2014년 11월 6일 목요일

the gnosis of the light 2

the gnosis of the light 2

But besides the Indivisible Queen and besides her Ennead without
seal-mark, in which is found all seal-marks, there are three other
Enneads, of which each emanates nine Enneads.  In the first of these is
revealed a Basket round which three Fathers are gathered: an Infinite
Father, an Ineffable Father, and an Uncontainable Father.  In the
middle of the second Ennead is a Basket, and three Fathers are there:
an Invisible Father, an Ingenerable Father, and an Unshakable Father.
In the third Ennead is also revealed a Basket which encloses three
Paternities: a Solitary Father, an Unknown Father, and a Triple-Powered
Father.  It is through these that the Universe has known God.  They ran
towards Him and have engendered an innumerable multitude of æons, and
in each Ennead they offered myriads and myriads of praises.

In each of these Enneads there is a Monad, and in each Monad a Space
called "Incorruptible": that is to say, "Holy ground."  There is a
Fount in the ground of each of these Monads, and myriads and myriads of
Powers who have received on their heads a crown of the Crown of the
Triple-Power.  In the middle of these Enneads and of these Monads is an
immeasurable Deep towards which all the Universe looks, those that are
internal as well as those that are external, having above it twelve
Paternities, each surrounded by thirty Powers.

The First Paternity is a face of the Infinite One, and thirty infinite
powers surround him.

The Second paternity is a face of the Invisible One and thirty
invisible powers surround him.

The Third paternity is a face of the Uncontainable One, and thirty
uncontainable powers surround him.

The Fourth paternity is a face of the Invincible One and thirty
invincible powers surround him.

The Fifth Paternity is a face of the All-powerful One and thirty
1ll-powerful powers surround him.

The Sixth paternity is a face of the All-Wise One and thirty all-wise
powers surround him.

The Seventh paternity is a face of the Unknown One and thirty unknown
powers surround him.

The Eighth paternity is a face of the Solitary One and thirty solitary
powers surround him.

The Ninth paternity is a face of the Ingenerable One, and thirty
ingenerable powers surround him.

The Tenth paternity is a face of the Unshakable One and thirty
unshakable powers surround him.

The Eleventh Paternity is a face of the Universal Mystery, and thirty
universal mysteries surround him.

The Twelfth Paternity is a face of the Triple-Powered One, and thirty
triple-powers surround him.

And in the midst of the Immeasurable Deep there are five Powers which
are called by these ineffable names:

The first is called Love, and from her comes all love.

The second is called Hope, and it is by her that we hope in the
Alone-begotten, the Son of God.

The third is called Faith, and it is by her that we believe the
mysteries of the Ineffable One.

The fourth is called Gnosis, and it is by her that we know the First
Father, Him because of whom we live that we may know Him.  [Gnosis] the
Mystery of Silence, who spake before all things, that which is hidden,
the First Monad, for whom the Universe became being.  It is upon the
head of this Mystery that the three hundred and sixty-five substances
form a crown like the hair of human kind, and the Temple of the Pleroma
is as a stairway beneath her feet.  This is the Gate of God (26).

The fifth is called Peace, and it is by her that we give Peace to all,
to those within and to those without, for it is in her that all things
have been created.

This is that Abyss Immeasurable in which is found three hundred and
sixty-five Paternities, thanks to whom they have devised the year.

This is the Abyss which surrounds the Temple of the Pleroma, where is
revealed the Triple-Power with his branches and his trees, and
Mousanios and those which belong to him.  There also is Aphredon and
his twelve Holy Ones, and a Basket is in the midst of them.  They come
to carry in it the praises, the hymns, the prayers and supplications of
the Mother of the Universe, the Mother of the (manifested?) worlds who
is called Phanerios (27), and to give them a form, thanks to the twelve
Holy Ones.  They send them into the Pleroma of Setheus, by which act
they call to mind those of the external world in which there is matter.

This is the Deep where the Triple-Power rayed out the splendours of His
glory, after He had been to the Indivisible Mother and had received the
Grace of the One Beyond Knowledge, by which He had gotten such a
Sonship that the Fullnesses were not able to stand upright before Him
because of the excess of His light and brilliancy thereof.  The whole
Pleroma was troubled, the Abyss and all it contained was moved, and the
[æons] fled to the world of the Mother [Phanerios], and the Mystery
ordained that the veils of the æons should be drawn until the Overseer
had established them once more.  And the Overseer established the æons
once more, as it is written, "He has established the Earth, and it
shall not be moved," and again, "The Earth has been dissolved and all
that therein is" (28).

Then the Triple-Power went forth: the Son was concealed in him, and the
crown of confirmation was upon his head, making myriads and myriads of
glories.  They cried, "Make straight the way of the Lord and receive
the grace of God: every æon which is empty shall be filled with the
grace of the Alone-begotten Son."

The Father holy and all-perfect stood above the Deep Immeasurable.  It
is in Him that all perfection is found, and in His fullness have we
received grace.  Then the world was established; it ceased to shake;
the Father fashioned it so that it might nevermore be shaken, and the
æon of the Mother remained full of those that were in it until the
ordering came from the Mystery concealed in the First Father, He from
whence came the Mystery; when His Son re-established the Universe once
more in His Gnosis, that which re-enforms the Universe.

