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The Putnam Hall Rebellion 5

The Putnam Hall Rebellion 5

"Do you think he'll try to have anybody arrested?" questioned Reff
Ritter. He was just a little scared and wished he had not thrown the

"He'll have a job arresting the whole class," was Andy's comment.

"It wasn't our fault," added Dale. "He started the trouble. It was his
mistake about the lesson."

"So it was," put in Dave Kearney. "I knew paragraph twenty-four, but he
gave us only to the end of twenty-two, I am certain of it."

"So am I," added nearly every student present.

"Boys, come to order!" called out Jack. "Everybody take his books and
sit down," and all but Ritter did as requested. The latter took up the
fallen inkwell and carried it to his seat.

"It wasn't fair to throw that inkwell," remarked Joe Nelson.

"That was going a little too far," said another student.

"Huh! Are you fellows going back on me?" demanded the bully, uneasily.
"Didn't you throw books and other things?"

"Books aren't inkwells full of ink," remarked Stuffer.

"You threw an apple core!" flared back Ritter.

"So I did--into the air. But it struck the blackboard, not old

"It's just as bad."

"Sure it is," put in Coulter, bound to stand by his crony.

"We are all in this together," said Paxton. "The fellow who tries to
crawl ought to be kicked."

"And you'd be the first to do it--if you could," retorted Pepper. "Just
the same, nobody is crawling yet," he added, quickly.

A warm discussion arose on all sides, and it was generally admitted
that, barring the inkwell incident, Josiah Crabtree had gotten no more
than he deserved.

"He ought to be kicked out of this school," said Henry Lee. "We ought to
combine and ask Captain Putnam to get rid of him."

"He's under contract," said Bart Conners. "If the captain sent him away,
old Crabtree would most likely sue for his salary."

"I'll tell you what we can do," said Jack. "Sit down and begin to study
just as if nothing had happened."

"But if he has gone for the authorities----" began one of the cadets.

"I don't think he'll go. He'll have to wash that ink off first--and the
water will cool him down."

"He won't dare to go, for we can complain too," added Andy.

At that moment the door opened and Pluxton Cuddle stalked in, followed
by the gymnasium instructor and Peleg Snuggers. The general utility man
carried a cane and looked troubled. The new teacher marched to the
platform and the others did the same.

"This room will come to order!" commanded Pluxton Cuddle, but this order
was unnecessary, for every cadet was in his seat and all were sitting up
as stiff as ramrods. The silence was so complete that the clock in the
hall could be heard ticking loudly.

"Mr. Crabtree informs me that a disgraceful scene just occurred here,"
went on Pluxton Cuddle. "He was assaulted by books, inkwells and other
things. Were it not that he does not wish to bring disgrace upon this
institution of learning, he would at once summon the authorities and
have all of you placed under arrest."

The instructor paused, hoping somebody would say something, but not a
cadet opened his lips, although all faced the teacher boldly.

"I want the names of all who threw anything at Mr. Crabtree," continued
Pluxton Cuddle. "Everybody who threw anything stand up."

The cadets looked at one another and nobody budged from his seat.

"Did you hear what I said, young gentlemen?" demanded the new teacher.

To this there was no reply. The students acted as if they were images of

"I will call the roll!" cried Pluxton Cuddle. "Snuggers, go to the door
and see that no boy leaves this room."

"Yes, sir," answered the general utility man, and with shuffling steps
he took up a position as required.

There was a pause, as the new teacher got out the roll book and began to
scan the pages. Then, of a sudden, the door opened once more and Josiah
Crabtree came in swiftly and marched to the desk. In his hand he held a
cat-o'-nine tails.

                              CHAPTER XIII
                      PLUXTON CUDDLE'S PROPOSITION

"Say, Jack, this begins to look serious," remarked Pepper in a whisper,
as all eyes were directed to Crabtree and the lash he carried.

"He'll make a big mistake if he tries to whip us," was the young major's
comment. "What's this?" he asked, as a bit of paper was thrust into his
hand. The paper read:

  "_Refuse to say a word about anything. Pass this paper along._"

"That's the talk," said the young major, and slipped the sheet to the
student behind him. Thus the paper travelled from one end of the
classroom to the other.

