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The Putnam Hall Rebellion 1

The Putnam Hall Rebellion 1

The Putnam Hall Rebellion, by Arthur M. Winfield


  CHAPTER                                                           PAGE
  I. Out on the Campus                                                 1
  II. Pepper Plays a Joke                                             11
  III. At Target Practice                                             21
  IV. The Blank Cartridges                                            32
  V. A "Rough House" at Putnam Hall                                   41
  VI. The New Teacher                                                 51
  VII. An Encounter on the Lake                                       60
  VIII. Starching and Blueing                                         71
  IX. What Happened at the Ice House                                  81
  X. A Mix-up on the Road                                             91
  XI. What Happened to Andy                                          101
  XII. The Beginning of a Rebellion                                  111
  XIII. Pluxton Cuddle's Proposition                                 121
  XIV. In Which the Storm Gathers                                    131
  XV. Words and Blows                                                141
  XVI. Prisoners in the Dormitories                                  151
  XVII. Andy Snow's Discovery                                        159
  XVIII. On a Foraging Expedition                                    167
  XIX. What Happened to Jack Ruddy                                   175
  XX. The Escape from the Guardroom                                  183
  XXI. How the Cadets Ran Away                                       191
  XXII. Josiah Crabtree Is Worried                                   199
  XXIII. A Discovery in the Woods                                    207
  XXIV. The Rival Runaways                                           215
  XXV. News of Interest                                              222
  XXVI. After the Stolen Camp Outfit                                 229
  XXVII. A Case of Tit for Tat                                       236
  XXVIII. After the Tramps                                           243
  XXIX. Something of a Confession                                    250
  XXX. Back to School--Conclusion                                    262


My Dear Boys:

This story is complete in itself, but forms the fourth in a line known
under the general title of "Putnam Hall Series."

As I have said before, this series was started at the request of
numerous boys and girls who had read some volumes of my "Rover Boys
Series," and who wanted to know what had taken place at Putnam Hall
Military Academy previous to the arrival there of the three Rover

In the first volume of this series, called "The Putnam Hall Cadets," I
related how Captain Putnam came to found the institution and also told
of the doings of Jack Ruddy, Pepper Ditmore and their chums. The young
cadets were whole-souled and full of fun, and enjoyed themselves to the

In the second volume, entitled "The Putnam Hall Rivals," more of the
doings of the cadets were chronicled, and the particulars were given of
a queer balloon ride, and of an odd discovery in the woods.

The third volume, "The Putnam Hall Champions," brought Jack and Pepper
once again to the front, in a series of stirring athletic contests. They
had some bitter rivals, and one of these played Jack a most foul trick,
which came close to having a serious ending.

Ever since the opening of the school the scholars had had much trouble
with an overbearing teacher named Josiah Crabtree. When the Hall was
left in charge of Crabtree and a new instructor named Cuddle, matters
rapidly grew worse, until there seemed nothing for the lads to do but to
rebel. How this was done, and what the rebellion led to, I leave for the
pages which follow to relate.

Once more I thank my young friends for the interest they have shown in
my books. May this tale please you in every way.

                  Affectionately and sincerely yours,
                                                     Arthur M. Winfield.

                       THE PUTNAM HALL REBELLION

                               CHAPTER I
                           OUT ON THE CAMPUS

"Boys, we are to have target practice to-morrow."

"Good!" cried Pepper Ditmore. "That suits me exactly. Just wait, Jack,
and see me make half a dozen bull's-eyes, handrunning."

"Why don't you make it a dozen, Pep, while you are at it?" answered
Major Jack Ruddy, with a smile.

"If Pep makes one bull's-eye he will be lucky," came from another of the
cadets gathered on the Putnam Hall campus. "The last time we had
practice, instead of hitting the target he almost killed a cow in the
next field."

