spinning, let us briefly
consider the making of a copper head-light reflector, and the way the
work is handled when a few hundred pieces are to be made.
By trial spinning, the size of the blank required for one of the
reflectors is determined, and with the square shears the copper sheets
are cut into pieces an eighth of an inch larger each way. These squares
are then taken to the circular shears and cut to round shapes ready
for the spinning lathe. The spinning form, of kiln-dried maple, is
screwed to the spindle and the belt thrown to that step of the cone
pulley which will bring the speed nearest to 1,200 revolutions. From
the stock-room a follower is selected whose face will nearly cover the
bottom of the form. It is now “up to” the spinner. Holding a blank and
also the follower against the end of the form, he runs the tail-center
up to the center in the follower just hard enough to hold the blank
in place. Then, starting the lathe, he centers the blank by lightly
pressing against its edge a hard wood stick. As soon as it “lines up”
he runs the center up a little harder and clamps it in place. Some
spinners will “hop in” a blank with the lathe running, but this is
dangerous practice and sometimes the blank will go sailing across the
room. Often this happens in truing up the blank and for this reason it
is considered advisable to have a wire grating at the further side of
the lathe to prevent serious accidents; for a sheet metal blank is a
dangerous missile traveling at the high rate of speed which is imparted
to it by the lathe.
With a piece of beeswax (soap is sometimes used for economical reasons)
the spinner lightly rubs the rapidly revolving blank and then adjusts
the pin in the T-rest to a point near enough to the blank to obtain a
good leverage with the spinning tool. Holding the handle of his point
and ball tool under his right armpit and using the tool as a lever and
the pin on the rest as a fulcrum, he slowly forces the metal disk back
in the direction of the body of the form, never allowing the tool to
rest in one spot, but constantly working it in and out, applying the
pressure on the way out to the edge of the disk and letting up as he
comes back for a new stroke. In the meantime his left hand is busy
holding a short piece of hard wood (called the back-stick), firmly
against the reverse side of the metal at a constantly changing point
opposite the tool. The object of the back-stick is to keep the stock
from wrinkling as it is stretched toward the edge of the disk. Wrinkles
cause the metal to crack at the edges and for this reason they must be
kept from the stock as much as possible.
After a few strokes of the spinning tool have been taken, the shell
will appear about as shown at _B_, Fig. 12, and at this point it
is necessary to trim the shell at the edges with the diamond-point
tool. Trimming is required because spinning stretches the stock and
the resulting uneven edge will cause splits in the metal if it is
not trimmed occasionally. As a carpenter is known by his chips, so
a spinner is known by the way his work stretches. While the even
pressure of a good spinner will stretch the stock very little, the
uneven pressure of the inexperienced man will lead him into all sorts
of trouble on account of the way the stock will “go.” In either case
the metal always stretches least in the direction in which the sheet
stock was originally rolled, consequently giving the edge a slight
oval shape. In trimming zinc, the spinner holds a “swab” of cloth just
above the diamond point, to prevent the chips from flying into his
face and eyes--or those of his neighbors. With other metals the swab is
The reflector is now taking shape. With each successive stroke the
spinner sets a little more of the metal against the form. Not only does
spinning stretch the metal, but it hardens it as well; therefore, at
the stage _C_ it becomes necessary to anneal the partially completed
reflector, which is done by heating it to a low red in a gas furnace.
In running through a lot of shells, the common practice is to spin them
all as far as possible without annealing, and after annealing the whole
lot, to complete the spinning.
[Illustration: Fig. 12. Successive Steps in Spinning a Reflector]
After replacing the shell upon the form, it is trimmed and worked
further along the form, gradually assuming the appearance shown at _D_.
At this time, the spinner goes back to the small radius at the front
end of the shell and with a ball tool he closes the annealed metal hard
down against the form, for the spinning has tended to pull the stock
slightly from the form at this point. The body of the reflector is now
practically completed and the spinner directs his attention to rolling
the bead at the outside edge. Slowly he begins to roll the edge of the
shell back, using his hook tool to complete the bead as far as possible
and exercising care to keep the back-stick firmly against the metal
so as to keep the wrinkles out. Now, with the diamond point, he gives
the edges a final trim, and with the beading tool closes down the bead
snugly against the rest of the shell, as shown at _E_. Lastly, the
swivel cutter is placed in the proper hole of the T-rest and a turn of
the tool cuts out the center to the exact size, and the reflector is
completed. If any burrs or rough places remain they are easily removed
at this time with the skimmer or diamond point, and a little emery cloth gives the shell a finished appearance.

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