2014년 11월 30일 일요일

Louis Pasteur 6

Louis Pasteur 6

Following up the idea that a connection between the disease and the
corpuscles might possibly exist, as other observers had previously
imagined, Pasteur declared, in a Note presented to the Agricultural
Committee of Alais on June 26, 1865, twenty days after his arrival,
that it was a mistake to seek for the corpuscle in the eggs or in the
worms. Both the one and the other could carry in them the germ of the
disease, without exhibiting distinct corpuscles, visible under the
microscope. The evil developed itself especially in the chrysalides and
in the moths, and it was in them that search should be made. Finally,
Pasteur came to the conclusion that the only infallible method of
procuring healthy eggs must be by having recourse to moths free from

Pasteur hastened to apply this new method of obtaining pure eggs.
Notwithstanding that the malady was universally prevalent, he
succeeded, after several days of assiduous microscopic observations,
in finding some moths free from corpuscles. He carefully preserved
their eggs, as well as other eggs which had proceeded from very
corpusculous couples, intending to wait for what these eggs would
produce the following year; the first would be probably free from
corpuscles, while the latter would contain them. He would thus have
in future, though on a small scale, samples of originally healthy and
of originally unhealthy cultivations, by the comparison of which with
the cultivations of the trade--all more or less smitten with the
evil--totally new views might be expected to emerge. Who can tell,
thought Pasteur, whether the prosperity of the silk cultivation may not
depend on the practical application of this production of pure eggs by
means of moths free from corpuscles?

                   *       *       *       *       *

Scarcely had Pasteur made known, first to the Committee of Alais,
and then to the Academy of Sciences, the results of his earliest
observations and the inductions to which they pointed, when critics
without number arose on all sides. It was objected that the labours
of several Italian _savants_ had established beyond all doubt that
the corpuscles were a normal element of certain worms, and especially
of all the moths when old; that other authors had affirmed it to be
sufficient to starve certain worms to make these famous corpuscles
appear in all their tissues; and that Dr. Gaetano Cantoni had already
tried some cultivations with eggs coming from moths without corpuscles,
and that he had totally failed.

'Your efforts will be vain,' wrote the celebrated Italian entomologist
Cornalia; 'your selected eggs will produce healthy worms, but these
worms will become sickly through the influence of the epidemic demon
which reigns everywhere.'

Anyone but Pasteur would have been staggered, but he was not the man
to allow himself to be discouraged by _a priori_ opinions, and by
assertions which were more or less guesswork. He was resolved not to
abandon his preconceived idea until experiment had pronounced upon it
with precision. All scientific research, in order to be undertaken
and followed up with success, should have, as point of departure,
a preconceived idea, an hypothesis which we must seek to verify by
experiment. To judge of the value of the facts which Pasteur had just
announced, it was necessary to know if there existed the relation of
cause and effect between the corpuscles and the disease. This was the
great point to be elucidated.

                   *       *       *       *       *

But if, without preliminary groping, he had discovered the way to
be pursued, Pasteur subsequently brought to bear his rare prudence
as an experimentalist. For five years he returned annually for some
months to Alais. The little house nestling among the trees called
Pont-Guisquet became at the same time his habitation and his silkworm
nursery. It is hemmed in by mountains, up the sides of which terraces
rise, one above the other, planted with mulberry trees. The solitude
was profound. Madame Pasteur and her daughter constituted themselves
silkworm-rearers--performing their part in earnest, not only gathering
the leaves of the mulberry trees, but also taking part in all the
experiments. The assistants of the Ecole Normale, Duclaux, Maillot,
Gernez, and Raulin, grouped themselves around their master. Thus, in
an out-of-the-way corner of the Cevennes was formed a colony seeking
with ardour the solution of an obscure problem, and the means of curing
or preventing a disease which had for so long a time blighted one of
the great sources of the national wealth.

One of the first cares of Pasteur was to settle the question as to the
contagion of the disease. Many hypotheses had been formed regarding
this contagion, but few experiments had been made, and none of them
were decisive. Opinions were also very much divided. Some considered
that contagion was certain; the majority, however, either doubted or
denied its existence; some considered it as accidental. It was said,
for example, that the evil was not contagious by itself, but that it
became so through the presence and complication of other diseases which
were themselves contagious. This hypothesis was convenient, and it
enabled contradictory facts to be explained. If some persons had seen
healthy worms, which had been mixed up either by mistake or intention
with sickly ones, perish, and if they insisted on contagion, others
forthwith replied by diametrically opposite observations.

But whatever the divergences of opinion might be, everyone at all
events believed in the existence of a poisonous medium rendered
epidemic by some occult influence. Pasteur soon succeeded, by accurate
experiments, in proving absolutely that the evil was contagious.