"Hold on, Andy Snow!" cried Pepper. "I shot straight enough, but the
wind blew so hard it sent the bullet the wrong way. Now if----"

"What a pity the wind didn't shift the target to meet the bullet," cried
Paul Singleton. "Now when I shoot----"

"You're too fat to shoot, Stuffer," interrupted a youth who spoke with a
strong Irish accent. "Sure, if you had to crawl up on the inimy, like in
war, you'd tip over on your nose!" And at this sally from Joseph Hogan a
laugh arose.

"I'd rather be fat than skinny," retorted Paul, whose waist measurement
exceeded that of any other cadet of the Hall.

"Where are we to do the practicing?" asked another boy, who was somewhat
of a newcomer, having been a pupil at the Military Academy for less than
a term.

"I understand we are to go to Rawling's pasture, Fred," answered Jack
Ruddy. "Captain Putnam is going to make the test a very thorough one,
too, for he says all of the students here ought to be first-class

"Well, I'd certainly like to know how to handle a rifle," answered Fred
Century. "I've used a shotgun, in the woods, but never a rifle. I'm
afraid I'll make a rather poor showing at first."

"Many of the fellows will," returned the young major. "It isn't given to
everybody to become a good shot, no matter how hard a fellow tries."

While the others were talking, a big, broad-shouldered youth joined the
gathering. He was Dale Blackmore, the captain of the Putnam Hall
football team, and a general leader in all kinds of athletic sports.

"Talking about the rifle practice, eh," said Dale. "I just heard the
other fellows talking of it, too. One of 'em said he was going to show
your crowd how to shoot," and he nodded toward Jack Ruddy.

"Who was it?" questioned the young major.

"Reff Ritter."

"Oh, that bully makes me tired!" cried Pepper Ditmore. "Every time
anything is going on he tries to push himself to the front--and nobody
wants him--at least I don't want him."

"Nor I," came from Andy Snow and Paul Singleton.

"Sure, an' I doubt if he's any better shot nor Major Jack," remarked

"Not half as good, Emerald," interposed Pepper quickly. "Jack's a
soldier through and through. If he wasn't the fellows wouldn't have
elected him major."

"Perhaps Reff Ritter is a good marksman," said Jack. "He has made some
fair scores and he may have been practicing up for this contest. Who was
he talking to, Dale?"

"Oh, his usual crowd of hangers-on, Gus Coulter, Nick Paxton, Billy
Sabine, and that bunch. Coulter thinks, too, that he can make a big

"Well, I'll bank on Jack--and on Bart Conners," said Pepper. "Bart is a
good shot and always was."

"Say, here comes Reff Ritter now," whispered Andy, as a youth with a
somewhat sour-looking countenance put in an appearance. "Gus Coulter is
with him."

"Hello, Reff!" sang out one of the boys, Dave Kearney by name. "I hear
you are going to wax us all at target practice to-morrow."

"Who told you?" demanded Reff Ritter, coming to a halt.

"Oh, I heard it."

"Yes, Reff and I are going to make star records," came from Gus Coulter.

"Perhaps you think you can shoot better than Major Ruddy and Captain
Conners?" questioned Andy Snow.

"We can," came from Reff Ritter promptly. "When it comes to handling a
rifle I don't take a back seat for anybody."

"Must have been practicing a tremendous lot lately," was Pepper's

"Never mind what I've been doing," growled Reff Ritter. "I'm willing to
bet anybody here a new hat that I come out ahead to-morrow." And he
gazed around with a "you don't dare to take me up" look.

"I'd take that bet," answered Pepper dryly. "Only a new hat would do me
no good--since I have to wear the regulation cap here. Just the same,
Reff, my boy, you won't come out ahead of Jack and Bart, and I know
it--and neither will you, Gus."

"Huh! just wait and see," grumbled Coulter.

"You fellows think that because you have won a few races and things like
that you can win everything," said Reff Ritter, sourly. "Well, to-morrow
you'll find out differently. After the shooting is over you'll see where
I and Gus and Nick Paxton stand." And with this remark he strutted off,
arm in arm with Coulter.

