2014년 11월 3일 월요일

ANABASIS By Xenophon 6

ANABASIS By Xenophon 6

From this place they marched three stages--fifteen parasangs--through
plain country, Tiribazus the while keeping close behind with his own
forces more than a mile off. Presently they reached a palace with
villages clustered round about it, which were full of supplies in
great variety. But while they were encamping in the night, there was a
heavy fall of snow, and in the morning it was resolved to billet out
the different regiments, with their generals, throughout the villages.
There was no enemy in sight, and the proceeding seemed prudent, owing
to the quantity of snow. In these quarters they had for provisions all
the good things there are--sacrificial beasts, corn, old wines with an
exquisite bouquet, dried grapes, and vegetables of all sorts. But some
of the stragglers from the camp reported having seen an army, and the
blaze of many watchfires in the night. Accordingly the generals
concluded that it was not prudent to separate their quarters in this
way, and a resolution was passed to bring the troops together again.
After that they reunited, the more so that the weather promised to be
fine with a clear sky; but while they lay there in open quarters,
during the night down came so thick a fall of snow that it completely
covered up the stacks of arms and the men themselves lying down. It
cramped and crippled the baggage animals; and there was great
unreadiness to get up, so gently fell the snow as they lay there warm
and comfortable, and formed a blanket, except where it slipped off the
sleepers' shoulders; and it was not until Xenophon roused himself to
get up, and, without his cloak on (1), began to split wood, that
quickly first one and then another got up, and taking the log away      12
from him, fell to splitting. Thereat the rest followed suit, got up,
and began kindling fire and oiling their bodies, for there was a
scented unguent to be found there in abundance, which they used
instead of oil. It was made from pig's fat, sesame, bitter almonds,
and turpentine. There was a sweet oil also to be found, made of the
same ingredients.

(1) Or, as we should say, "in his shirt sleeves." Doubtless he lay
    with his {imation} or cloak loosely wrapped round him; as he
    sprang to his feet he would throw it off, or it would fall off,
    and with the simple inner covering of the {khiton} to protect him,
    and arms free, he fell to chopping the wood, only half clad.

After this it was resolved that they must again separate their
quarters and get under cover in the villages. At this news the
soldiers, with much joy and shouting, rushed upon the covered houses
and the provisions; but all who in their blind folly had set fire to
the houses when they left them before, now paid the penalty in the
poor quarters they got. From this place one night they sent off a
party under Democrates, a Temenite (2), up into the mountains, where
the stragglers reported having seen watchfires. The leader selected
was a man whose judgement might be depended upon to verify the truth
of the matter. With a happy gift to distinguish between fact and
fiction, he had often been successfully appealed to. He went and
reported that he had seen no watchfires, but he had got a man, whom he
brought back with him, carrying a Persian bow and quiver, and a
sagaris or battleaxe like those worn by the Amazons. When asked "from
what country he came," the prisoner answered that he was "a Persian,
and was going from the army of Tiribazus to get provisions." They next
asked him "how large the army was, and for what object it had been
collected." His answer was that "it consisted of Tiribazus at the head
of his own forces, and aided by some Chalybian and Taochian
mercenaries. Tiribazus had got it together," he added, "meaning to
attack the Hellenes on the high mountain pass, in a defile which was
the sole passage."

(2) Reading {Temeniten}, i.e. a native of Temenus, a district of
    Syracuse; al. {Temniten}, i.e. from Temnus in the Aeolid; al.
    {Temeniten}, i.e. from Temenum in the Argolid.

When the generals heard this news, they resolved to collect the
troops, and they set off at once, taking the prisoner to act as guide,
and leaving a garrison behind with Sophaenetus the Stymphalian in       19
command of those who remained in the camp. As soon as they had begun
to cross the hills, the light infantry, advancing in front and
catching sight of the camp, did not wait for the heavy infantry, but
with a loud shout rushed upon the enemy's entrenchment. The natives,
hearing the din and clatter, did not care to stop, but took rapidly to
their heels. But, for all their expedition, some of them were killed,
and as many as twenty horses were captured, with the tent of
Tiribazus, and its contents, silver-footed couches and goblets,
besides certain persons styling themselves the butlers and bakers. As
soon as the generals of the heavy infantry division had learnt the
news, they resolved to return to the camp with all speed, for fear of
an attack being made on the remnant left behind. The recall was
sounded and the retreat commenced; the camp was reached the same day.


The next day it was resolved that they should set off with all          1
possible speed, before the enemy had time to collect and occupy the
defile. Having got their kit and baggage together, they at once began
their march through deep snow with several guides, and, crossing the
high pass the same day on which Tiribazus was to have attacked them,
got safely into cantonments. From this point they marched three desert
stages--fifteen parassangs--to the river Euphrates, and crossed it in
water up to the waist. The sources of the river were reported to be at
no great distance. From this place they marched through deep snow over
a flat country three stages--fifteen parasangs (1). The last of these
marches was trying, with the north wind blowing in their teeth, drying
up everything and benumbing the men. Here one of the seers suggested
to them to do sacrifice to Boreas, and sacrifice was done. The effect
was obvious to all in the diminished fierceness of the blast. But
there was six feet of snow, so that many of the baggage animals and
slaves were lost, and about thirty of the men themselves.

