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Twenty Years a Detective 2

Twenty Years a Detective 2


August 20, 1891, he met with another narrow escape at Thirtieth and
Dearborn streets, while attempting to arrest Nathan Judd, a crazed and
desperate colored man. Judd threw a brick at him, striking him over
his left temple, and inflicting a wound two inches long.

Judd was shot through the thigh, and afterwards was sent to the house
of correction for one year.

Detective Wooldridge, alone in a drenching rainstorm at 4 o'clock on
the morning of June 23, 1892, at Michigan avenue and Madison street,
intercepted three horsethieves and hold-up men in a buggy trying to
make their escape.

At the point of a revolver he commanded them to halt. As they
approached him no attention was paid to him, or to what he was saying.
Seizing the bridle of the horse, he was dragged nearly a block before
the horse was checked. A twenty-pound horse weight was hurled at him
by one of the robbers, which just missed his head. Another one of the
robbers leaped upon the horse and rained blow after blow upon his head
with the buggy whip.

Detective Wooldridge shot this man in the leg; he jumped off the horse
and made good his escape while Wooldridge was engaged in a desperate
hand to hand encounter with the other two robbers. Wooldridge knocked
both senseless with the butt of his revolver. They were taken to the
police station and gave their names as John Crosby and John McGinis.
Both were found guilty a month later and sent to the penitentiary by
Judge Baker.


March 4, 1892, Detective Wooldridge by his prompt and courageous
actions, and the immediate risk of his own life, succeeded in rescuing
from the Waverly Hotel (which was on fire), at 262 and 264 S. Clark
street, two ladies who were overcome by smoke on the second floor of
the burning building: also a lady and two children, aged two years and
five months, respectively, from the fourth floor.

This act was performed by tying a silk handkerchief around his mouth,
and on his hands and knees crawling up the winding stairs to the
fourth floor, where he found Mrs. E. C. Dwyer unconscious. Placing
the two children in a bed quilt, he threw it over his shoulder, and
seizing Mrs. E. C. Dwyer by the hand, dragged her down the stairs to a
place of safety, where medical assistance was called.

Sept. 21, 1902, Detective Wooldridge was placed in charge of the
Get-Rich-Quick concerns with which Chicago was infested. He also
had charge of the suppression of gambling at parks and other places
of amusement, the inspection and supervision of picture exhibitions
in penny arcades and museums, and the inspection and supervision of
illustrated postal cards sold throughout the city for the purpose of
preventing the exhibition, sale and circulation of vulgar and obscene
pictures, the work of gathering evidence against and the suppression
of dealers in "sure thing" gambling devices, viz., loaded dice, marked
cards, roulette wheels, spindle faro layouts, card hold-outs, nickel
slot machines and many other devices.

Oct. 25, 1893, Detective Wooldridge had a narrow escape while trying
to arrest Charles Sales, a desperate colored man, for committing a
robbery at State and Harrison streets. Sales whipped out his gun
and fired four shots at Wooldridge at short range; two of the shots
passing harmlessly through his coat. Sales was arrested and given one
year in the house of correction.


June 6, 1894, Detective Wooldridge arrested Eugene Buchanan for
committing a highway robbery at Polk and Clark streets. A few days
prior he had held up and robbed Philip Schneider and kicked out one
of his eyes. Buchanan was met in the alley between Clark street and
Pacific avenue, where he resisted arrest and fought like a demon,
using his hands, club and head. In the scuffle he ran his head between
Wooldridge's legs and tried to throw him, but Wooldridge was to quick
for him and fastened his legs around Buchanan's neck like a clam.
Buchanan could not free himself. Wooldridge pulled his gun and placing
it in the ear of Buchanan compelled him to carry him to the Harrison
street police station on his shoulder. It was one of the most novel
sights ever witnessed, and will be long remembered by those who saw it.

Buchanan was convicted and sent to the penitentiary for three years.
Upon his release he applied to Wooldridge to assist him in securing
a position. Wooldridge took him to his home, fed him and secured
employment for him with Nelson Morris & Co., where he remained three
years. He afterwards committed a highway robbery in Washington Park
and is now serving an indefinite term in the penitentiary.