"Say, but he is in a bad humor," observed Andy Snow. "Somebody must have
brushed his fur the wrong way."

"He has been behind in his lessons for over a week," answered a boy
named Joe Nelson, a quiet and studious lad. "Yesterday Captain Putnam
called him into the office for a talk. When Reff came out he looked
pretty glum."

"Must have gotten a strong lecture," said Pepper. "And lectures don't
agree with such fellows as Ritter."

"Do they agree with you, Pep?" asked the young major of the school
battalion, with a twinkle in his eye.

"Me? Not much! I'd rather write a composition in Latin than face the
captain for a lecture! But, just the same, you can be sure Ritter didn't
get it harder than he deserved."

"There is nothing like blowing one's own horn," observed Fred Century.
"And certainly Reff Ritter knows how to do that to perfection."

"Time for drill, boys!" cried Jack Ruddy, as a bell rang out. "Now, do
your best on the parade ground, even if you don't know how to hit the
target." And off he ran to get ready to assume command of the Putnam
Hall battalion.

The bell had hardly ceased to ring when there followed the rolling of a
drum, and out on the school campus poured the students, in their neat
military uniforms, and with their guns and swords polished to the
highest degree. Major Jack Ruddy was at the head of the battalion, which
consisted of Companies A and B, under the commands of Bart Conners and a
youth named Henry Lee.

"Battalion attention!" commanded Major Jack, after the rattle of the
drum had ceased. "Shoulder arms! Forward, march!" And then the drums
beat, the fifes struck up a lively air, and the cadets began a march
around the school grounds.

To those who have read the previous volumes of this "Putnam Hall
Series," the lads mentioned above will need no special introduction. For
the benefit of others let me state that Putnam Hall Military Academy was
a fine institution of learning, located on the shore of Cayuga Lake, in
New York State. It was owned by Captain Victor Putnam, a retired army
officer, who, in days gone by, had seen strenuous military service in
the far West. It was modeled somewhat after West Point, our great
national school for soldiery, but, of course, on far less pretentious
proportions. The school building proper, located not far from the lake,
was of brick and stone, and contained many classrooms, a big mess hall,
a business office, library and sitting room, and, on the upper floors,
many dormitories. Besides this building there were a gymnasium, a
boathouse, a barn, and half a dozen minor structures. The location was
ideal, exactly suited to such a school as Captain Putnam had

Jack Ruddy and Pepper Ditmore were chums, hailing from the western part
of New York State. Jack was a little the older of the two and was
inclined to be studious. Pepper was full of fun, and on this account was
often called The Imp, a nickname that did not bother him in the least.

When Jack and Pepper first arrived at the school, as related in the
initial volume of this series, called "The Putnam Hall Cadets," they
found that no regular military organization had yet been effected. After
some time spent in drilling and studying, the cadets were permitted to
ballot for their own officers, with the result that Jack became the
major of the battalion, Henry Lee captain of Company A, and Bart Conners
captain of Company B. Jack wanted Pepper to try for an official
position, but The Imp declined, stating he thought he could have more
fun as a private.

At that time there was an overbearing lad at the school named Dan
Baxter. He bribed Coulter and some others to vote for him, but
nevertheless was defeated. Baxter was now away on a vacation, and Jack
and his chums wished he would never come back.

It was not long before Jack and Pepper made many friends, including Andy
Snow, who was an acrobatic youth, used to doing marvellous "stunts" in
the gymnasium; Dale Blackmore, of football fame; Hogan, whose Irish wit
was delightful to listen to; Stuffer Singleton, who much preferred
eating to studying, and Joe Nelson, the best scholar the Hall possessed.

But if Jack and Pepper made many friends, they also made many rivals and
not a few enemies. Baxter was gone, but Reff Ritter remained, and what
sort of a fellow he was we have already seen. As Andy Snow said, Ritter
frequently imagined that he "was the whole show." His particular cronies
were Gus Coulter and Nick Paxton, while he had something of an admirer
in a small lad named Fenwick, usually known as "Mumps," who was a
contemptible sneak, as had been proved on more than one occasion.