(1) Al. "ten," al. "five."

They spent the whole night in kindling fire; for there was fortunately
no dearth of wood at the halting-place; only those who came late into
camp had no wood. Accordingly those who had arrived a good while and    5
had kindled fires were not for allowing these late-comers near the
fires, unless they would in return give a share of their corn or of
any other victuals they might have. Here then a general exchange of
goods was set up. Where the fire was kindled the snow melted, and
great trenches formed themselves down to the bare earth, and here it
was possible to measure the depth of the snow.

Leaving these quarters, they marched the whole of the next day over
snow, and many of the men were afflicted with "boulimia" (or
hunger-faintness). Xenophon, who was guarding the rear, came upon some
men who had dropt down, and he did not know what ailed them; but some
one who was experienced in such matters suggested to him that they had
evidently got boulimia; and if they got something to eat, they would
revive. Then he went the round of the baggage train, and laying an
embargo on any eatables he could see, doled out with his own hands, or
sent off other able-bodied agents to distribute to the sufferers, who
as soon as they had taken a mouthful got on their legs again and
continued the march.

On and on they marched, and about dusk Cheirisophus reached a village,
and surprised some women and girls who had come from the village to
fetch water at the fountain outside the stockade. These asked them who
they were. The interpreters answered for them in Persian: "They were
on their way from the king to the satrap;" in reply to which the women
gave them to understand that the satrap was not at home, but was away
a parasang farther on. As it was late they entered with the
water-carriers within the stockade to visit the headman of the
village. Accordingly Cheirisophus and as many of the troops as were
able got into cantonments there, while the rest of the soldiers--those
namely who were unable to complete the march--had to spend the night
out, without food and without fire; under the circumstances some of
the men perished.

On the heels of the army hung perpetually bands of the enemy,
snatching away disabled baggage animals and fighting with each other
over the carcases. And in its track not seldom were left to their fate
disabled soldiers, struck down with snow-blindness or with toes         12
mortified by frostbite. As to the eyes, it was some alleviation
against the snow to march with something black before them; for the
feet, the only remedy was to keep in motion without stopping for an
instant, and to loose the sandal at night. If they went to sleep with
the sandals on, the thong worked into the feet, and the sandals were
frozen fast to them. This was partly due to the fact that, since their
old sandals had failed, they wore untanned brogues made of
newly-flayed ox-hides. It was owing to some such dire necessity that a
party of men fell out and were left behind, and seeing a black-looking
patch of ground where the snow had evidently disappeared, they
conjectured it must have been melted; and this was actually so, owing
to a spring of some sort which was to be seen steaming up in a dell
close by. To this they had turned aside and sat down, and were loth to
go a step further. But Xenophon, with his rearguard, perceived them,
and begged and implored them by all manner of means not to be left
behind, telling them that the enemy were after them in large packs
pursuing; and he ended by growing angry. They merely bade him put a
knife to their throats; not one step farther would they stir. Then it
seemed best to frighten the pursuing enemy if possible, and prevent
their falling upon the invalids. It was already dusk, and the pursuers
were advancing with much noise and hubbub, wrangling and disputing
over their spoils. Then all of a sudden the rearguard, in the
plenitude of health and strength (2), sprang up out of their lair and
run upon the enemy, whilst those weary wights (3) bawled out as loud as
their sick throats could sound, and clashed their spears against their
shields; and the enemy in terror hurled themselves through the snow
into the dell, and not one of them ever uttered a sound again.

(2) Hug, after Rehdantz, would omit the words "in the plenitude of
    health and strength."

(3) Or, "the invalids."

Xenophon and his party, telling the sick folk that next day people
would come for them, set off, and before they had gone half a mile
they fell in with some soldiers who had laid down to rest on the snow
with their cloaks wrapped round them, but never a guard was
established, and they made them get up. Their explanation was that      19
those in front would not move on. Passing by this group he sent
forward the strongest of his light infantry in advance, with orders to
find out what the stoppage was. They reported that the whole army lay
reposing in such fashion. That being so, Xenophon's men had nothing
for it but to bivouac in the open air also, without fire and
supperless, merely posting what pickets they could under the
circumstances. But as soon as it drew towards day, Xenophon despatched
the youngest of his men to the sick folk behind, with orders to make
them get up and force them to proceed. Meanwhile Cheirisophus had sent
some of his men quartered in the village to enquire how they fared in
the rear; they were overjoyed to see them, and handed over the sick
folk to them to carry into camp, while they themselves continued their
march forward, and ere twenty furlongs were past reached the village
in which Cheirisophus was quartered. As soon as the two divisions were
met, the resolution was come to that it would be safe to billet the
regiments throughout the villages; Cheirisophus remained where he was,
while the rest drew lots for the villages in sight, and then, with
their several detachments, marched off to their respective

It was here that Polycrates, an Athenian and captain of a company,
asked for leave of absence--he wished to be off on a quest of his own;
and putting himself at the head of the active men of the division, he
ran to the village which had been allotted to Xenophon. He surprised
within it the villagers with their headman, and seventeen young horses
which were being reared as a tribute for the king, and, last of all,
the headman's own daughter, a young bride only eight days wed. Her
husband had gone off to chase hares, and so he escaped being taken
with the other villagers. The houses were underground structures with
an aperture like the mouth of a well by which to enter, but they were
broad and spacious below. The entrance for the beasts of burden was
dug out, but the human occupants descended by a ladder. In these
dwellings were to be found goats and sheep and cattle, and cocks and
hens, with their various progeny. The flocks and herds were all reared
under cover upon green food. There were stores within of wheat and
barley and vegetables, and wine made from barley in great big bowls;    26
the grains of barley malt lay floating in the beverage up to the lip
of the vessel, and reeds lay in them, some longer, some shorter,
without joints; when you were thirsty you must take one of these into
your mouth, and suck. The beverage without admixture of water was very
strong, and of a delicious flavour to certain palates, but the taste
must be acquired.

