2014년 11월 24일 월요일

Windfalls, by (AKA Alpha of the Plough) 6

Windfalls, by (AKA Alpha of the Plough) 6


|It's just like summer! That has been the refrain all day. When I have
forgotten to say it, Jane has said it, or the bee expert has shouted it
from the orchard with the freshness of a sudden and delighted discovery.
There are some people of penurious emotions and speech, like the
Drumtochty farmer in Ian Maclaren's story, who would disapprove of
this iteration. They would find it wasteful and frivolous. They do not
understand that we go on saying it over and over again, like the birds,
for the sheer joy of saying it. Listen to that bullfinch in the coppice.
There he goes skipping from branch to branch and twig to twig, and
after each skip he pauses to say, "It's just like summer," and from a
neighbouring tree his mate twitters confirmation in perfect time. I've
listened to them for half an hour and they've talked about nothing else.

In fact, all the birds are talking of nothing else, notably the great
baritone who is at last in full song in his favourite chestnut below the
paddock. For weeks he has been trying his scales a little doubtfully
and tremulously, for he is a late starter, and likes the year to be well
aired before he begins; but today he is going it like a fellow who knows
his score so well that he could sing it in his sleep. And he, too, has
only one theme: It's just like summer. He does not seem to say it to the
world, but to himself, for he is a self-centred, contemplative singer,
and not a conscious artist like his great tenor rival, the thrush, who
seems never to forget the listening world.

In the calm, still air, hill-side, valley and plain babble of summer.
There are far-off, boisterous shouts of holiday makers rattling along
the turnpike in wagons to some village festival (a belated football
match, I fancy); the laughter of children in the beech woods behind; the
cheerful outdoor sounds of a world that has come out into the gardens
and the fields. From one end of the hamlet there is the sound of
hammering; from the other the sound of sawing. That excellent tenor
voice that comes up from the allotments below belongs to young Dick. I
have not heard it for four years or more; but it has been heard in many
lands and by many rivers from the Somme to the Jordan. But Dick would
rather be singing in the allotment with his young brother Sam (the
leader of the trebles in the village choir) than anywhere else in the
vide world. "Yes, I've been to Aleppo and Jerusalem, and all over the
'Oly Land," he says. "I don't care if I never see the 'Oly Land again.
Anybody can have the 'Oly Land as far as I'm concerned. This is good
enough for me--that is, if there's a place for a chap that wants to get
married to live in."

Over the hedge a hearty voice addresses the old village dame who sits at
her cottage door, knitting in the tranquil sunshine. "Well, this is all
right, ain't it, mother?"

"Yes," says the old lady, "it's just like summer."

"And to think," continues the voice, "that there was a thick layer o'
snow a week back. And, mind you, I shouldn't wonder if there's more to
come yet. To-morrow's the first day o' spring according to the calendar,
and it stands to reason summer ain't really come yet, you know, though
it do seem like it, don't it?"

"Yes, it's just like summer," repeats the old lady tranquilly.

There in the clear distance is a streamer of smoke, white as wool in the
sunlight. It is the banner of the train on its way to London. It is just
like summer there no doubt, but London is not gossiping about it as we
are here. Weather in town is only an incident--a pleasurable incident
or a nuisance. It decides whether you will take a stick or an umbrella,
whether you will wear a straw hat or a bowler, a heavy coat or a
mackintosh, whether you will fight for a place inside the bus or
outside. It may turn the scale in favour of shopping or postpone your
visit to the theatre. But it only touches the surface of life, and for
this reason the incurable townsman, like Johnson, regards it merely as
an acquaintance of a rather uncertain temper who can be let in when he
is in a good humour and locked out when he is in a bad humour.

But in the country the weather is the stuff of which life is woven.
It is politics and society, your livelihood and your intellectual
diversion. You study the heavens as the merchant studies his ledger, and
watch the change of the wind as anxiously as the politician watches the
mood of the public. When I meet Jim Squire and remark that it is a
fine day, or has been a cold night, or looks like rain, it is not a
conventional civility. It is the formal opening of the discussion of
weighty matters. It involves the prospects of potatoes and the sowing of
onions, the blossoms on the trees, the effects of weather on the poultry
and the state of the hives. I do not suppose that there is a moment of
his life when Jim is unconscious of the weather or indifferent to
it, unless it be Sunday. I fancy he does not care what happens to
the weather on Sunday. It has passed into other hands and secular
interference would be an impertinence, if not a sin. For he is a stem
Sabbatarian, and wet or fine goes off in his best clothes to the chapel
in the valley, his wife, according to some obscure ritual, always
trudging a couple of yards ahead of his heavy figure. He don't hold wi'
work on Sundays, not even on his allotment, and if you were to offer to
dig the whole day for him he would not take the gift. "I don't hold wi'
work on Sundays," he would repeat inflexibly.