"I was just going to call the roll, Mr. Crabtree," said Pluxton Cuddle.
"We'll find out soon who is guilty of assaulting you."

"Yes! yes! The quicker the better," answered the other teacher, grimly,
and clutched his cat-o'-nine tails tightly.

"If he tries to use that there will be a regular fight, mark my words,"
whispered Dale, who sat near Pepper.

"He's a fool to bring that here, at such a time," answered The Imp.
"What does he take us for, a lot of kids?"

"Addison!" called out Pluxton Cuddle, with his eyes on the roll book.
"Stand up!"

The cadet addressed did so.

"Did you throw anything at Mr. Crabtree?"

"I have nothing to say, sir."

"Do you defy me?" fumed Pluxton Cuddle.

To this the pupil made no answer.

"Sit down! Blackmore, stand up. What have you to say?"

"I have nothing to say, Mr. Cuddle."

"What! You--er--Is this a plot, sir?"

"I have nothing to say, sir, excepting that I am willing to go on with
my lessons, Mr. Cuddle."

"We'll have no lessons here until this is settled!" cried Josiah
Crabtree. "Call the next pupil."

"Blossom! What have you to say for yourself?" asked Cuddle.

"I have nothing to say, sir," replied the first lieutenant of Company A,
in the same tone of voice employed by those who had answered before him.

"This is--a conspiracy!" gasped Pluxton Cuddle.

"I told you how it was!" cried Josiah Crabtree. "I think the best thing
I can do is to give each pupil present ten lashes with this cat." And he
shook the cat-o'-nine tails in the boys' faces.

"Mr. Crabtree!" called out Jack, rising. "As major of the school
battalion I feel it my duty to speak out. I think the boys would like me
to be their spokesman."

"Yes! yes!" was the cry from all sides.

"Tell him we won't stand for a licking," said one boy in the rear.

"Silence!" cried the two teachers simultaneously.

"We want justice!" came from the middle of the room.

"Leave it to Captain Putnam!" came from the right.

"Forget it and go on with the lessons," added a voice from the left.

"Boys!" called out Jack and waved his hand. "Let me do the talking
please." And at once the classroom became silent.

"Ruddy, I want you to sit down!" thundered Josiah Crabtree.

"Perhaps it would be as well to listen to what he has to say," whispered
Pluxton Cuddle, who was growing a little alarmed at the demonstration
the pupils seemed to be on the point of making.

"Mr. Cuddle, am I in authority here, or you?" demanded the unreasonable

"You asked me to assist you, sir," answered Cuddle, sharply.

"So I did, but--but--these young ruffians must be taught to mind! The
way they have acted is outrageous!"

"You won't gain much by bullying them," went on Pluxton Cuddle. "If I
had my way, I know what I'd do, sir."

"And what would you do?" snapped Josiah Crabtree.

"I should cut down their supply of food. That is the whole fault in this
school--the boys get too much to eat, sir, entirely too much. It makes
animals of them, yes, sir, animals!" Pluxton Cuddle was beginning to
mount his hobby. "I have told Captain Putnam about it already. If the
boys had only half of what they get now they would be brighter, quicker
to learn, and much more easy to manage. As it is, they get large
quantities of meat and it makes perfect bulls of them--and the pastry
clogs their brains, and they can't learn their lessons even if they try.
Put them on half rations, and in less than a week you will behold a
wonderful change in them."

"Humph!" mused Josiah Crabtree, struck by a sudden idea. "It might be a
good thing to cut down their food--give them say one meal a day until
they got to their senses."

"Two small meals," interposed Pluxton Cuddle, eagerly. "And meat but
once every forty-eight hours--and no pastry of any kind. It would do
them a world of good."

"Well, do as you think best, Mr. Cuddle. You have charge of them outside
of the classrooms, remember."

"Then you agree?" questioned Pluxton Cuddle eagerly.

"You may do as you please--I leave them entirely in your hands, outside
of the classrooms. During school hours my word must be law."

"Exactly, I understand." Pluxton Cuddle began rubbing his hands
together. "We'll start on the new system of meals this very evening."

"Do as you like." Josiah Crabtree paused. "But I must finish what I
started out to do." He looked at Jack. "Ruddy, since you seem so very
anxious to talk, what have you to say for yourself?"

