2014년 11월 28일 금요일

war and peace 36

war and peace 36

"Well, why not, if you're not afraid?"


"Louisa Ivanovna, may I?" asked Sonya.


Whether they were playing the ring and string game or the ruble game or

talking as now, Nicholas did not leave Sonya's side, and gazed at her

with quite new eyes. It seemed to him that it was only today, thanks to

that burnt-cork mustache, that he had fully learned to know her. And

really, that evening, Sonya was brighter, more animated, and prettier

than Nicholas had ever seen her before.


"So that's what she is like; what a fool I have been!" he thought gazing

at her sparkling eyes, and under the mustache a happy rapturous smile

dimpled her cheeks, a smile he had never seen before.


"I'm not afraid of anything," said Sonya. "May I go at once?" She got



They told her where the barn was and how she should stand and listen,

and they handed her a fur cloak. She threw this over her head and

shoulders and glanced at Nicholas.


"What a darling that girl is!" thought he. "And what have I been

thinking of till now?"


Sonya went out into the passage to go to the barn. Nicholas went hastily

to the front porch, saying he felt too hot. The crowd of people really

had made the house stuffy.


Outside, there was the same cold stillness and the same moon, but even

brighter than before. The light was so strong and the snow sparkled with

so many stars that one did not wish to look up at the sky and the real

stars were unnoticed. The sky was black and dreary, while the earth was



"I am a fool, a fool! what have I been waiting for?" thought Nicholas,

and running out from the porch he went round the corner of the house and

along the path that led to the back porch. He knew Sonya would pass that

way. Halfway lay some snow-covered piles of firewood and across and

along them a network of shadows from the bare old lime trees fell on the

snow and on the path. This path led to the barn. The log walls of the

barn and its snow-covered roof, that looked as if hewn out of some

precious stone, sparkled in the moonlight. A tree in the garden snapped

with the frost, and then all was again perfectly silent. His bosom

seemed to inhale not air but the strength of eternal youth and gladness.


From the back porch came the sound of feet descending the steps, the

bottom step upon which snow had fallen gave a ringing creak and he heard

the voice of an old maidservant saying, "Straight, straight, along the

path, Miss. Only, don't look back."


"I am not afraid," answered Sonya's voice, and along the path toward

Nicholas came the crunching, whistling sound of Sonya's feet in her thin



Sonya came along, wrapped in her cloak. She was only a couple of paces

away when she saw him, and to her too he was not the Nicholas she had

known and always slightly feared. He was in a woman's dress, with

tousled hair and a happy smile new to Sonya. She ran rapidly toward him.


"Quite different and yet the same," thought Nicholas, looking at her

face all lit up by the moonlight. He slipped his arms under the cloak

that covered her head, embraced her, pressed her to him, and kissed her

on the lips that wore a mustache and had a smell of burnt cork. Sonya

kissed him full on the lips, and disengaging her little hands pressed

them to his cheeks.


"Sonya!... Nicholas!"... was all they said. They ran to the barn and

then back again, re-entering, he by the front and she by the back porch.







When they all drove back from Pelageya Danilovna's, Natasha, who always

saw and noticed everything, arranged that she and Madame Schoss should

go back in the sleigh with Dimmler, and Sonya with Nicholas and the



On the way back Nicholas drove at a steady pace instead of racing and

kept peering by that fantastic all-transforming light into Sonya's face

and searching beneath the eyebrows and mustache for his former and his

present Sonya from whom he had resolved never to be parted again. He

looked and recognizing in her both the old and the new Sonya, and being

reminded by the smell of burnt cork of the sensation of her kiss,

inhaled the frosty air with a full breast and, looking at the ground

flying beneath him and at the sparkling sky, felt himself again in



"Sonya, is it well with thee?" he asked from time to time.


"Yes!" she replied. "And with thee?"


When halfway home Nicholas handed the reins to the coachman and ran for

a moment to Natasha's sleigh and stood on its wing.


"Natasha!" he whispered in French, "do you know I have made up my mind

about Sonya?"


"Have you told her?" asked Natasha, suddenly beaming all over with joy.


"Oh, how strange you are with that mustache and those eyebrows!...

Natasha--are you glad?"