May 16, 1895, Detective Wooldridge, accompanied by Officers Kern,
O'Connor and Cameron, located Matt Kelly at 411 State street, who was
wanted for a criminal assault. Kelly was a hold-up man, ex-convict
and a notorious safe-blower, who several years prior to this shot two
officers in St. Louis, Mo. Kelly was found behind locked doors on the
second-floor and refused to open the doors. Detective Wooldridge went
to the adjoining flat, opened a window and crawled along the ledge
until he had reached Kelly's room; with a revolver in his mouth he
pushed up the sash and was faced by Kelly and his wife.

"Go back or I'll kill you," said Kelly as he pushed his revolver in
Wooldridge's face.

Wooldridge had meanwhile secured a good hold on the sill of the
window, but was not in a position to defend himself. The Kelly woman
tried her best to shove him off; she succeeded in loosening one of
his hands, and for an instant Detective Wooldridge thought he would
have to fall. With an almost superhuman effort Wooldridge broke in the
window and covering Kelly with his own revolver ordered him to throw
up his hands, which he did. He was taken to the police station and
heavily fined.


A dozen of the highwaymen and robbers on whom Wooldridge was waging a
relentless warfare gathered together on the morning of July 4, 1895,
and formed a plot to kill Wooldridge and get him out of the way.
They concluded that the night of July 4, when everyone was firing
off revolvers and celebrating, would afford the best opportunity.
They imagined it would be an easy thing to shoot him from one of the
windows or from a housetop while he was on duty patrolling his post,
and no one would know where the shot came from, as there was shooting
from every direction.

An oath of secrecy was taken by all present, and lots drawn to see
who was to do the deed. In all probability their plan would have been
carried out had it not been for a colored woman, who was watching them
and heard the whole plot, and who went with the information to the
Harrison Street Police Station.

Captain Koch and Lieutenant Laughlin were notified and upon
investigation found the report to be true. They took immediate steps
to protect Wooldridge by placing three additional officers in full
uniform with him, and also placing six men in citizen's clothes on his
post. Every man they met was searched for a gun; every crook, vagrant
and thief that they could lay their hands on was placed under lock
and key in the station, and by 11 o'clock that night there was no
square in the city quieter than the one this officer patrolled, and
in two weeks' time "Coon Hollow" and the whole neighborhood for half
a mile in every direction had undergone the most remarkable change
known to police history, and this change was apparent for a long time

February 11, 1896, Detective Wooldridge, while trying to arrest a
panel-house keeper and three colored hold-up men at 412 Dearborn
street, was fired upon by one of the trio, Kid White, the shot
striking the bar of his watch chain, which was attached to the lower
button of his vest. When the bar was struck the bullet was diverted
from entering Wooldridge's stomach, and it glanced off and passed
through his overcoat.


In 1896 Wooldridge's fiercest fight came when he arrested George
Kinnucan in his saloon at 435 Clark street. A dozen roughs, henchmen
of Kinnucan, who were in the saloon at the time, came to the
saloonkeeper's rescue. The officer was knocked down, his billy taken
from him and himself beaten unconscious with it, and his face and
head kicked into one mass of bruises. Through it all he managed to
hang on to his revolver. This alone saved him. He finally managed to
shoot Kinnucan through the hand and forearm, and a moment later a
uniformed man burst in and evened up the battle. Six of the toughs
were arrested, and Wooldridge was left alone by them for a long time.


In the same year of 1896, Detective Wooldridge, disguising himself
as a cheap thief, entered a Clark street criminals' resort and
fraternized with thieves, murderers and vagabonds of all kinds, in
order to obtain information, leading Wooldridge into the most amazing
school of crime ever witnessed by a Chicago police officer. He was
accepted in good faith as a proper sneak thief by the brotherhood,
and for his benefit the "manager" of the den put his "pupils" through
their "lessons."