Then Setheus sent the Logos Demiourgos, having with him a multitude of
Powers, wearing the crowns on their heads; and their crowns darted
forth rays.  The brilliancy of their bodies is as the life of the Space
into which they are come; the word that comes out of their mouths is
life Æonian, and the light that comes from their eyes is a rest for
them; the movement of their hands is their flight to the place from
whence they have come, and their gazing on their own faces is Gnosis of
their interior nature; their going towards them is their return once
more within; the stretching forth of their hands establishes them; the
hearing of their ears is the intuition in their hearts; the union of
their limbs is the regathering of the dispersal of Israel; their
self-understanding is their contemplation of the Logos; the writing
upon their fingers is the number which has gone forth, even as it is
written, "He counteth the number of the Stars and calleth them all by
their names."

And the whole union was made by the Logos Demiourgos with those who had
come out of the turmoil that had been: altogether they became one and
the same body, as it has been written, "They have all become one and
the same body in this One and Only One."  Then this Logos Demiourgos
became a mighty God, Lord, Saviour, Christ, King, the Good, Father,
Mother.  This is He whose work was good: He was glorified and became
Father to those that believed: He became Law in Aphredonia and mighty.

Then went forth Pandelos [All-manifest]; she had a crown on her head,
and she placed it upon them who had believed (29).

The Power of the Æons [? the Indivisible Queen, the Mother within the
Pleroma] ordered the Hierarchy of the World of the Virgin Mother
[Phaneia, the Mother without the Pleroma, she who brings into
manifestation] according to the Order of the Inner Space.  She placed
in it the Light-Spark after the pattern of the Monad and placed therein
the concealment which surrounds Him.  She ordained the Propator after
the Order of the Indivisible Body and the twelve Holy Ones which
surround it, having crowns on their heads and seals of glory in their
right hands, after the type found in the Indivisible Point.  In the
midst of these is Love; a face of the Triple-Power is in the Fount, and
there is a Basket which twelve Paternities surround, in whom a Sonship
is concealed.

She ordained the Autopator according to the order of the Ennead without
seal-mark and gave him authority over all that is only self-fathered,
and gave him a crown of all-glory and love, and Peace, Truth, and
myriads of powers, so that he might gather together those who had been
dispersed by the troubling which had taken place when the [Light Spark]
went forth with joy.  As for the Prince of the Universe, he who has the
triple-power to make alive and to destroy, she ordained the Son
Protogennetor after the order of the Triple-Power.  She gave him a
ninefold Ennead and five tenfold Decads, and that he might have power
to accomplish the warfare imposed upon him, she gave him the
first-fruits of the Sonship concealed in her that he might be able to
become a Triple-Power.  He received the Vow of the Sonship because the
Universe (30) had been sold [? into slavery], and took upon him the
warfare entrusted to him and made arise all that was pure in matter.  A
world made he, an æon, a town; the world which is called
"Incorruptibility" and "Jerusalem."  It is also called "The New Earth,"
and "Self-Perfect," and "Without King."  This earth is an earth that
brings forth gods, a life-giving earth indeed.  This is the earth that
the Mother (? Phaneia) asked to have established.  That is why she (?
the Mother Above) has placed orders or hierarchy in this earth and has
placed in it Providence and Love.  This is the earth of which it has
been written, "The earth which drank the rain a multitude of times":
that is to say, which has multiplied the light in her multitudes and
multitudes of times, since the (light) went forth until its return;
that is to say, it is that from which the Man is named "Sensible."  He
is fashioned, He has been created according to the type of this earth,
He who has been saved from His Self dispersion by the Protogennetor
(31).  Because of that, the Father of all those of the Universe, He who
has no [bridal] bed has sent [Him,? the Man] a crown bearing the names
of all those of the Universe, whether Infinite or Ineffable, or
Uncontainable, or Incorruptible, or Unknown, or Solitary, or
All-powerful, or Indivisible.  This is the crown of which it is
written, "They gave it unto Solomon on the day of his exultation of

The First Monad sent Him [the Man] an ineffable vesture which is all
Light, all Life, all Love, all Hope, all Faith, all Wisdom, all Gnosis,
all Truth, all Peace, all Witness, all Universal Mother, all Universal
Mystery, all Fount, all Universal Perfection, all Invisible, all
Unknown, all Infinite, all Ineffable, all Abyss, all Uncontainable, all
Fullness, all Silence, all Unshakable, all Unengendered, all Universal
Solitary, all Monad, all Ennead, all Dodecad, all Ogdoad, all Decad,
all Hebdomad, all Hexad, all Pentad, all Tetrad, all Triad, all Dyad,
all Monad.  The whole Universe is in it, and the Universe has found
itself therein and knows itself therein (29).  It gave light to all in
its ineffable light, and it was given myriads and myriads of powers, so
that the Universe might be established once and for all.  It gathered
together its skirts and gave them the form of a veil which surrounded
it [the Universe] on every side.  It poured itself over all things,
raised them up and divided them according to the Hierarchies, according
to the orders, and according to Providence.  Then that-which-was
separated itself from that-which-was-not, and that-which-was-not was
the evil manifested in matter; and the Robe of Power severed
that-which-was from that-which-was-not.  That-which-was it called
Æonian, and that-which-was-not it called Hyle (matter).  It separated
by the Midst that-which-was from that-which-was-not, and placed veils
between these twain.  It placed purifying powers, so that they might
purge them and make them clean.  It gave in this manner an order to
that-which-is and made of the Mother the chief.  It gave it ten æons,
and each æon has a myriad powers; there is also a Monad and an Ennead
in each æon.