"I wish to speak for the whole class--or at least for the majority of
the boys," corrected the young major, with a glance at Ritter, Coulter,
Paxton and Sabine.

"Well, out with it!" snapped Crabtree.

"This trouble, sir, is all due to a misunderstanding," pursued the young
major. "We thought you wanted us to study the Latin lesson up to and
including paragraph twenty-two. We were not prepared to go any further
than that, even though Dave Kearney did get through all right. We think
the whole matter might be dropped where it is--and we are willing to go
back to our studies."

"Drop it!" snapped Josiah Crabtree. "Never! If I do nothing more, I am
going to thrash the boy who threw that inkwell at me and covered my face
with ink."

He said this so fiercely that Reff Ritter grew pale and looked around
anxiously. The bully wondered if the other cadets present would help him
to keep his secret.

"I want the student who threw that inkwell to stand up," went on the
teacher, as Jack, having had his way, sat down.

Nobody moved, although several pairs of eyes were turned upon Reff
Ritter. Many lads present would have been glad to have seen the bully
punished, but they did not consider it honorable to expose him.

Crabtree had Pluxton Cuddle go through the roll, but this gave the
teachers no satisfaction. Each and every cadet answered that he had
nothing to say.

After the last student had been questioned there was another pause and
an ominous silence. The boys were curious to know what Josiah Crabtree
would do next. The teacher was in a quandary.

"We will take this up again another time," he snapped, finally. "You may
return to your lessons, and to-morrow we'll have for a Latin lesson down
to the end of paragraph thirty-two. Do you understand?--down to the end
of paragraph thirty-two--not thirty or thirty-one, but to the end of
thirty-two." And then turning he wrote the statement on the blackboard.
"Now there will be no further misunderstanding," he added sourly. Then
he dismissed Peleg Snuggers and the gymnastic instructor, put away the
cat-o'-nine tails in his desk, and turned to talk with Pluxton Cuddle in
a whisper, so that the scholars might not hear what was said.

"Phew! I wonder if he really expects us to take such a long lesson?"
exclaimed Pepper in a low voice. "Why, from twenty-two to thirty-two are
ten paragraphs, and we never had over six before."

"He is going to get square in one way if not in another," answered Andy.
"Just the same, I'll wager a lot of the fellows won't have the lesson

A few minutes later Pluxton Cuddle hurried out to another classroom, and
then the routine for the day went on as if nothing out of the ordinary
had happened. The cadets even saw Josiah Crabtree smile to himself. It
was a bad sign, and they knew it.

"He's got it in for us," whispered Dale. "Look out for a storm."

"Yes, and a hurricane at that," returned Stuffer.

The classes were usually dismissed in the morning at ten minutes to
twelve, thus giving the cadets ten minutes for exercise before sitting
down to dinner. But twelve o'clock came and Josiah Crabtree made no
motion to dismiss the boys.

"Hello, this is a new move," cried Pepper, in a low voice.

"Silence in the room," called out the teacher sharply. "We will now take
up the lesson in algebra. Conners, you may go to the blackboard."

Somewhat perplexed, Bart Conners arose and walked to the board. He did
not know the algebra lesson very well, for he had counted on going over
it during the noon hour. He was given a decidedly difficult problem in

"Say, is he going to keep us here all noon?" asked Hogan. "Sure, if he
is, 'tis an outrage, so 'tis!"

"He isn't going to starve me!" answered Stuffer, who, as usual, was very
hungry. He raised his hand, and then, to get quicker recognition,
snapped his finger and thumb.

"Singleton, what do you want?" asked Josiah Crabtree, tartly.

"Please, sir, it's after twelve o'clock."

"I know it."

"Aren't we to go to dinner, sir?"

"Not now. Sit down." And the teacher frowned heavily.

Stuffer sank into his seat, a look of misery on his face. His appearance
was so woe-begone Pepper had to laugh outright. At this Crabtree rapped
sharply on his desk.

"Silence! I will have silence!" he called. "Conners, go on with the

"I can't--er--do it," stammered the captain of Company B.

"Huh! Then take your seat! Ritter!"

