2016년 3월 28일 월요일

The Tory Lover 55

The Tory Lover 55

Mary Hamilton stood by the window, to watch if the captain might be
coming. It was already so dark that she could hardly see what might
happen out of doors. She envied her companion the ease with which he
had gone out to take a look at the men in the great kitchen; but Paul
Jones would be sure to look for her when he came; there was nothing to
do but to wait for him, if one could only find proper patience. The
bleak inn parlor, scene of smugglers’ feasts and runaway weddings, was
brightened by the good fire. The alderman was soon comforted in both
mind and body, and Mary, concealing her impatience as best she could,
shared his preliminary evening meal, as she had done many a night, in
many an inn, before. She had a persistent fear that Paul Jones or his
messenger might come and go away again, and she grew very anxious as she
sat thinking about him; but as she looked up and began to speak, she saw
that the tired old man could not answer; he was sound asleep in his
chair. The good ale had warmed and soothed him so that she had not the
heart to wake him. She resigned herself to silence, but listened for
footsteps, and to the ceaseless clink of glasses and loud clatter of
voices in the room beyond. The outer door had a loud and painful creak,
and for a long time she heard nobody open it, until some one came to
give a loud shout for passengers who were intending to take the packet.
Then there was a new racket of departure, and the sound of the landlady
angrily pursuing some delinquent guest into the yard to claim her pay;
but still Mr. Davis slept soundly. The poor woman would be getting her
kitchen to rights now; presently it would be no harm to wake her
companion, and see if their business might not be furthered. It was not
late; they really had not been there much above an hour yet, only the
time was very slow in passing; and as Mary watched Mr. John Davis asleep
in his chair, his kind old face had a tired look that went to her
affectionate heart. At last she heard a new footstep coming down the
narrow stairway into the passage. She could not tell why, but there was
a sudden thrill at her heart. There was a tumult in her breast, a sense
of some great happiness that was very near to her; it was like some
magnet that worked upon her very heart itself, and set her whole frame
to quivering.
"In sum, such a man as any enemy could not wish him worse than to be
"I found him in a lonely place:
Long nights he ruled my soul in sleep:
Long days I thought upon his face."
After the packet went there were three men left in the kitchen, who sat
by themselves at a small table. The low-storied, shadowy room was ill
lighted by a sullen, slow-burning fire, much obscured by pots and
kettles, and some tallow candles scattered on out-of-the-way shelves.
The mistress of the place scolded over her heap of clattering crockery
and heavy pewter in a far corner. The men at the table had finished
their supper, and having called for more drink, were now arguing over
it. Two of them wore coats that were well spattered with mud; the third
was a man better dressed, who seemed above his company, but wore a
plausible, persistent look on his sallow countenance. This was Dickson,
who had been set ashore in a fishing boat, and was now industriously
plying his new acquaintances with brandy, beside drinking with eagerness
himself at every round of the bottle. He forced his hospitality upon the
better looking of his two companions, who could not be made to charge
his glass to any depth, or to empty it so quickly as his mate. Now and
then they put their heads together to hear a tale which Dickson was
telling, and once burst into a roar of incredulous laughter which made
the landlady command them to keep silence.
She was busy now with trying to bring out of the confusion an orderly
supper for her patient guests of the parlor, and sent disapproving
glances toward the three men near the fire, as if she were ready to
speed their going. They had drunk hard, but the sallow-faced man called
for another bottle, and joked with the poor slatternly girl who went and
came serving their table. They were so busy with their own affairs that
they did not notice a man who slipped into the kitchen behind them, as
the Welshmen went out. As the three drank a toast together he crossed
to the fireside, and seated himself in the corner of the great settle,
where the high back easily concealed his slight figure from their sight.
Both the women saw him there, but he made them a warning gesture. He
was not a yard away from Dickson.
The talk was freer than ever; the giver of the feast, in an unwonted
outburst of generosity, flung a shilling on the flagged floor, and bade
the poor maid scramble for it and keep it for herself. Then Dickson let
his tongue run away with all his discretion. He began to brag to these
business acquaintances of the clever ways in which he had gained his own
ends on board the Ranger, and outwitted those who had too much
confidence in themselves. He even bragged that Captain John Paul Jones
was in his power, after a bold fashion that made his admiring audience
open their heavy eyes.
"We ’re safe enough here from that mistaken ferret," he insisted, after
briefly describing the ease with which he had carried out their evening
plans. "You might have been cooling your heels here waiting for me the
whole week long, and I waiting for my money, too, but for such a turn of
luck! If I did n’t want to get to France, and get my discharge, and go
back to America as quick as possible without suspicion, I’d tell you
just where he landed, and put him into your hands like a cat in a bag,
to be easy drowned!"
"He ’s in Bristol to-night, if you must know," Dickson went on, after
again refreshing himself with the brandy; "we set him ashore to ride
there over Clifton Downs. Yes, I might have missed ye. He ’s a bold
devil, but to-night the three of us here could bag him easy. I ’ve put
many a spoke in his wheel. There was a young fellow aboard us, too,
that had done me a wrong at home that I never forgave; and that night at
Whitehaven I ’ve already told ye of, when I fixed the candles, after I