Xenophon made the headman of the village his guest at supper, and bade
him keep a good heart; so far from robbing him of his children, they
would fill his house full of good things in return for what they took
before they went away; only he must set them an example, and discover
some blessing or other for the army, until they found themselves with
another tribe. To this he readily assented, and with the utmost
cordiality showed them the cellar where the wine was buried. For this
night then, having taken up their several quarters as described, they
slumbered in the midst of plenty, one and all, with the headman under
watch and ward, and his children with him safe in sight.

But on the following day Xenophon took the headman and set off to
Cheirisophus, making a round of the villages, and at each place
turning in to visit the different parties. Everywhere alike he found
them faring sumptuously and merry-making. There was not a single
village where they did not insist on setting a breakfast before them,
and on the same table were spread half a dozen dishes at least, lamb,
kid, pork, veal, fowls, with various sorts of bread, some of wheat and
some of barley. When, as an act of courtesy, any one wished to drink
his neighbour's health, he would drag him to the big bowl, and when
there, he must duck his head and take a long pull, drinking like an
ox. The headman, they insisted everywhere, must accept as a present
whatever he liked to have. But he would accept nothing, except where
he espied any of his relations, when he made a point of taking them
off, him or her, with himself.

When they reached Cheirisophus they found a similar scene. There too    33
the men were feasting in their quarters, garlanded with whisps of hay
and dry grass, and Armenian boys were playing the part of waiters in
barbaric costumes, only they had to point out by gesture to the boys
what they were to do, like deaf and dumb. After the first formalities,
when Cheirisophus and Xenophon had greeted one another like bosom
friends, they interrogated the headman in common by means of the
Persian-speaking interpreter. "What was the country?" they asked: he
replied, "Armenia." And again, "For whom are the horses being bred?"
"They are tribute for the king," he replied. "And the neighbouring
country?" "Is the land of the Chalybes," he said; and he described the
road which led to it. So for the present Xenophon went off, taking the
headman back with him to his household and friends. He also made him a
present of an oldish horse which he had got; he had heard that the
headman was a priest of the sun, and so he could fatten up the beast
and sacrifice him; otherwise he was afraid it might die outright, for
it had been injured by the long marching. For himself he took his pick
of the colts, and gave a colt apiece to each of his fellow-generals
and officers. The horses here were smaller than the Persian horses,
but much more spirited. It was here too that their friend the headman
explained to them, how they should wrap small bags or sacks around the
feet of the horses and other cattle when marching through the snow,
for without such precautions the creatures sank up to their bellies.


When a week had passed, on the eighth day Xenophon delivered over the   1
guide (that is to say, the village headman) to Cheirisophus. He left
the headman's household safe behind in the village, with the exception
of his son, a lad in the bloom of youth. This boy was entrusted to
Episthenes of Amphipolis to guard; if the headman proved himself a
good guide, he was to take away his son also at his departure. They
finally made his house the repository of all the good things they
could contrive to get together; then they broke up their camp and
commenced to march, the headman guiding them through the snow
unfettered. When they had reached the third stage Cheirisophus flew     2
into a rage with him, because he had not brought them to any villages.
The headman pleaded that there were none in this part. Cheirisophus
struck him, but forgot to bind him, and the end of it was that the
headman ran away in the night and was gone, leaving his son behind
him. This was the sole ground of difference between Cheirisophus and
Xenophon during the march, this combination of ill-treatment and
neglect in the case of the guide. As to the boy, Episthenes conceived
a passion for him, and took him home with him, and found in him the
most faithful of friends.

After this they marched seven stages at the rate of five parasangs a
day, to the banks of the river Phasis (1), which is a hundred feet
broad: and thence they marched another couple of stages, ten
parasangs; but at the pass leading down into the plain there appeared
in front of them a mixed body of Chalybes and Taochians and
Phasianians. When Cheirisophus caught sight of the enemy on the pass
at a distance of about three or four miles, he ceased marching, not
caring to approach the enemy with his troops in column, and he passed
down the order to the others: to deploy their companies to the front,
that the troops might form into line. As soon as the rearguard had
come up, he assembled the generals and officers, and addressed them:
"The enemy, as you see, are in occupation of the mountain pass, it is
time we should consider how we are to make the best fight to win it.
My opinion is, that we should give orders to the troops to take their
morning meal, whilst we deliberate whether we should cross the
mountains to-day or to-morrow." "My opinion," said Cleanor, "is, that
as soon as we have breakfasted, we should arm for the fight and attack
the enemy, without loss of time, for if we fritter away to-day, the
enemy who are now content to look at us, will grow bolder, and with
their growing courage, depend upon it, others more numerous will join

(1) Probably a tributary of the Araxes = modern Pasin-Su.