"Please, sir, I am afraid I can't do it either. I was going to study
directly after dinner----" began the bully.

"Never mind the rest, Ritter. Paxton!"

"I guess I can do it," answered Nick Paxton, and shuffled to the
blackboard. He soon had a mass of figures written down, but they seemed
to lead to nowhere, and Josiah Crabtree was more put out than ever.

"That is all wrong, Paxton!" he said. "You are a blockhead! Take your
seat!" And Paxton did so, with his head hanging down.

In the meantime the other classes had been dismissed, and those kept in
could hear the other cadets walk through the halls and enter the mess
room. Then followed a clatter of knives and forks and dishes. These
sounds made many cadets besides Stuffer feel an emptiness in the
vicinity of their belts.

"As no one appears to know the algebra lesson, we will take time for
studying," said Josiah Crabtree. "I will examine you again at one
o'clock. The room will be quiet."

Quarter of an hour dragged by slowly. The boys wanted to talk the
situation over, but Josiah Crabtree would permit no whispering.
Presently the teacher arose and walked to the door.

"I will be back shortly," he said, in a cold voice. "I want absolute
order maintained during my absence." Then he went out, shutting the door
after him. A strange clicking followed.

"He has locked us in!" exclaimed a youth who sat near the door, in a
hoarse whisper. "Now what do you think of that?"

                              CHAPTER XIV
                       IN WHICH THE STORM GATHERS

"I guess he has gone off to get his own dinner, and he is going to leave
us starve!" groaned Stuffer. "I'm not going to stand it--no, sir!" And
he jumped up from his desk and began to walk around nervously.

"This is certainly a new move," said Jack.

"I don't believe Captain Putnam or Mr. Strong would do such a thing,"
vouchsafed Bart Conners.

"No, both of them are too considerate," answered Dale.

"This is the combined work of old Crabtree and Cuddle," came from Andy.
"Cuddle loves to cut a fellow short on grub."

Jack walked to the door and tried the knob.

"Locked, true enough," he said.

"But the windows aren't," added Pepper. "I could get out of a window
almost as quick as out of a door," he went on suggestively.

"Let's all climb out and make a break for the mess hall," cried Fred
Century. "He has no right to cut us out of our dinner. It's paid for."

"So it is!" answered several.

"I'll climb out if anybody else will," said Reff Ritter.

"So will I!" said Dale and Coulter in a breath.

"Look here, fellows, if we make a move we ought to have a regularly
appointed leader," said Dave Kearney. "I move we make Major Ruddy our
leader. He's the commander of the battalion anyway."

"Second the motion!" came in a dozen voices.

"What's the matter with my leading?" demanded Reff Ritter. "I made the
suggestion to climb out of the window, didn't I?"

"That's it--make Reff leader," put in Paxton, quickly.

"He's just the fellow for the place," added Coulter, while Sabine

"No, no, give us Ruddy!" called out a great number of cadets.

"Ruddy! Ruddy!"

"No, give Ritter a show!"

"Might as well put it to a vote," suggested Dale, when cries were heard
from all sides. "All in favor of Jack Ruddy for leader raise their right

Instantly fifteen hands went up.

"Now those in favor of Reff Ritter."

Eight hands went up. The other cadets present refused to vote at all.

"Major Ruddy has it," announced Dale. "Is everybody satisfied?"

"Yes!" was the loud cry.

"I suppose we'll have to be," grumbled Coulter. "But Ritter would have
made a better leader. He offered to go through the window, and----"

"Never mind chewing it over now," broke in Pepper. "From now on, let
Jack do the talking."

"Boys, are all in favor of leaving this room and going to the mess
hall?" asked the young major, mounting to the top of a desk and gazing
around him.

"Yes! yes!" was the answer.

"Then let us get out of the windows, form a company on the campus, and
march into the mess hall in regular soldier style. When we get there,
let every fellow take his usual place--and refuse to budge until dinner
is served."

"Hurrah! That's the talk!" cried Stuffer. "And a full-sized dinner too,
with dessert!" he added hastily.

For cadets used to gymnasium practice, it was an easy matter to climb
out of the classroom windows to the campus. Once on the green, Jack lost
no time in forming the boys into a single company.

