2014년 11월 23일 일요일

The Ancient History of the Egyptians, Carthaginian 13

The Ancient History of the Egyptians, Carthaginian 13

Conquests of the Carthaginians in Sicily._The wars which the

Carthaginians carried on in Sicily are more known. I shall here relate

those which were waged from the reign of Xerxes, who first prompted the

Carthaginians to carry their arms into Sicily, till the first Punic war.

This period includes near two hundred and twenty years; _viz._ from the

year of the world 3520 to 3738. At the breaking out of these wars,

Syracuse, the most considerable as well as most powerful city of Sicily,

had invested Gelon, Hiero, and Thrasybulus, (three brothers who succeeded

one another,) with the sovereign power. After their deaths, a democracy or

popular government was established in that city, and subsisted above sixty

years. From this time, the two Dionysius’s, Timoleon, and Agathocles, bore

the sway in Syracuse. Pyrrhus was afterwards invited into Sicily, but he

kept possession of it only a few years. Such was the government of Sicily

during the wars of which I am going to treat. They will give us great

light with regard to the power of the Carthaginians, at the time that they

began to be engaged in war with the Romans.


Sicily is the largest and most considerable island in the Mediterranean.

It is of a triangular form, and for that reason was called Trinacria and

Triquetra. The eastern side, which faces the Ionian or Grecian sea,

extends from Cape Pachynum(602) to Pelorum.(603) The most celebrated

cities on this coast are Syracuse, Tauromenium, and Messana. The northern

coast, which looks towards Italy, reaches from Cape Pelorum to Cape

Lilybæum.(604) The most noted cities on this coast are Mylæ, Hymera,

Panormus, Eryx, Motya, Lilybæum. The southern coast, which lies opposite

to Africa, extends from Cape Lilybæum to Pachynum. The most remarkable

cities on this coast are Selinus, Agrigentum, Gela, and Camarina. This

island is separated from Italy by a strait, which is not more than a mile

and a half over, and called the Faro or strait of Messina, from its

contiguity to that city. The passage from Lilybæum to Africa is but 1500

furlongs,(605) that is, about seventy-five leagues.(606)


(M99) The period in which the Carthaginians first carried their arms into

Sicily is not exactly known.(607) All we are certain of is, that they were

already possessed of some part of it, at the time that they entered into a

treaty with the Romans; the same year that the kings were expelled, and

consuls appointed in their room, _viz._ twenty-eight years before Xerxes

invaded Greece. This treaty, which is the first we find mentioned to have

been made between these two nations, speaks of Africa and Sardinia as

possessed by the Carthaginians; whereas the conventions with regard to

Sicily, relate only to those parts of the island which were subject to

them. By this treaty it is expressly stipulated, that neither the Romans

nor their allies shall sail beyond the Fair Promontory,(608) which was

very near Carthage; and that such merchants, as shall resort to this city

for traffic, shall pay only certain duties which are settled in it.(609)


It appears by the same treaty, that the Carthaginians were particularly

careful to exclude the Romans from all the countries subject to them; as

well as from the knowledge of what was transacting in them; as though the

Carthaginians, even at that time, had taken umbrage at the rising power of

the Romans; and already harboured in their breasts the secret seeds of

that jealousy and distrust, that were one day to burst out in long and

cruel wars, and a mutual hatred and animosity, which nothing could

extinguish but the ruin of one of the contending powers.


(M100) Some years after the conclusion of this first treaty, the

Carthaginians made an alliance with Xerxes king of Persia.(610) This

prince, who aimed at nothing less than the total extirpation of the

Greeks, whom he considered as his irreconcilable enemies, thought it would

be impossible for him to succeed in his enterprise without the assistance

of Carthage, whose power was formidable even at that time. The

Carthaginians, who always kept in view the design they entertained of

seizing upon the remainder of Sicily, greedily snatched the favourable

opportunity which now presented itself for their completing the reduction

of it. A treaty was therefore concluded; wherein it was agreed that the

Carthaginians were to invade, with all their forces, those Greeks who were

settled in Sicily and Italy, while Xerxes should march in person against

Greece itself.


The preparations for this war lasted three years. The land army amounted

to no less than three hundred thousand men. The fleet consisted of two

thousand ships of war, and upwards of three thousand small vessels of

burden. Hamilcar, the most experienced captain of his age, sailed from

Carthage with this formidable army. He landed at Palermo;(611) and, after

refreshing his troops, he marched against Hymera, a city not far distant

from Palermo, and laid siege to it. Theron, who commanded in it, seeing

himself very much straitened, sent to Gelon, who had possessed himself of

Syracuse. He flew immediately to his relief, with fifty thousand foot, and

five thousand horse. His arrival infused new courage into the besieged,

who, from that time, made a very vigorous defence.