[Illustration: 0197]

And to poor Miss Tonks, who lives in the tumbledown cottage at the other
end of the lane, life resolves itself into an unceasing battle with the
weather. We call her Poor Miss Tonks because it would be absurd to call
her anything else. She is born to misfortune as the sparks fly upward.
It is always her sitting of eggs that turns out cocks when she wants
hens. If the fox makes a raid on our little hamlet he goes by an
unerring instinct to her poor hen-roost and leaves it an obscene ruin
of feathers. The hard frost last winter destroyed her store of potatoes
when everybody else's escaped, and it was her hive that brought the
"Isle of Wight" into our midst. Her neighbour, the Widow Walsh, holds
that the last was a visitation of Providence. Poor Miss Tonks had had a
death in the family--true, it was only a second cousin, but it was "in
the family"--and had neglected to tell the bees by tapping on the hive.
And of course they died. What else could they do, poor things? Widow
Walsh has no patience with people who fly in the face of Providence in
this way.

But of all Poor Miss Tonks' afflictions the weather is the most
unremittingly malevolent. It is either "smarty hot" or "smarty cold." If
it isn't giving her a touch of "brownchitis," or "a blowy feeling all up
the back," or making her feel "blubbed all over," it is dripping through
her thatched roof, or freezing her pump, or filling her room with smoke,
or howling through the crazy tenement where she lives her solitary
life. I think she regards the weather as a sort of ogre who haunts the
hill-side like a highwayman. Sometimes he sleeps, and sometimes he even
smiles, but his sleep is short and his smile is a deception. At the
bottom he is a terrible and evil-disposed person who gives a poor country
woman no end of work, and makes her life a burden.

But to-day warms even her bleak life, and reconciles her to her enemy.
When she brings a basket of eggs to the cottage she observes that "it is
a bit better to-day." This is the most extreme compliment she ever pays
to the weather. And we translate it for her into "Yes, it's just like

In the orchard a beautiful peacock butterfly flutters out, and under the
damson trees there is the authentic note of high summer. For the most
part the trees are still as bare as in midwinter, but the damson trees
are white with blossom, and offer the first real feast for the bees
which fill the branches with the hum of innumerable wings, like the note
of an aerial violin infinitely prolonged. A bumble bee adds the boom of
his double bass to the melody as he goes in his heavy, blustering way
from blossom to blossom. He is rather a boorish fellow, but he is
as full of the gossip of summer as the peacock butterfly that comes
flitting back across the orchard like a zephyr on wings, or as Old
Benjy, who saluted me over the hedge just now with the remark that
he didn't recall the like of this for a matter o' seventy year. Yes,
seventy year if 'twas a day.

Old Benjy likes weather that reminds him of something about seventy
years ago, for his special vanity is his years, and he rarely talks
about anything in the memory of this generation. "I be nearer a
'underd," he says, "than seventy," by which I think he means that he is
eighty-six. He longs to be able to boast that he is a hundred, and I see
no reason why he shouldn't live to do it, for he is an active old boy,
still does a good day's gardening and has come up the lane on this hot
day at a nimble speed, carrying his jacket on his arm. He is known to
have made his coffin and to keep it in his bedroom; but that is not from
any morbid yearning for death. It is, I fancy, a cunning way of warding
him off, just as the rest of us "touch wood" lest evil befall. "It's
just like summer," he says.

"I remember when I was a boy in the year eighteen-underd-and-varty...."

[Illustration: 0200]

[Illustration: 0201]


|I see that Mr Joynson Hicks and Mrs Bramwell Booth have been talking to
women very seriously on the subject of smoking. "Would you like to see
your mother smoke?" asked Mr Hicks of the Queen's Hall audience he was
addressing, and Mrs Bramwell Booth pictured the mother blowing tobacco
smoke in the face of the baby she was nursing. I confess I have mixed
feelings on this subject, and in order to find out what I really think I
will write about it. And in the first place let us dispose of the baby.
I do not want to see mother blowing tobacco smoke in the face of the
baby. But neither do I want to see father doing so. If father is smoking
when he nurses the baby he will, I am sure, turn his head when he puffs
out his smoke. Do not let us drag in the baby.

The real point is in Mr Hicks' question. Would your respect or your
affection for your mother be lessened if she took to smoking. He would
not, of course, ask the question in relation to your father. It would be
absurd to say that your affection for your father was lessened because
he smoked a pipe or a cigar after dinner. You would as soon think of
disliking him for taking mustard with his mutton. It is a matter of
taste which has no moral implications either way. You may say it is
wasteful and unhygienic, but that is a criticism that applies to the
habit regardless of sex. Mr Hicks would not say that _women_ must not
smoke because the habit is wasteful and unhygienic and that _men_ may.
He would no more say this than he would say that it is right for men to
live in stuffy rooms, but wicked for women to do so, or that it is right
for men to get drunk but wrong for women to do so. In the matter of
drunkenness there is no discrimination between the sexes. We may feel
that it is more tragic in the case of the woman, but it is equally
disgusting in both sexes.

What Mr Hicks really maintains is that a habit which is innocent in men
is vicious in women. But this is a confusion of thought. It is mixing up
morals with customs. Custom has habituated us to men smoking and women
not smoking, and we have converted it into a moral code. Had the custom
been otherwise we should have been equally happy with it. If Carlyle,
for example, had been in Mr Hicks' audience he would have answered the
question with a snort of rage. He and his mother used to smoke their
pipes together in solemn comradeship as they talked of time and
eternity, and no one who has read his letters will doubt his love for
her. There are no such letters from son to mother in all literature. And
of course Mr Hicks knows many admirable women who smoke. I should not be
surprised to know that at dinner to-night he will be in the company of
some women who smoke, and that he will be as cordial with them as with
those who do not smoke.