"Attention!" he called out. "By column of two, forward march!" And he
led the way, the cadets following in pairs, and marching as stiffly as
if on dress parade.

It may be that somebody was on the watch, yet the boys were not
disturbed, and soon they filed into the mess hall, where the other
cadets were just finishing their midday meal. At one table sat Pluxton
Cuddle and at another Josiah Crabtree. Both leaped to their feet in

"How dare you!" gasped Josiah Crabtree. "How dare you!" For the moment
he could think of nothing else to say.

"As it was past the dinner hour the class made up its mind to come in
and get something to eat," said Jack, stiffly, and looking the teacher
full in the face.

"You--you--rascal!" exploded the teacher. "I'll have you to underst----"

"Excuse me, Mr. Crabtree, I am not a rascal," interrupted Jack. "I am
the major of the Putnam Hall battalion and the spokesman of our
class--so chosen by a vote of the cadets. We decided that we wanted
dinner--and we are here to get it."

"This is mutiny--rebellion!" gasped Pluxton Cuddle.

"You can call it what you please, Mr. Cuddle. We are entitled to our
dinner and we mean to have it."

"Good for you, Major Ruddy!" came from a pupil from another classroom.

"Crabtree and Cuddle have no right to do you out of your dinners," added

"Make them give you what you pay for," added a third.

The cries increased until it looked as if the demonstration in the mess
hall would be greater than that which had occurred in the classroom.
Pluxton Cuddle called for order, but even as he spoke a hot potato went
sailing through the air and hit him in the shirt front. Then a shower of
bread went up into the air, falling all around both Cuddle and Crabtree.

"Boys! boys!" gasped Josiah Crabtree, and now he turned pale, wondering
what would happen next.

"Better give 'em something to eat, sah!" suggested the head waiter, a
colored man. "Some of them hungry chaps look wicked, sah!"

"They have all been fed too much, that is the reason," said Pluxton
Cuddle. "I don't mean to-day, I mean in general. However, perhaps it
will be as well, just now, to let them have a--er--a light repast," he
went on stammeringly, for another hot potato had hit him on the

"Boys!" called out Jack. "Stop throwing things. Mr. Crabtree wants to
say something." For he saw that the teacher wanted to speak to the

"I--er--I wish to state," began Josiah Crabtree, when the cadets settled
down at Jack's command, "that I--er--I did not intend to make you do
without your dinner. I was--er--going to--er--let you come to the mess
hall--er--after the other pupils had finished. But as it is----" he
gazed around somewhat helplessly, "I--er--I think you can stay. The
waiters will bring in the dinner." And he sat down and mopped his
perspiring forehead with his handkerchief.

"Gosh! I'll bet it was hard for him to come down!" whispered Dale to

"He's getting afraid of the crowd," returned The Imp. "He was afraid
we'd pass him the stuff on the table without waiting for plates!" And
Pepper grinned suggestively.

The cadets had to wait a long time before they were served. Meanwhile
Pluxton Cuddle consulted with the head waiter and paid a visit to the
kitchen. As a result, when the dinner came in, the cadets found the food
both scanty and exceedingly plain.

"Say, how is a chap to get along on this," growled Stuffer. "I could eat
twice as much!"

"Make the best of it this time," said Jack. "We can hold a meeting after
school and decide upon what to do in the future--if things don't mend."

The worst of it--to Stuffer's mind--was that there was nothing but a
little rice pudding for dessert. All of the cadets who had rebelled went
from the mess room hungry--and out on the campus they discovered that
the other cadets had fared little better.

"It's Cuddle's doings," said one of the other students. "He's a crank on
the question of eating--thinks a man ought to eat next to nothing to be
healthy and clear-minded."

"Crabtree was willing enough to fall in with his views," returned

"That's because he wanted to square up with you. Personally, Crabtree
likes to eat as hearty a meal as anybody."

"I know that."

"I don't know what we are coming to, if Captain Putnam or Mr. Strong
don't come back soon," said another cadet. "We had a row in our
classroom too."

"Neither Crabtree nor Cuddle are fit to manage a school," said Dale.
"They may be good enough teachers, but they need somebody in authority
over them." And this statement hit the nail squarely on the head.