After him Xenophon spoke: "This," he said, "is how I see the matter;
if fight we must, let us make preparation to sell our lives dearly,
but if we desire to cross with the greatest ease, the point to
consider is, how we may get the fewest wounds and throw away the
smallest number of good men. Well then, that part of the mountain       11
which is visible stretches nearly seven miles. Where are the men
posted to intercept us? except at the road itself, they are nowhere to
be seen. It is much better to try if possible to steal a point of this
desert mountain unobserved, and before they know where we are, secure
the prize, than to fly at a strong position and an enemy thoroughly
prepared. Since it is much easier to march up a mountain without
fighting than to tramp along a level when assailants are at either
hand; and provided he has not to fight, a man will see what lies at
his feet much more plainly even at night than in broad daylight in the
midst of battle; and a rough road to feet that roam in peace may be
pleasanter than a smooth surface with the bullets whistling about your
ears (2). Nor is it so impossible, I take it, to steal a march, since
it is open to us to go by night, when we cannot be seen, and to fall
back so far that they will never notice us. In my opinion, however, if
we make a feint of attacking here, we shall find the mountain chain
all the more deserted elsewhere, since the enemy will be waiting for
us here in thicker swarm.

(2) Or, more lit., "with the head a mark for missiles."

"But what right have I to be drawing conclusions about stealing in
your presence, Cheirisophus? for you Lacedaemonians, as I have often
been told, you who belong to the 'peers,' practise stealing from your
boyhood up; and it is no disgrace but honourable rather to steal,
except such things as the law forbids; and in order, I presume, to
stimulate your sense of secretiveness, and to make you master thieves,
it is lawful for you further to get a whipping if you are caught. Now
then you have a fine opportunity of displaying your training. But take
care we are not caught stealing over the mountain, or we shall catch
it ourselves." "For all that," retorted Cheirisophus, "I have heard
that you Athenians are clever hands at stealing the public moneys; and
that too though there is a fearful risk for the person so employed;
but, I am told, it is your best men who are addicted to it; if it is
your best men who are thought worthy to rule. So it is a fine
opportunity for yourself also, Xenophon, to exhibit your education."    17
"And I," replied Xenophon, "am ready to take the rear division, as
soon as we have supped, and seize the mountain chain. I have already
got guides, for the light troops laid an ambuscade, and seized some of
the cut-purse vagabonds who hung on our rear. I am further informed by
them that the mountain is not inaccessible, but is grazed by goats and
cattle, so that if we can once get hold of any portion of it, there
will be no difficulty as regards our animals--they can cross. As to
the enemy, I expect they will not even wait for us any longer, when
they once see us on a level with themselves on the heights, for they
do not even at present care to come down and meet us on fair ground."
Cheirisophus answered: "But why should you go and leave your command
in the rear? Send others rather, unless a band of volunteers will
present themselves." Thereupon Aristonymus the Methydrian came forward
with some heavy infantry, and Nicomachus the Oetean with another body
of light troops, and they made an agreement to kindle several
watch-fires as soon as they held the heights. The arrangements made,
they breakfasted; and after breakfast Cheirisophus advanced the whole
army ten furlongs closer towards the enemy, so as to strengthen the
impression that he intended to attack them at that point.

But as soon as they had supped and night had fallen, the party under
orders set off and occupied the mountain, while the main body rested
where they were. Now as soon as the enemy perceived that the mountain
was taken, they banished all thought of sleep, and kept many
watch-fires blazing throughout the night. But at break of day
Cheirisophus offered sacrifice, and began advancing along the road,
while the detachment which held the mountain advanced pari passu by
the high ground. The larger mass of the enemy, on his side, remained
still on the mountain-pass, but a section of them turned to confront
the detachment on the heights. Before the main bodies had time to draw
together, the detachment on the height came to close quarters, and the
Hellenes were victorious and gave chase. Meanwhile the light division
of the Hellenes, issuing from the plain, were rapidly advancing
against the serried lines of the enemy, whilst Cheirisophus followed
up with his heavy infantry at quick march. But the enemy on the road    25
no sooner saw their higher division being worsted than they fled, and
some few of them were slain, and a vast number of wicker shields were
taken, which the Hellenes hacked to pieces with their short swords and
rendered useless. So when they had reached the summit of the pass,
they sacrificed and set up a trophy, and descending into the plain,
reached villages abounding in good things of every kind.