The [Robe of Power] placed in her [? Phaneia] an Universal Motherhood
and therewith a Power that had hitherto been concealed therein, so that
none knew thereof.  [? The Robe] placed a great Basket, above which
stand three Powers, an Ingenerable One, an Unshakable One, and the
Great Pure One.  It gave to [? the world order] the twelve other Powers
who have received the crown and who surround it.  It gave it also the
Seven Stratelatai (32), who have the seal of the All-completing
[Panteleios], and have on their heads crowns in which there are twelve
stones of Adamant, which come from Adam, the Man of Light.

[The Robe of Power] established the Propator in all the æons of the
Mother of [the Manifestation] of all things, and gave him the full
power of Paternity, and Powers to obey him as Father and as First
Father of all that exists.  It placed upon his head a crown of twelve
kinds; it gave him a Power which is Triple-powered and All-powered; it
gave him Sonship and myriads and myriads of Glories.  It turned the
Pleroma towards him and gave him power to make live and to destroy.  It
gave him a power of the æon so that he might manifest it, with the
myriads and myriads of out-rayed Glories, like the other æons that were
with him.  The Power which has been given to the Propator is called
Protophanes, because he is the first to be manifested, and Agennetos,
because no one has engendered him.  Also Ineffable and "Without Name"
is he called, and also Autogenes and Autotheletos, because he has
manifested himself by his own will.  Yet again is he named
Autoloxastos, for he manifested himself with the Glories that were his.
Yet again is he termed Invisible, for he is hidden and none can see him.

Now [the Robe of Power] gave unto the Propator another Power, that
which since the beginning has caused the Light-Spark to appear in this
Space, and who is named with names Holy and All-perfecting.  Who is
Protia, that is to say, the First, and is also called Pantia--she who
is found in all--and Pangenia--she who has brought forth all in the
world--and Loxogenia--she who has brought Glory to birth--and
Loxophania--Manifester of Glory--and Loxokrateia--she who has dominion
over Glory--and Arsenogenia--she who brings forth males--and Loia--of
which the interpretation is God with us--and Jouel--of which the
interpretation is God for ever--she it is who has ordained that these
Powers should appear whose name is called Phaneia, of which the
translation is Manifestation.  The angel who has appeared with them is
he whom the Glories name Loxogenes and Loxophanes, of which the
interpretation is "He who engenders Glory" and "He who manifests
Glory," for he is one of those Glories who stand about that mighty
power called Loxokrator, because in his manifestation he has had
dominion over the great Glories.

Such are the Powers that were given to the Propator when he was placed
in the æon of the Mother, and myriads and myriads of Glories, Angels,
Archangels, and Liturgies were bestowed upon him, so that they might
serve him, those of matter.  They gave him power over everything.  He
made for himself a mighty æon and placed therein a mighty Pleroma and a
great temple and all the Powers that he had taken and placed within
himself, and he rejoiced with them, bringing forth his creatures again
according to the commandment of the Father hidden in the Silence, Who
had sent him these riches; and the Crown of Fatherhood was given to him
because he had been made the Father of all those who came after him.
Then he cried out and said, "My children, with whom I travail again
until Christ be formed in you"; and again he cried, "Yea, I would set
beside a holy virgin an only husband, Christ."

But when he had seen the Grace that the Father in secret had given unto
him (that is Himself a Propator), he wished to turn the Universe to the
Father in secret, for it is His will that the Universe should turn to
Him.  And when the Mother saw all the grandeurs which had been given
unto her Propator, she rejoiced greatly, she exulted; that is why she
said, "My heart has rejoiced and my tongue has been in exultation."
Then she cried to the Power Infinite who stands hard by the æon of the
Father, that mighty Power of Glory that the Glories call Trigenielos
(33), that is to say, Three Engendered, and who is named also Trigenes
and also Harmes.  She prayed also unto Him who is concealed in every
Space that He would send him the Mother of Him who has withdrawn
Himself.  The Father in secret sent him the Mystery who reclothes all
the æons like the Glories who form the Crown Panteles, that is to say,
of Perfection, so that he [the Propator] might place the Crown upon the
head of the Indivisible [Body] hidden within her, Incorruptible and
Unengendered.  With [her He sent] the mighty Power which is in her
company, she who is called Arsenogenia, who replenishes all the æons of
Glory.  Thus from him shall the Universe receive the Crown.

