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The Putnam Hall Rebellion 2

The Putnam Hall Rebellion 2


"He didn't hit the target even!"

The announcement was true, and the young major turned a trifle pale in
spite of his efforts to control himself.

"Don't fire hastily, Major Ruddy," said Captain Putnam kindly. "Draw a
bead directly on the center of the target."

"I--I--thought I did," stammered Jack.

Again the rifle was raised. Jack was now a bit nervous, yet he managed
to steady himself ere he took another shot. His aim was directly for the
center of the target.

"Another miss!"

"Why, Jack, what's got over you?" cried Pepper, real distress showing in
his voice.

"I--I don't know," faltered the youthful major.

"Don't you feel well?" asked Stuffer. "Or is it your eyesight?"

"Yes, I feel well enough--and my eyesight is all right."

"Maybe you had a blank cartridge," cried Dale, suddenly.

This remark caused Jack to look at the remaining cartridges he
possessed. Captain Putnam insisted upon examining them also, for he,
too, was unwilling to believe that the young officer has made a total
miss of the two shots.

"These are certainly ball cartridges," he said, as he looked them over.
"Nothing wrong there. You must have been careless in your aim, Major

"Captain Putnam, I did the very best I could," pleaded Jack.

"Well, you have one more shot," answered the master of the school.

As pale as a sheet the young major of the battalion walked to the front
once more and raised his rifle. For several seconds there was a
deathlike silence. Then came another crack and flash and a moment of

"Hurrah! A bull's-eye!"

"That's the time you did it, Jack!"

"Why didn't you do that before?"

With a long breath, Jack lowered his rifle and, turning faced the master
of the school:

"Captain Putnam," he said in a low but firm tone. "I made a bull's-eye
that time because there was a bullet in the cartridge. I am satisfied
now that my other two shots were blanks.

                               CHAPTER IV
                          THE BLANK CARTRIDGES

For the moment after Jack spoke so positively there was a silence.
Captain Putnam looked at the young officer thoughtfully.

"Huh! that's all tommy-rot!" observed Reff Ritter. "He missed and that
is all there is to it."

"Of course he missed," chimed in Coulter. "He isn't a crack shot by any

"What makes you so certain that the first two shots were blanks, Major
Ruddy?" asked the master of the school, somewhat sternly.

"Well, sir, I think my record helps to prove it," answered Jack. "At the
hundred-yard target I made three bull's-eyes; at the two-hundred-yard
target I made two bull's-eyes and a four; now I have made a bull's-eye
and two blanks. Doesn't it stand to reason, sir, that if those
cartridges had not been blanks I would at least have made a two or a

"It is probable, yes," answered the captain, thoughtfully. "But I did
not know any blanks had been brought along, much less dealt out."

"I brought a case along by mistake," put in Bob Grenwood. "But as soon
as I discovered my mistake I put the case to one side. There it is, sir,
on yonder rock."

"I see. You are sure you didn't hand any blanks around? That particular
box looks like the real thing."

"Yes, sir--I was very careful."

Captain Putnam strode over to the rock and shoved back the lid of the

"Why, the top layer of cartridges is gone!" he cried. "Was the box full
when you opened it?"

"Why--er--yes, sir--I think so, sir," stammered the quartermaster of the
school battalion. "It looked full to me."

"Young gentlemen," went on Captain Putnam, raising his voice. "Please to
look over the cartridges you have left."

There was a hasty examination by over a score of cadets.

"Mine are O. K., sir."

"So are mine."

"Here, I've got a blank!" cried Andy Snow, rushing forward and holding
it up. "It's one of the kind we used to have--those that looked so much
like the ball cartridges."

"Hum! So it is--one of the kind made to represent ball cartridges,"
mused Captain Putnam.

"I've got two of them!" exclaimed Pepper, and held them up. "My other
one is all right," he added.

"Two blanks and one good one," said Jack. "That must have been just what
I had!"

