2016년 3월 28일 월요일

The Tory Lover 31

The Tory Lover 31

The officers were silent, wrapped in their heavy boat-cloaks, and the
men rowed with all the force that was in them. The captain had the
surgeon with him in one boat, and some midshipmen, and the other boat
was in charge of Lieutenant Wallingford, with Dickson and Hall.
There were thirty picked seamen, more or less, in the party; the boats
were crowded and loaded to the gunwale, and they parted company like
thieves in the night to work their daring purposes. The old town of
Whitehaven lay quiet; there was already a faint light of coming dawn
above the Cumberland Hills when they came to the outer pier; there was a
dim gleam of snow on the heights under the bright stars, and the air was
bitter cold. An old sea was running high after the late storms, and the
boats dragged slowly on their errand. The captain grew fierce and
restless, and cursed the rowers for their slowness; and the old town of
Whitehaven and all her shipping lay sound asleep.
The captain’s boat came in first; he gave his orders with sure
acquaintance, and looked about him eagerly, smiling at some
ancient-looking vessels as if they were old friends, and calling them by
name. What with the stormy weather of the past week, and an alarm about
some Yankee pirates that might be coming on the coast, they had all
flocked in like sheep, and lay stranded now as the tide left them.
There was a loud barking of dogs from deck to deck, but it soon ceased.
Both the boats had brought what freight they could stow of pitch and
kindlings, and they followed their orders; the captain’s boat going to
the south side, and Wallingford’s to the north, to set fires among the
shipping. There was not a moment to be lost.
On the south side of the harbor, where the captain went, were the larger
ships, many of them merchantmen of three or four hundred tons burthen;
on the north side were smaller craft of every sort, Dutch doggers and
the humble coast-wise crafts that made the living of a family,each poor
fish boat furnishing the tool for a hard and meagre existence. On few
of these was there any riding light or watch; there was mutual
protection in such a company, and the harbor was like a gateless
poultry-yard, into which the captain of the Ranger came boldly like a
He ran his boat ashore below the fort, and sent most of her crew to set
fires among the vessels, while he mounted the walls with a few
followers, and found the sentinels nothing to be feared: they were all
asleep in the guardhouse, such was the peace and prosperity of their
lives. It was easy enough to stop them from giving alarm, and leave
them fast-bound and gagged, to find the last half of the night longer
than the first of it. A few ancient cannon were easily spiked, and the
captain ran like a boy at Saturday-afternoon bird-nesting to the fort
beyond to put some other guns out of commission; they might make
mischief for him, should the town awake.
"Come after me!" he called. "I am at home here!" And the men at his
heels marveled at him more than ever, now that they were hand to hand
with such an instant piece of business. It took a man that was half
devil to do what the captain was doing, and they followed as if they
loved him. He stopped now in a frenzy of sudden rage. "They have had
time enough already to start the burning; what keeps them? There should
be a dozen fires lit now!" he cried, as he ran back to the waterside.
The rest of the boat’s crew were standing where he had left them, and
met his reproaches with scared faces: they had their pitch and tar with
them, and had boarded a vessel, but the candles in their dark lanterns,
which were to start the blaze, had flickered and gone out. Somebody had
cut them short: it was a dirty trick, and was done on purpose. They
told in loud, indignant whispers that they had chosen an old deserted
ship that would have kindled everything near her, but they had no light
left. And the sky was fast brightening.
The captain’s face was awful to look at, as he stood aghast. There was
no sight of fire across the harbor, either, and no quick snake of flame
could be seen running up the masts. He stood for one terrible moment in
silence and despair. "And no flint and steel among us, on such an
errand!" he gasped. "Come with me, Green!" he commanded, and set forth
again, running like a deer back into the town.
It took but a minute to pass, by a narrow way, among some poor stone
houses and out across a bit of open ground, to a cottage poorer and
lower than any, and here Paul Jones lifted the clumsy latch. It was a
cottage of a single room, and his companion followed hastily, and stood
waiting close behind oil the threshold.
"Nancy, Nancy, my dear!" said the captain, in a gentle voice, but
thrusting back a warning hand to keep the surgeon out. "Nancy, ye ’ll
not be frightened; ’t is no thief, but your poor laddie, John Paul, that
you wintered long ago with a hurt leg, an’ he having none other that
would friend him. I ’ve come now but to friend you and to beg a light."
There was a cry of joy and a sound of some one rising in the bed, and
the surgeon heard the captain’s hasty steps as he crossed the room in
the dark and kissed the old creature, who began to chatter in her feeble
"Yes, here’s your old tinder box in its place on the chimney," said the
captain hastily. "I’m only distressed for a light, Mother Nancy, and my
boat just landing. Here ’s for ye till I get ashore again from my
ship," and there was a sound of a heavy handful of money falling on the