Then she established the Autopator Father and Æonian One; and gave unto
him the æon of the Concealed One in which are found all things, such as
species, faces, images, forms, questions, dissemblances, and changes,
that which counts and that which is counted, that which thinks and that
which is thought.  She made a vesture thereof over all which is in him,
so that he might give to him who asked him.  She gave unto him ten
Powers, and nine Enneads, five Æons, and she gave unto him Light; and
that gave him power over all secret things, so that he might show mercy
to those who had fought, who had towards the æon fled from matter,
leaving it behind them.  They have fled to the æon of the Autopator;
they have made their own the promise which has been promised by Him who
said, "He who forsakes father, mother, brother, sister, wife, children,
and riches, and takes up his cross and follows Me, shall receive the
promises that I have promised unto him, and I will give unto them the
Mystery of the Father in Secret, because they have loved that which was
truly theirs and have fled from him who pursues them with injustice."
And he [Autopator] gave them Glory, Joy, Exaltation, Jubilation, Peace,
Hope, Faith, Love, and the Truth which changes not.  This is the Ennead
with which he rewarded those that fled from matter; they became happy,
they became perfect, they knew God and the Truth, they comprehended the
Mystery which works in the Man; for what cause He has revealed Himself,
that they might see Him, for He is in truth Invisible; and for their
sakes He has revealed in words His Logos, so that they might know Him
and become gods and perfect.

When the Mother established the Protogennetor as her son, she gave unto
him the Power of the Sonship; she gave unto him armies of Angels and
Archangels; she gave unto him twelve Powers who served him; she gave
unto him a robe to consummate all things in him, for in it is revealed
every kind of body: the body of fire, the body of water, the body of
air [? spirit], the body of earth, the body of wind, the body angelic,
the body archangelic, the body of Powers, the body of Dominions, the
body of Gods, the body of Lords--in a word, every kind of body, so that
nothing might hinder him from mounting into the heights or descending
into the depths of Noun.  This is the Protogennetor to whom those of
the internal and external Spaces have promised all things that please
him, and it is he who separates all matter; for he brooded over it like
a bird who stretches her wings over her eggs.  Even thus did the
Protogennetor unto matter, and made myriads and myriads of species and
kinds come forth.  When Matter was warmed she produced the multitudes
of Powers that were in her, and he separated them into species and
kinds.  He gave them a law to love one another, to honour God and to
praise Him, and to seek for Him, who He is and what He is, and to
wonder at the place from whence they had come forth, so narrow and so
sad, and not to return thither again, but to follow him who had given
them a law and made them come out of the darkness; of Matter, their
Mother.  He had said to them, "Let there be light."  For they did not
know if there were such a thing as light or not.  Then he gave them the
command not to hurt one another, and left them to go to the Space of
the Mother of the Universe beside the Propator and the Autopator, so
that together they might draw up those who had come forth from matter.

Then the Mother of the Universe (34), the Propator, the Autopator, the
Protogennetor, and the Powers of the æon of the Mother sang a great
hymn to the One and Only God, praising Him and saying:

"Thou alone art Boundless, Thou only art the Deep, Thou only art the
Incomprehensible One, for Thou art He whom all beings seek and [without
Thy grace] find Thee not, for none can know Thee against Thy will, and
none can praise Thee against Thy will.  For Thy will only is a Space
for Thee, for nothing can contain Thee who art the Space for all.  Thee
I pray that Thou mayest give an holy ordering to those of the World,
that Thou mayest dispose my offspring according to Thy will.  Grieve
not my offspring, for never has anything been grieved by Thee; yet no
one knows Thy Counsel.  Of Thee all beings of the Inner and the Outer
Worlds have need, Thou only Incomprehensible, Thou only beyond All
vision, beyond All mind.  Thou only hast given character to all
creatures and hast manifested them in Thyself.  Of that which is not
yet manifested art Thou the Creator, and Thou alone dost know these
things, for we know them not [of ourselves].  Thou alone revealest them
unto us [through Symbols and Images], so that we may supplicate Thee on
their behalf, so that Thou mayest make them manifest, and we may know
them [as they are in themselves apart from all Symbols] by Thy Grace
alone.  Thou alone hast raised up the Secret Worlds to Thyself, so that
they might know Thee, for Thou hast given unto them the boon of knowing
Thee, for Thou hast given birth unto them from Thy Incorporeal Body and
hast taught them that from Thy Self-productive Mind Thou hast the Man
brought forth in Contemplation and in a perfect Concept, yea, even the
Man brought forth by Mind to whom Contemplation has given a form.  Thou
it is who hast bestowed all good things upon the Man, and He weareth
them like vestures.  He putteth them on like garments and wrappeth
Himself with Creation as with a robe (35).  This Man is He whom all the
Universe yearneth to know, for Thou alone it is who hast ordained unto
the Man to manifest Himself, so that in Him Thou mightest be known and
that all might learn that it is Thou who hast brought Him forth and
that Thou art manifested according to Thy Will.

"Thee do I invoke, and I pray Thee, O Father of all Fatherhood, Lord of
all Lords, to give an holy ordering unto my kinds and to my offspring,
that I may rejoice in Thy Name and in Thy goodness, O Thou Sole King, O
Thou who changest not.  Bestow upon me from Thy goodness, and I will
make known unto my children that Thou art their Saviour" (36).