The organizing of the school had been followed by hard studying, yet not
a few adventures had fallen to the lot of Major Jack and Pepper, and
some of their chums. In the middle of one of the terms George Strong,
the second assistant teacher, disappeared. He was found a prisoner in a
hut, being kept there by two insane relatives, and to rescue him proved
no easy task.

The assistant teacher's ancestry dated back to Revolutionary times, and
he told the boys of a treasure buried in that vicinity by some
relatives. How the treasure was unearthed had been told in detail in
"The Putnam Hall Rivals."

With the coming of summer, the attention of the cadets was given largely
to sports in the field and on the water. Jack's uncle presented him with
a fine sloop, the _Alice_, and in this the young major sailed several
races, as related in the third volume of this series, entitled "The
Putnam Hall Champions." The cadets also held a great bicycle race and a
hill climbing contest, and they likewise had a bowling match with the
team of a rival school, Pornell Academy. At that time Fred Century was a
student at Pornell, but he became disgusted at the way his fellow
students acted, and at the treatment he received from Doctor Pornell,
and left that institution of learning and came to Putnam Hall.

As the time went on Reff Ritter became more and more jealous of Major
Jack's popularity. A contest in the gymnasium was arranged between the
two, and then Ritter, with a wickedness which he was wise enough to keep
to himself, dosed the young major with some French headache powders,
putting the stuff in Jack's drinking water. As a consequence, Jack,
while on the flying rings, became dizzy and then unconscious, and would
have hurt himself seriously had he not been caught as he fell. He was
put to bed and was sick for some time. It was discovered that he had
been dosed, but, so far, the perpetrator of the vile deed had managed to
keep his identity a secret. Jack and Pepper suspected Ritter, but not
being able to prove the rascal guilty, could do nothing.

                               CHAPTER II
                          PEPPER PLAYS A JOKE

As there were a great many students to take part, it had been arranged
that the whole of the next day should be devoted to rifle practice. The
cadets were to march to Rawling's pasture directly after breakfast, and
each youth was to carry his lunch with him, as well as his rifle and
some rounds of ammunition.

"Now, young gentlemen," said Captain Putnam, when the quartermaster of
the battalion had distributed the cartridges. "Kindly remember that your
cartridges have bullets in them. I want no loading or firing without
permission. A rifle, thoughtlessly discharged, may do great harm, and
there will be no need of loading your guns until you are called upon to
fire at one of the targets."

"Have we--we all got to do the--the firing?" asked Fenwick, the school
sneak, in a trembling voice.

"Certainly," answered Captain Putnam.

"I'll wager Mumps is afraid to shoot with bullets," whispered Pepper to
Andy Snow. "He always handles his gun as if he was afraid it would go

"He's as much of a coward as he is a sneak," answered Andy. His face
broke into a sudden grin. "I've got an idea," he whispered.

"Let me in on it quick," returned Pepper, scenting fun.

"I've got a pack of firecrackers, left over from last Fourth of

"Andy, how could you keep them all this time?" cried The Imp,
reproachfully. "Why, a pack of firecrackers means dead loads of fun. Let
me have them, please."

"What, the whole pack? Not much! I want some fun myself, sometime. I'll
let you have a dozen crackers, though."

"All right--I'll make them do."

"Want to play a trick on Mumps?"

"Yes, keep your eye peeled for fun."

This talk took place half an hour before the boys were to start away
from the school. Having procured the firecrackers, Pepper sought out the
school sneak and found him talking to Billy Sabine, a cadet who was at
times a sneak and then again quite a good fellow. Mumps had his gun over
his shoulder and Sabine had his firearms across his elbow. Without being
observed, The Imp lit the long stems of two firecrackers and dropped one
down the barrel of each weapon.

"Hullo, you fellows!" he cried, hurriedly. "Have you heard the news?"