These lessons were in shoplifting, pocket picking, purse snatching
and other forms of larceny requiring skill and deftness. When he had
seen enough Wooldridge generously volunteered to "rush the growler"
and went out--and called the patrol wagon. Twenty-three crooks were
arrested this time. Each one of them swore he would have killed the
detective had his makeup or conduct for an instant directed suspicion
toward him.


November 20, 1896, Detective Wooldridge made a high dive.

To offset his aerial stunt he took a high dive from the top of a
building, landing on his head in a pile of refuse with such force as
to go "in over his head" and stick there so tightly that it required
the combined strength of two officers to pull him out by the legs.

It was near Twelfth and State streets while pursuing two women across
a roof that his remarkable stunt took place. The women jumped from
the roof into a pile of refuse. They landed on their feet. Wooldridge
came after them. He landed on his head. As he landed he grasped a
woman with either hand, and held them until the arrival of his brother
officers effected his release and their capture.

But these are only humorous incidents, things to laugh over when the
day's work is done. In the parlance of the detectives, they belong to
"straight police work." As a direct antithesis to them is the story
of the murder and the black cat, which is in real life a weirder and
more startling affair than Poe's fantastic tale of the same subject. A
black cat helped solve a murder in a way which puts a distinct strain
on the credulity of the uninitiated.


A rich man had been murdered in a certain part of the city. He was in
his library at the time of the crime. His family was in an adjoining
room, yet none of them heard any noise, or knew what had been done
until they found him lifeless on the floor. Investigation proved that
he had been shot, but not with an ordinary weapon. The missile in
his heart was a combination of bullet and dart, evidently propelled
from a powerful air rifle or spring gun. But no clew was left by
the perpetrator of the crime, and Wooldridge carried the strange
missile in his pocket for several months before a single prospect of
apprehending the murderer appeared. Then it was the black cat that did
it. What strange coincidence or freak of fate it was that impelled
the cat to literally lead the detective to a little pile of dirt in
an alley that night Wooldridge never has attempted to explain. But
lead him it did, and when he dug into the disturbed ground he found
something entirely new in the gun line, the weapon that had discharged
the fatal bullet in his pocket. Eventually he traced the gun to its
inventor, and from there to the man who had purchased it, a young
fellow named Johnson, and a supposed friend of the murdered man's
family. The consequence was that this man proved to be the murderer.
When arrested he at first denied his guilt, broke down under the
sweatbox ordeal and confessed, and--killed himself in his cell next

For mystery and good fortune in bringing an apparently untraceable
criminal to justice this incident perhaps has never been equaled in
Chicago's police records.


In 1900 Chicago's great building trade strike occurred in which
60,000 men were thrown out of employment. Many acts of violence were
committed. Several men were killed and many maimed and injured.

Detective Wooldridge was placed in charge of thirty picked detectives
from the detective bureau with orders to suppress these lawless
acts and arrest the guilty offenders. Through his vigilance and
untiring efforts law and order were soon restored, and he was highly
complimented by Chief of Police Joseph Kipley and the public press.

Literally speaking, the darkest situation into which his experiences
have led him was the tunnel by which inmates of Mattie Lee's famous
resort at 150 Custom House place escaped when the place was raided.
Mattie had decided that it was a nuisance to go to the station every
time the police wanted to arrest her, so she had the tunnel dug.

After that when the police called on her Mattie greeted them with
an empty house and a sweet smile, while underground the inmates
were crawling on their hands and knees to safety. Wooldridge found
the tunnel and, crawling in, "snaked out" six colored men and women
whom he found in the darkness. Versatility is a requisite with the
successful detective.


May 28, 1905, perhaps, his appearance in the role of a ragpicker,
which led to the arrest and conviction of two negro highwaymen,
Henry Reed and Ed Lane, was his most daring and successful effort at
disguise. Lane is at present serving a life sentence in Joliet for the
murder of Robert Metcalfe.

