2015년 5월 28일 목요일

Tales of King Arthur and the Round Table 16

Tales of King Arthur and the Round Table 16

"Where?" asked the Queen, and as she spoke she espied that it was Sir
Lancelot, and that his horse was following riderless. "Well is he that
has a trusty friend," said she, "for a noble Knight is hard pressed when
he rides in a cart," and she rebuked the lady who had declared he was
going to his hanging. "It was foul talking, to liken the noblest Knight
in the world to one going to a shameful death." By this Sir Lancelot had
come to the gate of the castle, and he got down and called till the
castle rang with his voice. "Where is that false traitor Sir
Meliagraunce, Knight of the Round Table? Come forth, you and your
company, for I, Sir Lancelot du Lake, am here to do battle with you."
Then he burst the gate open wide, and smote the porter who tried to hold
it against him. When Sir Meliagraunce heard Sir Lancelot's voice, he ran
into Queen Guenevere's chamber and fell on his knees before her: "Mercy,
Madam, mercy! I throw myself upon your grace."
"What ails you now?" said she; "of a truth I might well expect some good
Knight to avenge me, though my lord Arthur knew not of your work."
"Madame, I will make such amends as you yourself may desire," pleaded
Sir Meliagraunce, "and I trust wholly to your grace."
"What would you have me do?" asked the Queen.
"Rule in this castle as if it were your own, and give Sir Lancelot cheer
till to-morrow, and then you shall all return to Westminster."
"You say well," answered the Queen. "Peace is ever better than war, and
I take no pleasure in fighting." So she went down with her ladies to Sir
Lancelot, who still stood full of rage in the inner court, calling as
before "Traitor Knight, come forth!"
"Sir Lancelot," asked the Queen, "what is the cause of all this wrath?"
"Madam," replied Sir Lancelot, "does such a question come from you?
Methinks your wrath should be greater than mine, for all the hurt and
the dishonour have fallen upon you. My own hurt is but little, but the
shame is worse than any hurt."
"You say truly," replied the Queen, "but you must come in with me
peaceably, as all is put into my hand, and the Knight repents bitterly
of his adventure."
"Madam," said Sir Lancelot, "since you have made agreement with him, it
is not my part to say nay, although Sir Meliagraunce has borne himself
both shamefully and cowardly towards me. But had I known you would have
pardoned him so soon, I should not have made such haste to come to you."
"Why do you say that?" asked the Queen; "do you repent yourself of your
good deeds? I only made peace with him to have done with all this noise
of slanderous talk, and for the sake of my Knights."
"Madam," answered Sir Lancelot, "you understand full well that I was
never glad of slander nor noise, but there is neither King, Queen, nor
Knight alive, save yourself, Madam, and my lord Arthur, that should
hinder me from giving Sir Meliagraunce a cold heart before I departed
"That I know well," said the Queen, "but what would you have more?
Everything shall be ordered as you will."
"Madam," replied Sir Lancelot, "as long as you are pleased, that is all
I care for," so the Queen led Sir Lancelot into her chamber, and
commanded him to take off his armour, and then took him to where her ten
Knights were lying sore wounded. And their souls leapt with joy when
they saw him, and he told them how falsely Sir Meliagraunce had dealt
with him, and had set archers to slay his horse, so that he was fain to
place himself in a cart. Thus they complained each to the other, and
would have avenged themselves on Sir Meliagraunce but for the peace made
by the Queen. And in the evening came Sir Lavaine, riding in great
haste, and Sir Lancelot was glad that he was come.
Now, Sir Lancelot was right when he feared to trust Sir Meliagraunce,
for that Knight only sought to work ill both to him and to the Queen,
for all his fair words. And first he began to speak evil of the Queen to
Sir Lancelot, who dared him to prove his foul words, and it was settled
between them that a combat should take place in eight days in the field
near Westminster. "And now," said Sir Meliagraunce, "since it is decided
that we must fight together, I beseech you, as you are a noble Knight,
do me no treason nor villainy in the mean time."
"Any Knight will bear me witness," answered Sir Lancelot, "that never
have I broken faith with any man, nor borne fellowship with those that
have done so." "Then let us go to dinner," said Sir Meliagraunce, "and
afterwards you may all ride to Westminster. Meanwhile would it please
you to see the inside of this castle?" "That I will gladly," said Sir
Lancelot, and they went from chamber to chamber, till they reached the
floor of the castle, and as he went Sir Lancelot trod on a trap and the
board rolled, and he fell down in a cave which was filled with straw,
and Sir Meliagraunce departed and no man knew where Sir Lancelot might
be. The Queen bethought herself that he was wont to disappear suddenly,
and as Sir Meliagraunce had first removed Sir Lavaine's horse from the
place where it had been tethered, the Knights agreed with her. So time
passed until dinner had been eaten, and then Sir Lavaine demanded
litters for the wounded Knights, that they might be carried to
Westminster with as little hurt as might be. And the Queen and her
ladies followed. When they arrived the Knights told of their adventure,
and how Sir Meliagraunce had accused the Queen of treason, and how he
and Sir Lancelot were to fight for her good name in eight days.
"Sir Meliagraunce has taken a great deal upon him," said the King, "but
