2014년 11월 3일 월요일

Cyropaedia The Education Of Cyrus 5

Cyropaedia The Education Of Cyrus 5

[31] So Cyrus spoke, convinced that the ambassadors from Armenia and
Chaldaea would speak of him as he desired all men might do. And then, as
the hour was come, they broke up the meeting and took their rest.

[C.3] But on the next day Cyrus despatched his messenger with
the instructions, and the Armenians and Chaldaeans sent their own
ambassadors, choosing the men they thought would help Cyrus most and
speak of his exploits in the most fitting terms. Cyrus put a strong
garrison in the fort and stored it with supplies, and left an officer in
command, a Mede, whose appointment, he thought, would gratify Cyaxares,
and then he turned homewards, taking with him not only the troops he had
brought, but the force the Armenians had furnished, and a picked body
of Chaldaeans who considered themselves stronger than all the rest
together. [2] And as he come down from the hills into the cultivated
land, not one of the Armenians, man or woman, stayed indoors: with one
accord they all went out to meet him, rejoicing that peace was made, and
bringing him offerings from their best, driving before them the animals
they valued most. The king himself was not ill-pleased at this, for he
thought that Cyrus would take delight in the honour the people showed
him. Last of all came the queen herself, with her daughters and her
younger son, bearing many gifts, and among them the golden treasure that
Cyrus had refused before. [3] But when he saw it he said: "Nay, you must
not make me a mercenary and a benefactor for pay; take this treasure
back and hie you home, but do not give it to your lord that he may bury
it again; spend it on your son, and send him forth gloriously equipped
for war, and with the residue buy yourself and for your husband and your
children such precious things as shall endure, and bring joy and beauty
into all your days. As for burying, let us only bury our bodies on the
day when each must die."

[4] With that he rode away, the king and all his people escorting him,
like a guard of honour, calling him their saviour, their benefactor, and
their hero, and heaping praises on him until he had left the land.
And the king sent with him a larger army than ever he had sent before,
seeing that now he had peace at home. [5] Thus Cyrus took his departure,
having gained not only the actual money he took away with him, but a far
ampler store of wealth, won by his own graciousness, on which he could
draw in time of need.

For the first night he encamped on the borders of Armenia, but the next
day he sent an army and the money to Cyaxares, who was close at hand,
as he had promised to be, while he himself took his pleasure in hunting
wherever he could find the game, in company with Tigranes and the flower
of the Persian force.

[6] And when he came back to Media he gave gifts of money to his chief
officers, sufficient for each to reward their own subordinates, for he
held to it that, if every one made his own division worthy of praise,
all would be well with the army as a whole. He himself secured anything
that he thought of value for the campaign, and divided it among the most
meritorious, convinced that every gain to the army was an adornment to

[7] At every distribution he would take occasion to address the officers
and all whom he chose to honour in some such words as these: "My
friends, the god of mirth must be with us to-day: we have found a source
of plenty, and we have the wherewithal to honour whom we wish and as
they may deserve. [8] Let us call to mind, all of us, the only way
in which these blessings can be won. We shall find it is by toil, and
watchfulness, and speed, and the resolve never to yield to our foes.
After this pattern must we prove ourselves to be men, knowing that
all high delights and all great joys are only gained by obedience and
hardihood, and through pains endured and dangers confronted in their
proper season."

[9] But presently, when Cyrus saw that his men were strong enough for
all the work of war, and bold enough to meet their enemies with scorn,
expert and skilful in the use of the weapons each man bore, and all of
them perfect in obedience and discipline, the desire grew in his heart
to be up and doing and achieve something against the foe. He knew well
how often a general has found delay ruin his fairest armament. [10] He
noticed, moreover, that in the eagerness of rivalry and the strain of
competition many of the soldiers grew jealous of each other; and for
this, if for no other reason, he desired to lead them into the enemy's
country without delay, feeling that common dangers awaken comradeship
among those who are fighting in a common cause, and then all such
bickerings cease, and no man is galled by the splendour of his comrade's
arms, or the passion of his desire for glory: envy is swallowed up
in praise, and each competitor greets his rivals with delight as
fellow-workers for the common good.

[11] Therefore Cyrus ordered his whole force to assemble under arms, and
drew them up into battle-array, using all his skill to make the display
a wonder of beauty and perfection. Then he summoned his chief officers,
his generals, his brigadiers, and his company-captains. These men were
not bound to be always in the ranks, and some were always free to
wait on the commander-in-chief or carry orders along the lines without
leaving the troops unofficered: for the captains-of-twelve and the
captains-of-six stepped into the gaps, and absolute order was preserved.
[12] So Cyrus assembled his staff and led them along the lines, pointing
out the merits of the combined forces and the special strength of each,
and thus he kindled in their hearts the passion for achievement, and
then he bade them return to their regiments and repeat the lessons he
had taught them, trying to implant in their own men the same desire for
action, so that one and all might sally out in the best of heart; and
the next morning they were to present themselves at Cyaxares' gates.
[13] So the officers went away and did as he commanded, and the next
morning at daybreak they assembled at the trysting-place, and Cyrus met
them and came before Cyaxares and said to him:

"I know well that what I am about to say must often have been in your
own mind, but you have shrunk from suggesting it yourself lest it seem
that you were weary of supporting us. [14] Therefore since you must keep
silence, let me speak for both of us. We are all agreed that since our
preparations are complete we should not wait until the enemy invades our
territory before we give him battle, nor loiter here in a friendly land,
but attack him on his own ground with what speed we may. [15] For while
we linger here, we injure your property in spite of ourselves, but once
on the enemy's soil, we can damage his, and that with the best will in
the world. [16] As things are, you must maintain us, and the cost is
great; but once launched on foreign service, we can maintain ourselves,
and at our foe's expense. [17] Possibly, if it were more dangerous to go
forward than to stay here, the more cautious might seem the wiser plan.
But whether we stay or whether we go, the enemy's numbers will be the
same, and so will ours, whether we receive them here or join battle with
them there. [18] Moreover, the spirit of our soldiers will be all the
higher and all the bolder if they feel that they are marching against
the foe and not cowering before him; and his alarm will be all the
greater when he hears that we are not crouching at home in terror but
coming out to meet him as soon as we have heard of his advance, eager to
close at once, not holding back until our territory suffers, but prompt
to seize the moment and ravage his own land first. [19] Indeed," he
added, "if we do no more than quicken our own courage and his fears, I
would reckon it a substantial gain, and count it so much the less danger
for us and so much the more for him. My father never tires of telling me
what I have heard you say yourself, and what all the world admits, that
battles are decided more by the character of the troops than by their
bodily strength."

[20] He ended, and Cyaxares answered:

"Cyrus, both you and all my Persian friends may feel sure that I find
it no trouble to maintain you; do not imagine such a thing; but I agree
with you that the time is ripe for an advance on the enemy's land."

"Then," said Cyrus, "since we are all of one mind, let us make our final
preparations, and, if heaven will, let us set forth without delay."

[21] So they bade the soldiers prepare for the start, and Cyrus offered
sacrifices to Zeus the Lord and to the other gods in due order, and
prayed, "Look on us with favour, and be gracious to us; guide our army,
stand beside us in the battle, aid us in council, help us in action, be
the comrades of the brave." Also he called upon the Heroes of Media,
who dwell in the land and guard it. [22] Then, when the signs were
favourable and his army was mustered on the frontier, he felt that the
moment had come, and with all good omens to support him, he invaded
the enemy's land. And so soon as he had crossed the border he offered
libations to the Earth and victims to the gods, and sought to win the
favour of the Heroes who guard Assyria. And having so done, once more he
sacrificed to Zeus, the god of his fathers, and was careful to reverence
every other god who came before his mind.

[23] But when these duties were fulfilled, there was no further pause.
He pushed his infantry on at once, a short day's march, and then
encamped, while the cavalry made a swift descent and captured much spoil
of every kind. For the future they had only to shift their camp from
time to time, and they found supplies in abundance, and could ravage the
enemy's land at their ease while waiting his approach. [24] Presently
news came of his advance: he was said to be barely ten days' off, and
at that Cyrus went to Cyaxares and said: "The hour has come, and we
must face the enemy. Let it not seem to friend or foe that we fear the
encounter: let us show them that we enjoy the fight."

[25] Cyaxares agreed, and they moved forward in good order, marching
each day as far as appeared desirable. They were careful to take their
evening meal by daylight, and at night they lit no fires in the camp:
they made them in front of it, so that in case of attack they might see
their assailants, while they themselves remained unseen. And often they
lit other fires in their rear as well, to deceive the enemy; so that
at times the Assyrian scouts actually fell in with the advance-guard,
having fancied from the distance of the fires that they were still some
way from the encampment.

[26] Meanwhile the Assyrians and their allies, as the two armies came
into touch, halted, and threw up an entrenchment, just as all barbarian
leaders do to-day, whenever they encamp, finding no difficulty in the
work because of the vast numbers at their command, and knowing that
cavalry may easily be thrown into confusion and become unmanageable,
especially if they are barbarians. [27] The horses must be tethered
at their stalls, and in case of attack a dozen difficulties arise: the
soldier must loose his steed in the dark, bridle and saddle him, put on
his own armour, mount, and then gallop through the camp, and this
last it is quite impossible to do. Therefore the Assyrians, like all
barbarians, throw up entrenchments round their position, and the mere
fact of being inside a fastness leaves them, they consider, the choice
of fighting at any moment they think fit. [28] So the two armies drew
nearer and nearer, and when they were about four miles apart, the
Assyrians proceeded to encamp in the manner described: their position
was completely surrounded by a trench, but also perfectly visible,
while Cyrus took all the cover he could find, screening himself behind
villages and hillocks, in the conviction that the more sudden the
disclosure of a hostile force the greater will be the enemy's alarm.

[29] During the first night neither army did more than post the
customary guards before they went to sleep, and on the next day the
king of Assyria, and Croesus, and their officers, still kept the troops
within their lines. But Cyrus and Cyaxares drew up their men, prepared
to fight if the enemy advanced.