One of the first experiments was as follows. After their first
moulting, he took some very sound worms free from corpuscles, and fed
them with corpusculous matter, which he prepared in the following
simple manner. He pounded up a silkworm in a little water, and passed
a paint-brush dipped in this liquid over the whole surface of the
leaves. During several days there was not the least appearance of
disease in the worms fed on those leaves; they reached their second
moulting at the same time as the standard worms which had not been
infected. The second moulting was accomplished without any drawback.
This was a proof that all the worms, those infected as well as the
standard lot, had taken the same amount of nourishment. The parasite
was apparently not present. Matters remained in this state for some
days longer. Even the third moulting was got through without any marked
difference between the two groups of worms. But soon important changes
set in. The corpuscles, which had hitherto only showed themselves in
the integuments of the intestines, began to appear in the other organs.
From the second day following the third moulting--that is to say,
the twelfth after the infection--a visible inequality distinguished
the infected from the non-infected worms. Those of the standard lot
were clearly in much the best health. On examining the infected worms
through a magnifying glass, a multitude of little spots were discovered
on their heads, and on the rings of their bodies, which had not before
shown themselves. These spots appeared on the exterior skin when the
interior skin of the intestinal canal contained a considerable number
of corpuscles. It was these corpuscles that impeded the digestive
functions, and interfered with the assimilation of the food. Hence
arose the inequality of size of the worms. After the fourth moulting,
the same type of disease was noticed as that which was breaking out
everywhere in the silkworm nurseries, especially the symptom of spots
on the skin, which had led to the disease being called _pebrine_.
The peasants said that the worms were peppered. The majority of the
worms were full of corpuscles. Those which spun their cocoons produced
chrysalides which were nothing but corpusculous pulp, if such a term be

It was thus proved that the corpuscles, introduced into the intestinal
canal at the same time as the food of the worms, convey the infection
into the intestinal canal, and progressively into all the tissues. The
malady had in certain cases a long period of incubation, since it was
only on the twelfth day that it became perceptible. Finally, the spots
of _pebrine_ on the skin, far from being the disease itself, were but
the effect of the corpuscles developed in the interior; they were but a
sign, already removed from the true seat of the evil. 'If these spots
of _pebrine_,' thought Pasteur, 'were considered in conjunction with
certain human maladies in which spots and irruptions appear on the
body, what interesting inductions might present themselves to minds
prepared to receive them!'

Pasteur was never tired of repeating this curious experiment, or of
varying its conditions. Sometimes he introduced the corpusculous
food into healthy worms at their birth, sometimes at the second or
third moulting. Occasionally, when the worms were about to spin their
cocoons, the corpusculous food was given them. All the disasters that
were known to have happened in the silkworm nurseries, their extent and
their varied forms, were faithfully reproduced. Pasteur created at will
any required manifestation of _pebrine_. When he infected quite healthy
worms, after their fourth moulting, with fresh corpusculous matter,
these worms, even after several meals of corpusculous leaves alternated
with meals of wholesome leaves, made their cocoons. It might have been
supposed that in this case the contagion had not taken effect. This was
but a deceptive appearance. The communication of the disease exhibited
itself in a marked degree in the chrysalides and in the moths. Many of
the chrysalides died before they turned into moths, and their bodies
might be said to be entirely composed of corpuscles. Such moths as
were formed, and which emerged from their cocoons, had a most miserable
appearance. The disease sometimes went so far as to render breeding and
the laying of eggs impossible.

Faithful to the rules prescribed by the experimental method, Pasteur
was careful to reproduce these same experiments with the worms of the
standard lot, from which all infected worms had been selected. He fed
these healthy worms on leaves over which a clear infusion made from the
remains of moths or worms exempt from corpuscles had been spread with a
paint-brush, instead of leaves contaminated with corpusculous remains.
This food kept the worms in their usual health. Could there be a better
proof that the corpuscles alone were the real cause of the _pebrine_

These experiments, I repeat, threw a strong light on the nature of the
disease, and exactly accounted for what took place in the industrial
cultivations. From the malady which attacked the worms at their birth,
decimating a whole cultivation, down to the invisible disease that may
be said to inclose itself in the cocoon, all was now explained. One
of the effects of the plague which had most excited the surprise and
thwarted the efforts of cultivators was the impossibility of finding
productive eggs, even when they tried to obtain them from the cocoons
of groups which had succeeded perfectly well as far as the production
of cocoons was concerned. It was proved that almost invariably the
following year the eggs of these fine-looking groups were unproductive.
Numbers of the agricultural boards, and practitioners, not being able
to believe in the existence of the disease in collections that were
so satisfactory as regards the abundance and beauty of the cocoons,
persisted in thinking that the failures had an origin not connected
with the seed itself. This resulted in deception after deception,
often even in mistakes that were much to be regretted. Frequently the
best husbandmen were known to reserve for the production of eggs some
very fine cultivations, not having observed in the worms either spots
of _pebrine_ or corpuscles even up to the time when the mounting of
the brambles had been accomplished; and the year following they had
the pain of seeing all the cultivations from these eggs perish. These
circumstances, so well calculated to produce discouragement and to give
the disease a mysterious character, met with their natural explanation
in the facts proved by experimental infection.

Still, as it never occurs to the cultivator to infect the worms
directly by giving them food charged with corpusculous debris, it might
be asked how, in the industrial establishments, such results can be
produced. Pasteur lost no time in solving this difficulty.