When the Mother had finished praying to the Boundless One Beyond
Knowledge, who fills the whole Universe and gives life unto all, He
heard her and those with her, for all of them were His own, and He sent
unto her a Power who came forth from the Man whom they desired to

From Being Unbounded came forth the Infinite Spark of Light, at whom
all the æons wondered, asking themselves where He had been concealed
before manifesting Himself from the Infinite Father, He from whom the
Universe was manifested and who was latent therein.  The Powers of the
Secret Worlds followed Him when they were manifested and came into the
Temple of the Pleroma.  He hid Himself amidst the Powers who came forth
from the Father in Secret (37).  He made a world and bore it into the
Temple.  Then the Powers of the Pleroma beheld Him and loved Him and
praised Him in hymns ineffable, unspeakable to tongues of mortal flesh,
and good to dream of in the heart of man.  He received their hymn and
made a veil surrounding their world like a wall; then went He to the
borders of the Universal Mother [without] and stood above the Universal
Æon (38).  The Universe was moved at the presence of the Lord of the
whole Earth; the Æon was troubled and in suspense because it had seen
that which it knew not.  The King of Glory was seated, He divided
matter into two halves and into two parts (39).  He fixed the borders
of each part and taught them that they came from One Father and from
One Mother.  To those who ran unto Him and adored Him He gave the place
at the right hand, and gave them Life for ever and ever and
Immortality.  He named the place on the right "The Land of Life," and
the place on the left "The Land of Death"; He named the Earth on the
right "The Earth of Light," and the Earth on the left "The Earth of
Darkness"; He named the Earth on the right "The Earth of Repose," and
the Earth on the left "The Earth of Sorrow."  He placed boundaries
between them and veils, so that they might not see each other; He gave
many Glories to those who had adored Him and gave them dominion over
those who had resisted and opposed Him.  He extended the World of the
Right into many places and placed them [who followed Him] in each
hierarchy, in each æon, in each world, in each heaven, in each
firmament, in many heavens, in each region, in each space, in each
receptacle.  He gave them [who had followed Him] laws and delivered
unto them commandments, saying, "Keep My sayings and I will give unto
you eternal life; I will send Powers unto you, yea, I will strengthen
you with mighty spirits, and will give unto you the dominion of your
desire: no one shall hinder your will, and you shall bring forth æons,
worlds, and heavens.  When the intellectual spirits come to dwell in
you then shall ye become gods, then shall ye know that ye came forth
from God, and then shall ye behold Him within yourselves, in your
eternities shall He dwell."

These words spake the Lord of the Universe unto them; then He withdrew
Himself from them and hid Himself from them.  And those who had been
the births of matter rejoiced that their thought had been accomplished;
they rejoiced because they had come forth from the narrow and the sad.
They prayed unto the Hidden Mystery, saying, "Give us power to create
æons and worlds according to the word which Thou hast sworn unto Thy
servants, for Thou alone art He who changest not, Thou alone art the
Infinite and Boundless One, Thou only art unengendered, born of
Thyself, Self-Father, Thou only art Unmoved and Unknowable, Thou only
Silence art and Love and Fount of the Universe, Thou only art
immaterial and hast no stain, ineffable in Thy generation and
inconceivable in Thy manifestation.  Hear us, then, O Father
Incorruptible, Father Immortal, God of Hidden Beings, sole Light and
Life, Alone beyond Vision, only Unspeakable, only Unstainable, only
[Foundation] stone of Adamant (40), sole Primal Being, for before Thee
nothing was.  Hearken unto this prayer which we make unto Him who is
concealed in every place.  Hear us, send unto us incorporeal spirits
that they may dwell with us and teach us that which Thou hast promised
unto us; that they may dwell in us and that we may become bodies for
them, for it is Thy will that it should thus be.  So may it be.  Give
law unto our work and strengthen it according to Thy will and according
to the order of the hidden æons; dispose us according to Thy will, for
we are Thine" (41).

And He heard them and sent unto them discerning Powers which knew the
order of those who are hidden.  He established the Hierarchy like the
Hierarchies above and according to the concealed order.  They began
from the base to the summit, so that the building might unite them to
their companions.  He created the aerial earth as a place of habitation
for those who had come forth, so that they might dwell therein until
the strengthening of those who are below them; then created He the true
habitation in the interior of that, the place of repentance in the
interior of that, the antitype of Aerodios; then the place of
repentance in the interior of that, the antitype of Autogenes: in this
place they baptise themselves in the name of Autogenes, who is God over
them, and there are Powers placed in this place over the Fount of the
Waters of Life which they make go forth.  These are the names of the
Powers who are over the Waters of Life: Michar and Micheu; and they
baptise in the name of Barpharanges.  In the interior of these Spaces
are the æons of Sophia; in the interior of these Spaces is the True
Truth, and Pistis Sophia is found there and also the pre-existent Jesus
the Living, Aerodios and his twelve æons.  There are placed in this
space Sellao, Eleinos, Zogenetheles, Selmelche, and the Autogenes of
the æons.  There are placed in him four lights: Eleltheth, Daueithe,
Oroiael ... (42).  He saith (43):

O Alone-begotten of Light, I praise Thee.

O Light unengendered, I praise Thee.

O Light self-begotten, I praise Thee.

O Forefather of Light, more excellent than every Forefather, I praise

O Light Invisible, who art before all those beyond vision, I praise

O Thought of Light surpassing all Thought, I praise Thee.

O God of Light above all gods, I praise thee.

O Gnosis of Light passing all knowledge, I praise Thee.

O Unknowable One of Light, who art beyond all that is unknown, I praise

O Hermit of the Light, who art above all solitaries, I praise Thee.

O All-mighty of the Light, more excellent than the all-powered ones, I
praise Thee.