The assault and robbery of a contractor named Anderson was the
occasion for Wooldridge's assumption of the guise of ragpicker.
Anderson had described Lane so accurately that the detective was sure
of recognizing him once he put his eyes upon him, but in those days
a detective to go into the black belt looking for a criminal was to
spread a wide alarm over the whole district. Consequently he "made
up." A pair of large, worn overalls, a coat three sizes too large, a
bunch of papers between his shoulder blades to give him a hunch back,
burnt cork, a curly wig, a bag and a piece of telegraph wire, and the
erstwhile shrewd-looking detective was in ten minutes the typical
negro ragpicker who shambles up and down alleys on the south side in
hope of picking up enough for his day's bread.

While thus pursuing his way Wooldridge not only discovered the
presence of Reed and Lane, but actually worked through the refuse
in a garbage box upon which Lane was sitting quarreling with some
confederates over the division of the previous night's spoils. He
even went so far as to pick up an old coat which Lane had discarded.
Thereupon Lane ordered him to get out of the alley or get his throat
cut from ear to ear. Wooldridge went humbly out, and waited.


Presently Lane and Reed appeared and went south on State street.
Wooldridge followed, and at an opportune moment seized them both from
behind. The fight that followed is historic. Only sheer luck and the
threat to kill both antagonists on the spot if they did not cease
resistance saved the detective's life. After knocking both men down
with his billy he succeeded in holding them until a fellow officer
came to his rescue. They were arrested and convicted June 25, 1905,
and sent to the penitentiary for three years.

May 19, 1906, Detective Wooldridge raided the following places: H. C.
Evins, 125 S. Clark street; George Deshone, 64 N. Clark street; E.
Manning Stockton, Bar & Co., 56 Fifth avenue, seizing some $30,000
worth of gambling paraphernalia.

Disclosures of conditions which so seriously threatened the discipline
of the United States army and navy that the secretaries of the two
departments and even President Roosevelt himself were called upon to
aid in their suppression.

It was charged that a coterie of Chicago men engaged in making and
selling these devices had formed a "trust" and had for years robbed,
swindled and corrupted the enlisted men of the army and navy through
loaded dice, "hold-outs," magnetized roulette wheels and other crooked
gambling apparatus.


The "crooked" gambling "trust" in Chicago spread over the civilized
world, had its clutches on nearly every United States battleship, army
post and military prison; caused wholesale desertions, and in general
corrupted the entire defensive institution of the nation.


Besides the corruption of the army, these companies are said to have
aimed a blow at the foundation of the nation by offering, through a
mail order plan, for six cents, loaded dice to schoolboys, provided
they sent the names of likely gamblers among their playmates.

This plan had not reached its full growth when nipped. But the
disruption of the army and navy had been under way for several years
and had reached such gigantic proportions that the military service
was in danger of complete disorganization.

Thousands of men were mulcted of their pay monthly. Desertions
followed these wholesale robberies. The war department could not find
the specific trouble. Post commanders and battleship commanders were
instructed to investigate.

The army investigation, confirmed after the raid and arrests, showed
that the whole army had been honeycombed with corruption by these
companies. Express books and registered mail return cards showed that
most of the goods were sold to soldiers and sailors.


In August, 1890, complaints had been made at the Stanton Avenue Police
Station for several weeks concerning the establishment of a disorderly
house at 306 Thirty-first street, but try as they would uniformed
officers were helpless so far as securing evidence enough to convict
was concerned. Wooldridge at that time a uniformed man, was put in
plain clothes and detailed on the case. One of the great stumbling
blocks in the way of the police had been the high basement under the
house, which made it impossible for any one to look in the windows of
the flat without the aid of the ladder. As the presence of a ladder
would arouse suspicion, the problem of viewing the inside of the flat
was a difficult one.

One thing the other men on the case had overlooked. This was the
presence of a beam jutting out from the top of the building to which
a rope, pulley, and barrel were attached, used as a means of lowering
garbage and ashes from the second floor to the alley. Wooldridge saw
the possibilities of the rope and barrel trick. Attaching to the rope
a vinegar barrel with holes bored in it at convenient intervals, he
awaited an opportune time, curled up in the barrel, and had himself
drawn up to the level of the windows by two officers. The lowering and
raising of the barrel being a customary thing in the building, excited
no suspicion in the minds of those in the flat, and Wooldridge, with
his sleuth's eye at one of the holes, saw what served to drive the
place out of existence and secure the conviction of its keeper.


