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The Putnam Hall Rebellion 8

The Putnam Hall Rebellion 8

"Say, Stuffer, this doesn't seem to be right," observed Andy, after a
full mile and a half had been covered.

"Huh! I know I am right," was the reply. "We'll get to the barn in a few

They continued to go forward, up a slight rise of ground and then down
into something of a hollow. Andy was just about to say again that he
thought they were on the wrong path when he caught sight of a small

"Hello, see that!" he exclaimed.

"They have arrived and lit a fire!" answered Stuffer. "I don't blame
them. It is pretty cold. But they are running the risk of being

"Stuffer, this isn't the location of the old barn. We are not near the

"How do you know?"

"The locality doesn't look like it. These are hemlock trees, while back
of the barn there are chestnuts and walnuts."

"That's so too," and now Stuffer became doubtful.

Moving a little more slowly, the two boys drew closer to the campfire.
They saw that it was in a little clearing, to one side of which were
some rocks and a spring of water. On the other side several small trees
had been cut down and a rude shelter erected, covered with an old wagon
top and several old horse blankets.

"Must be a gypsy camp," said Stuffer, in a low tone, as the two boys
stepped behind some bushes to gaze at the scene presented.

"They are tramps," was Andy's answer. "Don't you see the hoboes lying

He pointed to the forms of three men resting near the campfire. They
were all rough-looking individuals and their clothing and shoes were
much dilapidated. Several empty bottles lay scattered around, indicating
that the fellows were drinkers. Near the shelter were a pile of chicken
feathers and the skin of a lamb.

"I'll tell you what I think," whispered Andy. "These are not only tramps
but also thieves. They have been robbing the farmers' henroosts and
somebody's sheepfold. They've got a regular hangout here. I wonder how
many of them there are?"

"I see three--but some of the crowd may be under the shelter. If they
are thieves they ought to be locked up."

"Yes. Shall we go into the camp and ask them the way?"

"I don't think we ought to trust them. They might detain us, and rob

Putting out the light so that they might not be discovered, the two
cadets walked around the camp of the tramps. They saw that it was a
hangout that had been used for some time. With great caution they stole
up to the back of the rude shelter and peered within. They saw three
more men, who were all snoring lustily.

"That makes six all told," said Stuffer, as he and his chum withdrew.

"Did you notice that fellow who was in the corner?" demanded Andy,

"Not particularly. Why?"

"Unless I am greatly mistaken he is the fellow I saw in the jewelry
store the day I was robbed--the chap I thought might be guilty."

"Is that so, Andy? Are you certain it is the fellow?"

"No, because I didn't get a good look at his face. But he certainly
looked a good deal like him."

"Then you ought to investigate--I mean later on, when we have some of
the others with us," went on Stuffer hastily. "It would be foolish for
us to tackle six men alone."

"I'll come back some time to-morrow--if I can get a crowd to come
along," was the reply from the acrobatic youth. "Beyond a doubt these
fellows are thieves, and the farmers around here would be glad to place
them under arrest."

"In that case let the Putnam Hall cadets make the capture. It will be
quite a feather in our cap."

"I'd like to get back that stolen medal and the ring," said Andy, as
they moved away from the tramps' hangout. "And I'd like to see the
guilty party punished for attacking me."

Having withdrawn into the woods once more the two cadets set to work to
find the right path to the old barn. This was no easy task, and it was
not until almost daybreak that Andy gave a cry and pointed ahead.

"I see the lake! I think I know where we are now."

He hurried on and Stuffer came behind him, and presently the pair struck
a wagon road running directly past the old Bailey barn. They ran up to
the structure, to be stopped by a cadet who was on guard.

"Halt and give the countersign!" cried the cadet.

"Hello!" cried Andy. "That sounds natural. Is the crowd here?"

"It is," answered the cadet. "How did you make out?"

Andy told him and then went in the barn, where he found the other cadets
assembled, some sleeping and a few talking in low tones. Four guards had
been stationed outside, to give the alarm, should the enemy be seen

"We might as well be on the move," said Jack, after Andy and Stuffer had
told their story. "As soon as it is daylight Crabtree and Cuddle will
most likely send somebody out to look for us."

"Yes, and we want to make a regular camp somewhere," put in Stuffer.
"Then we can start a fire and cook a good breakfast, and----"

The boy who loved to eat did not finish for several began to laugh.

"We'll make Stuffer head cook," cried Pepper. "Stuffer, how does that
suit you?"

"All right--if only you won't ask me to wash dishes," was the reply.

"Everybody will have to do his share of work," said Jack, and looked
knowingly at Pepper. Then he leaned over and whispered in Andy's ear. "I
am afraid we are going to have trouble with Reff Ritter and his crowd.
Reff wants to have everything his own way, and he thinks the fellows
ought to make him leader."

