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Humour wit Satire of the Seventeenth Century 99

Humour wit Satire of the Seventeenth Century 99

[9.] Grenville, 10,374. Choice Chance and Change or Conceites in their
Colours. Imprinted at London for _Nathaniell Fosbrooke_, and are to be
sold at his shop in Pauls Churchyard at the signe of the Helmet, 1606.
[10.] (C. 20, f. 8)/554 Roxburghe Ballads.
[11.] (C. 20, f. 7)/158 Roxburghe Ballads.
[12.] 11,626, a. a. 36. Westminster Quibbles in verse: Being a MOCK
to the _Crab_ of the _Wood_, and to that Tune: or, a Miscellany of
_Quibling_, _Catches_, _Joques_ and Merriments. London. Printed for
_William Cademan_,[F. 258] at the Popes Head in the Lower Walk of the
_New Exchange_. 1672.
[13.] Westminster Drollery, the Second Part, being a Compleat
Collection of all the Newest and Choicest Songs and Poems at Court,
and both the Theaters. By the _Author_ of the First Part, never
Printed before. London. Printed for _William Gilbert_ at the Half Moon
in _S^t Pauls_ Church-yard, & _Tho. Sawbridge_ at the three _Flower de
Luces_ in _Little Britain_ 1672. (11,621, a. 45.)
[14.] Wits Interpreter the English Parnassus &c. The 3^{rd} Edition
with many new Additions By J. C(otgrave) London. 1671. (Grenville,
[15.] (C. 20, f. 8)/236 Roxburghe Ballads.
[16.] The most Elegant and Wittie Epigrams of Sir John Harington
Knight. Digested into foure Bookes.--London. Printed by George Miller
1633. ((638, k. 17)/2)
[17.] C. 40, b. 11. Oxford Jests Refined and Enlarged; being a
Collection of Witty Jests, Merry Tales, & Pleasant Joques. Collected
by Captain W. H.[F. 259] Native of Oxford. London. Printed for Simon
Miller, at the Star at the West End of S^t Paul's. 1684. Catalogued
Hickes (W.)
[18.] Delight & Pastime or Pleasant Diversion for both sexes
consisting of Good History &c &c--London. Printed for _J Sprint_ at
the _Bell_, and _G. Conyers_ at the _Gold Ring_, in _Little Britain_,
over against the _Sugar Loaf_. 1697. Price 1/. Catalogued M.(G.)
[19.] (C. 20, f. 8)/226 Roxburghe Ballads.
[20.] (C. 20, f. 8)/227 Roxburghe Ballads.
[21.] (C. 22, e. 2)/110 A Collection of English Ballads.
[22.] (C. 20, f. 8)/279 Roxburghe Ballads.
[23.] (C. 20, f. 8)/359 Roxburghe Ballads.
[24.] C. 40, a. 1. Wit Restor'd in severall select Poems not formerly
publish't. London. Printed for _R. Pollard_, _N. Brooks_ and _T.
Dring_,[F. 260] and are to be sold at the Old _Exchange_, and in
_Fleet Street_. 1658. Catalogued Wit.
[25.] 1078, e. 2. Norfolk Drollery, Or a Compleat Collection of
the Newest Songs, Jovial Poems, and Catches &c--By the Author, M.
_Stevenson_. _London._ Printed for _R. Reynolds_,[F. 261] at the _Sun_
and _Bible_, and _John Lutton_ at the _Blue Anchor_ in the _Poultry_.
1673. Catalogued Stevenson.
[26.] Coffee House Jests Refined and Enlarged. By the Author of
the Oxford Jests. The Fourth Edition, with Large Additions. London.
Printed for _Hen. Rhodes_, next door to the _Swan Tavern_, near _Bride
Lane_ in _Fleet Street_. 1686. Catalogued Coffee House Jests. 12,316,
a. 15.
[27.] (816, m. 9)/31
[28.] (C. 20, f. 9)/74 Roxburghe Ballads.
[29.] (C. 20, f. 7)/42 Roxburghe Ballads.
[30.] (C. 20, f. 8)/51 Roxburghe Ballads.
[31.] (C. 20, f. 7)/340 Roxburghe Ballads.
[32.] C. 40, a. 6. The Booke of Merry Riddles, together with proper
Questions, and witty Proverbs, to make pleasant pastime. No lesse
usefull than behoovefull for any young man or child, to know if he be
quick witted, or no. London. Printed for _John Stafford_,[F. 262] and
_W.G_, and are to be sold at the _George_ near _Fleetbridg_. 1660.
[33.] (669, f. 10)/99 Single Sheets.
[34.] (669, f. 10)/106 Single Sheets.
[35.] (C. 20, f. 8)/112 The Roxburghe Ballads.
[36.] (E. 246)/23 A Dialogue or Rather a Parley betweene Prince