One of the last exploits of Detective Wooldridge before his
completion of the twenty years of service, was the breaking up of the
cock-fighting mains, which infested Chicago during the latter part of
1906 and the early part of 1907.

The story savors of the burlesque. Wooldridge obtained information as
to the whereabouts of a cock-fight which was to be pulled off. Then he
sought out and purchased a pair of decrepit old roosters, that would
not fight an English sparrow, bundled them into a sack and started for
scene of action. Arrived in what he knew to be the neighborhood of the
fight, he declared that he had been sent to deliver some "fightin'
chickuns." He was directed to an old, abandoned building. Here he was
admitted and left the antique roosters. Then he said he was going for
more birds. Instead he went for a patrol wagon. And that was the end
of the chicken fight.

The trapping of the Wildcat Insurance companies furnishes one of the
most dramatic chapters in the financial history of the United States,
if not in the world. It involves millions of stolen dollars, brutal
filching from the poor, heartless commercial brigandage and finally
the running to earth and conviction of the ringleaders and promoters

The police and postal authorities worked together. Two thousand eight
hundred letters were sent out asking for information and gathering

At the trial of Dr. S. W. Jacobs, on one of these cases, there were
200 witnesses present. Five of these witnesses were victims, and
lived in tents. Three were living in wagons: One, Samuel James, of
Westfield, Illinois, a carpenter, 64 years of age, had a wife and six
children. He had built his house morning and evening.


James accomplished the end of his heart's desire. It cost him $900 and
his health, for he was in the clutches of consumption when the cottage
was finally paid for. Fearing lest the fruit of his life-work should
be swept away by fire, James took out an insurance policy in one of
Dr. S. W. Jacobs' Wildcat Insurance companies. The house burned down
and he was not indemnified. With his wife and six little children
James was forced to take shelter in a chicken coop, where they were
living when the broken-hearted father came to Chicago as a witness
against Dr. S. W. Jacobs.

Twenty-five thousand dollars was tendered to an attorney to bribe
Wooldridge in the case.

The breaking up of the drug ring, however, was a delicate task.
It was strongly backed financially, and it was aided and abetted
throughout the United States by political rings galore. Chicago was
the headquarters.

A ten thousand dollar bribe was offered Detective Wooldridge, October
29, 1904, by the spurious medicine concerns to return their goods and
stop the prosecution; this failed. Then false and malicious charges
were filed with the Civil Service Commissioners against Wooldridge,
which was taken up and the trial lasted nineteen sessions.

Detective Wooldridge was exonerated by the entire board of
commissioners, and complimented by the press and public-spirited

Detective Wooldridge secured four indictments against the above four
men, which was returned by the Cook county grand jury May 25, 1905. J.
S. Dean turned state's evidence and assisted the prosecution.

J. H. Carson promoted and run eighteen different matrimonial agencies.
He was arrested eighteen times. He offered Wooldridge a bribe of $100
per month not to arrest him. This failed and he brought suit in the
Superior Court against Wooldridge for $5,000 damages, thinking this
would stop him. The next day after filing the suit he was arrested
again, and was finally driven out of Chicago.

From $10,000 to $20,000 has been offered at a time for his discharge
or transfer by these get-rich-quick concerns. Every political pressure
was brought to bear, but to no avail.

Ex-Chief of Police Francis O'Neill, in his annual report of 1905,
states that Detective Wooldridge accomplished more work in breaking
up the get-rich-quick concerns in Chicago, in the year 1904, than the
whole Chicago police department had in its lifetime. He did equally as
much work, if not more, in the years of 1905, 1906 and 1907.

The day is never too long nor the night too dark for Detective
Wooldridge to find time to succor or save a young girl who has gone
wrong or strayed from the path of rectitude.

