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HELLENICA By Xenophon 7

HELLENICA By Xenophon 7

(6) I.e. "the shores of the Corinthian Gulf." Or, "upon the strand or
    coast road or coast land of Achaia"  (aliter {ten aigialon}(?) the
    Strand of the Corinthian Gulf, the old name of this part of

(7) Or, "the district of Nemea."

(8) {epelthontes}, but see Grote ("H. G." ix. 425 note), who prefers
    {apelthontes} = retreated and encamped.

(9) Lit. "ten stades." For the numbers below, see Grote, "H. G." ix.
    422, note 1.

And here I may state the numbers on either side. The Lacedaemonian
heavy-armed infantry levies amounted to six thousand men. Of Eleians,
Triphylians, Acroreians, and Lasionians, there must have been nearly
three thousand, with fifteen hundred Sicyonians, while Epidaurus,
Troezen, Hermione, and Halieis (10) contributed at least another three
thousand. To these heavy infantry troops must be added six hundred
Lacedaemonian cavalry, a body of Cretan archers about three hundred
strong, besides another force of slingers, at least four hundred in
all, consisting of Marganians, Letrinians, and Amphidolians. The men
of Phlius were not represented. Their plea was they were keeping "holy
truce." That was the total of the forces on the Lacedaemonian side.
There was collected on the enemy's side six thousand Athenian heavy
infantry, with about, as was stated, seven thousand Argives, and in the
absence of the men of Orchomenus something like five thousand Boeotians.
There were besides three thousand Corinthians, and again from the whole
of Euboea at least three thousand. These formed the heavy infantry.
Of cavalry the Boeotians, again in the absence of the Orchomenians,
furnished eight hundred, the Athenians (11) six hundred, the Chalcidians
of Euboea one hundred, the Opuntian Locrians (12) fifty. Their light
troops, including those of the Corinthians, were more numerous, as the
Ozolian Locrians, the Melians, and Arcarnanians (13) helped to swell
their numbers.

(10) Halieis, a seafaring people (Strabo, viii. 373) and town on the
    coast of Hermionis; Herod. vii. 137; Thuc. i. 105, ii. 56, iv. 45;
    Diod. xi. 78; "Hell." VI. ii. 3.

(11) For a treaty between Athens and Eretria, B.C. 395, see Hicks, 66;
    and below, "Hell." IV. iii. 15; Hicks, 68, 69; Diod. xiv. 82.

(12) See above, "Hell." III. v. 3.

(13) See below, "Hell." IV. vi. 1; ib. vii. 1; VI. v. 23.

Such was the strength of the two armies. The Boeotians, as long as they
occupied the left wing, showed no anxiety to join battle, but after a
rearrangement which gave them the right, placing the Athenians opposite
the Lacedaemonians, and themselves opposite the Achaeans, at once, we
are told, (14) the victims proved favourable, and the order was passed
along the lines to prepare for immediate action. The Boeotians, in the
first place, abandoning the rule of sixteen deep, chose to give their
division the fullest possible depth, and, moreover, kept veering
more and more to their right, with the intention of overlapping their
opponent's flank. The consequence was that the Athenians, to avoid being
absolutely severed, were forced to follow suit, and edged towards the
right, though they recognised the risk they ran of having their flank
turned. For a while the Lacedaemonians had no idea of the advance of the
enemy, owing to the rough nature of the ground, (15) but the notes of
the paean at length announced to them the fact, and without an instant's
delay the answering order "prepare for battle" ran along the different
sections of their army. As soon as their troops were drawn up, according
to the tactical disposition of the various generals of foreign brigades,
the order was passed to "follow the lead," and then the Lacedaemonians
on their side also began edging to their right, and eventually stretched
out their wing so far that only six out of the ten regimental divisions
of the Athenians confronted the Lacedaemonians, the other four finding
themselves face to face with the men of Tegea. And now when they
were less than a furlong (16) apart, the Lacedaemonians sacrificed in
customary fashion a kid to the huntress goddess, (17) and advanced upon
their opponents, wheeling round their overlapping columns to outflank
his left. As the two armies closed, the allies of Lacedaemon were as
a rule fairly borne down by their opponents. The men of Pellene alone,
steadily confronting the Thespiaeans, held their ground, and the dead
of either side strewed the position. (18) As to the Lacedaemonians
themselves: crushing that portion of the Athenian troops which lay
immediately in front of them, and at the same time encircling them
with their overlapping right, they slew man after man of them; and,
absolutely unscathed themselves, their unbroken columns continued their
march, and so passed behind the four remaining divisions (19) of the
Athenians before these latter had returned from their own victorious
pursuit. Whereby the four divisions in question also emerged from battle
intact, except for the casualties inflicted by the Tegeans in the
first clash of the engagement. The troops next encountered by the
Lacedaemonians were the Argives retiring. These they fell foul of, and
the senior polemarch was just on the point of closing with them "breast
to breast" when some one, it is said, shouted, "Let their front ranks
pass." This was done, and as the Argives raced past, their enemies
thrust at their unprotected (20) sides and killed many of them. The
Corinthians were caught in the same way as they retired, and when their
turn had passed, once more the Lacedaemonians lit upon a portion of the
Theban division retiring from the pursuit, and strewed the field with
their dead. The end of it all was that the defeated troops in the first
instance made for safety to the walls of their city, but the Corinthians
within closed the gates, whereupon the troops took up quarters once
again in their old encampment. The Lacedaemonians on their side withdrew
to the point at which they first closed with the enemy, and there set up
a trophy of victory. So the battle ended.