Gelon was an able warrior, and excelled in stratagems. A courier was

brought to him, who had been despatched from Selinus, a city of Sicily,

with a letter for Hamilcar, to inform him of the day when he might expect

the cavalry which he had demanded of them. Gelon drew out an equal number

of his own troops, and sent them from his camp about the time agreed on.

These being admitted into the enemy’s camp, as coming from Selinus, rushed

upon Hamilcar, killed him, and set fire to his ships. In this critical

conjuncture, Gelon attacked, with all his forces, the Carthaginians, who

at first made a gallant resistance. But when the news of their general’s

death was brought them, and they saw their fleet in a blaze, their courage

failed them, and they fled. And now a dreadful slaughter ensued; upwards

of a hundred and fifty thousand being slain. The rest of the army, having

retired to a place where they were in want of every thing, could not make

a long defence, and were forced to surrender at discretion. This battle

was fought the very day of the famous action of Thermopylæ, in which three

hundred Spartans,(612) with the sacrifice of their lives, disputed

Xerxes’s entrance into Greece.


When the sad news was brought to Carthage of the entire defeat of the

army, consternation, grief, and despair, threw the whole city into such a

confusion and alarm as are not to be expressed. It was imagined that the

enemy was already at the gates. The Carthaginians, in great reverses of

fortune, always lost their courage, and sunk into the opposite extreme.

Immediately they sent a deputation to Gelon, by which they desired peace

upon any terms. He heard their envoys with great humanity. The complete

victory he had gained, so far from making him haughty and untractable, had

only increased his modesty and clemency even towards the enemy. He

therefore granted them a peace, without any other condition, than their

paying two thousand(613) talents towards the expense of the war. He

likewise required them to build two temples, where the treaty of this

peace should be deposited, and exposed at all times to public view. The

Carthaginians did not think this a dear purchase of a peace, that was so

absolutely necessary to their affairs, and which they hardly durst hope

for. Gisgo, the son of Hamilcar, pursuant to the unjust custom of the

Carthaginians, of ascribing to the general the ill success of a war, and

making him bear the blame of it, was punished for his father’s misfortune,

and sent into banishment. He passed the remainder of his days at Selinus,

a city of Sicily.


Gelon, on his return to Syracuse, convened the people, and invited all the

citizens to appear under arms. He himself entered the assembly, unarmed

and without his guards, and there gave an account of the whole conduct of

his life. His speech met with no other interruption, than the public

testimonies which were given him of gratitude and admiration. So far from

being treated as a tyrant, and the oppressor of his country’s liberty, he

was considered as its benefactor and deliverer; all, with an unanimous

voice, proclaimed him king; and the crown was bestowed, after his death,

on his two brothers.


(M101) After the memorable defeat of the Athenians before Syracuse, where

Nicias perished with his whole fleet;(614) the Segestans, who had declared

in favour of the Athenians against the Syracusans, fearing the resentment

of their enemies, and being attacked by the inhabitants of Selinus,

implored the aid of the Carthaginians, and put themselves and city under

their protection. At Carthage the people debated some time, what course it

would be proper for them to take, the affair meeting with great

difficulties. On one hand, the Carthaginians were very desirous to possess

themselves of a city which lay so convenient for them; on the other, they

dreaded the power and forces of Syracuse, which had so lately cut to

pieces a numerous army of the Athenians; and become, by so shining a

victory, more formidable than ever. At last, the lust of empire prevailed,

and the Segestans were promised succours.


The conduct of this war was committed to Hannibal, who at that time was

invested with the highest dignity of the state, being one of the Suffetes.

He was grandson to Hamilcar, who had been defeated by Gelon, and killed

before Himera; and son to Gisgo, who had been condemned to exile. He left

Carthage, animated with an ardent desire of revenging his family and

country, and of wiping away the disgrace of the last defeat. He had a very

great army as well as fleet under his command. He landed at a place called

the _Well of Lilybæum_, which gave its name to a city afterwards built on

the same spot. His first enterprise was the siege of Selinus. The attack

and defence were equally vigorous, the very women showing a resolution and

bravery above their sex. The city, after making a long resistance, was

taken by storm, and the plunder of it abandoned to the soldiers. The

victor exercised the most horrid cruelties, without showing the least

regard to either age or sex. He permitted such inhabitants as had fled, to

continue in the city after it had been dismantled; and to till the lands,

on condition of their paying a tribute to the Carthaginians. This city had

been built two hundred and forty-two years.