Detective Wooldridge, without fear or favor, for many years
inaugurated crusades and waged wars against the hosts of criminal
enterprise. Whenever a man or concern could not show a "clear bill
of health" he forced him to "disinfect, depart, or submit to the
quarantine of the county jail."

By vigilance and hard work he succeeded in obtaining good results.
Units, scores, and legions of fraudulent concerns have been exposed
and driven out of existence. Owners of others, anticipating exposure,
did not wait, but closed their places and fled. Many headquarters of
contraband schemes have been raided and their promoters arrested,
fined, and forced to cease operations. During that time retributive
justice has been visited upon countless heads that were devoted to
devising criminal schemes.

Detective Wooldridge permits no creed, color, religion or politics to
interfere with him in his sworn duty. He wants and exacts the truth,
and a square deal for himself, and accords the same to his fellow men.
He has never been known to wilfully persecute any man or to lie or
strain a point to convict him, neither will he suffer the same to be
done by any man if he can prevent it.

Wooldridge's motto is equal justice to all--be sure you are right,
then go ahead.

          JAMES P. WILSON.

[Illustration: What Are YOU Going to Do About It?]



Recent Exposures That Show How Strongly It Is Intrenched.


Those Shocked at Exposures May Not Be Clean Themselves.

"A 'grafter' is one who makes his living (and sometimes his fortune)
by 'grafting.' He may be a political boss, a mayor, a chief of police,
a warden of a penitentiary, a municipal contractor, a member of a town
council, a representative in the legislature, a judge in the courts,
and the upper world may know him only in his political capacity; but
if the under world has had occasion to approach him for purposes
of 'graft' and found him corrupt, he is immediately classified as
an 'unmugged grafter'--one whose photograph is not in the rogues'
gallery, but ought to be. The professional thief is the 'mugged
grafter'; his photograph and Bertillon measurements are known and

The world of graft is whereever known and unknown thieves or
bribetakers congregate. In the United States it is found mainly in
the large cities, but its boundaries take in small county seats
and even villages. A correct map of it is impossible, because in a
great many places it is represented by an unknown rather than by
a known inhabitant, by a dishonest official or an unscrupulous and
wary politician rather than a confessed thief, and the geographer
is helpless until he can collect the facts, which may never come to
light. The most that one man can do is to make voyages of discovery,
find out what he can and report upon his experiences to the general

Within the last year or two it has become practically a synonym for a
thief who filches public money and money of large enterprises. It has
been so largely used in the public prints and periodicals, and more
recently in books, that it has spread abroad; and London and Paris
and Berlin, in referring to many American disclosures, adopt the word
without any translation. So today no American word is better known
either in this country or in Europe.

When men in office take a bribe and give away what does not belong to
them, it is more than the double crime of extorting and stealing; it
is treason. Graft is the worst form of despotism. It is a usurpation
of government by the forces of crime. There have been many virtuous
kings and honest feudal lords, but the despotism of graft never
founded its rule upon a semblance of the moral law.

Graft in its highest personification is the king of the American
nation in political, commercial and social life.


Overlord of 80,000,000 people in the greatest republic of history,
commanding his tens of millions of dollars annually as tribute to
graft in a million of his impersonations--was Solomon in all his glory
to be compared with this?

Nine states in the union of forty-five states recently have declared
that graft exposures have not been in their categories of political
publicity for a year. They are Maine, North Carolina, Mississippi,
Iowa, Michigan, Colorado, New York, Illinois and California. But who
shall say what another six months may bring forth?


In industrial, commercial and social life of the American people
there is not a state in which King Graft has not his court and his
following. In the capital of capitals at Washington for generations
the powers of government as dreamed of for the republic have been
superseded by King Graft time after time, and the impeachment of his
princes, grand dukes and courtiers generally have not threatened his
reign in future generations.


Within the last few years names that have stood honored for a
generation in financial, political and social life have been dragged
down from high places perhaps as never before in America. The court of
King Graft has been attacked and threatened as never before, and with
greater showing. There is war in the open against this pretender king,
and his legions everywhere are retiring behind their breastworks,
broken but not defeated.

