2015년 5월 27일 수요일

Tales of King Arthur and the Round Table 10

Tales of King Arthur and the Round Table 10

When he waked he saw a Knight lying in the midst of the ship, all armed
save for his helm, and he knew him for Sir Percivale, and welcomed him
with great joy; and they told each other of their adventures and of
their temptations, and had great happiness in each other's company. "We
lack nothing but Galahad, the good Knight," Sir Percivale said.
Adventure of Sir Galahad.
Sir Galahad rested one evening at a hermitage. And while he was resting,
there came a gentlewoman and asked leave of the hermit to speak with Sir
Galahad, and would not be denied, though she was told he was weary and
asleep. Then the hermit waked Sir Galahad and bade him rise, as a
gentlewoman had great need of him, so Sir Galahad rose and asked her
what she wished. "Galahad," said she, "I will that you arm yourself, and
mount your horse and follow me, and I will show you the highest
adventure that ever any Knight saw." And Sir Galahad bade her go, and he
would follow wherever she led. In three days they reached the sea, where
they found the ship where Sir Bors and Sir Percivale were lying. And the
lady bade him leave his horse behind and said she would leave hers also,
but their saddles and bridles they would take on board the ship. This
they did, and were received with great joy by the two Knights; then the
sails were spread, and the ship was driven before the wind at a
marvellous pace till they reached the land of Logris, the entrance to
which lies between two great rocks with a whirlpool in the middle.
Their own ship might not get safely through; but they left it and went
into another ship that lay there, which had neither man nor woman in it.
At the end of the ship was written these words: "Thou man which shalt
enter this ship beware thou be in steadfast belief; if thou fail, I
shall not help thee." Then the gentlewoman turned and said, "Percivale,
do you know who I am?" "No, truly," answered he. "I am your sister, and
therefore you are the man in the world that I most love. If you are
without faith, or have any hidden sin, beware how you enter, else you
will perish." "Fair sister," answered he, "I shall enter therein, for if
I am an untrue Knight then shall I perish." So they entered the ship,
and it was so rich and well adorned, that they all marvelled.
In the midst of it was a fair bed, and Sir Galahad went thereto and
found on it a crown of silk, and a sword drawn out of its sheath half a
foot and more. The sword was of divers fashions, and the pommel was of
stone, wrought about with colours, and every colour with its own virtue,
and the handle was of the ribs of two beasts. The one was the bone of a
serpent, and no hand that handles it shall ever become weary or hurt;
and the other was a bone of a fish that swims in Euphrates, and whoso
handles it shall not think on joy or sorrow that he has had, but only on
that which he beholds before him. And no man shall grip this sword but
one that is better than other men. So first Sir Percivale stepped
forward and set his hand to the sword, but he might not grasp it. Next
Sir Bors tried to seize it, but he also failed. When Sir Galahad beheld
the sword, he saw that there was written on it, in letters of blood,
that he who tried to draw it should never fail of shame in his body or
be wounded to the death. "By my faith," said Galahad, "I would draw this
sword out of its sheath, but the offending is so great I shall not lay
my hand thereto." "Sir," answered the gentlewoman, "know that no man can
draw this sword save you alone;" and she told him many tales of the
Knights who had set their hands to it, and of the evil things that had
befallen them. And they all begged Sir Galahad to grip the sword, as it
was ordained that he should. "I will grip it," said Galahad, "to give
you courage, but it belongs no more to me than it does to you." Then he
gripped it tight with his fingers, and the gentlewoman girt him about
the middle with the sword, and after that they left that ship and went
into another, which brought them to land, where they fell upon many
strange adventures. On the shore they saw three score Knights by a
castle to which they repaired. And the owner of this castle was a
gentlewoman on whom years ago had befallen a great malady of which there
was but one remedy. It was that she must be anointed with a dish of the
blood of a maid pure and fair, and a King's daughter withal.
And the Knights accosted them, and counselled them to withdraw, saying
they might go without harm, only they must needs have their custom. And
this custom was the blood of Sir Percivale's sister.
And Sir Galahad drew his sword with the two handles, and slew whatever
withstood him. But night fell, and a good Knight promised to harbour
them for the night safely and surely, saying, "On the morrow we dare say
you will accord with the custom."
"Then," said Sir Percivale's sister, "fair Knights, I fain would heal
this fair lady, for thus shall I gain great worship and my lineage
withal, and better is one harm than twain. And therefore there shall be
no battle, but to-morrow at morn I shall yield you your custom of this
castle." And then there was great joy. It chanced that while she bled on
the morrow, she lifted her hands and blessed them, and she said, "Madam,
I die to make you whole, for God's love pray for me." With that she fell
in a swoon. Then Galahad and his fellows lifted her up and stanched her,
but she died, and weeping, they put her body in a barge as she had
