2015년 6월 25일 목요일

Metal Spinning 4

Metal Spinning 4

The scale, after annealing, should be pickled off in an acid bath
(described further on in this chapter), and the part thoroughly washed
in running water. Brass, German silver and the harder metals should be
hammered before annealing; it is not necessary to hammer zinc, copper,
aluminum, etc.
A pyrometer in an annealing furnace would be an advantage where
quantities of the softer metals such as zinc, aluminum, etc., are being
heated. Copper is annealed the same as brass and is also pickled. Zinc
is coated with oil before being put in the oven, and when the oil turns
brown, which occurs when the temperature is about 350 degrees, the
metal is ready to take out; it should then be plunged in water to shed
the scale, but not pickled. The melting point of zinc is 780 degrees
F. Aluminum can be annealed the same as zinc, as the melting point is
1,140 degrees F.
Steel should be annealed by heating to a cherry red and then allowing
it to cool slowly; it should be scaled in a special pickle, thoroughly
washed, and then put back in the fire long enough to evaporate every
particle of acid that may have remained from the pickling operation.
Any acid remaining on the steel will neutralize any lubricant that is
applied when spinning. Annealing should be avoided wherever possible.
Open hearth steel only should be used. It should be free from scale
and preferably cold rolled. Bessemer steel is not suitable, except
for very shallow spinnings. Tin plate made from open hearth steel can
be spun about one-half as deep as its diameter where the shape is not
too irregular. German silver is difficult to spin, especially when
it contains over 15 per cent nickel; it has to be hammered before
annealing, the same as brass, to avoid cracks.
Common yellow soap cut up in strips about ½ inch or ¾ inch square is a
good lubricant for spinning most metals. It should be applied evenly
to the disk or blank while it is revolving, by holding the soap in
the hand and drawing it across the surface. Beeswax is the best for
spinning steel, but it is expensive. Lard oil mixed with white lead is
a fair substitute. Either mutton or beef tallow applied with a cloth
swab is very good on most all metals; also vaseline and graphite mixed
to a paste and applied the same as tallow.
Examples of Spinning Various Metals
The different metals are malleable, ductile and tenacious in the
following order; white metal or britannia, aluminum, zinc, copper, low
brass, high brass, German silver, steel, tin plate. White metal does
not harden in spinning, but it requires special skill in handling, or
the metal will be of very uneven gage. The best metal for an amateur to
start on is copper, as it is both tenacious and ductile, and will stand
much abuse in the fire and on the lathe. One of the peculiar properties
of zinc is that it has a grain or texture, and when spinning, the two
sides that go through the rolls lengthwise will be longer than the
sides that have the cross grain, requiring the shell to be trimmed off
quite a distance to even the edge.
To show the possibilities of working the different metals, and their
relative spinning values, a number of articles made from different
materials are illustrated herewith.
[Illustration: Fig. 16. Zinc Lamp Shade Spun in One Operation without
A zinc lamp shade is shown in Fig. 16 that is 14¼ inches in diameter
and 4¾ inches deep. This shade was spun in one operation, without
annealing, from a flat circular blank. All zinc should be warmed before
spinning, either over a gas burner at the lathe or in hot soap water,
and the chuck also should be heated, as otherwise the blank will soon
chill, if spun on a cold metal chuck, as the chuck absorbs the heat
long before the operation is finished. Of course this does not apply
to wooden chucks. The chuck may be heated by using the burner shown in
Fig. 17, which is located around the spindle of the lathe. The size of
the burner should, of course, be in proportion to that of the chuck
used. The burner illustrated is 8 inches in diameter. It has several
small holes drilled for the gas on the side facing the chuck. The heat
of the chuck is regulated by varying the supply of gas to the burner.
The blank is heated before it is put on the chuck and the friction of
the spinning tool helps to keep it warm until it comes in contact with
the chuck. The metal retains its heat until the job is finished, and
this sometimes saves an annealing operation.
In Fig. 18 is shown an example of aluminum spinning. The article
illustrated is a cuspidor having a top 7¾ inches in diameter, a neck
with a 4-inch flare, a diameter at the top of 9½ inches, and a height
of 6½ inches. This shell was spun without annealing, which shows the
extreme ductility of aluminum. The copper shell shown in Fig. 19, has
a maximum diameter of 7 inches, and a depth of 8 inches; it was spun
with four annealings. A German silver reflector, which is 10 inches in
diameter at the largest end and 5 inches deep, is shown in Fig. 20.
The spinning of such a reflector, when made from this material, is
quite difficult. An open hearth cold-rolled steel shell with a maximum