In a cultivation containing corpusculous worms these worms perpetually
furnish contagious matter, which falls upon the leaf and fouls it.
This is the excreta of the worms, which the microscope shows to be more
or less filled with corpuscles drawn from the lining of the intestinal
canal. It is there that they swarm. It is easy to understand that these
excreta, falling on the leaves, contaminate them all the more easily
because the worms, by the weight of their bodies in crawling, press the
excreta against the leaves. This is one cause of natural contagion. By
the excreta of corpusculous worms which he crushed, mixed with water,
and spread with a paint-brush over the mulberry leaves intended for a
single meal, Pasteur was able to communicate the contagion to as many
worms as he liked.

He also indicated another natural and direct cause of contagion. The
six fore-feet of the worm have sharp hooks at their ends, by means of
which the worms prick each other's skins. Let any one imagine a healthy
worm passing over the body of the corpusculous worm. The hooks of the
first worm, by penetrating the skin of the second, are liable to be
soiled by the corpuscles immediately below that skin; and these hooks
are capable of carrying the seeds of disease to other healthy worms,
which may be pricked in their turn. To demonstrate experimentally, as
Pasteur did, the existence of this cause of contagion, it was only
necessary to take some worms and allow them to wound each other.
Lastly, infection at a distance, through the medium of the air and the
dust it carries, is a fact equally well established. It is sufficient,
by sweeping the breeding-houses, or by shaking the hurdles, to stir
up the dust of corpusculous excretions and the dried remains of dead
worms, and to allow them to be spread over the hurdles of the healthy
worms, to cause, after a certain time, contagion to appear among these
worms. When very healthy worms were placed in a breeding nursery at a
considerable distance from unhealthy worms, they, in their turn, became

After so many decisive experiments it was no longer possible not to see
in _pebrine_ an essentially contagious disease. Nevertheless, among
facts invoked in favour of non-contagion, there was one which it was
difficult to explain. There existed several examples of successful
cultivations conducted in nurseries which had totally failed from the
effects of _pebrine_ the year before. The explanation is, as shown by
Pasteur, that the dust can only act as a contagion when it is fresh.
Corpusculous matter, when thoroughly dried, loses its virulence. A few
weeks suffice to render such matter inoffensive: hence the dust of
one year is not injurious to the cultivations of the next year. The
corpuscles contained in the eggs intended for future cultivation alone
cause the transmission of the disease to future generations.

And what can be more easily understood than the presence of
corpusculous parasites in the egg? The egg comes into existence during
that marvellous phase of the life of a silkworm when, after having spun
its cocoon, it sleeps within it as a chrysalis, resolving itself, so to
speak, into those kinds of albumen and yelk from which the fully-formed
moth will emerge, as a chick emerges from its egg. Let anyone imagine
this origin of an approaching life, no longer in its normal purity,
but associated with a parasite which will find in the materials
surrounding it, so adapted to life and transformation, the elements of
its own nourishment and multiplication. This parasite will be present
when the eggs of the female moth, tender and soft as albumen, begin
to define their outlines. Woe betide those eggs if they then enclose
any particles of corpuscle, or of its original matrix. In vain will
the envelope of those eggs become by degrees hard and horny; the enemy
is within, and later on he will be discovered in the embryo of the

Thus this terrible plague is at the same time contagious and
hereditary, helping us to understand the evolution of this double
character in certain maladies both of men and animals.


The first time Pasteur went to Alais the silkworm epidemic was
universally attributed to a single cause--_pebrine_. _Pebrine_ was
called _the disease_. This word expressed everything. It indicated the
existence of a mysterious scourge, the origin and nature of which could
not be traced, but which was ready to fall upon all the establishments
devoted to the nurture of the worms. Whatever might happen, or whatever
might be the cause of ruin in a silkworm nursery, _the disease_ was
held responsible. One of the most striking proofs that the evil was
attributed to _pebrine_ alone is found in the fact that a prize of
5,000 florins was offered by the Austrian Government in 1868, as a
reward for the discovery of the best remedy for the prevention and cure
of _pebrine_--'the epidemic disease which devastates the silkworm.'

A rapid glance at the principles which have just been established
suffices to show that _pebrine_ might now be regarded as vanquished.
Pasteur had demonstrated that moths free from corpuscles never produced
a single corpusculous egg; he had proved, moreover, that eggs brought
up in a state of isolation, at a distance from contaminated eggs,
produce no worms, chrysalides, or moths which are corpusculous. It was
easy, therefore, to multiply cultivations free from _pebrine_. The
production of silk and the production of eggs was thus secured. To make
sure that the eggs were pure it was only necessary to have recourse to
the microscopic examination of the moths which had produced them. These
observations might be made by women, by young girls, even by children.
It was sufficient to crush up a moth in a little water, and to put
a drop of this mixture under the microscope, to see the corpuscles
clearly, if they existed. It seemed, then, that the plague was got rid
of. But Pasteur was not slow in recognising that the general belief in
a single malady could not be justified. If the experiments of 1866 had
demonstrated to him the full extent of the corpusculous malady, and had
established the principles of a treatment proper for its prevention,
the method he had adopted had also shown him that _pebrine_ was far
from being the only cause from which the silk culture suffered.

