2014년 11월 28일 금요일

war and peace 39

war and peace 39

"Why could that not be as well?" she sometimes asked herself in complete

bewilderment. "Only so could I be completely happy; but now I have to

choose, and I can't be happy without either of them. Only," she thought,

"to tell Prince Andrew what has happened or to hide it from him are both

equally impossible. But with that one nothing is spoiled. But am I

really to abandon forever the joy of Prince Andrew's love, in which I

have lived so long?"


"Please, Miss!" whispered a maid entering the room with a mysterious

air. "A man told me to give you this-" and she handed Natasha a letter.


"Only, for Christ's sake..." the girl went on, as Natasha, without

thinking, mechanically broke the seal and read a love letter from

Anatole, of which, without taking in a word, she understood only that it

was a letter from him--from the man she loved. Yes, she loved him, or

else how could that have happened which had happened? And how could she

have a love letter from him in her hand?


With trembling hands Natasha held that passionate love letter which

Dolokhov had composed for Anatole, and as she read it she found in it an

echo of all that she herself imagined she was feeling.


"Since yesterday evening my fate has been sealed; to be loved by you or

to die. There is no other way for me," the letter began. Then he went on

to say that he knew her parents would not give her to him--for this

there were secret reasons he could reveal only to her--but that if she

loved him she need only say the word yes, and no human power could

hinder their bliss. Love would conquer all. He would steal her away and

carry her off to the ends of the earth.


"Yes, yes! I love him!" thought Natasha, reading the letter for the

twentieth time and finding some peculiarly deep meaning in each word of



That evening Marya Dmitrievna was going to the Akharovs' and proposed to

take the girls with her. Natasha, pleading a headache, remained at home.







On returning late in the evening Sonya went to Natasha's room, and to

her surprise found her still dressed and asleep on the sofa. Open on the

table, beside her lay Anatole's letter. Sonya picked it up and read it.


As she read she glanced at the sleeping Natasha, trying to find in her

face an explanation of what she was reading, but did not find it. Her

face was calm, gentle, and happy. Clutching her breast to keep herself

from choking, Sonya, pale and trembling with fear and agitation, sat

down in an armchair and burst into tears.


"How was it I noticed nothing? How could it go so far? Can she have left

off loving Prince Andrew? And how could she let Kuragin go to such

lengths? He is a deceiver and a villain, that's plain! What will

Nicholas, dear noble Nicholas, do when he hears of it? So this is the

meaning of her excited, resolute, unnatural look the day before

yesterday, yesterday, and today," thought Sonya. "But it can't be that

she loves him! She probably opened the letter without knowing who it was

from. Probably she is offended by it. She could not do such a thing!"


Sonya wiped away her tears and went up to Natasha, again scanning her



"Natasha!" she said, just audibly.


Natasha awoke and saw Sonya.


"Ah, you're back?"


And with the decision and tenderness that often come at the moment of

awakening, she embraced her friend, but noticing Sonya's look of

embarrassment, her own face expressed confusion and suspicion.


"Sonya, you've read that letter?" she demanded.


"Yes," answered Sonya softly.


Natasha smiled rapturously.


"No, Sonya, I can't any longer!" she said. "I can't hide it from you any

longer. You know, we love one another! Sonya, darling, he writes...



Sonya stared open-eyed at Natasha, unable to believe her ears.


"And Bolkonski?" she asked.


"Ah, Sonya, if you only knew how happy I am!" cried Natasha. "You don't

know what love is...."


"But, Natasha, can that be all over?"


Natasha looked at Sonya with wide-open eyes as if she could not grasp

the question.


"Well, then, are you refusing Prince Andrew?" said Sonya.


"Oh, you don't understand anything! Don't talk nonsense, just listen!"

said Natasha, with momentary vexation.


"But I can't believe it," insisted Sonya. "I don't understand. How is it

you have loved a man for a whole year and suddenly... Why, you have only

seen him three times! Natasha, I don't believe you, you're joking! In

three days to forget everything and so..."


"Three days?" said Natasha. "It seems to me I've loved him a hundred

years. It seems to me that I have never loved anyone before. You can't

understand it.... Sonya, wait a bit, sit here," and Natasha embraced and

kissed her.