got these papers that you ’ve come for, I dropped some pieces of ’em,
and things that was with ’em, in my pretty gentleman’s locker. So good
friends were parted after that, and the whole Whitehaven matter laid to
his door. I could tell ye the whole story. His name’s Wallingford,
curse him, and they say he ’s got a taste o’ your Mill Prison by this
time that’s paid off all our old scores. I hope he ’s dead and damned!"
"Who ’s your man Wallingford? I ’ve heard the name myself. There ’s a
reward out for him; or did I hear he was pardoned?" asked one of the
"’T was a scurvy sort o’ way to make him pay his debts. I’d rather
ended it man fashion, if I had such a grudge," said the other listener,
the man who had been drinking least.
Dickson’s wits were now overcome by the brandy, hard-headed as he might
boast himself. "If you knew all I had suffered at his hands!" he
protested. "He robbed me of a good living at home, and made me fail in
my plans. I was like to be a laughingstock!"
The two men shrugged their shoulders when he next pushed the bottle
toward them, and said that they had had enough. "Come, now," said one
of them, "let’s finish our business! You have this document o’ one
Yankee privateersman called Paul Jones that our principal ’s bound for
to get. You ’ve set your own thieves’ price on it, and we ’re sent here
to pay it. I ’m to see it first, to be sure there’s no cheat, and then
make a finish."
"The paper ’s worth more than’t was a month ago," said Dickson shrewdly.
His face was paler than ever, and in strange contrast to the red faces
of his companions. "The time is come pretty near for carrying out the
North Sea scheme. He may have varied from this paper when he found the
writing gone, but I know for a fact he has the cruise still in mind, and
’t would be a hard blow to England."
"’T is all rot you should ask for more money," answered the first
speaker doggedly. "We have no more money with us; ’t is enough, too;
the weight of it has gallded me with every jolt of the horse. Say, will
you take it or leave it? Let me but have a look at the paper! I ’ve a
sample of their cipher here to gauge it by. Come, work smart, I tell
ye! You ’ll be too drunk to deal with soon, and we must quick begone."
Dickson, swearing roundly at them, got some papers out of his pocket,
and held one of them in his hand.
"Give me the money first!" he growled.
"Give us the paper," said the other; "’t is our honest right."
There was a heavy tramping in the room above, as if some one had risen
from sleep, and there was a grumble of voices; a door was opened and
shut, and steady footsteps came down the creaking stair and through the
dark entry; a moment more, and the tall figure of a young man stood
within the room.
"Well, then, and is my supper ready?" asked Wallingford, looking about
him cheerfully, but a little dazed by the light.
There was a smothered outcry; the table was overset, and one of the
three men sprang to his feet as if to make his escape.
"Stand where you are till I have done with you!" cried the lieutenant
instantly, facing him. "You have a reckoning to pay! By Heaven, I
shall kill you if you move!" and he set his back against the door by
which he had just entered. "Tell me first, for Heaven’s sake, you
murderer, is the Ranger within our reach?"
"She is lying in the port of Brest," answered the trapped adventurer,
with much effort. He was looking about him to see if there were any way
to get out of the kitchen, and his face was like a handful of dirty
wool. Outside the nearest window there were two honest faces from the
Roscoff boat’s crew pressed close against the glass, and looking in
delightedly at the play. Dickson saw them, and his heart sank; he had
been sure they were waiting for Paul Jones, half a dozen miles down
"Who are these men with you, and what is your errand here?" demanded
Wallingford, who saw no one but the two strangers and his enemy.
"None of your damned business!" yelled Dickson, like a man suddenly
crazed; his eyes were starting from his head. The landlady came
scolding across the kitchen to bid him pay and begone, with his company,
and Dickson turned again to Wallingford with a sneer.
"You ’ll excuse us, then, at this lady’s request," he said, grinning.
The brandy had come to his aid again, now the first shock of their
meeting was past, and made him overbold. "I ’ll bid you good-night, my
hero, ’less you ’ll come with us. There’s five pounds bounty on his
head, sirs!" he told the messengers, who stood by the table.
They looked at each other and at Dickson; it was a pretty encounter, but
they were not themselves; they were both small-sized men, moreover, and
Wallingford was a strapping great fellow to tackle in a fight. There he
stood, with his hack against the door, an easy mark for a bullet, and
Dickson’s hand went in desperation a second time to his empty pocket.
The woman, seeing this, cried that there should be no shooting, and
stepping forward stood close before Wallingford; she had parted men in a
quarrel many a time before, and the newcomer was a fine upstanding young
gentleman, of a different sort from the rest.
"You have no proof against me, anyway!" railed Dickson. He could not
bear Wallingford’s eyes upon him. His Dutch courage began to ebb, and
the other men took no part with him; it was nothing they saw fit to
meddle with, so far as the game had gone. He still held the paper in
his hand.
"You have n’t a chance against us!" he now bellowed, in despair. "We
are three to your one here. Take him, my boys, and tie him down! He’s
worth five pounds to you, and you may have it all between ye!"
At this moment there was a little stir behind the settle, and some one
else stepped out before them, as if he were amused by such bungling
"I have got proof enough myself now," said Captain Paul Jones quietly,
standing there like the master of them all, "and if hanging ’s enough
proof for you, Dickson, I must say you ’ve a fair chance of it. When
you ’ve got such business on hand as this, let brandy alone till you ’ve
got it done. The lieutenant was pardoned weeks ago; the papers wait for him in Bristol. He is safer than we are in England."

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