And yet.... Last night I was coming along Victoria Street on the top of
a bus, and saw two young women in front light cigarettes and begin to
smoke. And I am bound to confess I felt sorry, as I always do at these
now not infrequent incidents. Sorry, and puzzled that I was sorry, for I
had been smoking a cigarette myself, and had not felt at all guilty. If
smoking is an innocent pleasure, said I, which is as reasonable in the
case of women as in the case of men, why should I dislike to see women
smoking outdoors while I am doing the same thing myself? You are an
irrational fellow, said I. Of course I am an irrational fellow, I
replied. We are all irrational fellows. If we were brought to the
judgment seat of pure reason how few of us would escape the cells.

Nevertheless, beneath the feeling there was a reason. Those two young
women smoking on the top of the bus were a symbol. Their trail of smoke
was a flag--the flag of the rebellion of women. But then I got perplexed
again. For I rejoice in this great uprising of women--this universal
claim to equality of status with men. It is the most momentous fact of
the time. And, as I have said, I do not disapprove of the flag. Yet when
I saw the flag, of which I did not disapprove (for I wore it myself),
flaunted publicly as the symbol of the rebellion in which I rejoice, I
felt a cold chill. And probing to the bottom of this paradox, I came to
the conclusion that it was the wrong symbol for the idea. These young
women were proclaiming their freedom in false terms. Because men smoked
on the top of the bus they must smoke too--not perhaps because they
liked it, but because they felt it was a little daring, and put them on
an equality with men. But imitation is not equality: it is the badge
of servility and vulgarity. The freedom of women must not borrow the
symbols of men, but must take its own forms, enlarging the empire of
women, but preserving their independence and cherishing their loyalty to
their finer perceptions and traditions.

But here my perplexity returned. It is not the fact of those young women
smoking that offends you, I said addressing myself. It is the fact of
their smoking on a public conveyance. Yet if you agree that the habit of
smoking is as reputable and reasonable in the case of women as of men,
why should it be secretly, or at least privately, practised in their
case, while it may be publicly enjoyed in the other? You yourself are
smoking at this moment on the top of a bus while you are engaged in
defending the propriety of women smoking, and at the same time mentally
reprobating the conduct of the young women who are smoking in front
of you, not because they are smoking, but because (like you) they are
smoking in public. How do you reconcile such confusions of mind?

At this reasonable challenge I found myself driven on to the the horns
of a dilemma. I could not admit a sex discrimination in regard to the
habit. And that being so it was, I saw, clearly impossible to defend
differential smoking conditions for men and women. If the main position
was surrendered no secondary line was defensible. If men smoked in
public then women could smoke in public; if men smoked pipes and cigars
then women could smoke pipes and cigars. And at the thought of women
smoking pipes on the top of buses, I realised that I had not yet found a
path out of the absurd bog in which I had become mentally involved.

Then something happened which suggested another solution. The young
women rose to leave the bus, and as they passed me a wave of scent was
wafted with them. It was not the scent of tobacco, for they had thrown
their cigarettes down before rising to leave. It was one of those heavy,
languorous odours with which some women drench themselves. The trivial
fact slipped into the current of my thought. If women adopt the man's
tobacco habit, I thought, would it be equally fitting for men to adopt
the woman's scent habit? Why should they not use powder and paint and
wear rings in their ears? The idea threw a new light on my perplexity.
The mind revolted at the thought of a man perfumed and powdered and
be-ringed. Disraeli, it is true, approved of men rouging their cheeks.
But Disraeli was not a man so much as an Oriental fable, a sort of
belated tale from the Arabian Nights. The healthy instinct of men
universally revolts against paint, powder, and perfume. And asking
myself why a habit, which custom had made tolerable in the case of
women, became grotesque and offensive if imagined in connection with
men, I saw a way out of my puzzle. I dismissed the view that the
difference of sex accounted for the different emotions awakened. It was
the habit itself which was objectionable. Familiarity with it in the
case of women had dulled our perceptions to the reality. It was only
when we conceived the habit in an unusual connection--imagined men going
about with painted and powdered faces, with rings in their ears
and heavy scents on their clothes--that its essential vulgarity and
uncleanness were freshly and intensely presented to the mind.

And that, said I, is the case with women and tobacco. It is the habit
in the abstract which is vulgar and unclean. Long familiarity with it in
the case of man has deadened our sense of the fact, but the adoption
of the habit by women, coupled with the fact that there is no logical
halting-place between the cigarette indoors and a pipe on the top of the
bus, gives us what the Americans call a new view-point. From that new
view-point we are bound to admit that there is much to be said against
tobacco and not much to be said for it--except, of course, that we like
it. But Mr Hicks must eliminate sex in the matter. He must talk to the
men as well as to the women.

Then perhaps we will see what can be done. For myself, I make no
promise. After forty, says Meredith, we are wedded to our habits. And I,
alas, am long past forty....