"Quartermaster Grenwood, can you explain this?" demanded Captain Putnam,

"N--no, sir. I--I am sure I didn't deal out any of the blanks. I was
very careful, sir."

"Then how do you account for the blanks being in use?"

"I--I don't account for it, sir. I am sure, though, I didn't give them

"You gave out all the ammunition, didn't you?"

"Yes, sir."

"Then you must have given out the blanks. It was very careless on your

"No wonder I missed!" growled one of the cadets.

"I think we ought to shoot over again," added another.

"It was a mean trick!" cried a third.

"Quartermaster Grenwood, you have been grossly careless, and your
carelessness has caused a great deal of trouble," said Captain Putnam,

"I wasn't careless, I tell you, I----"

"Silence. I say you were careless, and I now ask you to resign your
position as quartermaster of the school battalion."

"Resign!" gasped Bob Grenwood.

"That is what I said. The battalion must have a quartermaster who can be
relied upon at all times. Supposing we were going to have a sham battle
and you dealt out ball cartridges instead of blanks, what would happen?
Why some of the cadets might be killed! Do you resign or not?"

"Captain Putnam, I--I----"

"If you refuse to resign I shall have to take the office away from you."

"All right, I'll resign," cried Bob Grenwood, bitterly. "All the same, I
say you are treating me unjustly." And with a red face and bowed head he
stepped back into the crowd.

"I don't believe Bob did it," whispered Stuffer to Hogan.

"Sure, and I thought he was more careful meself," answered the
Irish-American cadet. "It's a bad mess, so it is!" added.

Captain Putnam now held a consultation with several of the others and
then announced that for every shot fired which had not hit a target the
cadet should have another try. In the meantime the blanks were collected
and ball cartridges dealt out instead.

"Now, Jack, show 'em what you can do!" cried Pepper, as his chum walked
to the front once more.

"Confound it, I guess our plan is busted," whispered Paxton to Ritter.

"Hush! Not a word of it!" whispered the bully, warningly. "If Captain
Putnam ever finds it out,--well, he'll make it mighty warm for us,
that's all!"

With great care Jack took aim once more. Everybody watched him with
interest, and a wild shout went up when the result was announced.

"A bull's-eye!"

"There, what did I tell you?" cried Pepper. "I knew he could do it!"

"Now another, Jack!" said Andy, enthusiastically.

And the youthful major did make another bull's-eye, amid the applause of
his many friends.

"That's the highest score yet!"

"Major Ruddy, I must congratulate you," said Captain Putnam, holding out
his hand. "I am now as convinced as you are that those other shots were

"Jack, that's the highest score yet," said Dale. "I rather think you
take the prize."

"Didn't know there was a prize, Dale."

"Well, metaphorically speaking."

"You've bested Reff Ritter and that's a good deal," said Andy.

When Pepper came to shoot he made one bull's-eye and two fours. This
gave him quite a high score and made him content. Andy and Dale also did
well, while Bart Conners tied Ritter. Mumps and Paxton each made two
misses on the long distance target.

"More blanks, I suppose," grumbled Paxton, although he knew better.

"No," said Captain Putnam. "That was only your carelessness did that.
You shot too quickly."

"I--I'm not feeling well to-day," said the school sneak lamely. "I ought
to have stayed at the Hall."

After the target practice was at an end the cadets were allowed an hour
to themselves.

"Let us take a walk through the woods," said Pepper. And he and Jack and
half a dozen went off in one direction while Reff Ritter and his cronies
went off in another. Bob Grenwood felt so bad that he strolled off by

"I must say, I feel sorry for Bob," said Jack. "Even if he did deal out
the blanks, I don't think he meant to do it."

"He feels all cut up to lose the quartermastership," said Dale. "After
the captain made him resign I saw the tears standing in his eyes."