diameter of 3 inches and a depth of 4 inches is shown in Fig. 21. This
shell was spun without annealing, which shows that the grade of steel
used is well adapted for this work.
[Illustration: Fig. 17. Gas Burner for Heating Spinning Chuck]
[Illustration: Figs. 18 and 19. Examples of Aluminum and Copper
[Illustration: Fig. 20. German Silver Reflector
Fig. 21. Open Hearth Cold-rolled Steel Shell]
In Fig. 22 two finished brass shells are shown to the right, and also
the number of operations required to change the form of the metal. The
upper shell is 6 inches long and 3½ inches in diameter at the large
end, while the lower one is 7¼ inches long by 3¾ inches in diameter.
It was necessary to anneal these shells between each operation, the
upper shell being annealed four times and the lower one three times.
These pieces were made in quantities sufficient to warrant the making
of chucks for each operation, which enabled them to be spun with less
skill than would be required if a finishing chuck only were made. When
a single finishing chuck is used, the various operations in spinning a
shell of this kind would be left to the judgment of the spinner, who
would decide the limit of the stretch of metal between the operations
before annealing.
[Illustration: Fig. 22. Various Steps in Spinning the Two Brass Shells
at the Right]
A brass shell that is made in five operations and with four annealings
is shown in Fig. 23. The finishing chuck used is a split or key chuck
on which it is necessary to cut out the end of the shell in order
to withdraw the key after the shell is spun. This shell, which is
shown finished to the right, is 5½ inches long. It is spun smooth
on a machine steel chuck, and is not skimmed, but gone over with a
planishing tool at the last operation. The two pieces shown in Fig. 22
were also finished in this way.
[Illustration: Fig. 23. Another Brass Spinning Operation; the Chuck
used is shown at A]
Fig. 24 shows a brass shell, which is a good example of “air spinning,”
so called because the finishing or second operation on part of the
shape is done in the air, thus avoiding the use of a sectional or split
chuck. The shell shown is about 5½ inches in diameter. The first or
breaking-down chuck is shown at _A_. The neck or small part of the
piece, and also a portion of the spherical surface, is formed by the
spinning tool without any support from the chuck. After the shell is
spun or broken down on chuck _A_, it is annealed and pickled. It is
then put back on chuck _A_ and planished or hardened on the part that
is to retain its present shape. The work is then placed on the chuck
_B_ and the soft part is manipulated by the tool until it conforms to
the shape shown to the right. While this soft part of the metal is
being formed, the part which was previously hardened retains its shape.
[Illustration: Fig. 24. An Example of “Air Spinning” and the Chucks
Various Types of Metal-spinning Chucks and their Construction
A miscellaneous collection of spinning chucks is shown in Fig. 25. As
will be seen, the larger ones are machined out in the back to lighten
them, and also to give them an even balance. The larger of those
illustrated measure about 9½ inches in diameter, and they are made of
cast iron, while the smaller chucks shown in this view are of machine
steel. The chuck marked _A_ is a key chuck. Another collection of
spinning chucks of various shapes is shown in Fig. 26. Those in the
upper row are all key or split chucks, and the keys are shown withdrawn
from the sockets. All these chucks, up to 6 inches in diameter, are
made of machine steel; those seen in the lower row are shapes which are
comparatively easy to spin.
[Illustration: Fig. 25. Miscellaneous Collection of Spinning Chucks]
[Illustration: Fig. 26. Another Group of Spinning Chucks. Those in the
Upper Row are of the Split or Key Type]
A collection of hard maple chucks is shown in Fig. 27, some of which
represent shapes that are difficult to spin. The chuck _A_ is 15 inches
long, and the maximum diameter of _B_ is 12½ inches. These figures will
serve to give an idea of the proportions of the other chucks. All of
the chucks shown have threads cut in them and they are screwed directly
to the spindle of the lathe, the faceplate being dispensed with. Some
of the larger wooden chucks used measure approximately 5 feet in
diameter. A chuck of this size is built up of sections which are glued
[Illustration: Fig. 27. Various Forms of Spinning Chucks made from Hard
A number of bronze sectional split chucks are shown in Fig. 28. When
spinning over a sectional chuck, it is first necessary to break down
the shell as far as is practicable on a solid chuck. Care should be
taken, however, to leave sufficient clearance so that the work may be
withdrawn. The shell is then annealed, after which it is put on the
sectional chuck and the under cut or small end is spun down to the
chuck surface. When the entire surface of the shell is spun down to a
bearing, the shell is planished or skimmed to a smooth surface; the
open edge is also trimmed even and the shell is polished with emery cloth.

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