[Illustration: 0207]

[Illustration: 0208]


|Through the grey mists that hang over the water in the late autumn
afternoon there emerges a deeper shadow. It is like the serrated mass of
a distant range of mountains, except that the sky-line is broken with
a precision that suggests the work of man rather than the careless
architecture of Nature The mass is compact and isolated. It rises
from the level of the water, sheer on either side, in bold precipitous
cliffs, broken by horizontal lines, and dominated by one kingly, central
peak that might be the Matterhorn if it were not so suggestive of the
spire of some cathedral fashioned for the devotions of a Cyclopean race.
As the vessel from afar moves slowly through the populous waters and
between the vaguely defined shores of the harbour, another shadow
emerges ahead, rising out of the sea in front of the mountain mass. It
is a colossal statue, holding up a torch to the open Atlantic.

Gradually, as you draw near, the mountain range takes definition.
It turns to houses made with hands, vast structures with innumerable
windows. Even the star-y-pointing spire is seen to be a casement of
myriad windows. The day begins to darken and a swift transformation
takes place. Points of light begin to shine from the windows like stars
in the darkening firmament, and soon the whole mountain range glitters
with thousands of tiny lamps. The sombre mass has changed to a fairy
palace, glowing with illuminations from the foundations to the topmost
height of the giddy precipices, the magic spectacle culminating in
the scintillating pinnacle of the slender cathedral spire. The first
daylight impression was of something as solid and enduring as the
foundations of the earth; the second, in the gathering twilight, is of
something slight and fanciful, of' towering proportions but infinitely
fragile structure, a spectacle as airy and dream-like as a tale from the
"Arabian Nights."

It is "down town." It is America thrusting out the spear-head of its
astonishing life to the Atlantic. On the tip of this tongue of rock that
lies between the Hudson River and the East River is massed the greatest
group of buildings in the world. Behind the mountain range, all over
the tongue of rock for a dozen miles and more, stretches an incalculable
maze of streets, not rambling about in the easygoing, forgetful fashion
of the London street, which generally seems a little uncertain of its
direction, but running straight as an arrow, north and south, or east
and west, crosswise between the Hudson and the East River, longwise to
the Harlem River, which joins the two streams, and so forms this amazing
island of Manhattan. And in this maze of streets, through which the
noble Fifth Avenue marches like a central theme, there are many lofty
buildings that shut out the sunlight from the causeway and leave it to
gild the upper storeys of the great stores and the towers of the many
churches and the gables of the houses of the merchant princes, giving,
on a sunny afternoon, a certain cloistral feeling to the streets as you
move in the shadows with the sense of the golden light filling the
air above. And around the Grand Central Station, which is one of the
architectural glories of "up town" New York, the great hotels stand
like mighty fortresses that dwarf the delicate proportions of the great
terminus. And in the Hotel MacAlpin off Fifth Avenue you may be whirled
to the twenty-fourth floor before you reach the dining-room to which you
are summoned.

But it is in "down town," on the tip of the tongue that is put out
to the Atlantic, that New York reveals itself most startlingly to the
stranger. It is like a gesture of power. There are other cities, no
doubt, that make an equally striking appeal to the eye--Salzburg,
Innsbruck, Edinburgh, Tunis--but it is the appeal of nature supplemented
by art. Generally the great cities are untheatrical enough. There is not
an approach to London, or Paris, or Berlin, which offers any shock of
surprise. You are sensible that you are leaving the green fields behind,
that factories are becoming more frequent, and streets more continuous,
and then you find that you have arrived. But New York and, through New
York, America greets you with its most typical spectacle before you
land. It holds it up as if in triumphant assurance of its greatness. It
ascends its topmost tower and shouts its challenge and its invitation
over the Atlantic. "Down town" stands like a strong man on the shore
of the ocean, asking you to come in to the wonderland that lies behind
these terrific battlements. See, he says, how I toss these towers to
the skies. Look at this muscular development. And I am only the advance
agent. I am only the symbol of what lies behind. I am only a foretaste
of the power that heaves and throbs through the veins of the giant that
bestrides this continent for three thousand miles, from his gateway to
the Atlantic to his gateway, to the Pacific and from the Great Lakes to
the Gulf of Mexico.

And if, after the long monotony of the sea, the impression of this
terrific gateway from without holds the mind, the impression from
within, stuns the mind. You stand in the Grand Canon, in which Broadway
ends, a street here no wider than Fleet Street, but a street imprisoned
between two precipices that rise perpendicular to an altitude more'
lofty than the cross of St Paul's Cathedral--square towers, honeycombed
with thousands of rooms, with scurrying hosts of busy people, flying
up in lifts--called "elevators" for short--clicking at typewriters,
performing all the myriad functions of the great god Mammon, who reigns
at the threshold of the giant.