After this they marched into the country of the Taochians five          1
stages--thirty parasangs--and provisions failed; for the Taochians
lived in strong places, into which they had carried up all their
stores. Now when the army arrived before one of these strong places--a
mere fortress, without city or houses, into which a motley
crowd of men and women and numerous flocks and herds were
gathered--Cheirisophus attacked at once. When the first regiment fell
back tired, a second advanced, and again a third, for it was
impossible to surround the place in full force, as it was encircled by
a river. Presently Xenophon came up with the rearguard, consisting of
both light and heavy infantry, whereupon Cheirisophus halted him with
the words: "In the nick of time you have come; we must take this
place, for the troops have no provisions, unless we take it."
Thereupon they consulted together, and to Xenophon's inquiry, "What it
was which hindered their simply walking in?" Cheirisophus replied,
"There is just this one narrow approach which you see, but when we
attempt to pass it by they roll down volleys of stones from yonder
overhanging crag," pointing up, "and this is the state in which you
find yourself, if you chance to be caught;" and he pointed to some
poor fellows with their legs or ribs crushed to bits. "But when they
have expended their ammunition," said Xenophon, "there is nothing
else, is there, to hinder our passing? Certainly, except yonder
handful of fellows, there is no one in front of us that we can see;
and of them, only two or three apparently are armed, and the distance
to be traversed under fire is, as your eyes will tell you, about one
hundred and fifty feet as near as can be, and of this space the first
hundred is thickly covered with great pines at intervals; under cover
of these, what harm can come to our men from a pelt of stones, flying   6
or rolling? So then, there is only fifty feet left to cross, during a
lull of stones." "Ay," said Cheirisophus, "but with our first attempt
to approach the bush a galling fire of stones commences." "The very
thing we want," said the other, "for they will use up their ammunition
all the quicker; but let us select a point from which we shall have
only a brief space to run across, if we can, and from which it will be
easier to get back, if we wish."

Thereupon Cheirisophus and Xenophon set out with Callimachus the
Parrhasian, the captain in command of the officers of the rearguard
that day; the rest of the captains remained out of danger. That done,
the next step was for a party of about seventy men to get away under
the trees, not in a body, but one by one, every one using his best
precaution; and Agasis the Stymphalian, and Aristonymous the
Methydrian, who were also officers of the rearguard, were posted as
supports outside the trees; for it was not possible for more than a
single company to stand safely within the trees. Here Callimachus hit
upon a pretty contrivance--he ran forward from the tree under which he
was posted two or three paces, and as soon as the stones came
whizzing, he retired easily, but at each excursion more than ten
wagon-loads of rocks were expended. Agasias, seeing how Callimachus
was amusing himself, and the whole army looking on as spectators, was
seized with the fear that he might miss his chance of being first to
run the gauntlet of the enemy's fire and get into the place. So,
without a word of summons to his neighbour, Aristonymous, or to
Eurylochus of Lusia, both comrades of his, or to any one else, off he
set on his own account, and passed the whole detachment. But
Callimachus, seeing him tearing past, caught hold of his shield by the
rim, and in the meantime Aristonymous the Methydrian ran past both,
and after him Eurylochus of Lusia; for they were one and all aspirants
to valour, and in that high pursuit, each was the eager rival of the
rest. So in this strife of honour, the three of them took the
fortress, and when they had once rushed in, not a stone more was
hurled from overhead.

And here a terrible spectacle displayed itself: the women first cast
their infants down the cliff, and then they cast themselves after       13
their fallen little ones, and the men likewise. In such a scene,
Aeneas the Stymphalian, an officer, caught sight of a man with a fine
dress about to throw himself over, and seized hold of him to stop him;
but the other caught him to his arms, and both were gone in an instant
headlong down the crags, and were killed. Out of this place the merest
handful of human beings were taken prisoners, but cattle and asses in
abundance and flocks of sheep.

From this place they marched through the Chalybes (1) seven stages,
fifty parasangs. These were the bravest men whom they encountered on
the whole march, coming cheerily to close quarters with them. They
wore linen cuirasses reaching to the groin, and instead of the
ordinary "wings" or basques, a thickly-plaited fringe of cords. They
were also provided with greaves and helmets, and at the girdle a short
sabre, about as long as the Laconian dagger, with which they cut the
throats of those they mastered, and after severing the head from the
trunk they would march along carrying it, singing and dancing, when
they drew within their enemy's field of view. They carried also a
spear fifteen cubits long, lanced at one end (2). This folk stayed in
regular townships, and whenever the Hellenes passed by they invariably
hung close on their heels fighting. They had dwelling-places in their
fortresses, and into them they had carried up their supplies, sot hat
the Hellenes could get nothing from this district, but supported
themselves on the flocks and herds they had taken from the Taochians.
After this the Hellenes reached the river Harpasus, which was four
hundred feet broad. Hence they marched through the Scythenians four
stages--twenty parasangs--through a long level country to more
villages, among which they halted three days, and got in supplies.

(1) These are the Armeno-Chalybes, so called by Pliny in
    contradistinction to another mountain tribe in Pontus so named,
    who were famous for their forging, and from whom steel received
    its Greek name {khalups}. With these latter we shall make
    acquaintance later on.

(2) I.e. with a single point or spike only, the Hellenic spear having
    a spike at the butt end also.

Passing on from thence in four stages of twenty parasangs, they         19
reached a large and prosperous well-populated city, which went by the
name of Gymnias (3), from which the governor of the country sent them a
guide to lead them through a district hostile to his own. This guide
told them that within five days he would lead them to a place from
which they would see the sea, "and," he added, "if I fail of my word,
you are free to take my life." Accordingly he put himself at their
head; but he no sooner set foot in the country hostile to himself than
he fell to encouraging them to burn and harry the land; indeed his
exhortations were so earnest, it was plain that it was for this he had
come, and not out of the good-will he bore the Hellenes.