Ere long it was plain that they would not venture out that day, and
Cyaxares summoned Cyrus and his staff and said:

[30] "I think, gentlemen, it would be well for us to march up to the
breastworks in our present order, and show them that we wish to fight.
If we do so," he added, "and they refuse our challenge, it will increase
the confidence of our own men, and the mere sight of our boldness will
add to the enemy's alarm."

[31] So it seemed to Cyaxares, but Cyrus protested: "In the name of
heaven, Cyaxares, let us do no such thing. By such an advance we should
only reveal our numbers to them: they would watch us at their ease,
conscious that they are safe from any danger, and when we retire without
doing them any harm they will have another look at us and despise us
because of our inferiority in numbers, and to-morrow they will come
out much emboldened. [32] At present," he added, "they know that we are
here, but they have not seen us, and you may be sure they do not despise
us; they are asking what all this means, and they never cease discussing
the problem; of that I am convinced. They ought not to see us until
they sally out, and in that moment we ought to come to grips with them,
thankful to have caught them as we have so long desired."

[33] So Cyrus spoke, and Cyaxares and the others were convinced, and
waited. In the evening they took their meal, and posted their pickets
and lit watch-fires in front of their outposts, and so turned to sleep.
[34] But early the next morning Cyrus put a garland on his head and went
out to offer sacrifice, and sent word to all the Peers of Persia to
join him, wearing garlands like himself. And when the rite was over, he
called them together and said: "Gentlemen, the soothsayers tell us, and
I agree, that the gods announce by the signs in the victims that the
battle is at hand, and they assure us of victory, they promise us
salvation. [35] I should be ashamed to admonish you at such a season, or
tell you how to bear yourselves: I do not forget that we have all been
brought up in the same school, you have learnt the same lessons as I,
and practised them day by day, and you might well instruct others. But
you may not have noticed one point, and for this I would ask a hearing.
[36] Our new comrades, the men we desire to make our peers--it may be
well to remind them of the terms on which Cyaxares has kept us and of
our daily discipline, the goal for which we asked their help, and the
race in which they promised to be our friendly rivals. [37] Remind them
also that this day will test the worth of every man. With learners late
in life, we cannot wonder if now and then a prompter should be needed:
it is much to be thankful for if they show themselves good men and true
with the help of a reminder. [38] Moreover, while you help them you will
be putting your own powers to the test. He who can give another strength
at such a crisis may well have confidence in his own, whereas one who
keeps his ideal to himself and is content with that, ought to remember
that he is only half a man. [39] There is another reason," he added,
"why I do not speak to them myself, but ask you to do so. I want them to
try to please you: you are nearer to them than I, each of you to the
men of his own division: and be well assured that if you show yourselves
stout-hearted you will be teaching them courage, and others too, by
deeds as well as words."

[40] With that Cyrus dismissed them, and bade them break their fast and
make libation, and then take their places in the ranks, still wearing
their garlands on their heads. As they went away he summoned the leaders
of the rearguard and gave them his instructions:

[41] "Men of Persia, you have been made Peers and chosen for special
duties, because we think you equal to the best in other matters, and
wiser than most in virtue of your age. The post that you hold is every
whit as honourable as theirs who form the front: from your position in
the rear you can single out the gallant fighters, and your praise will
make them outdo themselves in valour, while if any man should be tempted
to give way, your eyes will be upon him and you will not suffer it. [42]
Victory will mean even more to you than to the others, because of your
age and the weight of your equipment. If the men in front call on you to
follow, answer readily, and let them see that you can hold your own with
them, shout back to them, and bid them lead on quicker still. And now,"
said he, "go back and take your breakfast, and then join your ranks with
the rest, wearing your garlands on your heads."

[43] Thus Cyrus and his men made their preparations, and meanwhile the
Assyrians on their side took their breakfast, and then sallied forth
boldly and drew up in gallant order. It was the king himself who
marshalled them, driving past in his chariot and encouraging his troops.

[44] "Men of Assyria," he said, "to-day you must show your valour.
To-day you fight for your lives and your land, the land where you were
born and the homes where you were bred, and for your wives and your
children, and all the blessings that are yours. If you win, you
will possess them all in safety as before, but if you lose, you must
surrender them into the hands of your enemies. [45] Abide, therefore,
and do battle as though you were enamoured of victory. It would be folly
for her lovers to turn their backs to the foe, sightless, handless,
helpless, and a fool is he who flies because he longs to live, for he
must know that safety comes to those who conquer, but death to those
who flee; and fools are they whose hearts are set on riches, but whose
spirits are ready to admit defeat. It is the victor who preserves his
own possessions and wins the property of those whom he overcomes: the
conquered lose themselves and all they call their own."

[46] Thus spoke the king of Assyria.

But meanwhile Cyaxares sent to Cyrus saying that the moment for attack
had come. "Although," he added, "there are as yet but few of them
outside the trenches, by the time we have advanced there will be quite
enough. Let us not wait until they outnumber us, but charge at once
while we are satisfied we can master them easily."

[47] But Cyrus answered him, "Unless those we conquer are more than half
their number, they are sure to say that we attacked when they were few,
because we were afraid of their full force, and in their hearts they
will not feel that they are beaten; and we shall have to fight another
battle, when perhaps they will make a better plan than they have made
to-day, delivering themselves into our hands one by one, to fight with
as we choose."