For this is the very keep of his castle. Here is the throne from which
he rules the world. This little street running out of the Grand Canyon
is Wall Street, and that low, modest building, looking curiously demure
in the midst of these monstrous bastions, is the House of Morgan, the
high priest of Big Money. A whisper from this street and distant worlds
are shaken. Europe, beggared by the war, stands, cap in hand, on
the kerbstone of Wall Street, with its francs and its marks and its
sovereigns wilting away before the sun of the mighty dollar. And as you
stand, in devout respect before the modest threshold of the high priest
a babel of strange sounds comes up from Broad Street near by. You turn
towards it and come suddenly upon another aspect of Mammon, more strange
than anything pictured by Hogarth--in the street a jostling mass of
human beings, fantastically garbed, wearing many-coloured caps like
jockeys or pantaloons, their heads thrown back, their arms extended
high as if in prayer to some heathen deity, their fingers working
with frantic symbols, their voices crying in agonised frenzy, and at
a hundred windows in the great buildings on either side of the street
little groups of men and women gesticulating back as wildly to the mob
below. It is the outside market of Mammon.

You turn from this strange nightmare scene and seek the solace of the
great cathedral that you saw from afar towering over these battlements
like the Matterhorn. The nearer view does not disappoint you. Slender
and beautifully proportioned, it rises in great leaps to a pinnacle
nearly twice as high as the cross of St Paul's Cathedral. It is the
temple of St Woolworth. Into this masterpiece he poured the wealth
acquired in his sixpenny bazaars, and there it stands, the most
significant building in America and the first turret to catch the noose
of light that the dawn flings daily over the Atlantic from the East.
You enter its marble halls and take an express train to the forty-ninth
floor, flashing in your journey past visions of crowded offices, tier
after tier, offices of banks and publishers and merchants and
jewellers, like a great street, Piccadilly or the Strand, that has been
miraculously turned skywards by some violent geological "fault." And at
the forty-ninth floor you get out and take another "local" train to the
top, and from thence you look giddily down, far down even upon the great
precipices of the Grand Canon, down to the streets where the moving
throng you left a few minutes ago looks like a colony of ants or
black-beetles wandering uncertainly over the pavement.

And in the midst of the great fortresses of commerce, two toy buildings
with tiny spires. You have been in them, perhaps, and know them to
be large churches, St Paul's and Trinity, curiously like our own City
churches. Once New York nestled under their shadows; now they are
swallowed up and lost at the base of the terrific structures that
loom above them. In one of them you will have seen the pew of George
Washington still decorated with the flag of the thirteen stars of the
original union. Perhaps you will be tempted to see in this inverted
world an inverted civilisation. There will flash on your mind's eye the
vision of the great dome that seems to float in the heavens over the
secular activities of another city, still holding aloft, to however
negligent and indifferent a generation, the symbol of the supremacy
of spiritual things. And you will wonder whether in this astonishing
spectacle below you, in which the temples of the ancient worship crouch
at the porch of these Leviathan temples of commerce, there is the
unconscious expression of another philosophy of life in which St
Woolworth and not St Paul points the way to the stars.

And for the correction to this disquieting thought you turn from the
scene below to the scene around. There in front lies the harbour, so
near that you feel you could cast a stone into it. And beyond, the open
Atlantic, with all its suggestions of the tide of humanity, a million
a year, that has flowed, with its babel of tongues and its burden of
hopes, past the statue with the torch that stands in the midst of the
harbour, to be swallowed up in the vastness of the great continent that
lies behind you. You turn and look over the enormous city that, caught
in the arms of its two noble rivers, extends over many a mile before
you, with its overflow of Brooklyn on the far bank of one stream,
and its overflow of Jersey City on the far bank of the other. In the
brilliant sunshine and the clear, smokeless atmosphere the eye travels
far over this incredible vista of human activity. And beyond the vision
of the eye, the mind carries the thought onward to the great lakes and
the seething cities by their shores, and over the illimitable plains
westward to sunny lands more remote than Europe, but still obedient to
the stars and stripes, and southward by the great rivers to the tropic

And, as you stand on this giddy pinnacle, looking over New York to the
far horizons, you find your mind charged with enormous questionings.
They will not be diminished when, after long jouneyings towards those
horizons, after days and nights of crowded experiences in many fields
of activity, you return to take a farewell glimpse of America. On the
contrary, they will be intensified. They will be penetrated by a sense
of power unlike anything else the world has to offer--the power of
immeasurable resources, still only in the infancy of their development,
of inexhaustible national wealth, of a dynamic energy that numbs the
mind, of a people infinitely diverse, yet curiously one--one in a
certain fierce youthfulness of outlook, as of a people in the confident
prime of their morning and with all the tasks and possibilities of
the day before them. In the presence of this tumultuous life, with its
crudeness and freshness and violence, one looks back to Europe as
to something avuncular and elderly, a mellowed figure of the late
afternoon, a little tired and more than a little disillusioned and
battered by the journey. For him the light has left the morning
hills, but here it still clothes those hills with hope and spurs on to

That strong man who meets you on the brink of Manhattan Rock and tosses
his towers to the skies is no idle boaster. He has, in his own phrase,
"the goods." He holds the world in fee. What he intends to do with his
power is not very clear, even to himself. He started out, under the
inspiration of a great prophet, to rescue Europe and the world from the
tyranny of militarism, but the infamies of European statesmanship and
the squalid animosities of his own household have combined to chill the
chivalrous purpose. In his perplexity he has fallen a victim to reaction
at home. He is filled with panic. He sees Bolshevism behind every bush,
and a revolutionist in everyone who does not keep in step. Americanism
has shrunk from a creed of world deliverance to a creed of American
interests, and the "100 per cent. American" in every disguise of
designing self-advertisement is preaching a holy war against everything
that is significant and inspiring in the story of America. It is not
a moment when the statue of Liberty, on her pedestal out there in the
harbour, can feel very happy. Her occupation has gone. Her torch is no
longer lit to invite the oppressed and the adventurer from afar. On the
contrary, she turns her back on America and warns the alien away. Her
torch has become a policeman's baton.

