2014년 11월 23일 일요일

The Ancient History of the Egyptians, Carthaginian 8

The Ancient History of the Egyptians, Carthaginian 8

The part of Egypt of which we now speak, is famous for several rarities,

each of which deserves a particular examination. I shall mention only the

principal, such as the obelisks, the pyramids, the labyrinth, the lake of

Mœris, and the Nile.


SECT. I. THE OBELISKS.Egypt seemed to place its chief glory in raising

monuments for posterity. Its obelisks form at this day, on account of

their beauty as well as height, the principal ornament of Rome; and the

Roman power, despairing to equal the Egyptians, thought it honour enough

to borrow the monuments of their kings.


An obelisk is a quadrangular, taper, high spire or pyramid, raised

perpendicularly, and terminating in a point, to serve as an ornament to

some open square; and is very often covered with inscriptions or

hieroglyphics, that is, with mystical characters or symbols used by the

Egyptians to conceal and disguise their sacred things, and the mysteries

of their theology.


Sesostris erected in the city of Heliopolis two obelisks of extreme hard

stone, brought from the quarries of Syene, at the extremity of Egypt.(267)

They were each one hundred-and-twenty cubits high, that is, thirty

fathoms, or one hundred and eighty feet.(268) The emperor Augustus, having

made Egypt a province of the empire, caused these two obelisks to be

transported to Rome, one whereof was afterwards broken to pieces. He dared

not venture to make the same attempt upon a third, which was of a

monstrous size.(269) It was made in the reign of Rameses: it is said that

twenty thousand men were employed in the cutting of it. Constantius, more

daring than Augustus, caused it to be removed to Rome. Two of these

obelisks are still to be seen there, as well as another a hundred cubits,

or twenty-five fathoms high, and eight cubits, or two fathoms, in

diameter. Caius Cæsar had it brought from Egypt in a ship of so odd a

form, that, according to Pliny, the like had never been seen.(270)


Every part of Egypt abounded with this kind of obelisks; they were for the

most part cut in the quarries of Upper Egypt, where some are now to be

seen half finished. But the most wonderful circumstance is, that the

ancient Egyptians should have had the art and contrivance to dig even in

the very quarry a canal, through which the water of the Nile ran in the

time of its inundation; from whence they afterwards raised up the columns,

obelisks, and statues on rafts,(271) proportioned to their weight, in

order to convey them into Lower Egypt. And as the country was intersected

every where with canals, there were few places to which those huge bodies

might not be carried with ease; although their weight would have broken

every other kind of engine.


SECT. II. THE PYRAMIDS.A PYRAMID is a solid or hollow body, having a

large, and generally a square base, and terminating in a point.(272)


There were three pyramids in Egypt more famous than the rest, one whereof

was justly ranked among the seven wonders of the world; they stood not

very far from the city of Memphis. I shall take notice here only of the

largest of the three. This pyramid, like the rest, was built on a rock,

having a square base, cut on the outside as so many steps, and decreasing

gradually quite to the summit. It was built with stones of a prodigious

size, the least of which were thirty feet, wrought with wonderful art, and

covered with hieroglyphics. According to several ancient authors, each

side was eight hundred feet broad, and as many high. The summit of the

pyramid, which to those who viewed it from below seemed a point, was a

fine platform, composed of ten or twelve massy stones, and each side of

that platform sixteen or eighteen feet long.


M. de Chazelles, of the Academy of Sciences, who went purposely to the

spot in 1693, gives us the following dimensions:


The side of the square base 110 fathoms; the fronts are equilateral

triangles, and therefore the superficies of the base is 12100 square

fathoms; the perpendicular height, 77-3/4 fathoms; the solid contents,

313590 cubical fathoms. A hundred thousand men were constantly employed

about this work, and were relieved every three months by the same number.

Ten complete years were spent in hewing out the stones, either in Arabia

or Ethiopia, and in conveying them to Egypt; and twenty years more in

building this immense edifice, the inside of which contained numberless

rooms and apartments. There were expressed on the pyramid, in Egyptian

characters, the sums it cost only for garlic, leeks, onions, and other

vegetables of this description, for the workmen; and the whole amounted to

sixteen hundred talents of silver,(273) that is, four millions five

hundred thousand French livres; from whence it was easy to conjecture what

a vast sum the whole expense must have amounted to.