"What's that?" asked both of the others, while a small crowd began to

"Somebody has sticks of dynamite, and some of the stuff was put in some
of the guns," went on Pepper innocently. "You want to look out, or your
gun may explode and blow you to bits."

"Gracious me, is that possible!" ejaculated Mumps, and turned pale.

"I didn't know----" began Sabine, and then glanced at the muzzle of his
weapon. "I declare, what makes that smoke? And look, your gun is
smoking, too!" he added, to Mumps.

"It's the dynamite----" began Pepper, and backed away as if in terror.

"Oh, dear, do you really think so?" quaked Mumps. "If I thought---- Oh!"

Bang! went one of the firecrackers, and both Mumps and Sabine let out
yells of fear. Bang! went the second cracker, and now both cadets threw
their guns from them and ran toward the school building.

"It's the dynamite! We'll be blown to pieces!" screamed Mumps.

"Somebody wants to kill us!" roared Sabine, and put his hands to his
ears, as if to keep out the sounds of some awful explosion.

And then both boys disappeared around a corner of the Hall. As they did
this The Imp rushed forward, cleaned the guns of the exploded
firecrackers, and threw the burning bits of cracker paper in some

"What a joke!" cried Andy, who has witnessed the scene, and he and a
number of others laughed heartily.

"They'll be afraid to touch the guns after this," was Emerald's comment.
"Sure, they'll think the old Nick is after bein' in 'em, so they will!"

"Here they come back!" called out Dave Kearney. "And look, they've got
old Crabtree with them!"

"If Crabtree is coming I think I'll dust out!" murmured Pepper, and lost
no time in disappearing.

Josiah Crabtree was the first assistant teacher, and he was as cordially
hated by the majority of the cadets as George Strong, the second
assistant, was beloved. Crabtree was a fine scholar, but he was
headstrong and sarcastic, and continually "picking" at those under him,
no matter how hard they studied or how well they behaved.

"What is this I hear about dynamite?" he demanded, as he strode up and
glared at the assembled boys.

"Dynamite?" asked Andy innocently. "Did you say dynamite, Mr. Crabtree?"

"I did. There was an explosion out here. These boys' guns----"

"Why, these guns are all right," said Dale Blackmore, picking them up.
"I guess Fenwick and Sabine got scared at nothing."

"They certainly did," added Andy, and then, getting behind the teacher,
he doubled up his fist and shook it threateningly at Mumps and Billy.

Now, if there was one thing both the younger cadets feared it was a
whipping, and this suggestive attitude of Andy made each of them quail.
They both realized that if they told on Pepper they would be punished
for it. Each took his gun rather sheepishly.

"Fenwick, what have you to say?" began Josiah Crabtree. Just then the
welcome rattle of the drum was heard, calling the battalion to get ready
for the march.

"I--I guess it was a--a mistake," faltered the sneak. "Can I go and get
in line, please sir?" he added.

"I--er--I suppose so--since this is no time to investigate," answered
Josiah Crabtree; and off ran Mumps and Sabine, and the others also

"Well, what did Crabtree say?" asked Pepper of Andy, when he got the

"Didn't have time to say much--the drum call broke in on his
investigation. I hope, for your sake, Pep, he doesn't take it up when we
get back," added the acrobatic youth.

It was a beautiful day for the outing, and the cadets certainly
presented an inspiring sight as they marched from the campus and turned
into the country road leading to the pasture where the rifle practice
was to be held. Captain Putnam was on horseback, along with George
Strong and an old army officer named Pallott, who was to assist in
showing the boys how to hold their rifles while shooting and how best to
take aim. Behind this little cavalcade came Major Jack with his sword
flashing brightly, and followed by Company A and Company B. To the front
were the two drummers and two fifers, making the welkin ring with their
martial music.

"Hi, you look fine, so you do!" sang out an old farmer, as he drew up by
the roadside with his wagon to let them pass. "You're a credit to this
section. If I had the money I'd send my son Jock to train with you, yes,
I would!" And he waved a grimy hand after them.