(14) Or, "then they lost no time in discovering that the victims
    proved favourable."

(15) See Grote, "H. G." ix. 428; cf. Lys. "pro Mant." 20.

(16) Lit. "a stade."

(17) Lit. "our Lady of the Chase." See "Pol. Lac." xiii. 8.

(18) Lit. "men on either side kept dropping at their post."

(19) Lit. "tribes."

(20) I.e. "right."


Meanwhile Agesilaus was rapidly hastening with his reinforcements from
Asia. He had reached Amphipolis when Dercylidas brought the news of this
fresh victory of the Lacedaemonians; their own loss had been eight men,
that of the enemy considerable. It was his business at the same time to
explain that not a few of the allies had fallen also. Agesilaus
asked, "Would it not be opportune, Dercylidas, if the cities that have
furnished us with contingents could hear of this victory as soon as
possible?" And Dercylidas replied: "The news at any rate is likely
to put them in better heart." Then said the king: "As you were an
eye-witness there could hardly be a better bearer of the news than
yourself." To this proposal Dercylidas lent a willing ear--to travel
abroad (1) was his special delight--and he replied, "Yes, under your
orders." "Then you have my orders," the king said. "And you may further
inform the states from myself that we have not forgotten our promise;
if all goes well over here we shall be with them again ere long."
So Dercylidas set off on his travels, in the first instance to the
Hellespont; (2) while Agesilaus crossed Macedonia, and arrived in
Thessaly. And now the men of Larissa, Crannon, Scotussa, and Pharsalus,
who were allies of the Boeotians--and in fact all the Thessalians except
the exiles for the time being--hung on his heels (3) and did him damage.

(1) See "Pol. Lac." xiv. 4.

(2) See below, "Hell." IV. viii. 3.

(3) See "Ages." ii. 2; Grote, "H. G." ix. 420, note 2.

For some while he marched his troops in a hollow square, (4) posting
half his cavalry in front and half on his rear; but finding that the
Thessalians checked his passage by repeated charges from behind, he
strengthened his rearguard by sending round the cavalry from his van,
with the exception of his own personal escort. (5) The two armies stood
confronted in battle order; but the Thessalians, not liking the notion
of a cavalry engagement with heavy infantry, turned, and step by step
retreated, while the others followed them with considerable caution.
Agesilaus, perceiving the error under which both alike laboured, now
sent his own personal guard of stalwart troopers with orders that both
they and the rest of the horsemen should charge at full gallop, (6)
and not give the enemy the chance to recoil. The Thessalians were taken
aback by this unexpected onslaught, and half of them never thought of
wheeling about, whilst those who did essay to do so presented the
flanks of their horses to the charge, (7) and were made prisoners.
Still Polymarchus of Pharsalus, the general in command of their cavalry,
rallied his men for an instant, and fell, sword in hand, with his
immediate followers. This was the signal for a flight so precipitate on
the part of the Thessalians, that their dead and dying lined the road,
and prisoners were taken; nor was any halt made until they reached Mount
Narthacius. Here, then, midway between Pras and Narthacius, Agesilaus
set up a trophy, halting for the moment, in unfeigned satisfaction at
the exploit. It was from antagonists who prided themselves on their
cavalry beyond everything that he had wrested victory, with a body
of cavalry of his own mustering. Next day he crossed the mountains
of Achaea Phthiotis, and for the future continued his march through
friendly territory until he reached the confines of Boeotia.

(4) See Rustow and Kochly, S. 187 foll.

(5) See Thuc. v. 72; Herod. vi. 56, viii. 124.

(6) Lit. "and bids them pass the order to the others and themselves to
    charge," etc.

(7) See "Horsemanship," vii. 16; Polyb. iv. 8.

Here, at the entrance of that territory, the sun (in partial eclipse)
(8) seemed to appear in a crescent shape, and the news reached him of
the defeat of the Lacedaemonians in a naval engagement, and the death
of the admiral Peisander. Details of the disaster were not wanting. The
engagement of the hostile fleets took place off Cnidus. Pharnabazus, the
Persian admiral, was present with the Phoenician fleet, and in front
of him were ranged the ships of the Hellenic squadron under Conon.
Peisander had ventured to draw out his squadron to meet the combined
fleets, though the numerical inferiority of his fleet to that of the
Hellenic navy under Conon was conspicuous, and he had the mortification
of seeing the allies who formed his left wing take to flight
immediately. He himself came to close quarters with the enemy, and was
driven on shore, on board his trireme, under pressure of the hostile
rams. The rest, as many as were driven to shore, deserted their ships
and sought safety as best they could in the territory of Cnidus. The
admiral alone stuck to his ship, and fell sword in hand.