"What do you say if we go to Captain Putnam and ask him to reinstate
Grenwood?" questioned Pepper, who was always ready to help anybody in

"I'll do that willingly," came from several of the others.

"I don't think we ought to go right away," said Bart Conners. "Wait a
few days--until his temper has a chance to cool. Finding the blanks
riled him all up."

"By the way, fellows, have you heard the news?" asked Joe Nelson.

"What news?"

"A new teacher is coming."

"Who told you that?" asked Pepper.

"Nobody. I heard Captain Putnam and Mr. Strong talking about it. It
seems Mr. Strong has got to go away on business, and the new man is
coming during his absence."

"Who is he, did you hear, Joe?" asked several, for they were always
anxious concerning their instructors.

"Hope he isn't like old Crabtree," was Pepper's comment. "If he is I'll
feel like jumping into the lake!"

"I don't know anything about him, excepting that his name is Pluxton

"Pluxton Cuddle!" cried The Imp. "Wonder if he'll try to cuddle up to

"I did hear that he was quite a scientist," went on Joe Nelson. "One of
the kind who does everything by rule."

"Oh, dear! I can see my finish!" sighed Pepper. "It will be ten minutes
for this, ten minutes for that, and so on, all day long. And find out
the whyforness of the thus of everything in the bargain!"

"Oh, don't worry beforehand," answered Jack. "He may be another Mr.

"Not much, Jack! Mr. Strong is one teacher out of a hundred, heaven
bless him!"

"If all teachers were like Mr. Strong, going to boarding school would be
a cinch," added Andy, slangily. "He's the dearest man who ever tried to
teach a fellow the value of _x_ and _y_, and don't you forget it!"

"And I firmly believe we learn twice as much under a man like Mr. Strong
as we do under old Josiah Crabtree,--although Crabtree may be the
greater scholar," came from Stuffer.

The cadets spent a pleasant time in the woods, and at the roll of the
drum hastened back to the pasture. When the two companies were formed it
was found Bob Grenwood was missing.

"He got disgusted and said he was going to walk back to the Hall alone,"
said one of the students. "I can't say that I blame him much. It was a
terrible thing to be made to resign."

In a few minutes more the line of march back to Putnam Hall was taken
up. To give the cadets a variety of scene, Captain Putnam took to
another road than that pursued in the morning. This was nearly a mile
longer, and, consequently, it was after the supper hour when the cadets
came in sight of the school buildings.

As the cadets marched up to the campus a man came rushing out of the
school holding up his hands in horror. It was Josiah Crabtree.

"Captain Putnam! Captain Putnam!" he gasped. "Come quickly! Something
dreadful has happened!"

                               CHAPTER V
                     A "ROUGH HOUSE" AT PUTNAM HALL

"What is the matter, Mr. Crabtree?" demanded the master of the school,
as he dismounted from his horse and strode forward.

"The schoolrooms, sir--and the sitting room and library! All turned


"Yes, sir! I just came in from the village--I went on a little business,
as you know. When I got back I went to the library for a book--'The
History of Turkey'--and when I got there!" Josiah Crabtree held up his
hands mutely. "It is a shame, an outrage, sir! And the classrooms are
about as bad!"

"I'll see about this," said Captain Putnam, and strode into the school.

"Something is wrong," said Pepper, after the cadets had broken ranks.
"Let's see what it is!" And he ran off to place his weapon in the gun

Something was indeed wrong, as a hasty glance around the lower floor of
the school building revealed. Every book in the library had been thrown
on the floor, and to the general heap were added several pictures and
maps taken from the walls. Two inkstands from a writing desk had been
overturned, one on a table and over a beautiful statue of Justice
standing on a pedestal in a corner. The floor rug had been folded up and
thrown over a chandelier.

"Who did this?" demanded the master of the school sternly. "Who did
this, I say?"

Nobody answered for the reason that nobody knew.

"And the schoolrooms are as bad," cried Josiah Crabtree. "Never have _I_
seen the equal, sir!"