wished. In her hand Sir Percivale put a letter showing how she had
helped them, and they covered her with black silk; so the wind arose and
drove the barge from the land, and all Knights beheld it disappear from
Sir Lancelot meets Sir Galahad, and they part for Ever.
Now we must tell what happened to Sir Lancelot.
When he was come to a water called Mortoise he fell asleep, awaiting for
the adventure that should be sent to him, and in his sleep a voice spoke
to him, and bade him rise and take his armour, and enter the first ship
he should find. So he started up and took his arms and made him ready,
and on the strand he found a ship that was without sail or oar. As soon
as he was within the ship, he felt himself wrapped round with a
sweetness such as he had never known before, as if all that he could
desire was fulfilled. And with this joy and peace about him he fell
asleep. When he woke he found near him a fair bed, with a dead lady
lying on it, whom he knew to be Sir Percivale's sister, and in her hand
was the tale of her adventures, which Sir Lancelot took and read. For a
month or more they dwelt in that ship together, and one day, when it had
drifted near the shore, he heard a sound as of a horse; and when the
steps came nearer he saw that a Knight was riding him. At the sight of
the ship the Knight alighted and took the saddle and bridle, and entered
the ship. "You are welcome," said Lancelot, and the Knight saluted him
and said, "What is your name? for my heart goeth out to you."
"Truly," answered he, "my name is Sir Lancelot du Lake."
"Sir," said the new Knight, "you are welcome, for you are my father."
"Ah," cried Sir Lancelot, "is it you, then, Galahad?"
"Yes, in sooth," said he, and kneeled down and asked Lancelot's
blessing, and then took off his helm and kissed him. And there was great
joy between them, and they told each other all that had befallen them
since they left King Arthur's Court. Then Galahad saw the gentlewoman
dead on the bed, and he knew her, and said he held her in great worship,
and that she was the best maid in the world, and how it was great pity
that she had come to her death. But when Lancelot heard that Galahad had
won the marvellous sword he prayed that he might see it, and kissed the
pommel and the hilt, and the scabbard. "In truth," he said, "never did I
know of adventures so wonderful and strange." So dwelled Lancelot and
Galahad in that ship for half a year, and served God daily and nightly
with all their power. And after six months had gone it befell that on a
Monday they drifted to the edge of the forest, where they saw a Knight
with white armour bestriding one horse and holding another all white, by
the bridle. And he came to the ship, and saluted the two Knights and
said, "Galahad, you have been long enough with your father, therefore
leave that ship and start upon this horse, and go on the quest of the
Holy Graal." So Galahad went to his father and kissed him, saying, "Fair
sweet father, I know not if I shall see you more till I have beheld the
Holy Graal." Then they heard a voice which said, "The one shall never
see the other till the day of doom." "Now, Galahad," said Lancelot,
"since we are to bid farewell for ever now, I pray to the great Father
to preserve you and me both." "Sir," answered Galahad, "no prayer
availeth so much as yours."
The next day Sir Lancelot made his way back to Camelot, where he found
King Arthur and Guenevere; but many of the Knights of the Round Table
were slain and destroyed, more than the half. All the Court was passing
glad to see Sir Lancelot, and the King asked many tidings of his son Sir
How Sir Galahad found the Graal and died of that Finding.
Sir Galahad rode on till he met Sir Percivale and afterwards Sir Bors,
whom they greeted most gladly, and they bare each other company. First
they came to the Castle of Carbonek, where dwelled King Pelles, who
welcomed them with joy, for he knew by their coming the quest of the
Graal would be fulfilled. They then departed on other adventures, and it
is told how Galahad cured the maimed King by anointing him with blood
from a certain holy spear. That same night at midnight a voice bade them
arise and quit the castle, which they did, followed by three Knights of
Gaul. Then Galahad prayed every one of them that if they reached King
Arthur's Court they should salute Sir Lancelot his father, and those
Knights of the Round Table that were present, and with that he left
them, and Sir Bors and Sir Percivale with him. For three days they rode
till they came to a shore, and found a ship awaiting them. And in the
midst of it was the table of silver, and the Holy Graal which was
covered with red samite. Then were their hearts right glad, and they
made great reverence thereto, and Galahad prayed that at what time he
asked, he might depart out of this world. So long he prayed that at
length a voice said to him, "Galahad, thou shalt have thy desire, and
when thou askest the death of the body thou shalt have it, and shalt
find the life of the soul." Percivale likewise heard the voice, and
besought Galahad to tell him why he asked such things. And Galahad
answered, "The other day when we saw a part of the adventures of the
Holy Graal, I was in such a joy of heart that never did man feel before,
and I knew well that when my body is dead my soul shall be in joy of
which the other was but a shadow."
Some time were the three Knights in that ship, till at length they saw
before them the city of Sarras. Then they took from the ship the table

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