Such were the famous Egyptian pyramids, which by their figure, as well as

size, have triumphed over the injuries of time and the Barbarians. But

what efforts soever men may make, their nothingness will always appear.

These pyramids were tombs; and there is still to be seen, in the middle of

the largest, an empty sepulchre, cut out of one entire stone, about three

feet deep and broad, and a little above six feet long.(274) Thus all this

bustle, all this expense, and all the labours of so many thousand men for

so many years, ended in procuring for a prince, in this vast and almost

boundless pile of building, a little vault six feet in length. Besides,

the kings who built these pyramids, had it not in their power to be buried

in them; and so did not enjoy the sepulchre they had built. The public

hatred which they incurred, by reason of their unheard-of cruelties to

their subjects, in laying such heavy tasks upon them, occasioned their

being interred in some obscure place, to prevent their bodies from being

exposed to the fury and vengeance of the populace.


This last circumstance, which historians have taken particular notice of,

teaches us what judgment we ought to pass on these edifices, so much

boasted of by the ancients.(275) It is but just to remark and esteem the

noble genius which the Egyptians had for architecture; a genius that

prompted them from the earliest times, and before they could have any

models to imitate, to aim in all things at the grand and magnificent; and

to be intent on real beauties, without deviating in the least from a noble

simplicity, in which the highest perfection of the art consists. But what

idea ought we to form of those princes, who considered as something grand,

the raising by a multitude of hands, and by the help of money, immense

structures, with the sole view of rendering their names immortal; and who

did not scruple to destroy thousands of their subjects to satisfy their

vain glory! They differed very much from the Romans, who sought to

immortalize themselves by works of a magnificent kind, but, at the same

time, of public utility.


Pliny gives us, in few words,(276) a just idea of these pyramids, when he

calls them a foolish and useless ostentation of the wealth of the Egyptian

kings; _Regum pecuniæ otiosa ac stulta ostentatio._ And adds, that by a

just punishment their memory is buried in oblivion; the historians not

agreeing among themselves about the names of those who first raised those

vain monuments: _Inter eos non constat à quibus factæ sint, justissimo

casu obliteratis tantæ vanitatis auctoribus._ In a word, according to the

judicious remark of Diodorus, the industry of the architects of those

pyramids is no less valuable and praiseworthy, than the design of the

Egyptian kings is contemptible and ridiculous.


But what we should most admire in these ancient monuments, is, the true

and standing evidence they give of the skill of the Egyptians in

astronomy; that is, in a science which seems incapable of being brought to

perfection, but by a long series of years, and a great number of

observations. M. de Chazelles, when he measured the great pyramid in

question, found that the four sides of it were turned exactly to the four

quarters of the world; and, consequently, showed the true meridian of that

place. Now, as so exact a situation was, in all probability, purposely

pitched upon by those who piled up this huge mass of stones, above three

thousand years ago, it follows, that during so long a space of time, there

has been no alteration in the heavens in that respect, or (which amounts

to the same thing) in the poles of the earth or the meridians. This is M.

de Fontenelle’s remark in his eulogium of M. de Chazelles.


SECT. III. THE LABYRINTH.What has been said concerning the judgment we

ought to form of the pyramids, may also be applied to the labyrinth, which

Herodotus, who saw it, assures us, was still more surprising than the

pyramids.(277) It was built at the southern extremity of the lake of

Mœris, whereof mention will be made presently, near the town of

Crocodiles, the same with Arsinoë. It was not so much one single palace,

as a magnificent pile composed of twelve palaces, regularly disposed,

which had a communication with each other. Fifteen hundred rooms,

interspersed with terraces, were ranged round twelve halls, and discovered

no outlet to such as went to see them. There was the like number of

buildings under ground. These subterraneous structures were designed for

the burying-place of the kings, and also (who can speak this without

confusion, and without deploring the blindness of man!) for keeping the

sacred crocodiles, which a nation, so wise in other respects, worshipped

as gods.


