2015년 6월 7일 일요일

Life of a Scotch Naturalist 1

Life of a Scotch Naturalist 1

Life of a Scotch Naturalist
Thomas Edward, Associate of the Linnean Society. Fourth Edition
Author: Samuel Smiles
THE history of the humblest human life is a tale of marvels. Dr.
Johnson said that there was not a man in the street whose biography
might not be made interesting, provided he could narrate something of
his experiences of life, his trials, his difficulties, his successes,
and his failures.
I use these words as an introduction to the following biography of my
“man in the street.” Yet Thomas Edward is not an ordinary man. Eighteen
years since, I mentioned him in _Self-Help_, as one of the most
extraordinary instances of perseverance in the cause of science that
had ever come under my notice.
Nor was he a man of any exalted position in society. He was a
shoemaker then; he is a shoemaker still. For nearly thirty years he
has fought the battle of scientific poverty. He was one of those men
who lived _for_ science, not _by_ science. His shyness prevented him
pushing himself forward; and when he had done his work, he was almost
How he pursued his love of Nature,how he satisfied his thirst for
knowledge, in the midst of trials, difficulties, and troubles,not the
least of which was that of domestic poverty,will be found related
in the following book. Indeed, it may be said of him, that he has
endured as much hardship for the cause of science, as soldiers do in a
prolonged campaign. He spent most of his nights out of doors, amidst
damp, and wet, and cold. Men thought him mad for enduring such risks.
He himself says, “I have been a fool to Nature all my life.”
He always lamented his want of books. He had to send his “findings” to
other naturalists to be named, and he often lost them. But books could
not be had without money; and money was as scarce with him as books.
He was thus prevented from taking rank among higher-class naturalists.
He could only work in detail; he could not generalise. He had to be
satisfied with the consolation that Mr. J. Gwyn Jeffreys once gave him.
“Working naturalists like yourself,” said he, “do quite as much good
service in the cause of science as those who study books.” Edward,
however, doubted this; for he considered works on natural science to
be a great help to the working naturalist. They informed him of what
others had done, and also of what remained to be done.
Those who would know something of what Edward has accomplished in only
_one_ department of his favourite subject, should consult Messrs.
Bate and Westwood’s _History of the British Sessile-eyed Crustacea_,
where his services to the cause of science are fully and generously
acknowledged. Of the numerous Crustacea mentioned in that work, Edward
collected a hundred and seventy-seven in the Moray Firth, of which
twenty were New Species.
In 1866, Edward was elected an Associate of the Linnean Society,one
of the highest honours that science could confer upon him. Since
then, however, he has been able to do comparatively little for the
advancement of his favourite study. He had been so battered about by
falling from rocks in search of birds, and so rheumatised by the damp,
wet, and cold, to which he was exposed at night,for he was obliged to
carry on his investigations after his day’s work was over,that he was
unable to continue his investigations in Natural History.
In the Appendix will be found a Selection of the Fauna of Banffshire,
prepared by Edward. I have been able to find room for only the Mammals,
Birds, Fishes, and Crustacea. I wish it had been possible to give the
Star-fishes (_Rayed Echinodermata_), Molluscs, Zoophytes, and other
objects; but this would have filled up the book, and left no room for
the Biography.
It was not my intention to have published the book in the ornate
form in which it now appears. But my friend Mr. Reid,being greatly
interested in the man and his story,and having volunteered to
illustrate the work “for love,” I could not withstand his generous
offer. Hence the very fine portrait of Edward, so exquisitely etched by
