2015년 6월 8일 월요일

Life of a Scotch Naturalist 4

Life of a Scotch Naturalist 4

One day the boy disappeared. Every hen-house, every stable, every
pigstye, and every likely corner of the village, was searched; but
in vain. Tom was lost! He was then little over a year old. He could
not have gone very far. Somebody raised the cry that he had been
“stolen by the gipsies!” It was remembered that some tinkers had been
selling their brooms and pans in the village that afternoon; and it
was immediately concluded that they had kidnapped the child. It was
not so very unreasonable after all. Adam Smith, the author of the
_Wealth of Nations_, had been kidnapped by a gipsy woman when a child
at Kirkcaldy, many years before; and such things live long in popular
A hue-and-cry was accordingly got up in Kettle about the bairn that
had been stolen by the gipsies. Their camp was known to be in the
neighbourhood,about three miles off. Tom’s uncle and three other
men volunteered to go early next morning. The neighbours went to
their homes, except two, who remained with the mother. She sat by the
fire all night,a long, wretched, dreary night. Early in the morning
the four men started. They found the gipsy camp, and stated their
grievance. They “wanted the child that had been kidnapped yesterday.”
“What?” said the chief gipsy; “we never kidnap children; such a
dishonest deed has never been laid to our charge. But, now that you are
here, you had better look for yourselves.”
As the searchers were passing through among the carts and tents, they
were set upon by a number of women and girls, and belaboured with
every kind of weapon and missile. Those who had neither sticks nor
ropes, used their claws. The men were unmercifully pummelled and
scratched before they could make their escape. They reached Kettle in a
deplorable state,but without the child!
All hopes of his recovery in that quarter being ended, another body of
men prepared to set out in another direction. But at this moment they
were amazed by a scream outside the house. All eyes were turned to the
door, when in rushed the pig-wife, and, without the least ceremony,
threw the child into his mother’s lap. “There, woman, there’s yer
bairn! but for God’s sake keep him awa frae yon place, or he may fare
war next time.” “But whar was he?” they exclaimed in a breath. “Whar
wud he be but below Bet and her pigs a’ nicht!”[3]
When the family removed to Aberdeen, young Edward was in his glory.
The place where he lived was close to the outside of the town. He was
enabled to roam into the country by way of Deeside and Ferryhill. Close
at hand were the Inches,not the Inches of to-daybut the beautiful
green Inches of sixty years ago, covered with waving algæ. There, too,
grew the scurvy grass, and the beautiful sea daisy. Between the Inches,
were channels through which the tide flowed, with numerous pots or
hollows. These were the places for bandies, eels, crabs, and worms.
Above the Inches, the town’s manure was laid down,at a part now
covered by the railway station. The heaps were remarkably prolific
in beetles, rats, sparrows, and numerous kinds of flies. Then the
Denburn, at the foot of the Green, yielded no end of horse-leeches,
powets (tadpoles), frogs, and other creatures that abound in fresh or
muddy water. The boy used daily to play at these places, and brought
home with him his “venomous beasts,” as the neighbours called them. At
first they consisted, for the most part, of tadpoles, beetles, snails,
frogs, sticklebacks, and small green crabs (the young of the _Carcinus
mœnas_); but as he grew older, he brought home horse-leeches, asks
(newts), young ratsa nest of young rats was a glorious prizefield
mice and house mice, hedgehogs, moles, birds, and birds’ nests of
various kinds.
The fishes and birds were easily kept; but as there was no secure
place for the puddocks, horse-leeches, rats, and such like,they
usually made their escape into the adjoining houses, where they were
by no means welcome guests. The neighbours complained of the venomous
creatures which the young naturalist was continually bringing home. The
horse-leeches crawled up their legs and stuck to them, fetching blood;
the puddocks and asks roamed about the floors; and the beetles, moles,
and rats, sought for holes wherever they could find them.
The boy was expostulated with. His mother threw out all his
horse-leeches, crabs, birds, and birds’ nests; and he was strictly
forbidden to bring such things into the house again. But it was of
no use. The next time that he went out to play, he brought home as
many of his “beasts” as before. He was then threatened with corporal
punishment. But that very night he brought in a nest of young rats. He
was then flogged. But it did him no good. The disease, if it might be
so called, was so firmly rooted in him, as to be entirely beyond the
power of outward appliances. And so it was found in the end.
Words and blows having failed to produce any visible effect, it was
determined to keep him in the house as much as possible. His father,
who was a handloom weaver, went to his work early in the morning, and
returned late at night. His meals were sent to him during the day.
The mother, who had her husband’s pirns to fill, besides attending to
her household work, was frequently out of the way; and as soon as she
disappeared, Tom was off to the Inches. When any one made a remark
about her negligence in not keeping a tighter hold of the boy, her
answer was, “Weel, I canna be aye at his heels.” Sometimes he was set
to rock the cradle. But on his mother’s arrival at home, she found
the rocker had disappeared. He was also left to play with the younger
children; but he soon left them to play by themselves.
He was occasionally sent a message, though he rarely fulfilled it.
He went to his old haunts, regardless of the urgency of the message.