Without loss of time Captain Putnam walked from one classroom to another
and the cadets and teachers followed him, and so did some of the
frightened servants. In every room books and papers were scattered in
all directions. On a big school globe rested an old silk hat, and an old
linen duster that Josiah Crabtree occasionally used in warm weather.

"Look at that! The rascals!" spluttered the irate teacher. "My coat,
sir! It makes the globe look like a--a--scarecrow, sir!"

"It certainly does," answered Captain Putnam, and for an instant he felt
inclined to laugh. At the same time Pepper burst into a roar and Andy
and some others did the same.

"This is a rough house and no mistake," murmured Jack. "Who did it, I

"Somebody has been here during our absence," said Dale.

"Boys, stop your laughing!" exclaimed Josiah Crabtree, turning suddenly
upon Pepper and his chums. "If you do not stop this minute, I'll punish
you severely! This is no laughing matter!"

"I won't laugh any more," answered Pepper, and, behind the fussy
teacher's back drew such a doleful face that Andy and Dale were almost

"Here's a go!" cried one of the cadets presently. "My Latin grammar is

"So is my history!" came from another.

"So is mine!"

"And mine!"

A hasty hunt was made and soon it was discovered that every history and
every Latin grammar was missing. All the other books were there,
although mixed up and mussed.

"Well, I don't mind the loss of the grammar and history so much,"
observed Pepper. "I'd like to get rid of them forever!"

"So say we all of us!" sang out Andy softly.

"Boys!" cried Captain Putnam loudly, and at the call everybody became
silent. "If any one of you know anything about this, I want that pupil
to step forward and say so."

There was a pause. Nobody budged.

"Was anybody left behind when we went for the target practice?"

Again there was a pause. Nobody spoke.

"This is, as Mr. Crabtree says, an outrage, and I intend to get at the
bottom of it."

"I know somebody who came back before we did," said Mumps, stepping to
the front.

"Who was that, Fenwick?"

"Bob Grenwood."

"Oh, what a little sneak!" murmured Pepper.

"He ought to have his neck wrung!" added Andy.

"Humph! So he did," said Captain Putnam. "Does anybody know where
Grenwood is now?"

He looked from one to another of the assembled scholars, but all shook
their heads.

"Mr. Crabtree, have Peleg Snuggers hunt Grenwood up, and at once."

"I will, sir," answered the teacher and hurried off to find the general
utility man of the Hall. Then both went in search of Bob Grenwood, but
failed to find the ex-quartermaster.

"Perhaps he didn't come back after he left us," said Jack. "Maybe he
felt too down-hearted to return. I must say, I feel mighty sorry for

There was nothing to do but to straighten out the library, sitting room
and classrooms, and then the cadets went to supper. After that some of
the boys went out on the campus, some to the lake shore, and others to
the gymnasium.

"Well, one thing is certain, some of our school-books are gone," said
Joe Nelson. "Too bad! I had an essay in my history. If it is not found
I'll have to write another paper I suppose."

"I'd not do it!" cried Stuffer. "It's not your fault that the paper is

Jack and his chums were entering the gymnasium when a student who had
gone ahead uttered a cry.

"They have been here, too!"

"What did they do?"

"Do? Did everything they could to spoil this place," was the answer.

When lit up the gymnasium certainly presented "a sight for to see," as
Andy expressed it. The wooden horses had been stacked in a corner, the
rings and turning bars had been cut down, and the Indian clubs, pulling
machines, and the floor covered with oil and grease. Jack did not notice
the grease on the floor until he slipped and fell, and Pepper, who was
at his side, came down on top of him.

"This is the worst yet!"

"Why, fellows, this place is almost ruined!"

"The fellows who did this ought to be tarred and feathered!" cried Jack,
as he got up and rubbed a bruised elbow.

"I don't believe any of our cadets would do such a trick as this,"
observed Andy.