O Thou Thrice-mighty of the Light, greater than them of Triple-might, I
praise Thee.

O Light that none can separate, for Thou dividest all light, I praise

O Thou Pure Light, surpassing all purity, I praise Thee.

O Thou who hast begotten [Thyself] in the absence of all generation,
Whom none has engendered, I praise Thee.

O Fount of the Universality of Æons, I praise Thee.

O True Self-born of Light, who art before all those self-born, I praise

O Thou True Unmoved One of Light, who by Thy Will movest all things, I
praise Thee.

O Silence of all things, Silence of Light, I praise Thee.

O Saviour of all things, Saviour of Light, I praise Thee.

O Thou Unconquerable One of Light, I praise Thee.

O Thou Sole Space of all the places of the Universe, I praise Thee.

O Thou Only Universal Mystery, I praise thee.

O Thou Only All-perfect Light, I praise Thee.

O Thou Only Wise One and Sole Wisdom, I praise Thee.

O Thou Only Intangible, I praise Thee.

O Thou True Goodness, who hast made appear all good things, I praise

O Thou True Light, who hast made all lights to shine, I praise Thee.

O Thou who sustainest all light and givest life to every soul, I praise

O Thou Repose of them [? who seek repose], I praise Thee.

O Thou [Father] of all Paternity from the beginning unto this day, I
praise Thee.

They [? Thy children] search for Thee because Thou art their [Father].
Hear the prayer of [Thy children], for [Thou art He who is hidden] in
every place, He who is the [Desire] of all hearts.

[1] The title and the opening part of the work are lost.


(1) The centre of the Universe, which is everywhere and nowhere; the
ideal unity in diversity, from which all things flow out and into which
all things return.  Just as Jerusalem was held to be the centre of the
earth, so was this "City" held to be the hidden centre of the Universe;
hence it is often named "Jerusalem Above, who is the Mother of us all."
It is the principle at once of universality and individuality, the real
"ground" or centre of the soul.  It is called the "House of the Father"
because it is the abiding place of the Presence; the "Robe of the Son"
because it is His Body of Manifestation (_cp._ 2 Clem. xiv.); the
"Power of the Mother" because it is the "Energy" by which man is reborn
into Divine consciousness; and the "Image or Archetype of the Pleroma"
(the World of Eternal Ideas in their "Fullness"), because it is the
Wisdom which is the basis of all consciousness.

(2) This term rather suggests the use of a vibratory formula to induce
certain interior states as a practice of the School to which the Greek
MS. belonged.  Perhaps this may have been IAO, the meaning of which is
given elsewhere as "I, because the All (or Pleroma) hath gone forth.
A, because it will turn itself back again.  O, because the consummation
of all consummations will take place."  This may be taken to mean
exoterically, "I, the Incarnation of Jesus, Who is the Pleroma.  A, the
Crucifixion.  O, the Ascension."  Taken esoterically, it may mean, "I,
the Soul, has come forth from God into generation.  A, it is started or
"Initiated" on its return journey through the Life of the Cross.  O,
there is union with God in the Eternity of Eternities as the
consummation of all things" (_cp._ note 18).  The work we are studying
might almost be considered an exposition of this formula, though I do
not suggest that it literally is so.  We begin by reading it from right
to left, beginning with the God "beyond Name," that is He whose being
cannot be expressed by any name, O.  We pass to the Logos, the Divine
Mind, He who can be named, and His Pleroma, A, from which is "started"
the Visible World by the going forth of the "Light-Spark" or "Man," I.
After this we read from left to right, but this is the expounding of
the mystical life, the "return," under a veil of symbolism.  IAO is the
great Name of God in three vowels, derived historically, no doubt, from
the Great Name in Judaism, and is the counterpart of the Indian AUM.
Probably, like this latter, it was pronounced in three ways: (1)
audibly; (2) inaudibly to others, but with the lips; (3) mentally.  It
was a formula of a sacramental kind by which the life of the disciple
was mystically identified with the Life of the Master, so that the
knowledge of the real nature of the soul is given or restored by God.
During its use the mind was, of course, concentrated on its inner
meanings.  Various aspects of mystical truth could be expressed by its
permutations; IAO, OAI, AOI, etc.

(3) _Cp._ Odes of Solomon, 27: "I stretched out my hands and worshipped
the Lord, for the extension of my hands is His sign, and my expansion
is the Upright Tree [or Pillar]."

The Cross of Calvary was taken, by the Gnostics, to be the outward and
visible sign of a concealed or Cosmic Cross, another aspect of the
"City" or Monad, upon which the Logos or Light-Spark, as the "Son of
Man," or the "Man," was crucified perpetually in an ineffable manner,
thus communicating His Life and Light to the Universe.  The substance
or "strain" of this Cross is symbolised here by the Ennead or Ninefold
Being, the members of which, Knowledge, Life, Hope, etc., are each in
themselves Ideal Beings, Eternities, or Gods.  Yet these Nine, a number
typical of Initiation, are also one, as the Master and the Cross are
also one.  The Mystery is that of an Unbloody Sacrifice once and
perpetually offered and also of Divine Espousal.  [See further the
"Hymn of Jesus" and the "Gnostic Crucifixion" texts and commentaries by
G. R. S. Mead, who renders the passage in the text by "The Source of
the Cross is the Man whom no man can comprehend."]