(8) B.C. 394, August 14.

It was impossible for Agesilaus not to feel depressed by those tidings
at first; on further reflection, however, it seemed to him that the
moral quality of more than half his troops well entitled them to share
in the sunshine of success, but in the day of trouble, when things
looked black, he was not bound to take them into his confidence.
Accordingly he turned round and gave out that he had received news that
Peisander was dead, but that he had fallen in the arms of victory in
a sea-fight; and suiting his action to the word, he proceeded to offer
sacrifice in return for good tidings, (9) distributing portions of the
victims to a large number of recipients. So it befell that in the first
skirmish with the enemy the troops of Agesilaus gained the upper hand,
in consequence of the report that the Lacedaemonians had won a victory
by sea.

(9) "Splendide mendax." For the ethics of the matter, see "Mem." IV.
    ii. 17; "Cyrop." I. vi. 31.

To confront Agesilaus stood an army composed of the Boeotians,
Athenians, Argives, Corinthians, Aenianians, Euboeans, and both
divisions of the Locrians. Agesilaus on his side had with him a division
(10) of Lacedaemonians, which had crossed from Corinth, also half the
division from Orchomenus; besides which there were the neodamodes (11)
from Lacedaemon, on service with him already; and in addition to these
the foreign contingent under Herippidas; (12) and again the quota
furnished by the Hellenic cities in Asia, with others from the cities in
Europe which he had brought over during his progress; and lastly, there
were additional levies from the spot--Orchomenian and Phocian heavy
infantry. In light-armed troops, it must be admitted, the numbers told
heavily in favour of Agesilaus, but the cavalry (13) on both sides were
fairly balanced.

(10) Lit. "a mora"; for the numbers, see "Ages." ii. 6; Plut. "Ages."
    17; Grote, "H. G." ix. 433.

(11) I.e. "enfranchised helots."

(12) See "Ages." ii. 10, 11; and above, "Hell." III. iv. 20.

(13) See Hicks, op. cit. 68.

Such were the forces of either party. I will describe the battle itself,
if only on account of certain features which distinguish it from the
battles of our time. The two armies met on the plain of Coronea--the
troops of Agesilaus advancing from the Cephisus, the Thebans and their
allies from the slopes of Helicon. Agesilaus commanded his own right
in person, with the men of Orchomenus on his extreme left. The Thebans
formed their own right, while the Argives held their left. As they drew
together, for a while deep silence reigned on either side; but when they
were not more than a furlong (14) apart, with the loud hurrah (15) the
Thebans, quickening to a run, rushed furiously (16) to close quarters;
and now there was barely a hundred yards (17) breadth between the two
armies, when Herippidas with his foreign brigade, and with them the
Ionians, Aeolians, and Hellespontines, darted out from the Spartans'
battle-lines to greet their onset. One and all of the above played their
part in the first rush forward; in another instant they were (18) within
spear-thrust of the enemy, and had routed the section immediately before
them. As to the Argives, they actually declined to receive the attack
of Agesilaus, and betook themselves in flight to Helicon. At this
moment some of the foreign division were already in the act of crowning
Agesilaus with the wreath of victory, when some one brought him word
that the Thebans had cut through the Orchomenians and were in among the
baggage train. At this the Spartan general immediately turned his army
right about and advanced against them. The Thebans, on their side,
catching sight of their allies withdrawn in flight to the base of the
Helicon, and anxious to get across to their own friends, formed in close
order and tramped forward stoutly.

(14) Lit. "a stade."

(15) Lit. "Alalah."

(16) Like a tornado.

(17) Lit. "about three plethra."

(18) Or, "All these made up the attacking columns... and coming
    within... routed..."

At this point no one will dispute the valour of Agesilaus, but he
certainly did not choose the safest course. It was open to him to make
way for the enemy to pass, which done, he might have hung upon his heels
and mastered his rear. This, however, he refused to do, preferring to
crash full front against the Thebans. Thereupon, with close interlock
of shield wedged in with shield, they shoved, they fought, they dealt
death, (19) they breathed out life, till at last a portion of the
Thebans broke their way through towards Helicon, but paid for that
departure by the loss of many lives. And now the victory of Agesilaus
was fairly won, and he himself, wounded, had been carried back to the
main line, when a party of horse came galloping up to tell him that
something like eighty of the enemy, under arms, were sheltering under
the temple, and they asked what they ought to do. Agesilaus, though he
was covered with wounds, did not, for all that, forget his duty to God.
He gave orders to let them retire unscathed, and would not suffer any
injury to be done to them. And now, seeing it was already late, they
took their suppers and retired to rest.