Himera, which he next besieged and took likewise by storm, after being

more cruelly treated than Selinus, was entirely razed, two hundred and

forty years after its foundation. He forced three thousand prisoners to

undergo every kind of ignominious punishments; and at last murdered them

all on the very spot where his grandfather had been killed by Gelon’s

cavalry, to appease and satisfy his manes by the blood of these unhappy



These expeditions being ended, Hannibal returned to Carthage, on which

occasion the whole city came out to meet him, and received him amidst the

most joyful acclamations.


These successes reinflamed the desire, and revived the design, which the

Carthaginians had ever entertained, of making themselves masters of the

whole of Sicily.(615) Three years after, they appointed Hannibal their

general a second time; and on his pleading his great age, and refusing the

command of this war, they gave him for lieutenant, Imilcon, son of Hanno,

of the same family. The preparations for this war were proportioned to the

great design which the Carthaginians had formed. The fleet and army were

soon ready, and set out for Sicily. The number of their forces, according

to Timæus, amounted to above six-score thousand; and, according to

Ephorus, to three hundred thousand men. The enemy, on their side, were

prepared to give the Carthaginians a warm reception. The Syracusans had

sent to all their allies, in order to levy forces among them; and to all

the cities of Sicily, to exhort them to exert themselves vigorously in

defence of their liberties.


Agrigentum expected to feel the first fury of the enemy. This city was

prodigiously rich,(616) and strongly fortified. It was situated, as was

also Selinus, on that coast of Sicily which faces Africa. Accordingly,

Hannibal opened the campaign with the siege of this city. Imagining that

it was impregnable except on one side, he directed his whole force to that

quarter. He threw up banks and terraces as high as the walls: and made

use, on this occasion, of the rubbish and fragments of the tombs standing

round the city, which he had demolished for that purpose. Soon after, the

plague infected the army, and swept away a great number of the soldiers,

and the general himself. The Carthaginians interpreted this disaster as a

punishment inflicted by the gods, who revenged in this manner the injuries

done to the dead, whose ghosts many fancied they had seen stalking before

them in the night. No more tombs were therefore demolished, prayers were

ordered to be made according to the practice of Carthage; a child was

sacrificed to Saturn, in compliance with a most inhuman superstitious

custom; and many victims were thrown into the sea in honour of Neptune.


The besieged, who at first had gained several advantages, were at last so

pressed by famine, that all hopes of relief seeming desperate, they

resolved to abandon the city. The following night was fixed on for this

purpose. The reader will naturally image to himself the grief with which

these miserable people must be seized, on their being forced to leave

their houses, their rich possessions, and their country; but life was

still dearer to them than all these. Never was a more melancholy spectacle

seen. To omit the rest, a crowd of women, bathed in tears, were seen

dragging after them their helpless infants, in order to secure them from

the brutal fury of the victor. But the most grievous circumstance was, the

necessity they were under of leaving behind them the aged and sick, who

were unable either to fly or to make the least resistance. The unhappy

exiles arrived at Gela, which was the nearest city, and there received all

the comforts they could expect in the deplorable condition to which they

were reduced.


In the mean time, Imilcon entered the city, and murdered all who were

found in it. The plunder was immensely rich, and such as might be expected

from one of the most opulent cities of Sicily, which contained two hundred

thousand inhabitants, and had never been besieged, nor consequently

plundered, before. A numberless multitude of pictures, vases, and statues

of all kinds, were found here; the citizens having an exquisite taste for

the polite arts. Among other curiosities was the famous bull(617) of

Phalaris, which was sent to Carthage.


The siege of Agrigentum had lasted eight months. Imilcon made his forces

take up their winter-quarters in it, to give them the necessary

refreshment; and left this city (after laying it entirely in ruins) in the

beginning of the spring. He afterwards besieged Gela, and took it,

notwithstanding the succours which were brought by Dionysius the Tyrant,

who had seized upon the government of Syracuse. Imilcon ended the war by a

treaty with Dionysius. The conditions of it were, that the Carthaginians,

besides their ancient acquisitions in Sicily, should still possess the

country of the Sicanians,(618) Selinus, Agrigentum, and Himera; as

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