[48] So the messengers took back his reply, but meanwhile Chrysantas and
certain other Peers came to Cyrus bringing Assyrian deserters with
them, and Cyrus, as a general would, questioned the fugitives about the
enemy's doings, and they told him that the Assyrians were marching out
in force and that the king himself had crossed the trenches and was
marshalling his troops, addressing them in stirring words, as all the
listeners said. [49] Then Chrysantas turned to Cyrus:

"What if you also were to summon our men, while there is yet time, and
inspire them with your words?"

[50] But Cyrus answered:

"Do not be disturbed by the thought of the Assyrian's exhortations;
there are no words so fine that they can turn cowards into brave men
on the day of hearing, nor make good archers out of bad, nor doughty
spearmen, nor skilful riders, no, nor even teach men to use their arms
and legs if they have not learnt before."

[51] "But," replied Chrysantas, "could you not make the brave men braver
still, and the good better?"

"What!" cried Cyrus, "can one solitary speech fill the hearer's soul on
the selfsame day with honour and uprightness, guard him from all that is
base, spur him to undergo, as he ought, for the sake of glory every
toil and every danger, implant in him the faith that it is better to die
sword in hand than to escape by flight? [52] If such thoughts are ever
to be engraved in the hearts of men and there abide, we must begin with
the laws, and frame them so that the righteous can count on a life of
honour and liberty, while the bad have to face humiliation, suffering,
and pain, and a life that is no life at all. [53] And then we ought to
have tutors and governors to instruct and teach and train our citizens
until the belief is engendered in their souls that the righteous and
the honourable are the happiest of all men born, and the bad and the
infamous the most miserable. This is what our men must feel if they are
to show that their schooling can triumph over their terror of the foe.
[54] Surely, if in the moment of onset, amid the clash of arms, at a
time when lessons long learnt seem suddenly wiped away, it were possible
for any speaker, by stringing a few fine sentiments together, to
manufacture warriors out of hand, why, it would be the easiest thing in
all the world to teach men the highest virtue man can know. [55] For my
own part," he added, "I would not trust our new comrades yonder, whom
we have trained ourselves, to stand firm this day unless they saw you at
their side, to be examples unto them and to remind them if they forget.
As for men who are utterly undisciplined, I should be astonished if any
speech, however splendid, did one whit more to encourage valour in their
hearts than a song well sung could do to make a musician of a man who
had no music in his soul."

[56] But while they were speaking, Cyaxares sent again, saying that
Cyrus did ill to loiter instead of advancing against the enemy with all
speed. And Cyrus sent back word there and then by the messengers:

"Tell Cyaxares once more, that even now there are not as many before us
as we need. And tell him this so that all may hear. But add that, if it
so please him, I will advance at once."

[57] So saying and with one prayer to the gods, he led his troops into

Once the advance began he quickened the pace, and his men followed
in perfect order, steadily, swiftly, joyously, brimful of emulation,
hardened by toil, trained by their long discipline, every man in the
front a leader, and all of them alert. They had laid to heart the lesson
of many a day that it was always safest and easiest to meet enemies at
close quarters, especially archers, javelin-men, and cavalry. [58] While
they were still out of range, Cyrus sent the watchword along the lines,
"Zeus our help and Zeus our leader." And as soon as it was returned to
him, he sounded the first notes of the battle-paean, and the men took
up the hymn devoutly, in one mighty chorus. For at such times those
who fear the gods have less fear of their fellow-men. [59] And when the
chant was over, the Peers of Persia went forward side by side, radiant,
high-bred, disciplined, a band of gallant comrades; they looked into
each other's eyes, they called each other by name, with many a cheery
cry, "Forward, friends, forward, gallant gentlemen!" And the rear-ranks
heard the call, and sent back a ringing cheer, bidding the van lead on.
The whole army of Cyrus was brimming with courage and zeal and strength
and hardihood and comradeship and self-control; more terrible, I
imagine, to an opponent than aught else could be. [60] On the Assyrian
side, those in the van who fought from the chariots, as soon as the mass
of the Persian force drew near, leapt back and drove to their own main
body; but the archers, javelin-men, and slingers, let fly long before
they were in range. [61] And as the Persians steadily advanced, stepping
over the spent missiles, Cyrus called to his men:

"Forward now, bravest of the brave! Show us what your pace can be!"

They caught the word and passed it on, and in their eagerness and
passion for the fray some of the leaders broke into a run, and the whole
phalanx followed at their heels. [62] Cyrus himself gave up the regular
march and dashed forward at their head, shouting:

"Brave men to the front! Who follows me? Who will lay the first Assyrian

At this the men behind took up the shout till it rang through the field
like a battle-cry: "Who follows? Brave men to the front!" [63] Thus the
Persians closed. But the enemy could not hold their ground; they turned
and fled to their entrenchments. [64] The Persians swept after them,
many a warrior falling as they crowded in at the gates or tumbled into
the trenches. For in the rout some of the chariots were carried into the
fosse, and the Persians sprang down after them and slew man and horse
where they fell. [65] Then the Median troopers, seeing how matters
stood, charged the Assyrian cavalry, who swerved and broke before them,
chased and slaughtered, horse and rider, by their conquerors. [66]
Meanwhile the Assyrians within the camp, though they stood upon the
breastworks, had neither wit nor power to draw bow or fling spear
against the destroyers, dazed as they were by their panic and the horror
of the sight. Then came the tidings that the Persians had cut their way
through to the gates, and at that they fled from the breastworks.
[67] The women, seeing the rout in the camp, fell to wailing and
lamentations, running hither and thither in utter dismay, young maidens,
and mothers with children in their arms, rending their garments and
tearing their cheeks and crying on all they met, "Leave us not, save us,
save your children and yourselves!" [68] Then the princes gathered
the trustiest men and stood at the gates, fighting on the breastworks
themselves, and urging their troops to make a stand. [69] Cyrus, seeing
this, and fearing that if his handful of Persians forced their way into
the camp they would be overborne by numbers, gave the order to fall back
out of range. [70] Then was shown the perfect discipline of the Peers;
at once they obeyed the order and passed it on at once. And when they
were all out of range they halted and reformed their ranks, better than
any chorus could have done, every man of them knowing exactly where he
ought to be.


C1.6. Oriental in feeling; situation well realised. Hellenic = Oriental,
also in part perhaps. Also, we know the Oriental through the medium of
Greek to a great extent (cf. Greek Testament, and earlier still LXX.).

C1.8, init. Cf. Joseph and his brethren for this hardening of his heart.

C1.11. Hellenic political ethics = modern in this matter, apart from
modern theory of nationalism, i.e. right of nations to exist free.

C1.12. Quite after the manner of an advocate in a Greek law-court, but
also Oriental (cf. David and Nathan the seer).

C1.24. Fear of exile; autobiographical touch? Is anything passing
through the mind of Xenophon? I dare say there is. [Xenophon was
banished from his native city of Athens because of his friendship with
Sparta and with Cyrus the Younger. See Works, Vol. I. p. xcix.]

C1.33, fin. 3000 talents. Something under £750,000.

C1.35. Cyrus drives home the conscience of indebtedness _a la_ Portia v.
Shylock. N.B.--Humorous also and an Oriental tinge.

C1.38. One can't help thinking of Socrates and the people of Athens
here. If so, this is a quasi-apology for the Athenian _bons peres
de famille_ who condemned Socrates. Beautiful story of the sophist
teacher's last injunction to Tigranes.

C1.40-41. What smiles after tears! Like a sunny day succeeding clouds
and blackness. A pretty story this, of the wife of Tigranes. _Xenophon's
women:_ this one, Pantheia, Croesus' wife, the wife of Ischomachus
(_Economist_), the daughter of Gobryas.

C2.12. Archaeologically interesting. N.B.--Humanity towards wounded,
Hellenic. Xenophon's own strategy in the _Anabasis_ is probably the

C2.15. For Hellenic and Xenophontine religiousness. The incalculableness
of human life: God fulfils himself in many unforeseen ways. N.B.--Irony
also of the situation, since Cyrus doesn't intend the Armenian to
triumph over the Chaldaean in the way he anticipates.

C2.20. Note how Socratically it is made to work itself out.

C3. Cyrus, the Archic Man, the "born ruler," is also the diplomatic man
(cf., no doubt, Gladstone), a diplomacy based on organic economic sense
and friendly-naturedness.

C3.10. Xenophon's theory of fraternity in action, all petty jealousies
brushed aside.

[C3.11. The "captains-of-twelve" and the "captains-of-six" are the
same officers as those called elsewhere "captains-of-ten" and
"captains-of-five" (cf. above Bk. II. C2.21 note). The titles vary
because sometimes the officers themselves are included in the squads and
sometimes not.]

C3.19. Nice touch, quoting his father as an authority.

C3.40. With garlands, like the Spartans. Was it conceivably a Persian
custom too?

C3.44. Assyrian's speech; not a bad one, though platitudinous.
Xenophon's dramatic form is shown in the intellectual and emotional side
of his characters, rather than by the diction in their mouths, is it

C3.51-52. Most important for Xenophon, Educationalist. Cyrus on the
powerlessness of a speech to create valour in the soul of the
untrained: there must be a physical, moral, and spiritual training there
beforehand. The speech is in Xenophon's best earnest rhetorical style.

C3.57. The march into battle, _vide_ Milton. A beautiful bit of

C3.58. Cf. the Prussian army singing a hymn [in 1870].


[C.1] Cyrus waited, with his troops as they were, long enough to show
that he was ready to do battle again if the enemy would come out; but
as they did not stir he drew the soldiers off as far as he thought well,
and there encamped. He had guards posted and scouts sent forward, and
then he gathered his warriors round him and spoke to them as follows:

[2] "Men of Persia, first and foremost I thank the gods of heaven with
all my soul and strength; and I know you render thanks with me, for we
have won salvation and victory, and it is meet and right to thank the
gods for all that comes to us. But in the next place I must praise you,
one and all; it is through you all that this glorious work has been
accomplished, and when I have learnt what each man's part has been from
those whose place it is to tell me, I will do my best to give each man
his due, in word and deed. [3] But I need none to tell me the exploits
of your brigadier Chrysantas; he was next to me in the battle and I
could see that he bore himself as I believe you all have done. Moreover,
at the very moment when I called on him to retire, he had just raised
his sword to strike an Assyrian down, but he heard my voice, and at once
he dropped his hand and did my bidding. He sent the word along the lines
and led his division out of range before the enemy could lay one arrow
to the string or let one javelin fly. Thus he brought himself and his
men safely out of action, because he had learnt to obey. [4] But some
of you, I see, are wounded, and when I hear at what moment they received
their wounds I will pronounce my opinion on their deserts. Chrysantas
I know already to be a true soldier and a man of sense, able to command
because he is able to obey, and here and now I put him at the head of a
thousand troops, nor shall I forget him on the day when God may please
to give me other blessings. [5] There is one reminder I would make to
all. Never let slip the lesson of this day's encounter, and judge for
yourselves whether it is cowardice or courage that saves a man in war,
whether the fighters or the shirkers have the better chance, and what
the joy is that victory can yield. To-day of all days you can decide,
for you have made the trial and the result is fresh. [6] With such
thoughts as these in your hearts you will grow braver and better still.
And now you may rest in the consciousness that you are dear to God and
have done your duty bravely and steadily, and so take your meal and make
your libations and sing the paean and be ready for the watchword."

So saying, Cyrus mounted his horse and galloped on to Cyaxares, and
the two rejoiced together as victors will. And then, after a glance at
matters there and an inquiry if aught were needed, he rode back to his
own detachment. Then the evening meal was taken and the watches were
posted and Cyrus slept with his men.

[8] Meanwhile the Assyrians, finding that their king was among the slain
and almost all his nobles with him, fell into utter despair, and many of
them deserted during the night. And at this fear crept over Croesus and
the allies; they saw dangers on every side, and heaviest of all was the
knowledge that the leading nation, the head of the whole expedition, had
received a mortal blow. Nothing remained but to abandon the encampment
under cover of night. [9] Day broke, and the camp was seen to be
deserted, and Cyrus, without more ado, led his Persians within the
entrenchments, where they found the stores that the enemy had left:
herds of sheep and goats and kine, and long rows of waggons laden with
good things. Cyaxares and his Medes followed, and all arms took their
breakfast in the camp. [10] But when the meal was over, Cyrus summoned
his brigadiers and said to them:

"Think what blessings we are flinging away now, spurning, as it were,
the very gifts of heaven! So at least it seems to me. The enemy have
given us the slip, as you see with your own eyes. Is it likely that men
who forsook the shelter of their own fortress will ever face us in fair
field on level ground? Will those who shrink from us before they put our
prowess to the test ever withstand us now when we have overthrown and
shattered them? They have lost their best and bravest, and will the
cowards dare to give us battle?"

[11] At that one of his officers cried, "Why not pursue at once, if such
triumphs are before us?"

And Cyrus answered, "Because we have not the horses. The stoutest of our
enemies, those whom we must seize or slay, are mounted on steeds that
could sweep past us like the wind. God helping us, we can put them to
flight, but we cannot overtake them."

[12] "Then," said they, "why not go and lay the matter before Cyaxares?"

And he answered, "If so, you must all go with me, that Cyaxares may see
it is the wish of all."

So they all went together and spoke as they thought best. [13] Now
Cyaxares felt, no doubt, a certain jealousy that the Persians should be
the first to broach the matter, but he may also have felt that it was
really wiser to run no further risks for the present; he had, moreover,
abandoned himself to feasting and merrymaking, and he saw that most of
his Medes were in like case. Whatever the reason, this was the answer he

[14] "My good nephew, I have always heard and always seen that you
Persians of all men think it your duty never to be insatiate in the
pursuit of any pleasure; and I myself believe that the greater the joy
the more important is self-restraint. Now what greater joy could there
be than the good fortune which waits on us to-day? [15] When fortune
comes to us, if we guard her with discretion, we may live to grow old
in peace, but if we are insatiate, if we use and abuse our pleasures,
chasing first one and then another, we may well fear lest that fate be
ours which, the proverb tells us, falls on those mariners who cannot
forgo their voyages in the pursuit of wealth, and one day the deep sea
swallows them. Thus has many a warrior achieved one victory only to
clutch at another and lose the first. [16] If indeed, our enemies who
have fled were weaker than we, it might be safe enough to pursue them.
But now, bethink you, how small a portion of them we have fought and
conquered; the mass have had no part in the battle, and they, if we
do not force them to fight, will take themselves off through sheer
cowardice and sloth. As yet they know nothing of our powers or their
own, but if they learn that to fly is as dangerous as to hold their
ground, we run the risk of driving them to be brave in spite of
themselves. [17] You may be sure they are just as anxious to save their
wives and children as you can be to capture them. Take a lesson from
hunting: the wild sow when she is sighted will scamper away with her
young, though she be feeding with the herd; but if you attack her little
ones she will never fly, even if she is all alone; she will turn on the
hunters. [18] Yesterday the enemy shut themselves up in a fort, and then
handed themselves over to us to choose how many we cared to fight. But
if we meet them in open country, and they learn how to divide their
forces and take us in front and flank and rear, I wonder how many pairs
of eyes and hands each man of us would need! Finally," he added, "I have
no great wish myself to disturb my Medes in their enjoyment, and drive
them out to further dangers."