(19) Or, "they slew, they were slain." In illustration of this famous
    passage, twice again worked up in "Ages." ii. 12, and "Cyrop."
    VII. i. 38, commented on by Longinus, {peri upsous}, 19, and
    copied by Dio Cassius, 47, 45, I venture to quote a passage from
    Mr. Rudyard Kipling, "With the Main Guard," p. 57, Mulvaney
    loquitur: "The Tyrone was pushin' an' pushin' in, an' our men was
    sweerin' at thim, an' Crook was workin' away in front av us all,
    his sword-arm swingin' like a pump-handle an' his revolver
    spittin' like a cat. But the strange thing av ut was the quiet
    that lay upon. 'Twas like a fight in a dhrame--excipt for thim
    that wus dead."

But with the morning Gylis the polemarch received orders to draw up the
troops in battle order, and to set up a trophy, every man crowned with a
wreath in honour of the god, and all the pipers piping. Thus they busied
themselves in the Spartan camp. On their side the Thebans sent heralds
asking to bury their dead, under a truce; and in this wise a truce was
made. Agesilaus withdrew to Delphi, where on arrival he offered to
the god a tithe of the produce of his spoils--no less than a hundred
talents. (20) Gylis the polemarch meanwhile withdrew into Phocis at the
head of his troops, and from that district made a hostile advance into
Locris. Here nearly a whole day was spent by the men in freely helping
themselves to goods and chattels out of the villages and pillaging the
corn; (21) but as it drew towards evening the troops began to retire,
with the Lacedaemonians in the rear. The Locrians hung upon their heels
with a heavy pelt of stones and javelins. Thereupon the Lacedaemonians
turned short round and gave chase, laying some of their assailants low.
Then the Locrians ceased clinging to their rear, but continued their
volleys from the vantage-ground above. The Lacedaemonians again made
efforts to pursue their persistent foes even up the slope. At last
darkness descended on them, and as they retired man after man dropped,
succumbing to the sheer difficulty of the ground; some in their
inability to see what lay in front, or else shot down by the enemy's
missiles. It was then that Gylis the polemarch met his end, as also
Pelles, who was on his personal staff, and the whole of the Spartans
present without exception--eighteen or thereabouts--perished, either
crushed by stones or succumbing to other wounds. Indeed, except for
timely aid brought from the camp where the men were supping, the chances
are that not a man would have escaped to tell the tale.

(20) = 25,000 pounds nearly.

(21) Or, "not to speak of provisions."


This incident ended the campaign. The army as a whole was disbanded, the
contingents retiring to their several cities, and Agesilaus home across
the Gulf by sea.

B.C. 393. Subsequently (1) the war between the two parties recommenced.
The Athenians, Boeotians, Argives, and the other allies made Corinth
the base of their operations; the Lacedaemonians and their allies held
Sicyon as theirs. As to the Corinthians, they had to face the fact that,
owing to their proximity to the seat of war, it was their territory
which was ravaged and their people who perished, while the rest of
the allies abode in peace and reaped the fruits of their lands in due
season. Hence the majority of them, including the better class, desired
peace, and gathering into knots they indoctrinated one another with
these views.

(1) B.C. 393. See Grote, ix. p. 455, note 2 foll.; "Hell." IV. viii.

B.C. 392. (2) On the other hand, it could hardly escape the notice of
the allied powers, the Argives, Athenians, and Boeotians, as also those
of the Corinthians themselves who had received a share of the king's
moneys, or for whatever reason were most directly interested in the war,
that if they did not promptly put the peace party out of the way, ten
chances to one the old laconising policy would again hold the field. It
seemed there was nothing for it but the remedy of the knife. There was a
refinement of wickedness in the plan adopted. With most people the life
even of a legally condemned criminal is held sacred during a solemn
season, but these men deliberately selected the last day of the Eucleia,
(3) when they might reckon on capturing more victims in the crowded
market-place, for their murderous purposes. Their agents were supplied
with the names of those to be gotten rid of, the signal was given, and
then, drawing their daggers, they fell to work. Here a man was struck
down standing in the centre of a group of talkers, and there another
seated; a third while peacably enjoying himself at the play; a fourth
actually whilst officiating as a judge at some dramatic contest. (4)
When what was taking place became known, there was a general flight on
the part of the better classes. Some fled to the images of the gods
in the market-place, others to the altars; and here these unhallowed
miscreants, ringleaders and followers alike, utterly regardless of
duty and law, fell to butchering their victims even within the sacred
precincts of the gods; so that even some of those against whom no hand
was lifted--honest, law-abiding folk--were filled with sore amazement
at sight of such impiety. In this way many of the elder citizens, as
mustering more thickly in the market-place, were done to death. The
younger men, acting on a suspicion conceived by one of their number,
Pasimelus, as to what was going to take place, kept quiet in the
Kraneion; (5) but hearing screams and shouting and being joined anon by
some who had escaped from the affair, they took the hint, and, running
up along the slope of the Acrocorinthus, succeeded in repelling an
attack of the Argives and the rest. While they were still deliberating
what they ought to do, down fell a capital from its column--without
assignable cause, whether of earthquake or wind. Also, when they
sacrificed, the aspect of the victims was such that the soothsayers said
it was better to descend from that position.

(2) Others assign the incidents of this whole chapter iv. to B.C. 393.

(3) The festival of Artemis Eucleia.

(4) See Diod. xiv. 86.