"Tak’ the best candle, child," she cried, "an’ promise me ye ’ll be
ashore again the morn’s morn an’ let me see your bonny eyes by day! I
said ye’d come,I always said ye’d come!" But the two men were past
hearing any more, as they ran away with their treasure.
"Why in God’s name did you leave the door wide open?" said the surgeon.
"She ’ll die of a pleurisy, and your gold will only serve to bury her!"
There was no time for dallying. The heap of combustibles on one old
vessel’s deck was quick set afire now and flung down the hatches, and a
barrel of tar was poured into the thick-mounting flames; this old brig
was well careened against another, and their yards were fouled. There
was no time to do more; the two would easily scatter fire to all their
neighborhood when the morning wind sprung up to help them, and the
captain and his men must put off to sea. There were still no signs of
life on the shore or the fort above.
They all gathered to the boat; the oarsmen were getting their places,
when all at once there was a cry among the lanes close by, and a crowd
of men were upon them. The alarm had been given, and the Ranger’s men
were pressed hard in a desperate, close fight. The captain stood on the
end of the little pier with his pistol, and held back some of the
attacking party for one terrible minute, till all his men were in. "Lay
out, lay out, my boys!" he cried then from his own place in the stern.
There were bullets raining about them, but they were quick out of harm’s
way on the water. There was not a man of that boat’s company could
forget the captain’s calmness and daring, as they saw him stand against
the angry crowd.
The flames were leaping up the rigging of the burning ship; the shore
was alive with men; there were crowds of people swarming away up among
the hills beyond the houses. There had been a cannon overlooked, or
some old ship’s gun lay upon the beach, which presently spoke with
futile bravado, bellowing its hasty charge when the captain’s boat was
well out upon the bay. The hills were black with frightened folk, as if
Whitehaven were a ruined ant-hill; the poor town was in a terror. On
the other side of the harbor there was no blaze even yet, and the
captain stood in his boat, swaying to its quick movement, with anxious
eyes set to looking for the other men. There were people running along
the harbor side, and excited shapes on the decks of the merchantmen;
suddenly, to his relief of mind, he saw the other boat coming out from
behind a Dutch brig.
Lieutenant Hall was in command of her now, and he stood up and saluted
when he came near enough to speak.
"Our lights failed us, sir," he said, looking very grave; "somebody had
tampered with all our candles before we left the ship. An alarm was
given almost at once, and our landing party was attacked. Mr. Dickson
was set upon and injured, but escaped. Mr. Wallingford is left ashore."
"The alarm was given just after we separated," said Dickson, lifting
himself from the bottom of the boat. "I heard loud cries for the guard,
and a man set upon me, so that I am near murdered. They could not have
watched us coming. You see there has been treachery; our fine
lieutenant has stayed ashore from choice."
"That will do, sir!" blazed the captain. "I must hear what you have
done with Wallingford. Let us get back to our ship!" And the two boats
sped away with what swiftness they could across the great stretch of
rough water. Some of the men were regretful, but some wore a hard and
surly look as they bent to their heavy oars.
"Yet have they still such eyes to wait on them
As are too piercing; that they can behold
And penetrate the Inwards of the Heart."
The men left on board the Ranger, with Lieutenant Simpson in command,
who had been watching all these long hours, now saw clouds of smoke
rising from among the shipping, but none from the other side of the
town, where they knew the captain had ordered many fires to be set among
the warehouses. The two boats were at last seen returning in company,
and the Ranger, which had drifted seaward, made shift with the morning
breeze to wear a little nearer and pick them up. There was a great smoke
in the harbor, but the town itself stood safe.
The captain looked back eagerly from the height of the deck after he
came aboard; then his face fell. "I have been balked of my purpose!" he
cried. "Curse such treachery among ye! Thank God, I ’ve frightened
them, and shown what a Yankee captain may dare to do! If I had been an
hour earlier, and no sneaking cur had tampered with our lights"
He was pale with excitement, and stood there at first triumphant, and
next instant cursing his hard luck. The smoke among the shipping was
already less; the Ranger was running seaward, as if the mountains had
waked all their sleepy winds and sent them out to hurry her.
There was a crowd on deck about the men who had returned, and the
sailors on the yards were calling down to their fellows to ask
questions. The captain had so far taken no notice of any one, or even
of this great confusion.
"Who’s your gentleman now?" Dickson’s voice suddenly rang triumphant,
like a cracked trumpet, above the sounds of bragging narrative that were
punctuated by oaths to both heaven and the underworld. "Who ’s a traitor
and a damned white-livered dog of a Tory now? Who dropped our spare
candles overboard, and dirtied his pretty fingers to spoil the rest? Who
gave alarm quick ’s he got his boat ashore, and might have had us all
strung up on their English gallows before sunset?"

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