"Reff Ritter and his cronies are mean enough to do anything," answered

"But they were with us," answered Bart Conners.

"Boys, I think I know who is guilty!" almost shouted Jack, as a sudden
idea popped into his head.


"Roy Bock and his crowd--the fellows we met this morning in the big
touring car--the chaps who called us tin soldiers."

"My gracious, Jack, do you think that is true?" demanded Pepper.

"If it is we ought to march over to Pornell Academy and wipe them off
the face of the earth," said Fred Century. "This looks just like Roy
Bock's underhanded meanness," he added.

Captain Putnam was notified of the new discovery made and came down to
inspect the damage done. His face grew very stern.

"This is positive vandalism," was his comment. "If any boy in this
school is guilty I shall expel him."

"If you will permit me, Captain Putnam, I'd like to say a word," said

"What is it, Major Ruddy."

"I do not think this was done by anybody in our school. If you will
remember, we were all away to-day to target practice."

"That is true, but one boy, Robert Grenwood, came back early."

"I know that, sir, but----"

"And I rather think he was in an ugly frame of mind upon his return,"
pursued the master of the school grimly.

"That might be, too, sir. All the same, I don't think he'd do this. Bob
isn't that kind of a fellow."

"Well, what were you going to say?"

"I was thinking of that crowd of Pornell Academy students we met on the
road this morning."

"The ones in an automobile?"

"Yes, sir,--the fellows who jeered at us and called us tin soldiers."

"Ahem! What of them?"

"I don't want to say too much, sir. But you know they are down on
us,--and you know how our flagstaff and our cannon disappeared," went on
the young major, referring to an incident which had been related in
detail in "The Putnam Hall Champions."

"Yes, yes. And I also know how Doctor Pornell complained of the
disappearance of some choice trophies belonging to his students," said
Captain Putnam grimly.

"Well, they got those trophies back," said a student in the rear of the
crowd, and a snicker passed among the cadets at the remembrance of the

"Those fellows are the worst boys at Pornell," went on the young major.
"I don't think they'd stop at anything to do this school an injury."

"Can you prove any of them guilty?"

"No, sir--at least, not yet."

"Then I can do nothing, for Doctor Pornell and myself are no longer on
speaking terms."

"I think it is clear enough," said Pepper. "Outsiders wouldn't have any
reason to come here and do this--unless they had a grudge against you."

"Maybe that butcher, Pangborn, did it," suggested Dale, mentioning a
meat dealer who had had trouble with the captain over his meat bill, and
who no longer supplied the school.

"It might be." The master of the school drew a long breath. "Well, I
shall watch out, and I want you young gentlemen to do the same. If you
learn of anything, let me know."

A little later Bob Grenwood came in. From the target grounds he had
walked to Cedarville and had purchased his supper at the village. He
tried to slip upstairs unobserved, but was caught by Josiah Crabtree.

"Ha! so we have you, you young villain!" cried the teacher, taking him
by the collar.

"What's the matter?" asked Bob, somewhat startled.

"You know well enough," stormed Josiah Crabtree, and without further ado
marched the ex-quartermaster to Captain Putnam's private office. Here
Grenwood was put through a great number of questions. When he learned
the drift of things he was highly indignant.

"Captain Putnam, I am not guilty, and you ought to know it!" he cried.
"It was bad enough to make me resign my position, this is even worse. I
shall write to my folks and ask them to take me away from this school!"

"You may do as you please, Grenwood," was the captain's cold reply.

"Some day, perhaps, you'll find out your mistake," said the cadet, and
then, with tears of anguish and indignation standing in his eyes he left
the office and ran up the stairs to the dormitory occupied by himself
and several others.

Left to himself, Captain Putnam leaned his elbow on his desk and rested
his head in his hand.