It was in 1867 that this result was obtained. From an experimental
point of view, that year counted double for Pasteur. Influenced by a
profound sympathy for the misery which he had witnessed during two
successive years, and, at the same time, impatient to find the cause
of the scourge, Pasteur, in the months of February, March, and April,
in advance of the great industrial cultivations, commenced a series of
experiments on worms hatched by artificial heat, and fed with mulberry
leaves from a hothouse.

During these forced experiments Pasteur observed that out of sixteen
broods derived from non-corpusculous parents, fifteen succeeded, while
the sixteenth perished almost entirely between the fourth moulting
and the climbing on to the brambles. After having exhibited a most
healthful appearance, the worms died suddenly. In a cultivation of
100 worms, ten, fifteen, twenty dead ones were picked up daily: these
turned black, and became putrid with extraordinary rapidity, often
within the space of twenty-four hours. Sometimes they were soft and
flabby, like an empty, crumpled intestine. Consulting the authors who
had written upon silkworms, Pasteur could not doubt that he had before
his eyes a characteristic specimen of the disease called _morts-flats_,
or _flacherie_. Not only were these worms free from all _pebrine_
spots, but no corpuscles were to be found in any part of their bodies.
A still more significant fact was, that corpuscles were also absent
from the chrysalides and the moths of those few worms which were able
to spin their cocoons. Although this sample was confined to a single
group of eggs derived from parents free from corpuscles, Pasteur
continued to entertain doubts as to the existence of only a single
disease, and also as to the necessary connection of _pebrine_ with

These suspicions were confirmed by his cultivations of April and
May. Numerous cases of _flacherie_ presented themselves. Uncertainty
was no longer possible as to the mutual independence of the two
maladies--_pebrine_ and _flacherie_. The cultivations most seriously
invaded by the last-mentioned disease came from eggs produced by
parents free from corpuscles, and led on to reproducers also free from
this parasite. On visiting a multitude of industrial cultivations,
Pasteur discerned that what had passed in his own laboratory was of
very general occurrence, and that, contrary to the received opinion,
two distinct maladies divided between them the cause of all the
misfortunes. _Pebrine_ was evidently the most widely spread, but
_flacherie_ had also its share, and a very large share, in the calamity.

Here, once more, the microscope came to Pasteur's assistance. If, at
the period of the rearing of the silkworms, when the mean temperature
is always rather high, some mulberry leaves are crushed in a mortar
and mixed with a little water, the liquid being left to itself, in
twenty-four hours it will be found filled with microscopic organisms;
some motionless, resembling little rods or spores joined end to end,
like strings of beads, others more or less active, flexible, endowed
with a sinuous movement like that of the vibrios found in nearly all
organic infusions in process of decomposition. Whence come these
microscopic organisms? The facts relating to spontaneous generation
indicate that the germs of these organisms were on the surface of the
pounded leaf, spread in the form of dust over the instruments used to
triturate the leaf, possibly on the mortar, the pestle, or in the water
added to the pounded leaves.

It is a curious fact, that if the intestinal canal of a worm in full
process of digestion be opened, the pounded leaf which fills it from
one end to the other will not show microscopic organisms of any kind,
but only cells of parenchyma, green granules of the chlorophyl of the
leaf, and remains of the air-vessels of the plant. Through the action
of the liquids secreted by the glands which line the integuments of the
intestinal canal, the germs of organisms are themselves digested or
hindered in their development. The digestive functions of silkworms are
so active that everything is carried away, destroyed in the same manner
as the leaves themselves.

But if from any cause the digestion of the worms be impeded or
suspended, then the germs introduced with the food into the intestinal
canal will give rise to the multiplication of microscopic organisms
which are always found in the artificially bruised leaf when mixed
with a little water. How numerous are the causes which may check this
digestive function of the worm--a function of such importance to a
creature which in the space of one month passes from the weight of
half a milligramme to that of five, six, seven, or even eight grammes!
Pasteur proved that whenever a worm was attacked with _flacherie_,
it always had, associated with the food in its intestinal canal, one
or other of the microscopic organisms which are invariably to be met
with among crushed mulberry leaves. Summing up in a kind of aphorism
a series of observations, Pasteur observes: 'Every _ver flat_ is one
which digests badly, and, conversely, every worm which digests badly
is doomed to perish of _flacherie_, or to furnish a chrysalis and
a moth the life of which, through the injury produced by organised
ferments, is not normally perfected.'