One morning he was sent to his father’s workshop with his breakfast;
but instead of going there, he set off for the Stocket, several miles
from town, with two other loons.[4] Tom induced them to accompany him.
The Stocket was a fine place for birds and birds’ nests. They searched
all day, and returned home at night. The father never received his
breakfast. It was eaten by Edward and the loons.
As a punishment for his various misdoings, he was told one morning
that he was to be confined to the house all day. It was a terrible
punishment, at least to him. Only a portion of his clothes was given
him, that he might not go out; and as a further precaution, his mother
tied him firmly to the table leg with a thick wisp of thrums. She
also tied his wrists together with a piece of cord. When she went out
on family affairs, Tom’s little sister was set to watch him. But he
disengaged himself from his bonds almost as quickly as the Davenport
brothers. With a mixture of promises and threats, he made his little
sister come to his help; and the two together pushed the table close to
the grate, when putting the rope which confined his legs between the
ribs, it soon burnt asunder, and he was free. He next tried to find his
clothes, but his mother had hidden them too securely. He found a coat
of his elder brother’s, much too big for himself: nevertheless he put
it on.
[Sidenote: _SETS HOUSE ON FIRE._]
His mother’s feet were now heard on the stair. Tom hid himself at the
back of the door, so that he might rush out as soon as she entered. The
door was opened, his mother rushed in screaming, and Tom ran away. The
table to which the rope had been attached was on fire, and the house
would soon have been in a blaze. In quenching the flames of the rope
attached to the boy’s leg, he had forgotten, in his hurry, to quench
the burning of the rope still attached to the table. Hence the fire.
But Tom was now at liberty. He soon got rid of his shackles, and spent
a glorious day out of doors. He had a warm homecoming at night, but the
less said of that the better.
[Sidenote: _AGAIN ESCAPES._]
In fact, the boy was found to be thoroughly incorrigible. He was
self-willed, determined, and stubborn. As he could not be kept at
home, and would not go a message, but was always running after his
“beasts,” his father at last determined to take his clothes from him
altogether. So, one morning when he went to work, he carried them with
him. When the boy got up, and found that he had nothing to wear, he was
in a state of great dismay. His mother, having pinned a bit of an old
petticoat round his neck, said to him, “I am sure you’ll be a prisoner
this day.” But no! His mother went downstairs for milk, leaving him in
the house. He had tied a string round his middle, to render himself a
little more fit for moving about. He followed his mother downstairs,
and hid himself at the back of the entry door; and as soon as she had
passed in, Tom bolted out, ran down the street, and immediately was at
his old employment of hunting for crabs, horse-leeches, puddocks, and
His father, on coming home at night with Tom’s clothes in his hand,
looked round the room, and asked, “Is he in bed?” “Na!” “Far[5] is
he?” “Weel, I left him here when I gaed to the door for milk, and
when I came back he was awa; but whether he gaed out o’ the window or
up the lum[6] I canna tell.” “Did ye gie him ony claes?” “No!” “Most
extraordinary!” exclaimed the father, sitting down in his chair. He was
perfectly thunderstruck. His supper was waiting for him, but he could
not partake of it. A neighbouring woman shortly after entered, saying,
“Meggy, he’s come!” “Oh, the nickem,”[7] said Tom’s mother, “surely
he’s dead wi’ cauld by this time. Fat _can_ we do wi’ him? Oh, Mrs.
Kelman, he’ll break my very heart. Think o’ him being oot for haill
days without ony meat. Often he’s oot afore he gets his breakfast, and
we winna see him again till night. Only think that he’s been out a’ the
day ’maist naked! We canna get him keepit in frae thae beasts o’ his!”
“He’ll soon get tired o’ that,” said Mrs. Kelman, “if ye dinna lick
him.” “Never,” roared old Edward; “I’ll chain him in the house, and
see if that will cool him.” “But,” rejoined Mrs. Kelman, “ye maunna
touch him the night, John.” “I’ll chain him to the grate! But where is
he? Bring him here.” “He’s at my fireside.” By this time Tom, having
followed at her heels, and heard most of what was said about him, was
ready to enter as she came out. “Far hae ye been, you scamp?” asked his
mother. “At the Tide!” His father on looking up, and seeing the boy
with the old petticoat about him, bedabbled by the mud in which he had
been playing, burst into a fit of laughter. He leant back on his chair,
and laughed till he could laugh no more.
“Oh, laddie,” said the mother, “ye needna look at me in that way. It’s
you that he’s laughin’ at, you’re sic a comical sicht. Ye’ll gang to
that stinkin’ place, man, till ye droun yoursel, and sine ye winna
come back again.” Tom was then taken in hand, cleaned and scrubbed,
and put to bed. Next morning his father, before he went out, appeared
at the boy’s bedside, and said, “If ye go out this day, sir, I’ll have
you chained.” “But,” replied Tom, “ye hinna a cooch;”[8] for he had
no notion of anything being chained but dogs. “Never mind,” said his
father, “I’ll chain you!”
[Sidenote: _IS LAID UP BY FEVER._]
The boy had no inclination to rise that day. He was hot and cold
alternately. When he got up in the afternoon, he was in a “gruize.”[9]
Then he went to bed again. By the evening he was in a hot fever. Next
day he was worse. He raved, and became delirious. He rambled about his
beasts and his birds. Then he ceased to speak. His mouth became clammy
and his tongue black. He hung between life and death for several weeks.
At length the fever spent itself, leaving him utterly helpless.

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