In order to visit the rooms and halls of the labyrinth, it was necessary,

as the reader will naturally suppose, for people to take the same

precaution as Ariadne made Theseus use, when he was obliged to go and

fight the Minotaur in the labyrinth of Crete. Virgil describes it in this




Ut quondam Cretâ fertur labyrinthus in altâ

Parietibus textum cæcis iter ancipitémque

Mille viis habuisse dolum, quà signa sequendi

Falleret indeprensus et irremeabilis error.(278)

Híc labor ille domûs, et inextricabilis error.

Dædalus, ipse dolos tecti ambagésque resolvit,

Cæca regens filo vestigia.(279)


And as the Cretan labyrinth of old,

With wand’ring ways, and many a winding fold,

Involv’d the weary feet without redress,

In a round error, which deny’d recess:

Not far from thence he grav’d the wond’rous maze;

A thousand doors, a thousand winding ways



SECT. IV. THE LAKE OF MŒRIS.The noblest and most wonderful of all the

structures or works of the kings of Egypt, was the lake of Mœris:

accordingly, Herodotus considers it as vastly superior to the pyramids and

labyrinth.(280) As Egypt was more or less fruitful in proportion to the

inundations of the Nile; and as in these floods, the too great or too

little rise of the waters was equally fatal to the lands, king Mœris, to

prevent these two inconveniences, and to correct, as far as lay in his

power, the irregularities of the Nile, thought proper to call art to the

assistance of nature; and so caused the lake to be dug, which afterwards

went by his name. This lake was in circumference about three thousand six

hundred stadia, that is, about one hundred and eighty French leagues, and

three hundred feet deep.(281) Two pyramids, on each of which was placed a

colossal statue, seated on a throne, raised their heads to the height of

three hundred feet, in the midst of the lake, whilst their foundations

took up the same space under the water; a proof that they were erected

before the cavity was filled, and a demonstration that a lake of such vast

extent was the work of man’s hands, in one prince’s reign. This is what

several historians have related concerning the lake Mœris, on the

testimony of the inhabitants of the country. And M. Bossuet, the bishop of

Meaux, in his discourse on universal history, relates the whole as fact.

For my part, I will confess that I do not see the least probability in it.

Is it possible to conceive, that a lake of a hundred and eighty leagues in

circumference, could have been dug in the reign of one prince? In what

manner, and where, could the earth taken from it be conveyed? What should

prompt the Egyptians to lose the surface of so much land? By what arts

could they fill this vast tract with the superfluous waters of the Nile?

Many other objections might be made. In my opinion, therefore, we ought to

follow Pomponius Mela, an ancient geographer; especially as his account is

confirmed by several modern travellers. According to that author, this

lake is but twenty thousand paces; that is, seven or eight French leagues

in circumference. _Mœris, aliquando campus, nunc lacus, viginti millia

passuum in circuitu patens._(282)


This lake had a communication with the Nile, by a great canal, more than

four leagues long,(283) and fifty feet broad. Great sluices either opened

or shut the canal and lake, as there was occasion.


The charge of opening or shutting them amounted to fifty talents, that is,

fifty thousand French crowns.(284) The fishing of this lake brought the

monarch immense sums; but its chief utility related to the overflowing of

the Nile. When it rose too high, and was like to be attended with fatal

consequences, the sluices were opened; and the waters, having a free

passage into the lake, covered the lands no longer than was necessary to

enrich them. On the contrary, when the inundation was too low, and

threatened a famine, a sufficient quantity of water, by the help of

drains, was let out of the lake, to water the lands. In this manner the

irregularities of the Nile were corrected; and Strabo remarks, that, in

his time, under Petronius, a governor of Egypt, when the inundation of the

Nile was twelve cubits, a very great plenty ensued; and even when it rose

but to eight cubits, the dearth was scarce felt in the country; doubtless

because the waters of the lake made up for those of the inundation, by the

help of canals and drains.


SECT. V. THE INUNDATIONS OF THE NILE.The Nile is the greatest wonder of

Egypt. As it seldom rains there, this river, which waters the whole

country by its regular inundations, supplies that defect, by bringing, as

a yearly tribute, the rains of other countries; which made a poet say

ingeniously, “the Egyptian pastures, how great soever the drought may be,

never implore Jupiter for rain:”



Te propter nullos tellus tua postulat imbres,

Arida nec pluvio supplicat herba Jovi.(2

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