(3) Gymnias is supposed (by Grote, "Hist. of Greece," vol. ix. p. 161)
    to be the same as that which is now called Gumisch-Kana--perhaps
    "at no great distance from Baibut," Tozer, "Turkish Armenia," p.
    432. Others have identified it with Erzeroum, others with Ispir.

On the fifth day they reached the mountain, the name of which was
Theches (4). No sooner had the men in front ascended it and caught
sight of the sea than a great cry arose, and Xenophon, in the
rearguard, catching the sound of it, conjectured that another set of
enemies must surely be attacking in front; for they were followed by
the inhabitants of the country, which was all aflame; indeed the
rearguard had killed some and captured others alive by laying an
ambuscade; they had taken also about twenty wicker shields, covered
with the raw hides of shaggy oxen.

(4) Some MSS. give "the sacred mountain." The height in question has
    been identified with "the ridge called Tekieh-Dagh to the east of
    Gumisch-Kana, nearer to the sea than that place" (Grote, ib. p.
    162), but the exact place from which they caught sight of the sea
    has not been identified as yet, and other mountain ranges have
    been suggested.

But as the shout became louder and nearer, and those who from time to
time came up, began racing at the top of their speed towards the
shouters, and the shouting continually recommenced with yet greater
volume as the numbers increased, Xenophon settled in his mind that
something extraordinary must have happened, so he mounted his horse,
and taking with him Lycius and the cavalry, he galloped to the rescue.
Presently they could hear the soldiers shouting and passing on the
joyful word, "The sea! the sea!"

Thereupon they began running, rearguard and all, and the baggage        24
animals and horses came galloping up. But when they had reached the
summit, then indeed they fell to embracing one another--generals and
officers and all--and the tears trickled down their cheeks. And on a
sudden, some one, whoever it was, having passed down the order, the
soldiers began bringing stones and erecting a great cairn, whereon
they dedicated a host of untanned skins, and staves, and captured
wicker shields, and with his own hand the guide hacked the shields to
pieces, inviting the rest to follow his example. After this the
Hellenes dismissed the guide with a present raised from the common
store, to wit, a horse, a silver bowl, a Persian dress, and ten
darics; but what he most begged to have were their rings, and of these
he got several from the soldiers. So, after pointing out to them a
village where they would find quarters, and the road by which they
would proceed towards the land of the Macrones, as evening fell, he
turned his back upon them in the night and was gone.


From this point the Hellenes marched through the country of the         1
Macrones three stages--ten parasangs, and on the first day they
reached the river, which formed the boundary between the land of the
Macrones and the land of the Scythenians. Above them, on their right,
they had a country of the sternest and ruggedest character, and on
their left another river, into which the frontier river discharges
itself, and which they must cross. This was thickly fringed with trees
which, though not of any great bulk, were closely packed. As soon as
they came up to them, the Hellenes proceeded to cut them down in their
haste to get out of the place as soon as possible. But the Macrones,
armed with wicker shields and lances and hair tunics, were already
drawn up to receive them opposite the crossing. They were cheering one
another on, and kept up a steady pelt of stones into the river, though
they failed to reach the other side or do any harm.

At this juncture one of the light infantry came up to Xenophon; he had
been, he said, a slave at Athens, and he wished to tell him that he
recognised the speech of these people. "I think," said he, "that this
must be my native country, and if there is no objection I will have a
talk with them." "No objection at all," replied Xenophon, "pray talk    5
to them, and ask them first, who they are." In answer to this question
they said, "they were Macrones." "Well, then," said he, "ask them why
they are drawn up in battle and want to fight with us." They answered,
"Because you are invading our country." The generals bade him say: "If
so, it is with not intention certainly of doing it or you any harm:
but we have been at war with the king, and are now returning to
Hellas, and all we want is to reach the sea." The others asked, "Were
they willing to give them pledges to that effect?" They replied: "Yes,
they were ready to give and receive pledges to that effect." Then the
Macrones gave a barbaric lance to the Hellenes, and the Hellenes a
Hellenic lance to them: "for these," they said, "would serve as
pledges," and both sides called upon the gods to witness.

After the pledges were exchanged, the Macrones fell to vigorously
hewing down trees and constructing a road to help them across,
mingling freely with the Hellenes and fraternising in their midst, and
they afforded them as good as market as they could, and for three days
conducted them on their march, until they had brought them safely to
the confines of the Colchians. At this point they were confronted by a
great mountain chain, which however was accessible, and on it the
Colchians were drawn up for battle. In the first instance, the
Hellenes drew up opposite in line of battle, as though they were
minded to assault the hill in that order; but afterwards the generals
determined to hold a council of war, and consider how to make the
fairest fight.