"I am so glad, so glad! I was beginning to be vexed with you. I did not

tell you, but you have been treating her badly. What a heart she has,

Nicholas! I am horrid sometimes, but I was ashamed to be happy while

Sonya was not," continued Natasha. "Now I am so glad! Well, run back to



"No, wait a bit.... Oh, how funny you look!" cried Nicholas, peering

into her face and finding in his sister too something new, unusual, and

bewitchingly tender that he had not seen in her before. "Natasha, it's

magical, isn't it?"


"Yes," she replied. "You have done splendidly."


"Had I seen her before as she is now," thought Nicholas, "I should long

ago have asked her what to do and have done whatever she told me, and

all would have been well."


"So you are glad and I have done right?"


"Oh, quite right! I had a quarrel with Mamma some time ago about it.

Mamma said she was angling for you. How could she say such a thing! I

nearly stormed at Mamma. I will never let anyone say anything bad of

Sonya, for there is nothing but good in her."


"Then it's all right?" said Nicholas, again scrutinizing the expression

of his sister's face to see if she was in earnest. Then he jumped down

and, his boots scrunching the snow, ran back to his sleigh. The same

happy, smiling Circassian, with mustache and beaming eyes looking up

from under a sable hood, was still sitting there, and that Circassian

was Sonya, and that Sonya was certainly his future happy and loving



When they reached home and had told their mother how they had spent the

evening at the Melyukovs', the girls went to their bedroom. When they

had undressed, but without washing off the cork mustaches, they sat a

long time talking of their happiness. They talked of how they would live

when they were married, how their husbands would be friends, and how

happy they would be. On Natasha's table stood two looking glasses which

Dunyasha had prepared beforehand.


"Only when will all that be? I am afraid never.... It would be too

good!" said Natasha, rising and going to the looking glasses.


"Sit down, Natasha; perhaps you'll see him," said Sonya.


Natasha lit the candles, one on each side of one of the looking glasses,

and sat down.


"I see someone with a mustache," said Natasha, seeing her own face.


"You mustn't laugh, Miss," said Dunyasha.


With Sonya's help and the maid's, Natasha got the glass she held into

the right position opposite the other; her face assumed a serious

expression and she sat silent. She sat a long time looking at the

receding line of candles reflected in the glasses and expecting (from

tales she had heard) to see a coffin, or him, Prince Andrew, in that

last dim, indistinctly outlined square. But ready as she was to take the

smallest speck for the image of a man or of a coffin, she saw nothing.

She began blinking rapidly and moved away from the looking glasses.


"Why is it others see things and I don't?" she said. "You sit down now,

Sonya. You absolutely must, tonight! Do it for me.... Today I feel so



Sonya sat down before the glasses, got the right position, and began



"Now, Miss Sonya is sure to see something," whispered Dunyasha; "while

you do nothing but laugh."


Sonya heard this and Natasha's whisper:


"I know she will. She saw something last year."


For about three minutes all were silent.


"Of course she will!" whispered Natasha, but did not finish... suddenly

Sonya pushed away the glass she was holding and covered her eyes with

her hand.


"Oh, Natasha!" she cried.


"Did you see? Did you? What was it?" exclaimed Natasha, holding up the

looking glass.


Sonya had not seen anything, she was just wanting to blink and to get up

when she heard Natasha say, "Of course she will!" She did not wish to

disappoint either Dunyasha or Natasha, but it was hard to sit still. She

did not herself know how or why the exclamation escaped her when she

covered her eyes.


"You saw him?" urged Natasha, seizing her hand.


"Yes. Wait a bit... I... saw him," Sonya could not help saying, not yet

knowing whom Natasha meant by him, Nicholas or Prince Andrew.


"But why shouldn't I say I saw something? Others do see! Besides who can

tell whether I saw anything or not?" flashed through Sonya's mind.


"Yes, I saw him," she said.


"How? Standing or lying?"


"No, I saw... At first there was nothing, then I saw him lying down."


"Andrew lying? Is he ill?" asked Natasha, her frightened eyes fixed on

her friend.


"No, on the contrary, on the contrary! His face was cheerful, and he

turned to me." And when saying this she herself fancied she had really

seen what she described.


"Well, and then, Sonya?..."


"After that, I could not make out what there was; something blue and



"Sonya! When will he come back? When shall I see him! O, God, how afraid

I am for him and for myself and about everything!..." Natasha began, and

without replying to Sonya's words of comfort she got into bed, and long

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