A little later the cadets heard the honk honk of an automobile horn and
soon a big touring car came into sight. It contained Roy Bock, Bat
Sedley and several other students from Pornell Academy. As soon as Bock
saw the young soldiers he stopped his machine.

"Hello, look at the tin soldiers!" he sang out. "Going to hunt

"No, we are going to hunt somebody who knows how to bowl," retorted
Pepper, who was near.

"Huh! We can bowl right enough and don't you forget it," growled Bock.

"Yes, but you can't beat Putnam Hall," retorted Dale; and then the
cadets passed on, leaving the bully of the rival school in anything but
a happy frame of mind.

"Those tin soldiers make me sick," said one of the students in the
touring car.

"We ought to get square with them for taking our trophies away," said

"They did that because we stole their cannon and flagstaff," added

"I don't see how Fred Century can train with them," added a youth named

"We'll square it up with them some day," came from Roy Bock. "Just wait
till I think of something good. I've got it in for Jack Ruddy, Pepper
Ditmore and that crowd, and don't you forget it!"

"I've got it!" cried another boy. "The whole crowd is away from the
school to-day. Why can't we visit the place on the sly and turn things

"Somebody must be left behind," answered Will Carey, who was far from
brave, as my old readers know.

"That doesn't matter--we can keep out of the servants' way--or get them
out of ours," answered Roy Bock. His crafty face became fixed for a
moment. "That's a good idea. Let us visit Putnam Hall by all means and
fix things up! When those tin soldiers get back they won't know what to
make of it!"

"Well, we don't want to get caught at this," said Carey.

"Are you afraid?" demanded Bock.

"No, but----"

"No 'buts' about it," said a youth named Grimes, who hated Major Jack
and his chums greatly. "I'm for visiting Putnam Hall to-day. We couldn't
have a better chance, with the captain and his cadets away."

The touring car journeyed along slowly and the students from Pornell
Academy talked the matter over carefully. Just as they came in sight of
the Hall they saw a buggy drive away from the entrance and turn in the
direction of Cedarville, the nearest village.

"There goes the head teacher, a fellow named Crabtree," said Bock. "The
fellow driving him is Peleg Snuggers, the general helper. Boys, outside
of some help that doesn't count, the coast is clear!"

"I've got a scheme," said Grimes. "Let us hide the auto in the woods,
and then disguise ourselves as tramps by rubbing dust on our faces and
putting on the old auto dusters. Then we can sneak up to the school
building and the gym., and learn how the land lays."

"Yes,--and turn things inside out," answered Roy Bock, with a gloating
look. "Oh, won't they be surprised when they get back to-night!"

The suggestion to hide the touring car and disguise themselves was
quickly put into execution, and then, with great caution, the six
students from Pornell Academy leaped a side hedge and made for the
gymnasium. Here they spent nearly half an hour in "fixing things up" to
their satisfaction. Then they entered the school building by a side
door, and while three went to the library and classrooms the others
ascended to the dormitories. They took care to keep out of the way of
all the hired help, although to do so taxed their ingenuity to the

"Now, I reckon we have done something toward squaring accounts,"
remarked Roy Bock, as he led the way back to the touring car. "Even the
servants won't be able to straighten things out. When those folks get
back they won't know their own school!"

                              CHAPTER III
                           AT TARGET PRACTICE

"Here we are! Now to make nothing but bull's-eyes!"

It was Pepper who spoke, as the Hall cadets came to a halt in Rawling's
pasture,--a lot containing nearly a hundred acres which were almost as
smooth as a barn floor. It had taken the battalion almost an hour to
march there, and the students were allowed half an hour in which to rest
up previous to beginning the contest on the three ranges which had been
established in the pasture. The ranges were of one hundred yards, two
hundred yards, and three hundred yards, the last named distance being
deemed sufficiently great for the light rifles the cadets used. Had they
had arms of greater caliber, Captain Putnam would have made the long
range five hundred yards.