where is Sir Lancelot?"
"Sir," answered they all, "we know not, but we think he has ridden to
some adventure." "Well, leave him alone," said the King. "He will be
here when the day comes, unless some treason has befallen him."
All this while Sir Lancelot was lying in great pain within the cave, and
he would have died for lack of food had not one of the ladies in the
castle found out the place where he was held captive, and brought him
meat and drink, and hoped that he might be brought to love her. But he
would not. "Sir Lancelot," said she, "you are not wise, for without my
help you will never get out of this prison, and if you do not appear on
the day of battle, your lady, Queen Guenevere, will be burnt in
default." "If I am not there," replied Sir Lancelot, "the King and the
Queen and all men of worship will know that I am either dead or in
prison. And sure I am that there is some good Knight who loves me or is
of my kin, that will take my quarrel in hand, therefore you cannot
frighten me by such words as these. If there was not another woman in
the world, I could give you no different answer." "Then you will be
shamed openly," replied the lady, and left the dungeon. But on the day
that the battle was to be fought she came again, and said, "Sir
Lancelot, if you will only kiss me once, I will deliver you, and give
you the best horse in Sir Meliagraunce's stable." "Yes, I will kiss
you," answered Sir Lancelot, "since I may do that honourably; but if I
thought it were any shame to kiss you, I would not do it, whatever the
cost." So he kissed her, and she brought him his armour, and led him to
a stable where twelve noble horses stood, and bade him choose the best.
He chose a white courser, and bade the keepers put on the best saddle
they had, and with his spear in his hand and his sword by his side, he
rode away, thanking the lady for all she had done for him, which some
day he would try to repay.
As the hours passed on and Sir Lancelot did not come, Sir Meliagraunce
called ever on King Arthur to burn the Queen, or else bring forth Sir
Lancelot, for he deemed full well that he had Sir Lancelot safe in his
dungeon. The King and Queen were sore distressed that Sir Lancelot was
missing, and knew not where to look for him, and what to do. Then
stepped forth Sir Lavaine and said, "My lord Arthur, you know well that
some ill-fortune has happened to Sir Lancelot, and if he is not dead, he
is either sick or in prison. Therefore I beseech you, let me do battle
instead of my lord and master for my lady the Queen."
"I thank you heartily, gentle Knight," answered Arthur, "for I am sure
that Sir Meliagraunce accuses the Queen falsely, and there is not one of
the ten Knights who would not fight for her were it not for his wounds.
So do your best, for it is plain that some evil has been wrought on Sir
Lancelot." Sir Lavaine was filled with joy when the King gave him leave
to do battle with Sir Meliagraunce, and rode swiftly to his place at the
end of the lists. And just as the heralds were about to cry "Lesses les
aller!" Sir Lancelot dashed into the middle on his white horse. "Hold
and abide!" commanded the King, and Sir Lancelot rode up before him, and
told before them all how Sir Meliagraunce had treated him. When the King
and Queen and all the Lords heard Sir Lancelot's tale, their hearts
stirred within them with anger, and the Queen took her seat by the King,
in great trust of her champion. Sir Lancelot and Sir Meliagraunce
prepared themselves for battle, and took their spears, and came together
as thunder, and Sir Lancelot bore Sir Meliagraunce right over his horse.
Then Sir Lancelot jumped down, and they fought on foot, till in the end
Sir Meliagraunce was smitten to the ground by a blow on his head from
his enemy. "Most noble Knight, save my life," cried he, "for I yield
myself unto you, and put myself into the King's hands and yours." Sir
Lancelot did not know what to answer, for he longed above anything in
the world to have revenge upon him; so he looked at the Queen to see
whether she would give him any sign of what she would have done. The
Queen wagged her head in answer, and Sir Lancelot knew by that token
that she would have him dead, and he understood, and bade Sir
Meliagraunce get up, and continue the fight. "Nay," said Sir
Meliagraunce, "I will never rise till you accept my surrender."
"Listen," answered Sir Lancelot. "I will leave my head and left side
bare, and my left arm shall be bound behind me, and in this guise I will
fight with you." At this Sir Meliagraunce started to his feet, and
cried, "My lord Arthur, take heed to this offer, for I will take it,
therefore let him be bound and unarmed as he has said." So the Knights
disarmed Sir Lancelot, first his head and then his side, and his left
hand was bound behind his back, in such a manner that he could not use
his shield, and full many a Knight and lady marvelled that Sir Lancelot
would risk himself so. And Sir Meliagraunce lifted his sword on high and
would have smitten Sir Lancelot on his bare head, had he not leapt
lightly to one side, and, before Sir Meliagraunce could right himself,
Sir Lancelot had struck him so hard upon his helmet that his skull split
in two, and there was nothing left to do but to carry his dead body from
the field. And because the Knights of the Round Table begged to have him
honourably buried, the King agreed thereto, and on his tomb mention was
made of how he came by his death, and who slew him. After this Sir
Lancelot was more cherished by the King and Queen than ever he was before.

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