[19] Then Cyrus took him up: "Nay, I would not have you put pressure on
any man; only let those who are willing follow me, and perhaps we shall
come back with something for all of you to enjoy. The mass of the enemy
we should not think of pursuing; indeed, how could we overtake them? But
if we cut off any stragglers, we could clap hands on them and bring them
back to you. [20] Remember," he added, "when you sent for us, we came
a long way to do you service; is it not fair that you should do us a
kindness in return, and let us have something to take back with us for
ourselves, and not stand here agape at all your treasures?"

[21] At that Cyaxares answered, "Ah, if any will follow you of their own
free will, I can but be most grateful."

"Send some one with me then," said Cyrus, "from these trusty men of
yours, to carry your commands."

"Take whomever you like," he answered, "and begone."

[22] Now, as it chanced, among the officers present was the Mede who
had claimed kinship with Cyrus long ago and won a kiss thereby. Cyrus
pointed to him and said, "That man will do for me." "He shall go with
you then," Cyaxares replied. And turning to the officer, "Tell your
fellows," he said, "that he who lists may follow Cyrus." [23] Thus
Cyrus chose his man and went forth. And when they were outside he said,
"To-day you can show me if you spoke truth long ago when you told me
that the sight of me was your joy."

"If you say that," said the Mede, "I will never leave you."

"And will you not do your best," added Cyrus, "to bring me others too?"
"By the gods in heaven," cried the Mede, "that I will, until you say in
your turn that to see me is your joy." Thereupon, with the authority
of Cyaxares to support him, the officer went to the Medes and delivered
with message with all diligence, adding that he for one would never
forsake Cyrus, the bravest, noblest, and best of men, and a hero whose
lineage was divine.

[C.2] While Cyrus was busied with these matters, by some strange chance
two ambassadors arrived from the Hyrcanians. These people are neighbours
of the Assyrians, and being few in number, they were held in subjection.
But they seemed then, as they seem now, to live on horseback. Hence the
Assyrians used them as the Lacedaemonians employ the Skirites, for
every toil and every danger, without sparing them. In fact, at that very
moment they had ordered them to furnish a rear-guard of a thousand
men and more, so as to bear the brunt of any rear attack. [2] The
Hyrcanians, as they were to be the hindmost, had put their waggons and
families in the rear, for, like most of the tribes in Asia, they take
their entire households with them on the march. [3] But when they
thought of the sorry treatment they got from the Assyrians and when they
saw the king fallen, the army worsted and a prey to panic, the allies
disheartened and ready to desert, they judged it a fine moment to revolt
themselves, if only the Medes and Persians would make common cause with
them. So they sent an embassy to Cyrus, for after the late battle there
was no name like his. [4] They told him what good cause they had to
hate the Assyrians, and how if he was willing to attack them now, they
themselves would be his allies and show him the way. At the same time
they gave a full account of the enemy's doings, being eager to get Cyrus
on the road. [5] "Do you think," said Cyrus, "we should overtake the
Assyrians before they reach their fortresses? We look on it as a great
misfortune," he added, "that they ever slipped through our fingers and
escaped." (This he said, wishing to give his hearers as high an opinion
as possible of himself and his friends.) [6] "You should certainly catch
them," they answered, "and that to-morrow, ere the day is old, if you
gird up your loins: they move heavily because of their numbers and their
train of waggons, and to-day, since they did not sleep last night,
they have only gone a little way ahead, and are now encamped for the

[7] "Can you give us any guarantee," said Cyrus, "that what you say is

"We will give you hostages," they said; "we will ride off at once and
bring them back this very night. Only do you on your side call the gods
to witness and give us the pledge of your own right hand, that we may
give our people the assurance we have received from you ourselves."

[8] Thereupon Cyrus gave them his pledge that if they would make good
what they promised he would treat them as his true friends and faithful
followers, of no less account than the Persians and the Medes. And to
this day one may see Hyrcanians treated with trust and holding office on
an equal footing with Persians and Medes of high distinction.

[9] Now Cyrus and his men took their supper and then while it was still
daylight he led his army out, having made the two Hyrcanians wait so
that they might go with them. The Persians, of course, were with him to
a man, and Tigranes was there, with his own contingent, and the Median
volunteers, who had joined for various reasons. [10] Some had been
friends of Cyrus in boyhood, others had hunted with him and learnt to
admire his character, others were grateful, feeling he had lifted a load
of fear from them, others were flushed with hope, nothing doubting that
great things were reserved for the man who had proved so brave and so
fortunate already. Others remembered the time when he was brought up in
Media, and were glad to return the kindnesses that he had shown
them; many could recall the favours the boy had won for them from his
grandfather through his sheer goodness of heart; and many, now that they
had seen the Hyrcanians and heard say they were leading them to untold
treasures, went out from simple love of gain. [11] So they sallied
forth, the entire body of the Persians and all the Medes, except those
who were quartered with Cyaxares: these stayed behind, and their men
with them. But all the rest went out with radiant faces and eager
hearts, not following him from constraint, but offering willing service
in their gratitude. [12] So, as soon as they were well afield, Cyrus
went to the Medes and thanked them, praying that the gods in their mercy
might guide them all, and that he himself might have power given him to
reward their zeal. He ended by saying that the infantry would lead the
van, while they would follow with the cavalry, and whenever the column
halted on the march they were to send him gallopers to receive his
orders. [13] Then he bade the Hyrcanians lead the way, but they
exclaimed, "What? Are you not going to wait until we bring the hostages?
Then you could begin the march with pledges from us in return for