Graft in its nakedness, has been exposed and the people are aroused,
fearing that the grafter has sucked the life blood of the republic.

What they have seen is but a glimpse of real conditions--the ulcer
spots where the rottenness beneath has broken through--but they have
seen enough to realize the peril and attack it. While the conditions
revealed are astounding and alarming, they are signs of improvement.

The nation is better than it was a decade ago, since tens of thousands
of grafters have been stamped out, since the leaders of the greatest
grafts of the land have been exposed to the withering light of
contempt of all decent Americans.


Also, born of the conditions, there has arisen a little army of
leaders willing to engage the enemy and lead the people against the
grafters. They have been raised up to meet the crisis of the nation's
life, and with every blow they strike new recruits are joining them in
the war against graft.

They are still weak, and King Graft and his votaries are still
strong, but during the last year the leaders have won some remarkable
skirmishes and routed the grafters.



The Public stands at the crossing of the roads, wondering which way he
shall go with his money. Wherever he turns he sees a grafter in the
road before him. The labels on these seven grafters give the names of
a few of those that beset every honest man's pathway. The grafters
spend twenty million dollars a year advertising; and they swindle the
people out of one hundred and sixty million dollars annually.]


Senators and congressmen at the national capital have been impeached,
and indicted, and tried, and convicted of grafting.

Bureau officials, as in the cotton scandal, the postoffice frauds,
and other of the departments, and civil service exposes have been
arraigned by their own democracy for traitor intrigues with King
Graft, and have been beheaded.

State senators, representatives, treasurers and the innumerable "small
fry" of official life, together with the millionaire briber and his
henchmen at state capitals, have been uncovered and convicted of
debauching democracy in behalf of a pretender sovereign.

Great cities have been shaken with the inquisitorial rounds of
investigations. Philadelphia of Independence memories has been
weighed in the balance and found wanting; in St. Louis the prosecutor
governor, Folk, has stirred corruption to the depths; New York
has been moved as it has not been since the overthrow of Tammany;
Minneapolis has been cleansed; and the spectacular "graft hunt" in
Milwaukee has been a lesson in "how to do it." Perhaps never before
in the history of America have so many grafters been scattered to the
winds, in hiding or locked behind the bars of prisons.


But King Graft wears the crown of the pretender still, and there are
few of his fighting enemies who are disposed to rest upon their arms
in either truce or armistice.

The war against graft is led by the president of the United States,
who stands as the foremost foe of grafting--political, financial or
social--in the world, and behind him is a phalanx led by Folk, Jerome,
Riis, Lawson, Hadley, Miss Tarbell, Deneen, Monnett and others of
their type, fighting the nation's most crucial battle.

The grafters have declared that the objects of some of these men were
selfish, but, no matter for what object they fight, they are routing
the grafters in many fields and showing to the awakening public the
peril of the situation; revealing to a commonwealth the worms gnawing
at the vitals of the republic.


Never were the forces of money and commercial and industrial power so
bewildered and so uncertain of the way to turn as they are now. Graft,
to their best interests, is still covertly a necessity to them, but
covert graft never was so hard to keep covert, now that briber and
the bribed are the common quarry of the law. The time was when the
rich man who bought political power to his uses was unnamed, standing
apart. The grafter legislator was the cause and the consequence.
Beginning and ending with the corrupt official whose official place
was grafted upon corruption, the official became immune from the

"Grafting in this state never has cost the taxpayer a dollar," was one
of the slogans of a machine government in its attempts to perpetuate
that machine for the purposes of King Graft and his court.

But this false philosophy slowly was undermined. Not only was it found
that graft did cost money to the state, but it became a certainty that
it was costing something even more valuable than money. Graft became
the one object of the political seeker after office. The impersonal
graft-giver was a hanger-on at lawmaking centers, and the political
graft-seeker was insisting upon election or appointment to the
machine positions.