"These boys! These boys!" he murmured to himself. "I hardly know whether
to believe them or not--they are up to so many tricks! Grenwood looks
honest enough, and yet--you never can tell!" And he heaved a deep sigh.
He was beginning to learn that after all, running a boarding school was
not such an easy thing as he had at first supposed. He wanted to do what
was just,--but he hated to be imposed upon.

                               CHAPTER VI
                            THE NEW TEACHER

The first person the ex-quartermaster encountered upstairs was Jack.

"Hello, Bob," cried the young major. "Just the person I want to see."

"I--I--some other time, Ruddy," stammered the youth, whose eyes were
full of tears.

"See here, Bob, what's your hurry? Anything special on?" And now Jack
caught the other boy affectionately by the shoulder.

"I--I am going to leave this school!" was the bitter response. "Captain
Putnam hasn't treated me fairly. I didn't distribute those blanks, I am
certain of it--and I didn't have anything to do with rough-housing the
Hall, either!"

"Who said you played rough-house here?"

"He did--or he said as much."

"Where have you been?"

"To Cedarville. I walked there directly from the target grounds."

"Meet anybody on the road?"

"Why--er--yes, a farmer named Laning. He was driving a team of oxen and
wanted to know what the shooting meant."

"Where did you go when first you got to Cedarville?"

"What do you want to know that for?"

"Never mind, just tell me?"

"I went to the steamboat dock. There I met the agent, and helped him tow
a boat up to Chase Point. When we got back I went and got supper at
Berry's and then came to the school."

"Did you tell the captain all that?"

"No--he didn't give me the chance."

"Well, you should have told him. It seems to me it would be easy for you
to prove an _alibi_, so far as being here this afternoon is concerned."

"I am not going to bother with it--I'm going to quit and go home,"
answered Bob Grenwood recklessly.

"I wouldn't do it. Stay, Bob, and face the music. If you go away it will
make it look as if you were guilty."

"But Captain Putnam----"

"Is all upset on account of this awful mix-up. He'll calm down by
to-morrow--and so will you. And let me say another thing, Bob. None of
us fellows thinks you distributed the blanks,--or, if you did, we are
sure it was a pure and simple mistake."

At this moment came a cry from one of the dormitories, followed a second
later by a yell from another room.

"This is the worst yet!"

"Every bed sheet is gone!"

"So are all the night clothes!"

"Here is some of the stuff, in the closet, and, yes, it's tied up in
hard knots!"

"Talk about 'chawin' on the beef!' It will take some 'chawin'' to get
these knots out!"

"Oh, if I only had the fellow who did this, wouldn't I give him a piece
of my mind!"

"I'd give him a piece av me fist!" roared Emerald. "Just be after
looking at them beautiful pajamas of mine, toied in about twinty knots!"
And he held up the articles of wearing apparel dolefully.

Jack ran into his dormitory, to find Pepper with a bundle in his hand.
The bundle consisted of their night clothes and some bed sheets, all
knotted together in a hopeless tangle. Several similar bundles were in
the possession of other cadets.

The uproar was so great that soon all the teachers and the servants were
on the scene. For once Captain Putnam was as furious as Josiah Crabtree
had ever been.

"This is the vilest kind of an outrage!" cried the master of the Hall.
"If I find out who is guilty I'll have that person locked up!"

"I fancy more than one person did this," said George Strong.

"You are right--it would take several at least. What a mess!" The
captain glanced from room to room in perplexity. "I hardly know what to

"Please, Captain Putnam, my nightgown is split from top to bottom,"
wailed Mumps.

"One of the legs of my pajamas is torn off," growled Reff Ritter.

"An arm of mine is gone," added Coulter.

"Boys, you will have to straighten out things as best you can for the
night," said Captain Putnam at last. "To-morrow I'll have a thorough

The cadets went to work "chawin' good and proper," as Andy expressed it,
and inside of half an hour the sheets and night clothing were
straightened out, and then the lads went to bed, tired but highly
excited. All voted that this was the most strenuous day that had ever
come to them.