(4) "Twelve" seems to symbolise the Powers creative of all kinds of
life in their totality, the creative imagination or raying forth power.

(5) "Truth" is another name for the Bride of the Logos, His "Great
Surround" or Body.  It is the Divine Concept or Conceiving Thought of
the Cosmos and its processes, and hence it is also the seal of
perfection or Body of Glory, the Life with which the Risen and Ascended
Master is clad.  While conferring character on all things, it is
entirely transcendent, modeless, and "un-walled."  Through it God is
immanent in the Universe, hence it is also called "Mother."  This is
what the symbolism seems to imply.

(6) This implies the doctrine of the Macrocosm and the Microcosm, of
the Universe and of the individual soul as a perfect compendium
thereof.  All the great cosmic processes are to be found within the

(7) A "name" was held to be that which manifests the innermost essence
of a thing.  Hence it symbolised the spiritual body or ideal vehicle of
manifestation, the life clothing.  The bestowal of a new name is
therefore the sacramental sign of the gift of a new body or mode of
life.  The real and ineffable Name of God is the Concept or Conceiving
Thought referred to in note 5.  But this is the Name "Mother" or
"Bride" of the Logos, Providence.  To "name" was a sacramental way of
invoking a presence or "spiritual vehicle."

(8) _Cp._ Codex Akhmim: "Of Him it is said, He thinketh His Image alone
and beholdeth it in the Water of Pure Light which surroundeth Him.  And
His Thought energised and revealed herself, and stood before Him in the
Light-Spark--which is the Power which existed before the All--which is
the perfect Forethought of the All--the Barbelo, the Æon perfect in
glory--glorifying Him, because she hath manifested herself in Him and
thinketh Him (_i.e._ gives Him birth).  She is the first Thought, His
Image."  Barbelo seems to mean "In the Four is God": in other words, it
is the personified Tetragrammaton or Great Name commonly rendered by

(9) Kanoun.  This is a flat, broad basket, originally made of rush or
cane, but often manufactured in precious metals in later times.  It was
used in the sacrificial rites of the gods and was hence classed among
sacred things (_v._ "Basket" in Hastings' _Ency. of Rel. and Ethics_).
What it signifies exactly I am unable to say.  Possibly the rites of
the school, if we only knew them, would throw some light upon the
question.  The offerings of bread and wine at the Eucharist may have
been made in the Kanoun.  Sometimes in the MS. it seems to be connected
with prayer.

(10) The Temple of the Pleromata or Fullnesses seems to be pictured as
being in the manner of that in Jerusalem.  The Æons of the Inner Space
correspond to the Holy of Holies, the Æons of the Middle Space to the
Holy Place, and the Æons of the Outer Space to the Court.  The various
Æons and their powers now described seem to be those of the Inner
Space.  "Æon" and "Space" are practically equivalent terms, only Æon is
on the Mind or Spiritual side of things, Space or Extension (Topos) is
on the Life or Body side of things.  "Space" is purely the space of
mind.  It is a Spiritual Body with many members, each of which is a
god, having his own individual consciousness and being, and yet
partaking perfectly and wholly of a common consciousness or life.  Each
Æon is a mighty Hierarchy in himself, and his "topos" is a Church or
Holy Assembly.  The ideal union of these Spaces is in the Monad or
Indivisible Point, which is therefore the Church of Churches, the Body
of the Man whom no man can comprehend.

(11) Setheus and the twelve three-faced Paternities seem to be the
paradigms, or heavenly patterns, of the Sun, the signs of the Zodiac,
and the thirty-six Decans.  He is the Invisible Sun of Righteousness
behind the visible flame which measures time.  In other words, he is
the symbol of the Æon of Æons, the Æon _par excellence_.  What time is
to the ordinary mundane mind that Setheus is to the Alone-begotten and
the Monad, whose ineffable union he encompasses.  For he is the
manifested Sun of Eternity, ☉. The Monad is the Indivisible
Point within the circle or sphere, and the Light-Spark or Logos is
within the Point, while Setheus himself is, strictly speaking, the
circle or sphere, the well-known symbol of Eternity.  All the æons are
found in the "topos" of Setheus, as their divinity is not innate, but
comes from conscious participation, hence the name æon.  I suggest the
name "Setheus" is formed from that of the god Seth, who was a solar
deity in some Egyptian traditions.  No doubt the differentiation of the
name is intentional.

The twelve Paternities about the head are referable to the rays, to the
creative powers, the "Divine Imaginings" of the Mystic Sun in their

(12) Schmidt thinks that the name "Nicotheos"--"the Victor God"--is a
title of Christ, and that a quotation is given from some lost
Apocalypse, called, perhaps, "The Apocalypse of Nicotheos."  The whole
passage seems to be a definite appeal to the experiences of attained
mystics concerning the Dark Ray.  The "Perfect" was a technical name,
applied to those whose initiation or start had been consummated or
perfected.  Having been regenerated, they were "gods" or "æons,"
conscious of their kinship with the Pleromata.  Each was now a
hierarchy in himself, a race, as it were.  The passage is probably by a
later hand.