But he answered, as the story says, "If I am not mistaken, we hold the
pledges now, in our own hearts and our own right hands. We believe that
if you are true to us we can do you service, and if you play us false,
you will not have us at your mercy; God willing, we shall hold you at
ours. Nevertheless," he added, "since you tell us your own folk follow
in the Assyrian rear, point them out to us as soon as you set eyes upon
them, that we may spare their lives."

[14] When the Hyrcanians heard this they led the way as he ordered,
marvelling at his strength of soul. Their own fear of the Assyrians, the
Lydians, and their allies, had altogether gone; their dread now was lest
Cyrus should regard themselves as mere dust in the balance, and count it
of no importance whether they stayed with him or not.

[15] As night closed in on their march, the legend runs that a strange
light shone out, far off in the sky, upon Cyrus and his host, filling
them with awe of the heavenly powers and courage to meet the foe.
Marching as they did, their loins girt and their pace swift, they
covered a long stretch of road in little time, and with the half light
of the morning they were close to the Hyrcanian rear-guard. [16] As soon
as the guides saw it, they told Cyrus that these were their own men:
they knew this, they added, from the number of their fires, and the fact
that they were in the rear. [17] Therefore Cyrus sent one of the guides
to them, bidding them come out at once, if they were friendly, with
their right hands raised. And he sent one of his own men also to say,
"According as you make your approach, so shall we Persians comport

Thus one of the two messengers stayed with Cyrus while the other rode up
to his fellows. [18] Cyrus halted his army to watch what the tribe would
do, and Tigranes and the Median officers rode along the ranks to ask
for orders. Cyrus explained that the troops nearest to them were the
Hyrcanians, and that one of the ambassadors had gone, and a Persian with
him, to bid them come out at once, if they were friendly, with their
right hands raised. "If they do so," he added, "you must welcome them
as they come, each of you at your post, and take them by the hand and
encourage them, but if they draw sword or try to escape, you must make
an example of them: not a man of them must be left."

Such were his orders. [19] However, as soon as the Hyrcanians heard the
message, they were overjoyed: springing to their steeds they galloped up
to Cyrus, holding out their right hands as he had bidden. Then the Medes
and Persians gave them the right hand of fellowship in return, and bade
them be of courage. [20] And Cyrus spoke:

"Sons of the Hyrcanians, we have shown our trust in you already, and
you must trust us in return. And now tell me, how far from here do
the Assyrian headquarters lie, and their main body?" "About four miles
hence," they answered.

[21] "Forward then, my men," said Cyrus, "Persians, Medes, and
Hyrcanians. I have learnt already, you see, to call you friends and
comrades. All of you must remember that the moment has come when, if
hand falters or heart fails, we meet with utter disaster: our enemies
know why we are here. But if we summon our strength and charge home,
you shall see them caught like a pack of runaway slaves, some on their
knees, others in full flight, and the rest unable to do even so much for
themselves. They are beaten already, and they will see their conquerors
fall on them before they dream of an approach, before their ranks are
formed or their preparations made, and the sight will paralyse them.
[22] If we wish to sleep and eat and live in peace and happiness from
this time forth, let us not give them leisure to take counsel or arrange
defence, or so much as see that we are men, and not a storm of shields
and battle-axes and flashing swords, sweeping on them in one rain of
blows. [23] You Hyrcanians must go in front of us as a screen, that we
may lie behind you as long as may be. And as soon as I close with them,
you must give me, each of you, a squadron of horse, to use in case of
need while I am waiting at the camp. [24] I would advise the older men
among you and the officers, to ride in close order, so that your ranks
should not be broken, if you come across a compact body of the foe; let
the younger men give chase, and do the killing; our safest plan to-day
is to leave as few of the enemy alive as possible. [25] And if we
conquer," he added, "we must beware of what has overset the fortune
of many a conqueror ere now, I mean the lust for plunder. The man who
plunders is no longer a man, he is a machine for porterage, and all
who list may treat him as a slave. [26] One thing we must bear in mind:
nothing can bring such gain as victory; at one clutch the victor seizes
all, men and women, and wealth, and territory. Therefore make it your
one object to secure the victory; if he is conquered, the greatest
plunderer is caught. One more word--remember, even in the heat of
pursuit to rejoin me while it is still daylight, for when darkness has
fallen we will not admit a soul within the lines."

[27] With these words he sent them off to their appointed stations,
bidding them repeat his instructions on the way to their own
lieutenants, who were posted in front to receive the orders, and make
each of them pass down the word to his own file of ten. Thereupon the
advance began, the Hyrcanians leading off, Cyrus holding the centre
himself, marching with his Persians, and the cavalry in the usual way, drawn up on either flank.

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