"Captain Putnam can think as he pleases," said Pepper. "I am certain in
my mind that the Pornell fellows did this, although how they managed it
without being seen is a wonder to me."

"It wasn't so difficult, with all the cadets and all the teachers away,"
answered Stuffer. "They must have gotten in on the sly and then posted a

"If we find out it was really the Pornell fellows we ought to pay 'em
back," spoke up Dale.

"We will," answered Pepper promptly.

On the following morning both the cadets and the teachers had calmed
down, and Captain Putnam acted like quite another person. A rigid
investigation was held, but nothing came of it, although the missing
school books were found in a hall closet. Acting on Jack's advice Bob
Grenwood went to the master of the school and told his story in detail,
adding that he could prove by Mr. Laning, the farmer, and by the people
in Cedarville how he had put in his time.

"Well, Grenwood, if you are innocent of this rough-house work I am glad
to know it," answered Captain Putnam finally. And so that matter was
dropped. But he still believed poor Grenwood guilty of having
distributed the blank cartridges and refused to reinstate the

Two days later the new teacher arrived and was introduced to the cadets
by Captain Putnam. Mr. Pluxton Cuddle proved to be a large man, fully
six feet two inches in height and weighing at least two hundred pounds.
He had a shock of heavy black hair, a heavy black moustache, and heavy
black eyebrows. When he spoke his voice was almost a rumble, and he had
a manner of shifting his eyes constantly and of rubbing his hands
together as if soaping them well.

"I am sure we shall get along well together, young gentlemen," he said
in a voice that could be heard out on the campus. "Education is a great
thing, a grand thing, and while you are at this institution you must
make the most of your opportunities. My heart goes out to all boys who
desire to elevate themselves mentally, and you who love to study will
find me your best friend. In a few days I shall feel more at home here,
and then we will see how much of precious study we can crowd into the
all but too short hours of school life." And having said this he bowed
profoundly and sat down.

"Phew! but he's a corker!" whispered Pepper to Jack. "I rather think
he'll make us sit up and take notice, eh?"

"Right you are, Pep," answered the young major. "If I am any judge he'll
be even stricter than old Crabtree."

"Looks like a chap who would carry out his ideas, once he had made up
his mind," came from Andy.

"Silence in the classroom!" called out Captain Putnam, and then, after a
few words more, he left the new teacher and the students alone. Mr.
Pluxton Cuddle got to work at once, and that day the boys studied more
mathematics, astronomy and physics than ever before. They found that Mr.
Cuddle was a regular "slave driver," as Dale called him. Even Joe
Nelson, studious as he was, shook his head.

"He'd want to keep a fellow at it every minute," he observed. "I don't
mind boning away, but I want a breathing spell now and then."

In the mess hall Pluxton Cuddle made himself even more disliked than in
the classrooms. Hardly had the cadets at his table begun to eat when he
commenced to find fault.

"The food is really cooked too much," he said. "It is not healthy for
the human stomach to eat food so well-done. And, boys, do not overload
your stomachs. An overloaded stomach befogs the brain. To grow up
clear-brained one must eat little and only that which is rare-done."

"Gracious! does he want to starve us?" cried Pepper.

"He shan't starve me!" returned Stuffer. He looked up to see the eyes of
the new teacher fastened on him and his plateful of victuals.

"I say, you!" cried Pluxton Cuddle, pointing a long finger at poor
Stuffer. "Do you mean to eat all that food?"

"Ye--yes, sir," stammered Singleton.

"It is entirely too much, young man, entirely too much. Why, sir, do you
know the capacity of the human stomach?"

"I know what mine can hold," answered Stuffer, and at this answer a
titter arose.

"Half of that food is sufficient for any boy," went on Pluxton Cuddle,
and glared around so sharply that the tittering stopped at once. "You
cannot have a clear brain if you stuff yourself."

"Captain Putnam lets me eat what I please," grumbled Stuffer.

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