Rajon; and the excellent wood engravings of Whymper and Cooper, which
illustrate the volume.
It is scarcely necessary to say that the materials of the book have
been obtained from Edward himself, either by written communication or
by “word of mouth.” Much of it is autobiography. Edward was alarmed at
the idea of what he communicated being “put into a book.” He thought
it might do me an injury. “Not a copy,” he said, “would be bought in
However this may be, the writing of the Biography has given me much
pleasure. It has led me to seek health amidst the invigorating breezes
of the North; and to travel round the rugged shores of Aberdeen and
Banff, in search of the views of bays and headlands with which Mr. Reid
has so beautifully embellished the book.
It may be objected“Why write the life of a man who is still living?”
To this it may be answered, that Edward has lived his life and done his
work. With most of us, “_Hic jacet_” is all that remains to be added.
If the book had not been written now, it is probable that it never
would have been written. But it may be asked,“Is the life really worth
writing?” To this question the public alone can give the answer.
LONDON, _Nov. 1876._
Edward born at Gosport, PortsmouthThe Fifeshire
MilitiaReturn to CuparResidence at KettleSettles at
AberdeenThe GreenHow Edward became a NaturalistThe
sow BetStolen by GipsiesThe Inches, AberdeenFondness
for “Beasts”An incorrigible boyImprisoned at
homeSets the house on fireIs laid up by feverHis
RecoveryBirds’ NestsRubislaw QuarriesThe Wasp’s
Nest Pages 1-20
Edward goes to schoolPlays the TruantThe
fishwivesBell HillGrannie’s PlungeA Kae taken to
schoolEdward’s expulsionSent to his second schoolThe
Horse-leechesEdward expelledThe third schoolThe
Sparrow’s nest harriedTakes the nest to schoolThe
birds “chirrup”The Master bit by a CentipedeEdward
thrashed terriblyExpelled from his third schoolA
night under the logsResults of his punishmentHunt
after an adderThe adder sold 21-46
Goes to workA Tobacco-spinnerFactory at
GrandholmThe Banks and Braes of the DonThe Brig
o’ BalgownieSpires of St. MacharWorking at the
factoryThe Sedge-warblerThe KingfisherCountry
ramblesApprenticed to a ShoemakerCharles
BeggShoemakers’ petsBegg’s brutalityEdward’s pets
killedWishes to be a sailorTries in vain 47-60
Sets out for the KettleHis provisionsHis
moneyTries to sell his knifeRuins of Dunnottar
CastleBervieEncounter with trampsMontroseSells
his knifeSleeps in a haycockArbroathThe sailors’
wivesDundeeThe Long-tailed TitmouseCuparReaches
the KettleReception by his uncleSets out for
homeUncivility of a gamekeeperAdventure with a
BullRests near StonehavenReaches AberdeenHis
reception at home 61-74
Offers himself as a sailorResumes shoemakingWild
Botanical GardenTanners’ pits for puddocksThe
picture shopsThe _Penny Magazine_Castlegate on
FridaysGunmakers’ windowsTries to emigrate to
America as a stowawayHe failsJoins the Aberdeenshire
MilitiaChase of a butterflyIs apprehendedIs
reprimanded and liberatedEnlists in the 60th
RiflesAssists as a pew-openerLeaves Aberdeen for
Banff 75-86
His employmentFinds time to follow his bentHis
Caterpillars among the workmenHis landladyMarries a
Huntly lassSettled for lifeSelf-education in Natural
HistoryStuffs birdsHis want of educationWant of
booksShy and friendlessAvoids the public-houseHis
love of NatureThe oceanThe heavensMakes
a collectionHis gun and paraphernaliaHis
equipmentSleeps out of doors at nightExaggerated
rumours about himFrequents Boyndie churchyardLies in
holes during rainDisagreeable visitorsAwful night
in Boyndie churchyardMoth-hunting at nightTerrible
encounter with Badgers 87-103
Animals wandering at nightTheir noises and criesThe
Roe-deer and hareThe RabbitA Rabbit fightThe
FoxThe BadgerThe Field MiceThe WeaselAttack by a
WeaselPertinacious RatsThe OtterThe PolecatBoyne
CastleFight with a PolecatThe Long-eared OwlThe
Brown OwlA chorus of FrogsBirds of preyLandrail,
Sedge-warbler, RookSongsters at night          

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