Thus, as in the case of _pebrine_, the morbid symptoms of _flacherie_
are very variable. All depends on the intensity of the evil--that is
to say, on the abundance and the nature of the parasites developed in
the intestinal canal, and also on the period in the life of the worm
when this fermentation begins to show itself. The most dangerous of
all these ferments are those of the family of vibrios. If they exist
in the first phases of the life of the worm, it dies quickly and very
soon becomes putrid, sometimes resolving itself into an infected pus.
The disease often manifests itself in a manner particularly distressing
and disastrous to the cultivator. The worms have presented the most
beautiful appearance up to the time of climbing the heather. The
mortality has scarcely been two or three per cent., which is nothing;
the moultings have been effected in a perfect manner, when suddenly,
some days after the fourth moulting, the worms become languid, crawling
with difficulty, and hesitating to take the leaves which are thrown
upon their hurdles. If some few have mounted on to the heather, they
stretch themselves on the twigs, their bodies swollen with food which
they cannot digest. Sometimes they remain there motionless till they
die, or, falling, remain suspended only by their false feet. The few
moths which have succeeded in piercing their cocoons do not show any
corpuscles. They can produce eggs, but these eggs, coming from parents
weakened by disease, give rise the following year to a generation
threatened with _flacherie_. It is in this sense that the disease may
be regarded as hereditary, although the parasites of the intestinal
canal to which _flacherie_ is due do not transmit themselves to the
eggs or to the worms which issue from them. The worms inherit weakly
constitutions, and, being without power of resistance against anything
that can derange their digestive functions, they are at the mercy of
the accidents of their culture.

Too large an assemblage of worms in one nursery; too high a temperature
at the time of moulting; a thunderous atmosphere, which predisposes
organic matter to fermentation; the use of heated or wet leaves,
especially if the wetting be caused by a fog or by the morning or
evening dew, which deposits on the leaf the germs suspended in a great
mass of air;--these are so many causes calculated to diminish the
activity of the digestive functions of the worms, and to produce in
consequence a fermentation of the leaf in the intestinal canal--the
malady now under consideration. Often also _flacherie_ depends upon
mistakes committed by the husbandman while tending his precious 'kine,'
to use an expression of the sixteenth century.

A Chinese book published on the rearing of silkworms contains a series
of little practical counsels. 'The person who takes care of the
silkworms,' says this guide to the perfect cultivator, 'ought to wear
a simple garment, not lined. He must regulate the temperature of the
spinning-house according to the sensation of heat or cold which he
experiences; if he feels cold, he may conclude that the worms are cold,
and he will increase the fire; if he feels hot, he will conclude that
the worms are hot, and he will suitably diminish the fire.'

One point which had been ignored before the experiments of Pasteur was
the contagious character of _flacherie_. This contagion may surpass
that of _pebrine_ itself as regards duration. In _pebrine_ the dried
corpusculous matter loses all virulence after the lapse of some weeks.
The disease cannot, therefore, communicate itself from one year to
another by the corpusculous dust of a rearing establishment. The
germs, on the contrary, of the microscopic organisms which provoke
fermentation in the mulberry leaves, especially the vibrios, retain
their vitality for several years. The dust of a silkworm nursery
infected by _flacherie_ appears under a microscope quite full of cysts
or spores of vibrios. These spores or cysts rest, like the sleeping
beauty in the forest, until a drop of water falls upon them and
awakens them into life. Deposited on the leaves which are to serve as
nourishment, these germs of vibrios are carried into the intestinal
canal of the worm, develop and multiply themselves, and completely
disturb the digestive functions, unless the digestion is so strong
that the germs are immediately arrested, and disposed of like the food
itself. This is what happens when the worms are in full vigour. It is a
struggle for life, in which the worms often gain the victory.

Giving to some very healthy worms a meal of leaves covered with the
dry dust of a silkworm nursery, infected the year before by _pebrine_
and _flacherie_, Pasteur reproduced _flacherie_, and not _pebrine_.
Still more readily did he produce the first of these maladies, when he
gave, as food, leaves polluted by the contents of the intestinal canal
of worms which had died of the disease. As in the case of _pebrine_,
the excreta of the worms attacked by _flacherie_, defiling the leaves,
carry the mischief to the healthy worms, or add to the dangerous
fermentation in the intestines of those which are already in part

To preserve silkworms from accidental _flacherie_, hygienic precautions
are sufficient. As regards hereditary _flacherie_, or, to speak more
correctly, that which develops itself easily on any diminution of
vigour in the eggs and in the embryo, Pasteur again found a remedy
by having recourse to the microscope. By means of the microscope it
is possible to obtain information as to the health of the worms,
the chrysalides, and the moths destined to produce the eggs. Every
attention should be directed to the complete exclusion of ferments from
the intestinal canal of the worms, and from the stomach-pouch of the
chrysalides--a little pouch to which the intestinal canal of the worm
is reduced, with its contents more or less transformed. But if there
is not time to make this examination for parasitic ferments with the
microscope, a simple inspection of the worms in their last stage will
suffice. Pasteur laid great stress upon the observation of the worms
when they climbed on to the heather.