And as, in the afternoon of another day, brilliant, and crisp with the
breath of winter, you thread your way once more through the populous
waters of the noble harbour and make for the open sea, you look back
upon the receding shore and the range of mighty battlements. The sun
floods the land you are leaving with light. At this gateway he is near
his setting, but at the far gateway of the Pacific he is still in his
morning prime, so vast is the realm he traverses. The mountain range of
your first impression is caught in the glow of evening, and the proud
pinnacle that looked to the untutored eye like the Matterhorn or the
temple of primeval gods points its delicate traceries to the skies. And
as you gaze you are conscious of a great note of interrogation taking
shape in the mind. Is that Cathedral of St Woolworth the authentic
expression of the soul of America, or has this mighty power you
are leaving another gospel for mankind? And as the light fades and
battlements and pinnacle merge into the encompassing dark there sounds
in the mind the echoes of an immortal voice--"Let us here highly resolve
that these dead shall not have died in vain; that this nation, under
God, shall have a new birth of freedom; and that government of the
people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth!"

And with that resounding music echoing in the mind you bid farewell
to America, confident that, whatever its failures, the great spirit of
Lincoln will outlive and outsoar the pinnacle of St Woolworth.

[Illustration: 0217]

[Illustration: 0208]


|My neighbour at the breakfast table complained that he had had a bad
night. What with the gale and the crash of the seas, and the creaking of
the timbers of the ship and the pair in the next cabin--especially the
pair in the next cabin.... How they talked! It was two o'clock
before they sank into silence. And such revelations! He couldn't help
overhearing them. He was alone in his cabin, and what was he to do? He
couldn't talk to himself to let them know they were being overheard. And
he didn't sing. And he hadn't a cough. And, in short, there was nothing
for it but to overhear. And the things he heard--well.... And with a
gesture of head, hands, and eyebrows he left it to me to imagine the
worst. I suggested that he might cure the trouble by telling the steward
to give the couple a hint that the next cabin was occupied. He received
the idea as a possible way out of a painful and delicate situation.
Strange, he said, it had not occurred to him.

Whether he adopted it I do not know. If I did I should know a very
important thing about him. It would give me the clue to the whole man.
It would tell me whether he was a willing or an unwilling eavesdropper,
and there are few more searching tests of character than this. We are
not to be catalogued by what we do in the open. We are all of us proper
enough when we walk abroad and play our part in society. It is not
our public hearing which reveals the sort of fellows we are. It only
indicates the kind of fellows we desire the world to take us to be. We
want the world's good opinion, and when we go out we put on our company
manners as we put on our best clothes in order to win it. No one would
put his ear to a keyhole if he thought an eye might be at the keyhole
behind him watching him in the act. The true estimate of your character
(and mine) depends on what we should do if we knew there was no keyhole
behind us. It depends, not on whether you are chivalrous to some one
else's wife in public, but whether you are chivalrous to your own wife
in private. The eminent judge who, checking himself in a torrent of
abuse of his partner at whist, contritely observed, "I beg your pardon,
madam; I thought you were my wife," did not improve matters. He only
lifted the curtain of a rather shabby private cabin. He white-washed
himself publicly out of his dirty private pail.

Or, to take another sounding, what happens when you find yourself in the
quiet and undisturbed presence of other people's open letters? Perhaps
you have accidentally put on your son's jacket and discovered the
pockets bulging with letters. Your curiosity is excited: your parental
concern is awakened. It is not unnatural to be interested in your own
son. It is natural and proper. You can summon up a score of convincing
and weighty reasons why you should dip into those letters. You know that
all those respectable reasons would become disreputable if you heard
young John's step approaching. You know that this very reasonable
display of paternal interest would suddenly become a mean act of prying
of which you would be ashamed to be thought capable. But young John is
miles off--perhaps down in the city, perhaps far away in the country.
You are left alone with his letters and your own sense of decency. You
can read the letters in perfect safety. If there are secrets in them you
can share them. Not a soul will ever find you out. You may be entitled
to know those secrets, and young John may be benefited by your knowing
them. What do you do in these circumstances? The answer will provide you
with a fairly reliable tape measure for your own spiritual contents.

There is no discredit in being curious about the people in the next
Cabin. We are all curious about our neighbours. In his fable of "Le
Diable Boiteux," Lesage tells how the devil transported him from one
house to another, lifted the roof, and showed what was going on inside,
with very surprising and entertaining results. If the devil, in the
guise of a very civil gentleman, paid me a call this evening, and
offered to do the same for me, offered to spirit me over Hampstead and
lift with magic and inaudible touch any roof I fancied, and show me the
mysteries and privacies of my neighbours' lives, I hope I should have
the decency to thank him and send him away. The amusement would be
purchased at too high a price. It might not do my neighbours any harm,
but it would do me a lot of harm. For, after all, the important thing
is not that we should be able, like the honest blacksmith, to look the
whole world in the face, but that we should be able to look ourselves in
the face. And it is our private standard of conduct and not our public
standard of conduct which gives or denies us that privilege. We are
merely counterfeit coin if our respect for the Eleventh Commandment only
applies to being found out by other people. It is being found out by
ourselves that ought to hurt us.