The result, first, was a campaign upon the man who had the graft
to dispense. He was sought out, and was found in high places. His
lobbyists were more easily marked than was the principal. So the law
and the law's executive began also to campaign against the lobbyists.
Suddenly the "good fellow" at a state capitol who had with him the
perquisites of good fellowship in graft measure found himself facing
the interrogation:

"What are you doing here?"

The scope of the query has grown, and it is still growing, in some
quarters even to the point of requiring the man who is elected to
office to render the cost figure of his successful campaign. All
over the country, and touching nearly every relation in official,
commercial and financial life, men have been put on the griddle of
publicity by courts and commissions, and with backs to the wall have
been sitting in the witness chair, holding to the one surly response
to an irritating, penetrating cross-examination: "Decline to answer on
advice of counsel."

But for all purposes of publicity have not these refusals to answer
carried light enough?

"The public be d----d!" was the original first utterance of the
millionaire, designed to stop interrogations which would not down.

"What are you going to do about it?" was the counter question of the
political grafter who once was charged with grafting.

"Where did he get it?" came to be a question of the politician
for political purposes, and within a year the country has heard
non-political bodies asking the same question of the millionaire
philanthropist who has been trying to give it away. Under the
growing interrogations of the time, names have been thrown from
pedestals within a year as names never before were juggled by the

[Illustration: THE CAVE OF DESPAIR.]


Depew, once a candidate for nomination for the presidency, a United
States senator still by some grace of toleration, and at one time
referred to in European royal circles as a "representative American

United States Senator Mitchell became a derelict, politically and

United States Senator Thomas C. Platt was wrecked in the wreckage.

United States Senator Burton became blackened in the charges of graft.

Depew is a name no longer to conjure with.

Then followed a long list of the commercially and financially
prominent civilians, blackened, and with such blackness as never to be
white again by any of the old processes which once sufficed.

Graft is still king. But, truer than of any other monarch, it may be
repeated: "Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown."


It was a rhetorical and sensational sentence in which a recent speaker
in this city declared that the worst grafter is the man who does not
vote. But there is much more than a kernel of truth in the words. The
citizens of a republic need constant stimulus to the fulfillment of
the plainest duties of life. The better the working of the machinery
of government, the less the average man is affected. He rarely feels
the pressure of taxation. He lives in a generation from which no
military service is demanded. He is permitted freedom of thought,
speech and religion, and almost insensibly, as a result, he loses
sight of the supreme obligation which is due his country. He forgets
that that country, in time of public stress, may demand his time, his
property and his life, drafting him for its armies if he does not wish
to volunteer, governing him under martial law, which sets aside the
usual privileges accorded him, and exercising over him, if need be, a
tyranny ordinarily associated with despotism among the older peoples.

The very fact that the American citizen does not often feel the
exercise of the sovereign power, and is not called upon to pay the
supreme obligation of service, makes him careless of his civic duties,
when, it might be thought, he would feel the utmost gratitude for the
privilege of living under such favoring conditions. This carelessness
becomes chronic, and there is abundant need for the constant
reiteration of the call to duty. If, then, a citizen is content to
enjoy the comforts and the quiet of American life without rendering
any return therefor, he may justly be called a grafter, and a grafter
of that worst sort, who robs his benefactor. For, with duty faithfully
performed by the citizen, public opinion is readily shaped, laws
quickly secure enforcement, and public servants are kept clean and
true. It all comes back at last to the individual citizen, upon whom
must rest the responsibility for failure or success of government. It
is easy enough to cry out against the grafter in official position who
puts his hand into the public treasury. Perhaps, after all, the worst
offender is the citizen who does not vote, who does not take a lively
interest in the selection and election of his rulers, who fails to
recognize the underlying obligation of service which his country has a
just right to demand of him.


But, thus far, only the beginning of the truth has been shown. There
remains the senate of the United States, the railway companies, the
Standard Oil Company, the great trusts, the multimillionaires, to be
investigated. All of them now are in the limelight. The courts of
law are under suspicion and must clear themselves by their acts, for
undoubtedly the revelations of the last year have shaken the faith of the people in their judges.

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