(5) See Paus. II. ii. 4.

So they retired, in the first instance prepared to go into exile beyond
the territory of Corinth. It was only upon the persuasion of their
friends and the earnest entreaties of their mothers and sisters who
came out to them, supported by the solemn assurance of the men in power
themselves, who swore to guarantee them against evil consequences, that
some of them finally consented to return home. Presented to their eyes
was the spectacle of a tyranny in full exercise, and to their minds the
consciousness of the obliteration of their city, seeing that boundaries
were plucked up and the land of their fathers had come to be re-entitled
by the name of Argos instead of Corinth; and furthermore, compulsion was
put upon them to share in the constitution in vogue at Argos, for which
they had little appetite, while in their own city they wielded less
power than the resident aliens. So that a party sprang up among them
whose creed was, that life was not worth living on such terms: their
endeavour must be to make their fatherland once more the Corinth of old
days--to restore freedom to their city, purified from the murderer and
his pollution and fairly rooted in good order and legality. (6) It was
a design worth the venture: if they succeeded they would become the
saviours of their country; if not--why, in the effort to grasp the
fairest flower of happiness, they would but overreach, and find instead
a glorious termination to existence.

(6) {eunomia}. See "Pol. Ath." i. 8; Arist. "Pol." iv. 8, 6; iii. 9,
    8; v. 7, 4.

It was in furtherance of this design that two men--Pasimelus and
Alcimenes--undertook to creep through a watercourse and effect a meeting
with Praxitas the polemarch of the Lacedaemonians, who was on garrison
duty with his own division in Sicyon. They told him they could give
him ingress at a point in the long walls leading to Lechaeum. Praxitas,
knowing from previous experience that the two men might be relied upon,
believed their statement; and having arranged for the further detention
in Sicyon of the division which was on the point of departure, he busied
himself with plans for the enterprise. When the two men, partly by
chance and partly by contrivance, came to be on guard at the gate where
the tophy now stands, without further ado Praxitas presented himself
with his division, taking with him also the men of Sicyon and the whole
of the Corinthian exiles. (7) Having reached the gate, he had a qualm of
misgiving, and hesitated to step inside until he had first sent in a
man on whom he could rely to take a look at things within. The two
Corinthians introduced him, and made so simple and straightforward
a representation (8) that the visitor was convinced, and reported
everything as free of pitfalls as the two had asserted. Then the
polemarch entered, but owing to the wide space between the double
walls, as soon as they came to form in line within, the intruders were
impressed by the paucity of their numbers. They therefore erected a
stockade, and dug as good a trench as they could in front of them,
pending the arrival of reinforcements from the allies. In their rear,
moreover, lay the guard of the Boeotians in the harbour. Thus they
passed the whole day which followed the night of ingress without
striking a blow.

(8) Or, "showed him the place in so straightforward a manner."

On the next day, however, the Argive troops arrived in all haste,
hurrying to the rescue, and found the enemy duly drawn up. The
Lacedaemonians were on their own right, the men of Sicyon next, and
leaning against the eastern wall the Corinthian exiles, one hundred and
fifty strong. (9) Their opponents marshalled their lines face to face in
correspondence: Iphicrates with his mercenaries abutting on the eastern
wall; next to them the Argives, whilst the Corinthians of the city held
their left. In the pride inspired by numbers they began advancing at
once. They overpowered the Sicyonians, and tearing asunder the stockade,
pursued them to the sea and here slew numbers of them. At that instant
Pasimachus, the cavalry general, at the head of a handful of troopers,
seeing the Sicyonians sore presed, made fast the horses of his troops to
the trees, and relieving the Sicyonians of their heavy infantry shields,
advanced with his volunteers against the Argives. The latter, seeing the
Sigmas on the shields and taking them to be "Sicyonians," had not the
slightest fear. Whereupon, as the story goes, Pasimachus, exclaiming
in his broad Doric, "By the twin gods! these Sigmas will cheat you,
you Argives," came to close quarters, and in that battle of a handful
against a host, was slain himself with all his followers. In another
quarter of the field, however, the Corinthian exiles had got the better
of their opponents and worked their way up, so that they were now
touching the city circumvallation walls.

(9) See Grote, ix. p. 333 foll.

The Lacedaemonians, on their side, perceiving the discomfiture of the
Sicyonians, sprang out with timely aid, keeping the palisade-work on
their left. But the Argives, discovering that the Lacedaemonians were
behind them, wheeled round and came racing back, pouring out of the
palisade at full speed. Their extreme right, with unprotected flanks
exposed, fell victims to the Lacedaemonians; the rest, hugging the wall,
made good their retreat in dense masses towards the city. Here they
encountered the Corinthian exiles, and discovering that they had fallen
upon foes, swerved aside in the reverse direction. In this predicament
some mounted by the ladders of the city wall, and, leaping down from
its summit, were destroyed; (10) others yielded up their lives, thrust
through, as they jostled at the foot of the steps; others again were
literally trampled under one another's feet and suffocated.

(10) Or, "plunged from its summit into perdition." See Thuc. ii. 4.