It is the private cabin side of us that really matters. I could pass
a tolerably good examination on my public behaviour. I have never
committed a murder, or a burglary. I have never picked a pocket, or
forged a cheque. But these things are not evidence of good character.
They may only mean that I never had enough honest indignation to commit
a murder, nor enough courage to break into a house. They may only mean
that I never needed to forge a cheque or pick a pocket. They may
only mean that I am afraid of the police. Respect for the law is a
testimonial that will not go far in the Valley of Jehosophat. The
question that will be asked of me there is not whether I picked my
neighbour's lock, but whether I put my ear to his keyhole; not whether
I pocketed the bank note he had left on his desk, but whether I read his
letters when his back was turned--in short, not whether I had respect
for the law, but whether I had respect for myself and the sanctities
that are outside the vulgar sphere of the law. It is what went on in my
private cabin which will probably be my undoing.

[Illustration: 0222]

[Illustration: 0223]


|To-day I am among the demobilised. I have put off the harness of a
lifetime and am a person at large. For me, Fleet Street is a tale that
is told, a rumour on the wind; a memory of far-off things and battles
long ago. At this hour I fancy it is getting into its nightly paroxysm.
There is the thunder of machinery below, the rattle of linotypes above,
the click-click-click of the tape machine, the tapping of telegraph
operators, the tinkling of telephones, the ringing of bells for
messengers who tarry, reporters coming in with "stories" or without
"stories," leader-writers writing for dear life and wondering whether
they will beat the clock and what will happen if they don't, night
editors planning their pages as a shopman dresses his shop window,
sub-editors breasting the torrent of "flimsies" that flows in from the
ends of the earth with tidings of this, that, and the other. I hear
the murmur of it all from afar as a disembodied spirit might hear the
murmurs of the life it has left behind. And I feel much as a policeman
must feel when, pensioned and in plain clothes, he walks the Strand
submerged in the crowd, his occupation gone, his yoke lifted, his glory
departed. But yesterday he was a man having authority. There in the
middle of the surging current of traffic he took his stand, the visible
embodiment of power, behind him the sanctions of the law and the strong
arm of justice. He was a very Moses of a man. He raised his hand and
the waters stayed; he lowered his hand and the waters flowed. He was a
personage. He was accosted by anybody and obeyed by everybody. He could
stop Sir Gorgius Midas' Rolls-Royce to let the nurse-maid cross the
street. He could hold converse with the nobility as an equal and talk to
the cook through the area railings without suspicion of impropriety.
His cloud of dignity was held from falling by the pillars of
the Constitution, and his truncheon was as indispensable as a
field-marshal's baton.

And now he is even as one of the crowd that he had ruled, a saunterer on
the side-walk, an unknown, a negligible wayfarer. No longer can he make
a pathway through the torrent of the Strand for the nurse-maid to walk
across dryshod; no longer can he hold equal converse with ex-Ministers.
Even "J. B.," who has never been known to pass a policeman without a
gossip, would pass him, unconscious that he was a man who had once lived
under a helmet and waved an august arm like a semaphore in Piccadilly
Circus; perhaps even stood like one of the Pretorian Guard at the gates
or in the halls of Westminster. But the pathos of all this vanished
magnificence is swallowed up in one consuming thought. He is free,
independent, the captain of his soul, the master of his own motions. He
can no longer stop all the buses in the Strand by a wave of his hand,
but he can get in any bus he chooses. He can go to Balham, or Tooting,
or Ealing, or Nine Elms, or any place he fancies. Or he can look in
the shop windows, or turn into the "pictures" or go home to tea. He can
light his pipe whenever he has a mind to. He can lie in bed as long as
he pleases. He can be indifferent to the clock. He has soared to a
realm where the clock has no terrors. It may point to anything it likes
without stirring his pulse. It may strike what it pleases and he will
not care.