_Ruperts_ Dogge, whose name is PUDDLE and _Tobies_ Dog whose name is
PEPPER &c. Whereunto is added the Challeng which Prince _Griffins_
Dogg called _Towzer_ hath sent to Prince _Ruperts_ Dogg Puddle, in the
behalf of honest Pepper Tobies Dog. Moreover the said Prince _Griffin_
is newly gone to Oxford to lay the Wager, and to make up the MATCH.
Printed at London for I. Smith 1643.
[37.] (E. 99)/14 The Bloody Prince, or a declaration of the most
cruell Practices of Prince Rupert, and the rest of the Cavaliers in
fighting against God, and the true Members of His Church. By I. W.
London. Printed 1643. Catalogued W. (I.)
[38.] 12,613 c. The History of the Blind Begger of Bednal Green.
[39.] (E. 92)/13 The Parliaments unspotted Bitch: in answer to Prince
Roberts Dog called _Boy_, And his Malignant She Monkey. London.
Printed for R. Jackson 1643.[F. 263] Catalogued England.
[40.] (E. 96)/16 The Welsh Embassadour, Or the happy Newes his Worship
hath brought to London, &c--Printed for _I. Underwood_ 1643.[F. 263]
[41.] 11,609, c. 6. The Works of Mr John Cleveland &c--London. Printed
by _R Holt_ for _Obadiah Blagrave_ at the _Bear_ and _Star_, over
against the little North Door in S^t _Paul's_ Church yard 1687.
[42.] (669, f. 11)/81 The Braggadocia Souldier: and the Civill
Citizen. Printed for J. L. 1647.
[43.] (E. 3)/17 A Dogs Elegy, or Ruperts Tears[F. 264] for the
late Defeat given him at _Marston moore_, neer _York_, by the Three
Renowned Generalls _Alexander Earl of_ Leven, _Generall of the
Scottish Forces_, Fardinando _Lord_ Fairefax, _and the Earle of_
Manchester Generalls of the English Forces in the North. Where his
beloved Dog named BOY, was killed by a Valliant Souldier, who had
skill in _Necromancy_. _Likewise the strange breed of this Shagg'd_
Cavalier, _whelp'd of a Malignant_ Water-witch; with all his tricks
and feats.
Sad Caveliers, _Rupert_ invites you all
That doe survive, to his Dogs Funerall.
Close mourners are the Witch, Pope, & devill,
That much lament yo'r late befallen evill.
Printed at _London_ for _G. B._ July 27. 1644.
[44.] (E. 3)/11 The Kingdomes Weekly Intelligencer. Catalogued P. P.
[45.] (E. 3)/13 A CONTINUATION of Certain Speciall and Remarkable
passages informed to the PARLIAMENT, and otherwise from divers parts
of this Kingdome, from Wednesday the 10^{th} of _Iuly_, till Wednesday
the 17. of _Iuly_. 1644. Catalogued P. P. London. Special and
Remarkable Passages.
[46.] (E. 2)/24 Ruperts Sumpter, and Private Cabinet rifled. And
a Discovery of his _Jewels_ By way of Dialogue between Mercurius
_Britannicus_ and Mercurius _Aulicus_. London.
Printed by J. Coe[F. 265] A.D. 1644. Catalogued Rupert.
[47.] (E. 4)/4 The Catholike's Petition to Prince _Rupert_ showing The
ground of their Griefe, The force of their Constancie, and their
hopes of Recovery. With a Draught of a _Proclamation_ presented to
his Highnesse, for the more speedy Recruiting his Army, destroying the
Protestants, and gaining a Crowne.
Prince looke about thee, here is much adoe,
'Tis time to looke, and lay about thee too;
Send obstinate offenders to their graves.
That neither will be Catholikes nor slaves.
Printed according to Order for G. B.[F. 266] August 1. 1644.
Catalogued Catholics.
[48.] (E. 2)/1 A Continuation of true Intelligence from the _English_
and _Scottish_ Forces, in the North, for the service of King and
Parliament, and now beleaguering York, from the 16^{th} of June to
Wednesday the 10^{th} of _July_. 1644. Wherein is given a full
and particular Accompt of the Battaile with Prince Rupert, and the
Marquesse New Castle together with the successe thereof. By Sim. Ash.
Chaplaine to the Earle of _Manchester_, and one of the Ministers of
the Assembly. London. Printed for _Thomas Underhill_, at the Bible in Woodstreet. 1644.

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