Reff Ritter was still disturbed, thinking that Crabtree might find out
that he was guilty of throwing the inkwell, and he went around,
"sounding" various cadets and getting them to promise not to mention the
matter. He was chagrined to think that he had not been chosen leader in
the rebellion, and was half inclined to draw away from Jack's friends
and form a party of his own.

"Ruddy wants to lead in everything," he growled to Coulter. "It makes me

"Well, you can't afford to go back on him now," was the answer. "If you
do he may take it in his head to let old Crabtree know about the
inkwell, and then----"

"Oh, he can lead if he wants the job so bad," interrupted the bully

At the proper time the bell rang for the afternoon session and all of
the cadets marched to their various classrooms as if nothing out of the
ordinary had occurred. Lessons were taken up where they had been
dropped, but the boys found it hard to concentrate their minds on what
they were studying or reciting. All felt that a storm--and a big one at
that--was brewing.

Josiah Crabtree did not come into the classroom occupied by Jack and his
chums, and Reff Ritter and his crowd. Instead he sent an under teacher,
a meek man who did just what he was told, no more and no less. With this
teacher the boys got along very well.

"Wish we could have him right along," observed Stuffer.

"If you did have him you wouldn't make much progress," answered Jack.
"He's good enough for the lower classes, but that's all. He doesn't know
half as much as Mr. Strong."

When the cadets were dismissed for the day they hurried out on the
campus, and here Jack asked all who were interested in what had occurred
to attend a meeting at the boathouse. About three-quarters of the cadets
responded, those holding back being the smaller lads and a few timid
ones like Mumps.

At this meeting it came out that every class in the school had "caught
it," either from Josiah Crabtree or Pluxton Cuddle. Sharp words and
almost blows had been exchanged in the classrooms, and every cadet had
some fault to find with the food served for dinner.

"Cuddle not only wants to cut down the amount, but he wants the meats
and other things cooked in a peculiar way," said one cadet. "I have
always been used to a good table and I am not going to stand for it."

"Nor will I!" cried Stuffer. "Our parents pay for good board--and that
means three square meals a day."

"I understand Captain Putnam and Mr. Strong expect to be away for at
least ten days," said Henry Lee. "I am not going to starve myself for
that length of time, even to please Crabtree and Cuddle."

"Just what I say!" exclaimed Pepper.

"We are certainly entitled to as good a table as we have been having,"
was Jack's comment.

"Then, if we don't get it, let's strike!" cried Andy.

                               CHAPTER XV
                            WORDS AND BLOWS

The meeting at the boathouse lasted for nearly an hour, yet no definite
conclusion was reached. Some of the boys wanted to wait and see what
developed, while others were for taking the most drastic action
immediately. At last it was voted to wait, and to leave the matter of
what was to be done in the hands of a committee of five, of which Jack
was the chairman. The other four members of this committee were Pepper,
Dale, Bart Conners and a cadet named Barringer, a youth who had the
distinction of being the first cadet enrolled at the Hall, and whose
folks were warm personal friends of Captain Putnam.

"I am sure if we act with care and fairness Captain Putnam will uphold
us," said Frank Barringer. "But there must be no rowdyism. If there is I
shall withdraw from the committee and from whatever is done."

"I shall not favor rowdyism," answered the young major. "But neither
shall I allow Crabtree or Cuddle to walk over us."

"Oh, I agree on that, Major Ruddy. Both of those teachers have been far
too dictatorial. But it was a mistake to throw potatoes and bread around
the dining room, and it was vile to throw an inkwell at Crabtree," added
Frank Barringer.

During the afternoon Josiah Crabtree drove to Cedarville in Captain
Putnam's coach. When he returned he had with him three men, burly
individuals who looked like dock hands--and such they were.

"What are those men going to do here?" asked Andy of his chums.

"I can't imagine," answered Pepper. "If they were going to do some work
they wouldn't come at this time of day."

"Let us see if Peleg Snuggers knows anything about it," suggested Dale,
and he and the others walked down to the barn, where they found the
general utility man putting up the team the teacher had used.

"Come to help me, young gents?" asked Snuggers, with a grin.

"Peleg, we want to know what those three men came for?" said Dale.