And now I share his liberty. I, too, can snap my fingers at the clock
and take any bus I like to anywhere I like. For long years that famous
thoroughfare from Temple Bar to Ludgate Hill has been familiar to me
as my own shadow. I have lived in the midst of its eager, jostling life
until I have seemed to be a cell of its multitudinous being. I have
heard its chimes at midnight, as Squire Shallow heard them with the
swanking swashbucklers of long ago, and have felt the pulse of its
unceasing life during every hour of the twenty-four--in the afternoon
when the pavements are thronged and the be-wigged barristers are
crossing to-and-fro between the Temple and the Law Courts, and the air
is shrill with the cries of the newsboys; in the evening when the tide
of the day's life has ebbed, and the Street has settled down to work,
and the telegraph boys flit from door to door with their tidings of
the world's happenings; in the small hours when the great lorries come
thundering up the side streets with their mountains of papers and rattle
through the sleeping city to the railway termini; at dawn, when the flag
of morn in sovereign state floats over the dome of the great Cathedral
that looks down so grandly from the summit of the hill beyond. "I see it
arl so plainly as I saw et, long ago." I have worn its paving stones as
industriously as Johnson wore them. I have dipped into its secrecies as
one who had the run of the estate and the freeman's right. I have
known its _habitues_ as familiarly as if they had belonged to my own
household, and its multitudinous courts and inns and taverns, and have
drunk the solemn toast with the White-friars o' Friday nights, and taken
counsel with the lawyers in the Temple, and wandered in its green and
cloistered calm in the hot afternoons, and written thousands of leaders
and millions of words on this, that, and the other, wise words and
foolish words, and words without any particular quality at all, except
that they filled up space, and have had many friendships and fought many
battles, winning some and losing others, and have seen the generations
go by, and the young fellows grow into old fellows who scan a little
severely the new race of ardent boys that come along so gaily to the
enchanted street and are doomed to grow old and weary in its service
also. And at the end it has come to be a street of ghosts--a street of
memories, with faces that I knew lurking in its shadows and peopling
its rooms and mingling with the moving pageant that seems like a phantom

Now the chapter is closed and I have become a memory with the rest. Like
the Chambered Nautilus, I=

````... seal up the idle door,

``Stretch in my new found home and know the old no more.=

I may stroll down it some day as a visitor from the country and gape
at its wonders and take stock of its changes. But I wear its chains no
more. No more shall the pavement of Fleet Street echo to my punctual
footsteps. No more shall I ring in vain for that messenger who had
always "gone out to supper, sir," or been called to the news-room or
sent on an errand. No more shall I cower nightly before that tyrannous
clock that ticked so much faster than I wrote. The galley proofs will
come down from above like snow, but I shall not con them. The tumults
of the world will boil in like the roar of many waters, but I shall not
hear them. For I have come into the inheritance of leisure. Time, that
has lorded it over me so long, is henceforth my slave, and the future
stretches before me like an infinite green pasture in which I can wander
till the sun sets. I shall let the legions thunder by while I tend
my bees and water my plants, and mark how my celery grows and how the
apples ripen.

And if, perchance, as I sit under a tree with an old book, or in the
chimney corner before a chessboard, there comes to me one from the great
noisy world, inviting me to return to Fleet Street, I shall tell him
a tale. One day (I shall say) Wang Ho, the wise Chinese, was in his
orchard when there came to him from the distant capital two envoys,
bearing an urgent prayer that he would return and take his old place in
the Government. He ushered them into his house and listened gravely to
their plea. Then, without a word, he turned, went to a basin of water,
took a sponge _and washed out his ears._

[Illustration: 0228]

[Illustration: 0229]


|When I awoke this morning and saw the sunlight streaming over the
valley and the beech woods glowing with the rich fires of autumn, and
heard the ducks clamouring for their breakfast, and felt all the kindly
intimacies of life coming back in a flood for the new day, I felt,
as the Americans say, "good." Waking up is always--given a clear
conscience, a good digestion, and a healthy faculty of sleep--a joyous
experience. It has the pleasing excitement with which the tuning up of
the fiddles of the orchestra prior to the symphony affects you. It is
like starting out for a new adventure, or coming into an unexpected
inheritance, or falling in love, or stumbling suddenly upon some author
whom you have unaccountably missed and who goes to your heart like a
brother. In short, it is like anything that is sudden and beautiful and
full of promise.

But waking up can never have been quite so intoxicating a joy as it is
now that peace has come back to the earth. It is in the first burst of
consciousness that you feel the full measure of the great thing that has
happened in the world. It is like waking from an agonising nightmare and
realising with a glorious surge of happiness that it was not true. The
fact that the nightmare from which we have awakened now was true does
not diminish our happiness. It deepens it, extends it, projects it into
the future. We see a long, long vista of days before us, and on awaking
to each one of them we shall know afresh that the nightmare is over,
that the years of the Great Killing are passed, that the sun is shining
and the birds are singing in a friendly world, and that men are going
forth to their labour until the evening without fear and without hate.
As the day advances and you get submerged in its petty affairs and find
it is very much like other days the emotion passes. But in that moment
when you step over the threshold of sleep into the living world the
revelation is simple, immediate, overwhelming. The shadow has passed.
The devil is dead. The delirium is over and sanity is coming back to the
earth. You recall the far different emotions of a few brief months ago
when the morning sun woke you with a sinister smile, and the carolling
of the birds seemed pregnant with sardonic irony, and the news in the
paper spoiled your breakfast. You thank heaven that you are not the
Kaiser. Poor wretch, he is waking, too, probably about this time and
wondering what will happen to him before nightfall, wondering where
he will spend the miserable remnant of his days, wondering whether his
great ancestor's habit of carrying a dose of poison was not after all a
practice worth thinking about. He wanted the whole, earth, and now he is
discovering that he is entitled to just six feet of it--the same as the lowliest peasant in his land. "The foxes have holes and the birds of the air have nests," but there is neither hole nor nest where he will be welcome. There is not much joy for him in waking to a new day.

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