'If I were a cultivator of silkworms,' he wrote in his beautiful work
on the diseases of silkworms, 'I would never hatch an egg produced from
worms that I had not observed many times during the last days of their
life, so as to make sure of their vigour at the moment when they spin
their silk. If you use eggs produced by moths the worms of which have
mounted the heather with agility, have shown no signs of _flacherie_
between the fourth moulting and mounting time, and do not contain
the least corpuscle of _pebrine_, then you will succeed in all your


We have now arrived at the end of this long investigation. All the
obscurity which enveloped the origin of the diseases of silkworms had
now been dispelled. Pasteur had arrived at such accurate knowledge
both of the causes of the evil and their different manifestations,
that he was able to produce at will either _pebrine_ or _flacherie_.
He could so regulate the intensity of the disease as to cause it to
appear on a given day, almost at a given hour. He had now to carry into
practice the results of his laboratory labours.

Since the beginning of the plague, and after some doubts which were
soon dispelled, it was clearly seen that all the mischief was to be
attributed to the bad condition of the eggs. The remedy of distant
explorations for procuring non-infected eggs was both insufficient and
precarious. It simply amounted to going very far to seek, and paying
very dear, for seed which could not be relied on with certainty. The
prosperity of the silkworm culture could only be secured by measures
capable of restoring to the native eggs their pristine qualities.

The results obtained by Pasteur were sufficient to solve this problem.
The struggle against _flacherie_ was easy, but there remained the
struggle against _pebrine_. To triumph over this disease, which was so
threatening, Pasteur devised a series of observations as simple as they
were ingenious.

Here is a crop which has perfectly succeeded. The moultings, and the
climbing upon the heather, are all that could be desired. The cocoons
are finished, and the appearance of the moths alone is waited for.
They arrive, and they pair. Then begins the work of the cultivator,
who is careful about the production of his eggs. He separates the
couples at the end of the day; laying each female moth by itself on
a little linen cloth suspended horizontally. The females lay their
eggs. After the laying, he takes each female in turn and secures her
by a pin passed through the wings to a folded corner of the little
cloth, where are grouped some hundreds of eggs which she has laid. The
male moth also might be pinned in another corner of the cloth, but
the examination of the male is useless, as it has been found that he
does not communicate the _pebrine_. The female moth, after having been
desiccated by free contact with the air, is examined at leisure, it may
be even in the autumn or winter. Nothing is easier than to ascertain
whether there are any corpuscles in its dead body. The moth is crushed
in a mortar and mixed with a little water, and then a drop of the
mixture is examined by the microscope. If corpuscles be found, the bit
of cloth corresponding to the examined moth is known, and it is burnt
with all the eggs it contains.

This method of procuring pure eggs is, in fact, only the rational
development of the first inductions which Pasteur had submitted to the
Agricultural Committee of Alais in June 1865. At that time he hardly
ventured to hope that he should be able to find the means of preparing
more than very small quantities of healthy eggs for his experiments;
but events were so ordered that the starting-point, which seemed to
be purely scientific, unfolded a method susceptible of a widespread
practical application. This process of procuring sound eggs is now
universally adopted. In the Basses-Alpes, in Ardeche, in Gard, in the
Drome, and in other countries, may be met with everywhere, at the
time of the cultivation, workshops where hundreds of women and young
girls are occupied, with a remarkable division of labour and under the
strictest supervision of skilful overseers, in pounding the moths, in
examining them microscopically, and in sorting and classifying the
little cloths upon which the eggs are deposited.

                   *       *       *       *       *

But if Pasteur had brought back wealth to ruined countries, if he had
returned to Paris happy in the victory he had gained, he had also
undergone such fatigues, and had so overstrained himself in the use of
the microscope while absorbed in his daily and varied experiments, that
in October 1868 he was struck with paralysis of one side. Seeing, as he
thought, death approaching, he dictated to his wife a last note on the
studies which he had so much at heart. This note was communicated to
the Academy of Sciences eight days after this terrible trial.

A soul like his, possessing so great a mastery over the body, ended
by triumphing over the affliction. Paralysed on the left side, Pasteur
never recovered the use of his limbs. To this day, sixteen years after
the attack, he limps like a wounded man. But what stages had this
wounded man yet to travel over, what triumphs were yet in store for

                        _DECISIVE EXPERIMENTS._

After having dictated this scientific note, which he thought would have
been his last, his courage forsook him for a time. 'I regret to die,'
he said to his friend, Sainte-Claire Deville, who had hastened to his
bedside; 'I should have wished to render more service to my country.'
His life was spared, but for several months Pasteur remained entirely
paralysed, incapable of the slightest movement. Smitten thus in his
full strength at the age of forty-five, he took a sad review of his own
state. Even at the height of his attack his mind had always retained
its clearness. He had pointed out to the doctor without any faltering
of voice the progressive symptoms of the paralysis. Then reproaching
himself for having added to the grief of his wife by thus dwelling on
the details of his illness, he never allowed another word to escape
him about his infirm condition. Sometimes, even when he heard his two
assistants, M. Gernez and M. Duclaux, whose devotion to him during
those sad days could only be compared to that of his wife, talking to
him of future labours, he entered into these thoughts and appeared to
add faith to their hopes. He finished by sharing them.