"I don't expect to make very much of a score," said Andy Snow. "I am not
much of a shooter. Now if it was a contest in the gym.----"

"Andy would win all the medals," finished Jack, with a laugh.

"I'd rather have a fishing contest," put in Stuffer, who loved to go out
with his rod.

"Sure, and what's the matter wid an eating contest, Stuffer?" inquired
Hogan, with a broad grin. "I'm after thinking you'd take the head prize
there--and all the others, too!"

"Huh, you needn't talk," grumbled Stuffer. "I notice you can do your
share when we sit down in the mess hall."

"That's one thing I like about Putnam Hall," declared Fred Century. "A
fellow always gets enough to eat--at least I do. Now at Pornell Academy
the meals were very uneven. The dinners were usually good, but some of
the suppers were woefully slim."

"If the meals were slim here I'd rebel," answered Pepper.

"So would I!" cried Stuffer. "I'd raise the biggest kick you ever heard
of." How true their words were to become we shall see later.

The shooting soon began--at a distance of one hundred yards, and for two
hours there was a steady crack! crack! of the rifles.

Each cadet had three shots at each target. A bull's-eye counted five, so
a perfect score would total up to forty-five.

On the short range, Jack managed to make three bull's-eyes, thus scoring
15. Pepper got 13 and Andy 11. Much to his own delight Reff Ritter got
15, although one of his shots barely touched the bull's-eye. Coulter
received but 9, much to his disgust. The other cadets ranged from 10 to
5,--the five being made by Mumps, who was almost afraid to discharge his

"Wouldn't Mumps make a fine soldier!" whispered Pepper to Jack. "If he
saw the enemy approaching he'd run for all he was worth."

"If he didn't get too frightened to move," added the young major.

"He certainly is both a coward and a sneak."

At the two-hundred yard range Jack made 14, while Pepper finished with
13, the same as before. The long-range shooting was not to take place
until after lunch.

"I don't know whether to call it my unlucky thirteen or not," said The
Imp. "It's not so good as your score, but it's better than some others."

"It is certainly lucky," answered Andy, who had made but 9 on the middle
range. "If you do so well on the long range you'll be one of the

"Reff Ritter made 14," put in Joe Nelson. "He and Jack and Bart Conners
are tied for first place so far."

"Coulter had dropped behind, and Paxton's score isn't much better than
Mump's," came from Dale Blackmore.

"I've got two elevens," said Fred Century. "I don't think that's so bad
for a fellow who hasn't used a rifle for some years."

Lunch was had in the shade of a number of trees growing at the edge of
the pasture. While the cadets were eating many of them stacked their
rifles and hung their belts and cartridge boxes on the weapons. Jack put
aside his sword and also the gun and cartridge holder he had been using.
There was a small brook nearby, fed by springs, and in this many of the
boys washed their hands and faces before eating.

While the meal was still in progress Gus Coulter motioned to Reff Ritter
and Nick Paxton, and the three drew away from the crowd and into some
bushes behind the trees.

"I've got an idea," said Coulter, in a low voice. "I don't know if we
can work it or not, but if we can--well, somebody will be surprised,
that's all."

"What's your idea?" demanded Ritter.

"I was hanging around when Bob Grenwood, the quartermaster, was giving
out the ammunition for the shooting after lunch, on the three-hundred
yard range. I heard him say that he had brought along a case of blanks
by mistake. He said they looked a good deal like the cartridges that had
bullets in. Now if we could get hold of that case of blanks----"

"We can do that easily enough," interrupted Nick Paxton. "The case is
right over yonder, on a rock." And he pointed with his hand.

"I reckon I know what you mean," said Reff Ritter, a wise look coming
into his face. "You mean for us to get the blanks and substitute them
for the regular cartridges some of the fellows intend to use."

"Exactly. Can we do it?"