(13) _Cp._ Pseudo Dionysius Myst. Theol.:

"The super-unknown, the super-luminous and loftiest height wherein the
simple and absolute and unchangeable mysteries are cloaked in the
super-lucent darkness of hidden mystic silence, which super-shines most
super-brightly in the blackest night, and in the altogether intangible
and unseen, superfills the eyeless understanding with super-beautiful
brightnesses.  And thou, dear Timothy, in thy intent and practice of
the mystical contemplations, leave behind both thy senses and thy
intellectual operations, and all things known by sense and intellect,
and set thyself, as far as may be, to unite thyself in unknowing with
Him who is above all being and knowledge; for by being purely free and
absolute, out of self and all things, thou shalt be led up to the _Ray
of the Divine Darkness_, stripped and loosed of all."

The above version is by Dom John Chapman, O.S.B., who says that this
passage was "cited throughout the Middle Ages as the _locus classicus_
for method of contemplation."  This is, except for our text, the
earliest mention of the "Dark Ray" in literature.  Evidently Pseudo
Dionysius did not invent the term himself, but followed a much older
Christian tradition.  This fact is important for the history of
Christian mysticism.

(14) This seems to imply a doctrine of pre-existence.  Perhaps the
passage is related to John 17:16: "They are not of the world, even as I
am not of the world....  As Thou didst send Me into the world, even so
sent I them into the world."

(15) _Cp._ Psalm 68:17 (R.V.): "The chariots of God are twenty
thousand, even thousands upon thousands.  The Lord is among them, as in
Sinai, in the sanctuary."

(16) Further descriptions of this, "the oldest of the Æons," are given
later on.  From these it will be gathered that the crown is the Crown
of Life, and that the twelve gates are also twelve deeps or firmaments,
over each of which a Paternity presides.  She is called the Indivisible
One, either "Point," "Atom," or perhaps even "Body" or "Raiment."  As
she is both the Spouse and Mother of the Light-Spark within the Æon, I
have generally called her the Indivisible Queen.

(17) Mr Mead suggests that Phosilampes may be a mystery name of
Basilides.  Has a commentary on the Gospel of St John been used here,
or a commentary on the prologue by Basilides [containing perhaps the
teachings of the alleged instructor of Basilides, Glaucias, whose name,
rather suggesting the "shining one," may equal "Phosilampes"], which
interpreted "In the beginning" as meaning "In the First Concept or in
the Monad was the Word"?

(18) This repetition of the Seven Vowels gives the following meanings
to them:--AAA = Living of Living Ones, HHH = Holy of Holy Ones, EEE =
Being of Beings, III = Father of Fatherhoods, OOO = God of Gods,
YYY=Lord of Lords, ΩΩΩ = Space of Spaces or Æon of Æons.  The High
and Holy One, together with His Bride and Mother, the "Universal Church
or First Concept," are one in and with the Eternity that they inhabit.
Hence "Thou art the House and the Dweller in the House."  Time (Æon)
and Space (Topos) are here one, or different aspects of the same mode
of being.

(19) _Cp._ "The Mind unto Hermes," 16: "The Cosmos is all-formed
[Pantomorphos]--not having forms external to itself, but changing them,
itself within itself"; also the "Perfect Sermon," xix. 3: "The
thirty-six, who have the name of Horoscopes, are in the self-same space
as the fixed stars; of these the essence chief or Prince is he whom
they call Pantomorph and Omniform, who fashioneth the various forms for
various species."  The Pantomorphic Body is the Augoeides or
Astroeides, the ray-like or star-like glory (not to be confused with
the "astral body" of modern theosophy).  _Cp._ Origen, Ep. 38 ad
Pammach: "Another body, a spiritual and aetherial one, is promised us:
a body that is not subject to physical touch, nor seen by physical
eyes, nor burdened with weight, and which shall be metamorphosed
according to the variety of regions in which it shall be....  In that
spiritual body the whole of us will see, the whole hear, the whole
serve as hands, the whole as feet."  The Star-body is the body of
Resurrection and Ascension.  _Cp._ Mark 16:12: "He was manifested in
_another form_ unto two of them."  Also it was the body of "the
universal" descent, that which transmitted the Æons from the Pleroma or
Ideal World to the Sensible World, hence it was considered to be
"scattered" or in a state of latency, or of mystical death in normal
man.  To awaken it, to gather it together, or to "raise it from the
dead," was one of the first objects of the mystics, who followed the
way of the Gnosis.  Its partial resurgence was the first great step in
the processes of the Apotheosis.  It was the possession of this body,
in some degree, which distinguished a man as "spiritual" from the
psychic and "hylic" men.  The Astroeides included the "natural" body in
its consummation, under a great transmutation, for it was the "Wisdom"
at the basis of material nature.

I have transferred the account of the "City of the Man" from where it
stands, at the end of the MS., to this place, as it seems more
intelligible here, and the exact order has been obscured by the
confusion of the leaves.

(20) _Cp._ "Poemandres," 15: "He [the Man], beholding the form like to
himself existing in her, in her water, loved it and willed to live in
it: and with the will came act, and so he vivified the form devoid of
reason.  And Nature took the object of her love and wound herself
completely round him, and they were intermingled, for they were
lovers....  Thus, though above the Harmony (or Fate sphere), within the
Harmony he [The Man] hath become a slave, ... and though he is
sleepless from a sleepless Sire, yet is he overcome by sleep."

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