Accordingly Xenophon said: "I am not for advancing in line, but advise
to form companies by columns. To begin with, the line," he urged,
"would be scattered and thrown into disorder at once; for we shall
find the mountain full of inequalities, it will be pathless here and
easy to traverse there. The mere fact of first having formed in line,
and then seeing the line thrown into disorder, must exercise a
disheartening effect. Again, if we advance several deep, the enemy
will none the less overlap us, and turn their superfluous numbers to
account as best they like; while, if we march in shallow order, we may
fully expect our line to be cut through and through by the thick rain   11
of missiles and rush of men, and if this happen anywhere along the
line, the whole line will equally suffer. No; my notion is to form
columns by companies, covering ground sufficient with spaces between
the companies to allow the last companies of each flank to be outside
the enemy's flanks. Thus we shall with our extreme companies be
outside the enemy's line, and the best men at the head of their
columns will lead the attack, and every company will pick its way
where the ground is easy; also it will be difficult for the enemy to
force his way into the intervening spaces, when there are companies on
both sides; nor will it be easy for him to cut in twain any individual
company marching in column. If, too, any particular company should be
pressed, the neighbouring company will come to the rescue, or if at
any point any single company succeed in reaching the height, from that
moment not one man of the enemy will stand his ground."

This proposal was carried, and they formed into columns by
companies (1). Then Xenophon, returning from the right wing to the
left, addressed the soldiers. "Men," he said, "these men whom you see
in front of you are the sole obstacles still interposed between us and
the haven of our hopes so long deferred. We will swallow them up
whole, without cooking (2), if we can."

(1) For this formation, see "The Retreat of the Ten Thousand; a
    military study for all time," by Lieut.-General J. L. Vaughan,

(2) Or, "we will gobble them up raw." He is thinking of the Homeric
    line ("Iliad", iv. 35) "Perchance wert thou to enter within the
    gates and long walls and devour Priam raw, and Priam's sons and
    all the Trojans, then mightest thou assuage thine anger."--Leaf.

The several divisions fell into position, the companies were formed
into columns, and the result was a total of something like eighty
companies of heavy infantry, each company consisting on an average of
a hundred men. The light infantry and bowmen were arranged in three
divisions--two outside to support the left and the right respectively,
and the third in the centre--each division consisting of about six
hundred men (3).

(3) This suggests 1800 as the total of the peltasts, 8000 as the total
    of the hoplites, but the companies were probably not limited to
    100, and under "peltasts" were probably included other light

Before starting, the generals passed the order to offer prayer; and     16
with the prayer and battle hymn rising from their lips they commenced
their advance. Cheirisophus and Xenophon, and the light infantry with
them, advanced outside the enemy's line to right and left, and the
enemy, seeing their advance, made an effort to keep parallel and
confront them, but in order to do so, as he extended partly to right
and partly to left, he was pulled to pieces, and there was a large
space or hollow left in the centre of his line. Seeing them separate
thus, the light infantry attached to the Arcadian battalion, under
command of Aeschines, an Arcarnanian, mistook the movement for flight,
and with a loud shout rushed on, and these were the first to scale the
mountain summit; but they were closely followed up by the Arcadian
heavy infantry, under command of Cleanor of Orchomenus.

When they began running in that way, the enemy stood their ground no
longer, but betook themselves to flight, one in one direction, one in
another, and the Hellenes scaled the hill and found quarters in
numerous villages which contained supplies in abundance. Here,
generally speaking, there was nothing to excite their wonderment, but
the numbers of bee-hives were indeed astonishing, and so were certain
properties of the honey (4). The effect upon the soldiers who tasted
the combs was, that they all went for the nonce quite off their heads,
and suffered from vomiting and diarrhoea, with a total inability to
stand steady on their legs. A small dose produced a condition not
unlike violent drunkenness, a large one an attack very like a fit of
madness, and some dropped down, apparently at death's door. So they
lay, hundreds of them, as if there had been a great defeat, a prey to
the cruellest despondency. But the next day, none had died; and almost
at the same hour of the day at which they had eaten they recovered
their senses, and on the third or fourth day got on their legs again
like convalescents after a severe course of medical treatment.

(4) "Modern travellers attest the existence, in these regions, of
    honey intoxicating and poisonous.... They point out the Azalea
    Pontica as the flower from which the bees imbibe this peculiar
    quality."--Grote, "Hist. of Greece," vol. ix. p. 155.

From this place they marched on two stages--seven parasangs--and        22
reached the sea at Trapezus (5), a populous Hellenic city on the Euxine
Sea, a colony of the Sinopeans, in the territory of the Colchians.
Here they halted about thirty days in the villages of the Colchians,
which they used as a base of operations to ravage the whole territory
of Colchis. The men of Trapezus supplied the army with a market,
entertained them, and gave them, as gifts of hospitality, oxen and
wheat and wine. Further, they negotiated with them in behalf of their
neighbours the Colchians, who dwelt in the plain for the most part,
and from this folk also came gifts of hospitality in the shape of
cattle. And now the Hellenes made preparation for the sacrifice which
they had vowed, and a sufficient number of cattle came in for them to
offer thank-offerings for safe guidance to Zeus the Saviour, and to
Heracles (6), and to the other gods, according to their vows. They
instituted also a gymnastic contest on the mountain side, just where
they were quartered, and chose Dracontius, a Spartan (who had been
banished from home when a lad, having unintentionally slain another
boy with a blow of his dagger), to superintend the course, and be
president of the games.

(5) Trebizond.

(6) Or, "to sacrifice to Zeus the Preserver, and to Heracles
    thank-offerings for safe guidance," Heracles "the conductor"
    having special sympathy with wanderers.