In January 1869, although it was still impossible for him to drag
himself about his room, he was so much excited by the contradictions
that his system of culture had aroused that he wished to start again
for Alais. 'Aided by the method of artificial cultivation,' he
remarked, 'we shall soon annihilate these latest oppositions. There is
here both a scientific principle and an element of national wealth.'

His wish could not be opposed, but a terrible and anxious journey
it was! At some leagues from Alais, at a place called Saint
Hippolyte-du-Fort, where the earliest experiments were made, Pasteur
stopped. He installed himself--we might rather say he encamped--with
his family and his assistants, in a more than humble lodging, one of
those miserable, cold, paved houses of the rural districts. Seated
in his arm-chair, Pasteur directed the experiments, and verified the
observations which he had made the year before. Each of his predictions
as to the destiny of the different groups of worms was fulfilled to
the smallest detail. In the following spring he left for Alais, where
he followed in all their phases, from the egg up to the cocoon, the
cultivations there undertaken, and he had the happiness of proving once
more the certainty of his method.

But opposition still continued. The French Government, shaken by the
violence and tenacity of the opponents, hesitated to decide upon this
process of culture. The Emperor interposed; he instructed Marshal
Vaillant to propose to Pasteur to go into Austria to the Villa
Vicentina, which belonged to the Prince Imperial. For ten years the
silk harvest at this place had not sufficed to pay the cost of eggs.
Pasteur accepted with joy the prospect of a great decisive experiment.
He traversed France and Italy, reclining in a railway carriage or in
an arm-chair, and at last arrived at the Imperial villa near Trieste.
Pasteur succeeded in a marvellous manner. The sale of the cocoons gave
to the villa a net profit of twenty-six million francs. The Emperor,
impressed with the practical value of the system, nominated Pasteur
a Senator, in the month of July 1870. But this nomination, like so
many other things, was swept away before it had time to appear in the
'Journal Officiel.' Pasteur, however, cared little for the title of
Senator. He returned to France on the eve of the declaration of war.

A patriot to the heart's core, he learned with poignant grief the news
of his country's disasters. The bulletins of defeat, which succeeded
each other with mournful monotony, threw him into deep despair. For the
first time in his life he had not the strength to work. He lived at his
little house in Arbois as one completely vanquished. Those who went
into his room found him often bathed in tears. On January 18, 1871,
he wrote, to the Dean of the Academy of Medicine at the University of
Bonn, a letter in which all his grief and all his pride as a Frenchman
were displayed, requesting him to withdraw the diploma of German doctor
which the Faculty of Medicine of the University had conferred upon him
in 1868. Whilst he wrote this letter, which was a cry of patriotism,
his son, enrolled as a volunteer, though hardly eighteen years of age,
was gallantly doing his duty in the Army of the East.

                          _STUDIES ON BEER._

The war was over. Little by little the life of the country was resumed,
and with returning hope the desire and necessity for renewed work.
After two years of infirmity, Pasteur at length began to feel the
recovery of health. It was like a slow and gentle renewal of all
things. He wished to return as soon as possible to his laboratory in
Paris to put into execution projects of experiments which had long been
working in his brain. At the moment when he was preparing to start,
the rebellion of the Commune broke out. M. Duclaux, who had become
Professor of the Faculty of Sciences in Clermont-Ferrand, offered the
use of his laboratory to his old master. Pasteur accepted it. Eager to
commence an investigation which would bring him again to the study of
fermentation, he attacked the diseases of beer. But it was not only
for the purpose of creating a new link between these researches and
his former ones that he occupied himself with this subject, he was
also influenced by a somewhat patriotic idea. He dreamt of success in
an industry in which Germany is superior to France. He hoped by means
of scientific principles, by which commerce would largely profit, to
succeed in making for French beer a reputation equal, if not superior,
to that of Germany.

                   *       *       *       *       *

Beer is much more liable to contract diseases than wine. It may be
said that while old wine is often to be found, there is no such thing
as old beer. It is consumed as fast as it is made. Less acid and less
alcoholic than wine, beer is more laden with gummy and saccharine
matters, which expose it to rapid changes. Thus the trade in this
beverage is constantly struggling with the difficulties of its

The manufacture of beer is simple. It is extracted from germinated
barley, or malt, an infusion of which is made and gradually heated to
the boiling point. It is then flavoured by hops. When the infusion of
malt and hops, which is called 'wort,' is completed, it is subjected
to a cooling process, and drawn off into tuns and barrels. It is
then that alcoholic fermentation sets in. The cooling ought to be
performed rapidly. While the wort is at a high temperature there is
nothing to fear, it remains sound; but under 70° Centigrade, and
particularly between 25° and 35°, it is easily attacked by injurious
ferments--acetic, lactic, or butyric. After the wort is cooled, a
little of the yeast proceeding from a former fermentation is added
to it, in order that the whole mass of the wort should be invaded as
soon as possible after its cooling by the alcoholic ferment alone--the
only one, properly speaking, which can produce beer. If this wort
were treated in the same way as the must of the grape, if it were
abandoned to fermentation without yeast--to so-called spontaneous
fermentation--this would hardly ever be purely alcoholic, as in the
must of grapes, which is protected by its acidity. Most frequently,
instead of beer, an acid or putrid liquid would be obtained. Divers
fermentations would simultaneously take place in it. When the wort has
fermented and the beer is made, there is still the fear of its rapid
deterioration, which necessitates its being quickly consumed. This
condition is sometimes disastrous to those employed in the beer trade;
and the improvements in the manufacture of beer which have been made
during the last forty years have all had for their object the removal
of this necessity for the daily production, so to speak, of an article
of which the consumption is liable to constant variations.