The Lacedaemonians had no difficulty in the choice of victims; for at
that instant a work was assigned to them to do, (11) such as they could
hardly have hoped or prayed for. To find delivered into their hands
a mob of helpless enemies, in an ecstasy of terror, presenting their
unarmed sides in such sort that none turned to defend himself, but
each victim rather seemed to contribute what he could towards his own
destruction--if that was not divine interposition, I know now what to
call it. Miracle or not, in that little space so many fell, and the
corpses lay piled so thick, that eyes familiar with the stacking of corn
or wood or piles of stones were called upon to gaze at layers of human
bodies. Nor did the guard of the Boeotians in the port itself (12)
escape death; some were slain upon the ramparts, others on the roofs of
the dock-houses, which they had scaled for refuge. Nothing remained but
for the Corinthians and Argives to carry away their dead under cover of
a truce; whilst the allies of Lacedaemon poured in their reinforcements.
When these were collected, Praxitas decided in the first place to raze
enough of the walls to allow a free broadway for an army on march. This
done, he put himself at the head of his troops and advanced on the road
to Megara, taking by assault, first Sidus and next Crommyon. Leaving
garrisons in these two fortresses, he retraced his steps, and finally
fortifying Epieiceia as a garrison outpost to protect the territory
of the allies, he at once disbanded his troops and himself withdrew to

(11) Or, "Heaven assigned to them a work..." Lit. "The God..."

(12) I.e. "of Lechaeum."

B.C. 392-391. (13) After this the great armaments of both belligerents
had ceased to exist. The states merely furnished garrisons--the one
set at Corinth, the other set at Sicyon--and were content to guard the
walls. Though even so, a vigorous war was carried on by dint of the
mercenary troops with which both sides were furnished.

(13) So Grote and Curtius; al. B.C. 393.

A signal incident in the period was the invasion of Phlius by
Iphicrates. He laid an ambuscade, and with a small body of troops
adopting a system of guerilla war, took occasion of an unguarded sally
of the citizens of Phlius to inflict such losses on them, that though
they had never previously received the Lacedaemonians within their
walls, they received them now. They had hitherto feared to do so lest
it might lead to the restoration of the banished members of
their community, who gave out that they owed their exile to their
Lacedaemonian sympathies; (14) but they were now in such abject fear
of the Corinthian party that they sent to fetch the Lacedaemonians,
and delivered the city and citadel to their safe keeping. These latter,
however, well disposed to the exiles of Phlius, did not, at the time
they held the city, so much as breathe the thought of bringing back the
exiles; on the contrary, as soon as the city seemed to have recovered
its confidence, they took their departure, leaving city and laws
precisely as they had found them on their entry.

(14) Lit. "laconism."

To return to Iphicrates and his men: they frequently extended their
incursions even into Arcadia in many directions, (15) following their
usual guerilla tactics, but also making assaults on fortified posts. The
heavy infantry of the Arcadians positively refused to face them in the
field, so profound was the terror in which they held these light troops.
In compensation, the light troops themselves entertained a wholesome
dread of the Lacedaemonians, and did not venture to approach even within
javelin-range of their heavy infantry. They had been taught a lesson
when, within that distance, some of the younger hoplites had made a dash
at them, catching and putting some of them to the sword. But however
profound the contempt of the Lacedaemonians for these light troops,
their contempt for their own allies was deeper. (On one occasion (16) a
reinforcement of Mantineans had sallied from the walls between Corinth
and Lechaeum to engage the peltasts, and had no sooner come under attack
than they swerved, losing some of their men as they made good their
retreat. The Lacedaemonians were unkind enough to poke fun at these
unfortunates. "Our allies," they said, "stand in as much awe of these
peltasts as children of the bogies and hobgoblins of their nurses." For
themselves, starting from Lechaeum, they found no difficulty in marching
right round the city of Corinth with a single Lacedaemonian division and
the Corinthian exiles.) (17)

(15) See Thuc. ii. 4.

(16) See Grote, ix. 472 note. Lechaeum was not taken by the
    Lacedaemonians until the Corinthian long walls had been rebuilt by
    the Athenians. Possibly the incidents in this section (S. 17)
    occurred after the capture of Lechaeum. The historian introduces
    them parenthetically, as it were, in illustration of his main
    topic--the success of the peltasts.

(17) Or, adopting Schneider's conjecture, {estratopedeuonto}, add "and

The Athenians, on their side, who felt the power of the Lacedaemonians
to be dangerously close, now that the walls of Corinth had been laid
open, and even apprehended a direct attack upon themselves, determined
to rebuild the portion of the wall severed by Praxitas. Accordingly
they set out with their whole force, including a suite of stonelayers,
masons, and carpenters, and within a few days erected a quite splendid
wall on the side facing Sicyon towards the west, (18) and then proceeded
with more leisure to the completion of the eastern portion.

(18) See Thuc. vi. 98.