"Oh!" The general utility man shrugged his shoulders. "Better go an' ask
Mr. Crabtree--he brung 'em."

"You mustn't say 'brung,' Peleg," said Pepper. "It's bad geography. You
ought to say bringed or brang."

"Well, you see, I ain't never had much schoolin'," was the reply, as the
man scratched his head. "Say," he went on, with a grin, "you had high
jinks this mornin', didn't you? I wanted to laff right out, but I didn't

"Are those men going to work here, Peleg?" demanded Jack, sternly.

"Why don't you ask Mr. Crabtree? He brung--no, bringed, no brang 'em."

"Are they here to keep the peace?" asked Andy, suddenly.

"Mr. Crabtree said as how I wasn't to say nuthin' about it," stammered
the general utility man.

"Then he brought them here for that purpose?" demanded Jack.

"Yes--but don't let on as how I told ye!" whispered Peleg Snuggers. "He
an' Cuddle got scart, I reckon, and Crabtree said he was goin' to git
some special policemen to keep the peace."

"Well, if that isn't the limit!" cried Pepper.

"The next thing you know he'll be marching the whole school down to the
Cedarville lock-up," came from Dale. "That is--if he can!" he added

"Now please don't let on I said a word about it!" pleaded Peleg
Snuggers. "If ye do it may cost me my place."

"We won't utter a syllable," answered Jack. "Remember that, fellows," he
added, and the others nodded.

"Crabtree is awful mad," went on the man of all work. "He an' that new
teacher have got it in for all of ye! Better watch out!"

"We will," said Pepper; and then he and his chums walked away.

It was now time for the afternoon dress parade, and the cadets had to
hurry to get ready. Soon the drum sounded out and the cadets gathered on
the campus. Jack got his sword and took command, and put the boys
through a drill that would have done any army officer good to behold.
Only a few boys, like Ritter, Coulter and Paxton took advantage of the
fact that Captain Putnam was absent, and to these the young major and
the other officers paid scant attention. Ritter hoped he would be
"called down," so that he might have a chance to answer back, and it
made him sour when this opportunity was denied to him.

It was whispered around what the three Cedarville men had been brought
for, and loud were the denunciations of Josiah Crabtree in consequence.

"He wants to give Putnam Hall a black eye," said Stuffer. "If he was a
gentleman he would let us settle this matter among ourselves."

"If those men try to do anything I fancy there will be a pitched
battle," said another.

As was the custom, Jack marched the battalion around the grounds and
then into the mess hall, and here all sat down to the tables for supper.
They saw the three strange men sitting at a side table, in company with
the gymnastic instructor, and near at hand were half a dozen heavy
carriage whips.

"Jack, did you notice the men and the whips?" questioned Pepper, in a
low, excited voice.

"I did--and I think Crabtree and Cuddle are crazy," was the equally low

"Young gentlemen!" called out Josiah Crabtree, from his place at the
head of a table. "This noon we had a most outrageous scene enacted here.
Such a scene must not be repeated. We must have order--no matter what
the cost." And he allowed his eyes to wander toward the three strange
men and the gymnastic instructor and then to the whips.

No more was said, and the waiters began to bring in the food. There was
bread and butter, some very thin slices of cold roast beef, tea, and
some exceedingly small pieces of plain cake.

"What a supper!" murmured Pepper. "Does he take us for fairies?"

"I could eat three times as much as this," said Andy. "Poor Stuffer,
this will just about finish him!"

"It's an outrage!" cried Dale, but in a low tone.

"Mr. Crabtree!" The call came from Stuffer, who had arisen.

"What do you want, Singleton?" snapped the teacher.

"I want more to eat."

"You have all you are going to have. Sit down, or else leave the room."

"I am hungry, and----"

"You boys all eat too much," interposed Pluxton Cuddle. "Hereafter you
are to have what is proper for you and no more."

"I tell you I am hungry," insisted Stuffer.

"Sit down, or leave!" cried Josiah Crabtree.

"I want some more too," put in Andy.

"So do I!" added Henry Lee.

"We are entitled to more," came from Dave Kearney.

"Our folks pay for it," said Reff Ritter.

"Will you be quiet," stormed Josiah Crabtree. "Mr. Cuddle and I know what is best for you."

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