"I don't know. But it's a great scheme. I'd like to put it up Ruddy's
back--and up Ditmore's back, too." Ritter bit his lip in thought for a
moment. "Let's see if we can get hold of that case of cartridges

With great care the plotters stole through the bushes and up to the rock
upon which rested the case containing the blank cartridges. All of the
other cadets were busy lunching and nobody noticed them as they hauled
the box out of sight.

"The cover is loose, anyway," reported Ritter. "Guess I'll take a few
out, just for luck," and he appropriated about a dozen blanks.

"Take out the top layer," suggested Coulter. "Then Grenwood won't be so
apt to notice that the box has been trifled with." And he and Paxton did
so. Then the cover was slid into place once more and the case was
restored to its original position. The blanks certainly looked like full
cartridges, being tipped with silvery paper.

"Now to do some substituting," said Reff Ritter. "That's the hardest
part of the job. Some of the fellows are hanging around those cartridge
belts and boxes."

"Maybe we can get them to walk away," suggested Coulter. "Get them
interested in something, you know."

"I have it!" cried Ritter. "Nick, you walk down in the woods on the
other side of the brook and yell like mad. Say you saw a big snake, or
something. That will draw the crowd, and then Gus and I can get in our
work with the blank cartridges."

"I'll do it," answered Nick Paxton, and hurried around through the
bushes and across the brook. He had been gone about five minutes when
the cadets at lunch, as well as Captain Putnam and the others, heard a
great yelling.

"Help! help! A snake! A snake!"

"What's that?" exclaimed half a dozen, and then, as the yelling was
continued, a rush was made in the direction of the brook.

"Now is our chance," said Ritter to Coulter, and then the pair stole out
of the bushes and in the direction of the stacked arms and the cartridge
belts and boxes.

"What's the matter, Paxton?" demanded Captain Putnam, who was the first
to arrive at the spot from whence the cries for help emanated.

"A snake, sir!" answered the cadet glibly. "Ugh! He ran right between my
legs!" And Paxton pretended to shiver.

"A snake!" cried several.

"Where is it?"

"Why didn't you kill it?"

"Yes, a snake, and--and I guess it was a rattler, too. It was about that
long," and Nick Paxton held his hands as far apart as possible. "I
couldn't kill it for I didn't have a thing in my hand. I--er--I looked
for a rock, but the snake was too quick for me."

The news that a snake was around--and that it might be a rattlesnake at
that--alarmed many of the cadets, and some of them recrossed the brook
to the open pasture. But others, and Captain Putnam, began a hunt for
the reptile, but, of course, without success.

"We may as well give up the search," said the master of the Hall, after
a hunt of ten minutes. "If it was a rattlesnake it has managed to get

"What was you doing here, Paxton?" asked Andy.

"Why I--er--I came over to look for--er--for ferns," stammered the youth
who had played the trick.

"Ferns? Didn't know you were interested in ferns," observed Joe Nelson,
who was something of a collector of plants himself.

"Oh, I do a little collecting now and then," answered Paxton, and then
walked off, to escape being questioned further.

Half an hour later the noonday rest came to an end and the target
practice was again taken up. In the presence of his pupils Captain
Putnam took several shots at the long distance target, making a
bull's-eye each time. Then he and the old army officer who had been
hired showed the boys how to fire to the best advantage.

Reff Ritter was one of the first to shoot at the three hundred yard
target, and much to his chagrin got only three fours--a total of 12.
Coulter got but 9, and Paxton 7.

When Jack stepped to the front with the rifle and cartridge box he had
been using Reff Ritter winked suggestively at Coulter and Paxton.

"Now we'll see something rich!" whispered Coulter.

"Hush! you want to keep this to yourself," warned the bully of the Hall.

"Now, Jack, a bull's-eye!" said Pepper to his chum.

"Right in the middle of the eye, too," added Andy.

"I'll do what I can," answered the young major, modestly.

With great care he took aim at the target and pulled the trigger. There
was a crack and a flash and then a moment of breathless waiting.

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