Formerly only one kind of beer was known, the beer of high
fermentation. The wort, after having undergone cooling in the troughs,
is collected in a large open vat at a temperature of 20°, and yeast is
added to it. When the fermentation begins to show itself on the surface
of the liquid, by the formation of a light white froth, the wort is
transferred to a series of small barrels, which are placed in cellars
or store-rooms, kept at a temperature of from 18° to 20° Centigrade.
The activity of the fermentation soon causes a foam to rise, which
becomes more and more thick and viscous. This is owing to the abundance
of yeast which it contains. This yeast, collected in a large trough
placed under the casks, is gathered up for future operations. The
fermentation lasts for three or four days, then the beer is made and
has become clear; the bungs are fixed in the barrels, and they are sent
direct to the retail dealer or to the consumer. During the transit, a
certain quantity of yeast, fallen to the bottom of the casks, thickens
the beer, but a few days of repose suffice to make it again clear and
fit to drink, or to be bottled.

This system of 'high' fermentation (so called because it begins at a
temperature of 18° to 20°, and is raised one or two degrees higher by
the act of fermentation itself) is very commonly practised in the north
of France, and to a greater extent in the breweries of England. Ale,
pale ale, bitter beer, are all beers from high fermentation.

The 'low' fermentation, which is almost exclusively employed in
Germany, and which is spreading more and more in France, consists
in a slow fermentation, at low temperature, during which the yeast
settles at the bottom of the tubs and casks. The wort, after it
has been cooled, is passed into open wooden tuns, and the working
of the yeast takes place at a temperature of about 6° Centigrade.
This temperature is maintained by means of floats, in the form of
cones or cylinders, thrown into the fermenting tuns and kept filled
with ice. The fermentation lasts for ten, fifteen, and even twenty
days. When the beer is drawn off, the yeast is collected from the
bottom of the fermenting tuns. This kind of beer, which is sometimes
called German beer, sometimes Strasburg beer, is generally much more
esteemed than the other, but it requires certain expensive, or at
least inconvenient, conditions. There must be ice-caves, where the
temperature is maintained all the year round at a few degrees only
above zero. This makes it necessary to have enormous piles of ice. It
has been calculated that for one single hectolitre of good beer, from
the beginning of the cooling of the wort until the time when it is fit
for sale, 100 kilogrammes of ice are required. The 'low' beer, called
also _biere de garde_, beer for keeping, is principally manufactured in
winter, and is preserved in ice-caves until the summer.

It is not only the taste of the consumers which has favoured the
manufacture of beer of low fermentation everywhere except in England;
it is also the advantage this beer possesses in being much less liable
to deterioration than the other. By employing ice, the brewer may
manufacture in winter, or in the beginning of spring, and thus place
himself in a position to meet the demands of consumption without fear
of seeing his beer attacked by disease.

                   *       *       *       *       *

All the diseases of beer, as Pasteur has shown, are caused exclusively
by the development of little microscopic fungi, or organised ferments,
the germs of which are brought by the dust constantly floating in
the air, or which gets mixed with the original substances used in
the manufacture. 'By the expression _diseases_ of wort and of beer,
I mean,' said Pasteur, 'those serious alterations which affect the
quality of these liquids so as to render them disagreeable to the
taste, especially when they have been kept for some time, and which
cause the beer to be described as sharp, sourish, turned, ropy,
putrid.' The wort of beer, after it has been raised to the boiling
heat, may, as Pasteur's experiments testify, be preserved indefinitely,
even in the highest atmospheric temperatures, when in contact with
air free from the germs of the lower microscopic organisms. The
must, leavened by the addition of pure yeast, kept free from foreign
organisms, contains nothing but the alcoholic ferment, and undergoes no
other changes than those due to the action of the oxygen, which does
not give rise to acidity, putridity, or bitterness. Since the causes
of deterioration are the same in beer as in wine, would it not appear
as if the action of heat must be the best preservative? But beer is
a drink necessarily charged with carbonic acid, and the application
of heat to considerable masses of the liquid would expel this gas. It
would be a very complicated business to attempt to preserve this gas,
or to introduce it afresh after it had been expelled. This difficulty
does not arise when the beer is bottled. At a temperature of 50° to
55°, the process of heating not only cannot take away from the beer all
its carbonic acid, but it does not prevent the secondary fermentation
from taking place to a certain extent, and this allows of the beer
being heated immediately after it is put into bottles. This heating of
the beer is practised on a large scale in Europe and in America. In
honour of Pasteur the process is called _Pasteurisation_, and the beer_Pasteurised_ beer.

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