To turn once more to the other side: the Lacedaemonians, indignant at
the notion that the Argives should be gathering the produce of their
lands in peace at home, as if war were a pastime, marched against them.
Agesilaus commanded the expedition, and after ravaging their territory
from one end to the other, crossed their frontier at Tenea (19) and
swooped down upon Corinth, taking the walls which had been lately
rebuilt by the Athenians. He was supported on the sea side by his
brother Teleutias (20) with a naval force of about twelve triremes, and
the mother of both was able to congratulate herself on the joint success
of both her sons; one having captured the enemy's walls by land and
the other his ships and naval arsenal by sea, on the same day. These
achievements sufficed Agesilaus for the present; he disbanded the army
of the allies and led the state troops home.

(19) Reading {Tenean}, Koppen's emendation for {tegean}. In the
    parallel passage ("Ages." ii. 17) the text has {kata ta stena}.
    See Grote, "H. G." ix. 471.

(20) See below, IV. viii. 11.


B.C. 390. (1) Subsequently the Lacedaemonians made a second expedition
against Corinth. They heard from the exiles that the citizens contrived
to preserve all their cattle in Peiraeum; indeed, large numbers derived
their subsistence from the place. Agesilaus was again in command of the
expedition. In the first instance he advanced upon the Isthmus. It
was the month of the Isthmian games, (2) and here he found the Argives
engaged in conducting the sacrifice to Poseidon, as if Corinth were
Argos. So when they perceived the approach of Agesilaus, the Argives and
their friends left the offerings as they lay, including the preparations
for the breakfast, and retired with undisguised alarm into the city
by the Cenchrean road. (3) Agesilaus, though he observed the movement,
refrained from giving chase, but taking up his quarters in the temple,
there proceeded to offer victims to the god himself, and waited until
the Corinthian exiles had celebrated the sacrifice to Poseidon, along
with the games. But no sooner had Agesilaus turned his back and retired,
than the Argives returned and celebrated the Isthmian games afresh;
so that in this particular year there were cases in which the same
competitors were twice defeated in this or that contest, or conversely,
the same man was proclaimed victor twice over.

(1) Al. B.C. 392. The historian omits the overtures for peace, B.C.
    391 (or 391-390) referred to in Andoc. "De Pace." See Jebb, "Att.
    Or." i. 83, 108; Grote, "H. G." ix. 474; Curtius, "H. G." Eng. tr.
    iv. 261.

(2) Grote and Curtius believe these to be the Isthmian games of 390
    B.C., not of 392 B.C., as Sauppe and others suppose. See Peter,
    "Chron. Table," p. 89, note 183; Jowett, "Thuc." ii. 468, note on
    VIII. 9, 1.

(3) Lit. "road to Cenchreae."

On the fourth day Agesilaus led his troops against Peiraeum, but finding
it strongly defended, he made a sudden retrograde march after the
morning meal in the direction of the capital, as though he calculated on
the betrayal of the city. The Corinthians, in apprehension of some such
possible catastrophe, sent to summon Iphicrates with the larger
portion of his light infantry. These passed by duly in the night, not
unobserved, however, by Agesilaus, who at once turned round at break of
day and advanced on Piraeum. He himself kept to the low ground by the
hot springs, (4) sending a division to scale the top of the pass. That
night he encamped at the hot springs, while the division bivouacked
in the open, in possession of the pass. Here Agesilaus distinguished
himself by an invention as seasonable as it was simple. Among those
who carried provisions for the division not one had thought of bringing
fire. The altitude was considerable; there had been a fall of rain and
hail towards evening and the temperature was low; besides which, the
scaling party were clad in thin garments suited to the summer season.
There they sat shivering in the dark, with scarcely heart to attack
their suppers, when Agesilaus sent up to them as many as ten porters
carrying fire in earthen pots. One found his way up one way, one
another, and presently there were many bonfires blazing--magnificently
enough, since there was plenty of wood to hand; so that all fell to
oiling themselves and many supped over again. The same night the sky was
lit up by the blaze of the temple of Poseidon--set on fire no one knows

(4) Near mod. Lutraki.