As soon as the sacrifices were over, they handed over the hides of the
beasts to Dracontius, and bade him lead the way to his racecourse. He
merely waved his hand and pointed to where they were standing, and
said, "There, this ridge is just the place for running, anywhere,
everywhere." "But how," it was asked, "will they manage to wrestle on
the hard scrubby ground?" "Oh! worse knocks for those who are thrown,"
the president replied. There was a mile race for boys, the majority
being captive lads; and for the long race more than sixty Cretans
competed; there was wrestling, boxing, and the pankration (7).
Altogether it was a beautiful spectacle. There was a large number of
entries, and the emulation, with their companions, male and female,     27
standing as spectators, was immense. There was horse-racing also; the
riders had to gallop down a steep incline to the sea, and then turn
and come up again to the altar, and on the descent more than half
rolled head over heels, and then back they came toiling up the
tremendous steep, scarcely out of a walking pace. Loud were the
shouts, the laughter, and the cheers.

(7) The pankration combined both wrestling and boxing.


(In the preceding portion of the narrative a detailed account
is given of all that the Hellenes did, and how they fared on
the march up with Cyrus; and also of all that befell them on
their march subsequently, until they reached the seaboard of
the Euxine Sea, or Pontus, and the Hellenic city of Trapezus,
where they duly offered the sacrifice for safe deliverance
which they had vowed to offer as soon as they set foot on a
friendly soil.)


After this they met and took counsel concerning the remainder of the    1
march. The first speaker was Antileon of Thurii. He rose and said:
"For my part, sirs, I am weary by this time of getting kit together
and packing up for a start, of walking and running and carrying heavy
arms, and of tramping along in line, or mounting guard, and doing
battle. The sole desire I now have is to cease from all these pains,
and for the future, since here we have the sea before us, to sail on
and on, 'stretched out in sleep,' like Odysseus, and so to find myself
in Hellas." When they heard these remarks, the soldiers showed their
approval with loud cries of "well said," and then another spoke to the
same effect, and then another, and indeed all present. Then
Cheirisophus got up and said: "I have a friend, sirs, who, as good hap
will have it, is now high admiral, Anaxibius. If you like to send me
to him, I think I can safely promise to return with some men-of-war
and other vessels which will carry us. All you have to do, if you are
really minded to go home by sea, is to wait here till I come. I will
be back ere long." The soldiers were delighted at these words, and      4
voted that Cheirisophus should set sail on his mission without delay.

After him, Xenophon got up, and spoke as follows: "Cheirisophus, it is
agreed, sets out in search of vessels, and we are going to await him.
Let me tell you what, in my opinion, it is reasonable to do while we
are waiting. First of all, we must provide ourselves with necessaries
from hostile territory, for there is not a sufficient market, nor, if
there were, have we, with a few solitary exceptions, the means of
purchase. Now, the district is hostile, so that if you set off in
search of provisions without care and precaution, the chances are that
many of us will be lost. To meet this risk, I propose that we should
organise foraging parties to capture provisions, and, for the rest,
not roam about the country at random. The organisation of the matter
should be left to us." (The resolution was passed.) "Please listen to
another proposal;" he continued: "Some of you, no doubt, will be going
out to pillage. It will be best, I think, that whoever does so should
in each case before starting inform us of his intent, and in what
direction he means to go, so that we may know the exact number of
those who are out and of those who stop behind. Thus we shall be able
to help in preparing and starting the expedition where necessary; and
in case of aid or reinforcements being called for, we shall know in
what direction to proceed; or, again, if the attempt is to be
undertaken by raw or less expert hands, we may throw in the weight of
our experience and advice by endeavouring to discover the strength of
those whom they design to attack." This proposal was also carried.
"Here is another point," he continued, "to which I would draw your
attention. Our enemies will not lack leisure to make raids upon us:
nor is it unnatural, that they should lay plots for us; for we have
appropriated what is theirs; they are seated over us ever on the
watch. I propose then that we should have regular outposts round the
camp. If we take it in succession to do picket and outlook duty, the
enemy will be less able to harry us. And here is another point for
your observation; supposing we knew for certain that Cheirisophus must
return with a sufficient number of vessels, there would be no need of   10
the remark, but as that is still problematical, I propose that we
should try to get together vessels on the spot also. If he comes and
finds us already provided for here, we shall have more ships than we
need, that is all; while, if he fails to bring them, we shall have the
local supply to fall back upon. I see ships sailing past perpetually,
so we have only to ask the loan of some war-ships from the men of
Trapezus, and we can bring them into port, and safeguard them with
their rudders unshipped, until we have enough to carry us. By this
course I think we shall not fail of finding the means of transport
requisite." That resolution was also passed. He proceeded: "Consider
whether you think it equitable to support by means of a general fund
the ships' companies which we so impress, while they wait here for our
benefit, and to agree upon a fare, on the principle of repaying
kindnesses in kind." That too was passed. "Well then," said he, "in
case, after all, our endeavours should not be crowned with success,
and we find that we have not vessels enough, I propose that we should
enjoin on the cities along the seaboard the duty of constructing and
putting in order the roads, which we hear are impassable. They will be
only too glad to obey, no doubt, out of mere terror and their desire to be rid of us."

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