"I had heard that it happens like this, and you must have heard it too,

but it's only now that I feel such love. It's not the same as before. As

soon as I saw him I felt he was my master and I his slave, and that I

could not help loving him. Yes, his slave! Whatever he orders I shall

do. You don't understand that. What can I do? What can I do, Sonya?"

cried Natasha with a happy yet frightened expression.


"But think what you are doing," cried Sonya. "I can't leave it like

this. This secret correspondence... How could you let him go so far?"

she went on, with a horror and disgust she could hardly conceal.


"I told you that I have no will," Natasha replied. "Why can't you

understand? I love him!"


"Then I won't let it come to that... I shall tell!" cried Sonya,

bursting into tears.


"What do you mean? For God's sake... If you tell, you are my enemy!"

declared Natasha. "You want me to be miserable, you want us to be



When she saw Natasha's fright, Sonya shed tears of shame and pity for

her friend.


"But what has happened between you?" she asked. "What has he said to

you? Why doesn't he come to the house?"


Natasha did not answer her questions.


"For God's sake, Sonya, don't tell anyone, don't torture me," Natasha

entreated. "Remember no one ought to interfere in such matters! I have

confided in you...."


"But why this secrecy? Why doesn't he come to the house?" asked Sonya.

"Why doesn't he openly ask for your hand? You know Prince Andrew gave

you complete freedom--if it is really so; but I don't believe it!

Natasha, have you considered what these secret reasons can be?"


Natasha looked at Sonya with astonishment. Evidently this question

presented itself to her mind for the first time and she did not know how

to answer it.


"I don't know what the reasons are. But there must be reasons!"


Sonya sighed and shook her head incredulously.


"If there were reasons..." she began.


But Natasha, guessing her doubts, interrupted her in alarm.


"Sonya, one can't doubt him! One can't, one can't! Don't you

understand?" she cried.


"Does he love you?"


"Does he love me?" Natasha repeated with a smile of pity at her friend's

lack of comprehension. "Why, you have read his letter and you have seen



"But if he is dishonorable?"


"He! dishonorable? If you only knew!" exclaimed Natasha.


"If he is an honorable man he should either declare his intentions or

cease seeing you; and if you won't do this, I will. I will write to him,

and I will tell Papa!" said Sonya resolutely.


"But I can't live without him!" cried Natasha.


"Natasha, I don't understand you. And what are you saying! Think of your

father and of Nicholas."


"I don't want anyone, I don't love anyone but him. How dare you say he

is dishonorable? Don't you know that I love him?" screamed Natasha. "Go

away, Sonya! I don't want to quarrel with you, but go, for God's sake

go! You see how I am suffering!" Natasha cried angrily, in a voice of

despair and repressed irritation. Sonya burst into sobs and ran from the



Natasha went to the table and without a moment's reflection wrote that

answer to Princess Mary which she had been unable to write all the

morning. In this letter she said briefly that all their

misunderstandings were at an end; that availing herself of the

magnanimity of Prince Andrew who when he went abroad had given her her

freedom, she begged Princess Mary to forget everything and forgive her

if she had been to blame toward her, but that she could not be his wife.

At that moment this all seemed quite easy, simple, and clear to Natasha.


On Friday the Rostovs were to return to the country, but on Wednesday

the count went with the prospective purchaser to his estate near Moscow.


On the day the count left, Sonya and Natasha were invited to a big

dinner party at the Karagins', and Marya Dmitrievna took them there. At

that party Natasha again met Anatole, and Sonya noticed that she spoke

to him, trying not to be overheard, and that all through dinner she was

more agitated than ever. When they got home Natasha was the first to

begin the explanation Sonya expected.


"There, Sonya, you were talking all sorts of nonsense about him,"

Natasha began in a mild voice such as children use when they wish to be

praised. "We have had an explanation today."


"Well, what happened? What did he say? Natasha, how glad I am you're not

angry with me! Tell me everything--the whole truth. What did he say?"


Natasha became thoughtful.


"Oh, Sonya, if you knew him as I do! He said... He asked me what I had

promised Bolkonski. He was glad I was free to refuse him."


Sonya sighed sorrowfully.


"But you haven't refused Bolkonski?" said she.


"Perhaps I have. Perhaps all is over between me and Bolkonski. Why do

you think so badly of me?"


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