When the men in Piraeum perceived that the pass was occupied, they at
once abandoned all thought of self-defence and fled for refuge to the
Heraion (5)--men and women, slaves and free-born, with the greater part
of their flocks and herds. Agesilaus, with the main body, meanwhile
pursued his march by the sea-shore, and the division, simultaneously
descending from the heights, captured the fortified position of Oenoe,
appropriating its contents. Indeed, all the troops on that day reaped
a rich harvest in the supplies they brought in from various farmsteads.
Presently those who had escaped into the Heraion came out, offering to
leave it to Agesilaus to decide what he would do with them. He decided
to deliver up to the exiles all those concerned with the late butchery,
and that all else should be sold. And so from the Heraion streamed out
a long line of prisoners, whilst from other sides embassies arrived in
numbers; and amongst these a deputation from the Boeotians, anxious to
learn what they should do to obtain peace. These latter Agesilaus,
with a certain loftiness of manner, affected not even to see, although
Pharax, (6) their proxenus, stood by their side to introduce them.
Seated in a circular edifice on the margin of the lake, (7) he surveyed
the host of captives and valuables as they were brought out. Beside the
prisoners, to guard them, stepped the Lacedaemonian warriors from the
camp, carrying their spears--and themselves plucked all gaze their way,
so readily will success and the transient fortune of the moment rivet
attention. But even while Agesilaus was still thus seated, wearing a
look betokening satisfaction at some great achievement, a horseman came
galloping up; the flanks of his charger streamed with sweat. To the many
inquiries what news he brought, the rider responded never a word; but
being now close beside Agesilaus, he leaped from his horse, and running
up to him with lowering visage narrated the disaster of the Spartan
division (8) at Lechaeum. At these tidings the king sprang instantly
from his seat, clutching his spear, and bade his herald summon to a
meeting the generals, captains of fifties, and commanders of foreign
brigades. (9) When these had rapidly assembled he bade them, seeing that
the morning meal had not yet been tasted, to swallow hastily what they
could, and with all possible speed to overtake him. But for himself,
he, with the officers of the royal staff, (10) set off at once without
breakfast. His bodyguard, with their heavy arms, accompanied him with
all speed--himself in advance, the officers following behind. In this
fashion he had already passed beyond the warm springs, and was well
within the plateau of Lechaeum, when three horsemen rode up with further
news: the dead bodies had been picked up. On receipt of these tidings
he commanded the troops to order arms, and having rested them a little
space, led them back again to the Heraion. The next day he spent in
disposing of the captured property. (11)

(5) Or, "Heraeum," i.e. sanctuary of Hera, on a promontory so called.
    See Leake, "Morea," iii. 317.

(6) See "Hell." III. ii. 12, if the same.

(7) Or, "on the round pavilion by the lake" (mod. Vuliasmeni).

(8) Technically "mora."

(9) Lit. the polemarchs, penteconters, and xenagoi.

(10) See "Pol. Lac." xiii. 1.

(11) See Grote, "H. G." ix. 480, in reference to "Ages." vii. 6.

The ambassadors of the Boeotians were then summoned, and, being asked to
explain the object of their coming, made no further mention of the
word "peace," but replied that, if there was nothing to hinder it, they
wished to have a pass to their own soldiers within the capital. The king
answered with a smile: "I know your desire is not so much to see your
soldiers as to feast your eyes on the good fortune of your friends, and
to measure its magnitude. Wait then, I will conduct you myself; with
me you will be better able to discover the true value of what has taken
place." And he was as good as his word. Next day he sacrificed, and led
his army up to the gates of Corinth. The trophy he respected, but not
one tree did he leave standing--chopping and burning, as proof positive
that no one dared to face him in the field. And having so done, he
encamped about Lechaeum; and as to the Theban ambassadors, in lieu
of letting them pass into the city, he sent them off by sea across to

But in proportion to the unwontedness of such a calamity befalling
Lacedaemonians, a widespread mourning fell upon the whole Laconian army,
those alone excepted whose sons or fathers or brothers had died at their
post. The bearing of these resembled that of conquerors, (12) as with
bright faces they moved freely to and fro, glorying in their domestic
sorrow. Now the tragic fate which befell the division was on this wise:
It was the unvaried custom of the men of Amyclae to return home at
the Hyacinthia, (13) to join in the sacred paean, a custom not to be
interrupted by active service or absence from home or for any other
reason. So, too, on this occasion, Agesilaus had left behind all the
Amyclaeans serving in any part of his army at Lechaeum. At the right
moment the general in command of the garrison at that place had posted
the garrison troops of the allies to guard the walls during his absence,
and put himself at the head of his division of heavy infantry with that
of the cavalry, (14) and led the Amyclaeans past the walls of Corinth.
Arrived at a point within three miles or so (15) of Sicyon, the
polemarch turned back himself in the direction of Lechaeum with his
heavy infantry regiment, six hundred strong, giving orders to the
cavalry commandant to escort the Amyclaeans with his division as far as
they required, and then to turn and overtake him. It cannot be said that
the Lacedaemonians were ignorant of the large number of light troops and
heavy infantry inside Corinth, but owing to their former successes they
arrogantly presumed that no one would attack them. Within the capital
of the Corinthians, however, their scant numbers--a thin line of heavy
infantry unsupported by light infantry or cavalry--had been noted; and
Callias, the son of Hipponicus, (16) who was in command of the Athenian
hoplites, and Iphicrates at the head of his peltasts, saw no risk in
attacking with the light brigade. Since if the enemy continued his
march by the high road, he would be cut up by showers of javelins on his
exposed right flank; or if he were tempted to take the offensive, they
with their peltasts, the nimblest of all light troops, would easily slip
out of the grasp of his hoplites.

(12) See Grote, "H. G." ix. 488.

(13) Observed on three days of the month Hecatombaeus (= July). See
    Muller's "Dorians," ii. 360. For Amyclae, see Leake, "Morea," i.
    ch. iv. p. 145 foll.; Baedeker's "Greece," p. 279.

(14) See below, "Hell." VI. iv. 12; and "Pol. Lac." xi. 4, xiii. 4.

(15) Lit. "twenty or thirty stades."

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