                              CHAPTER XXIV
                           THE RIVAL RUNAWAYS

By eight o'clock that morning the runaway cadets of Putnam Hall went
into camp not a great distance away from where Andy had driven the wagon
into the woods. They found an ideal spot in a small clearing surrounded
by dense woods. There the tents were pitched, and some of the boys
cleaned out a handy spring, that all the water needed might be procured.
While some of the cadets were raising the tents, others, under the
directions of Bob Grenwood and Stuffer, were preparing breakfast. The
cook stove had been set up, and three cadets had been detailed by Jack
to procure firewood.

"We'll have this camp in apple-pie order before noon," said the young
major. "I am going to observe the same kind of regulations as if we were
off on an annual encampment."

Early in the morning one of the cadets had hurried away to Cedarville,
to send a telegram to Captain Putnam, notifying him of the state of
affairs. A letter was also dropped into the post-office for the master
of the Hall, and this was marked Private. Then another letter was sent
to Josiah Crabtree, a farm boy being hired to deliver it. This letter
ran as follows:

  "Mr. Josiah Crabtree:

  "Dear Sir: We have left Putnam Hall to camp out until the return of
  Captain Putnam. To remain at the school under the management of
  yourself and Mr. Cuddle was impossible. As soon as Captain Putnam
  returns we shall lay our case before him.

                                "Yours truly,
                                               "The Students' Committee,
                                                 "Joseph Nelson, Sec'y."

"I guess that will set old Crabtree to thinking," was Dale's comment,
when the communication was dispatched. "He'll find out that he can't do
just as he pleases."

"Yes, and it will set that new teacher to thinking too," added Pepper.
"Oh, wouldn't I like to square up with Pluxton Cuddle, for cutting us
short on rations!"

Andy had told the young major about the tramps and Jack agreed to see
what could be done as soon as camp matters were arranged.

"I've got to get things into shape here first," said Jack. "I feel it in
my bones that Ritter is going to make trouble. Since we ran away he acts
like a regular sorehead."

While breakfast was being served Reff Ritter and Gus Coulter growled at
nearly everything that was being done. The camping spot, to them, was no
good, the tents were not properly placed, and Reff stated loudly that he
would have picked out a spot that had better drinking water, while
Coulter turned up his nose at the coffee served.

"This is regular dishwater," said Gus. "I thought we ran away to have
something good to eat and to drink."

"See here, Gus, if you don't like the coffee, supposing you make some
for yourself," answered Bob Grenwood, sharply.

"Huh! Maybe you think I can't make coffee!"

"This ham is about half done," came from Nick Paxton. "It isn't fit for
a dog to eat."

"Well, what can you expect, when those fellows are running everything to
suit themselves?" growled Reff Ritter. "If I was leader I'd have things

"See here, Reff!" cried Jack, sharply. "I don't like your talk at all.
The boys are doing the best they can. You can't expect everything to
work like a charm at the very start. We are all tired out, and what we
need is a good night's sleep. Don't grumble so much."

"I'll grumble if I please!" flared up the bully of the school. "You may
be major of the battalion but you can't boss me here."

"You didn't have to come with us if you didn't want to," put in Dale.
"Jack is our leader, and everybody in this camp has got to obey his

"That's the talk!" cried Pepper.

"Humph! Then I reckon the best we can do is to get out," answered
Ritter, with a meaning look at his cronies.

"Yes, give us our share of the camp stuff and we'll go," added Coulter.

"All in favor of going with Reff Ritter raise their right hand," sang
out Nick Paxton.

Evidently the matter had been talked over between the bully and his
cohorts for on the instant nine hands went up.

"Ten of us, counting Reff," said Coulter. "How many are there all told?"

"Thirty-three," answered Fred.

"Then we number about one-third of the total and we ought to have
one-third of the stuff," said a cadet who had voted to join Reff Ritter.

"That wouldn't be fair!" cried Hogan. "Sure, and it was Jack and his
chums who planned this thing and who got the most of the goods together,
so they did. Ritter didn't carry a thing but his own clothing."

"Never mind," said the young major. "If Ritter and his crowd want to
camp by themselves let them do it. We'll give them a fair share of the
tents and the provisions."

A warm discussion followed, which almost ended in a fight. But Jack's
suggestion prevailed, and just before noon Ritter and his nine followers
left, taking with them a share of the tents and the provisions. The
bully wanted more than was dealt out to him, and went away muttering
that he would pay the others back for their meanness.

"I am glad they are gone," said Jack, when the crowd had departed. "We'd
never have harmony with them around."

"Right you are," answered Pepper. "Just the same, I think we gave them
more than they deserved."

"We've got to keep our eyes peeled for them," was Dale's comment.
"Ritter is just the fellow to play us some underhanded trick."

"That's true--he doesn't know when to be grateful," said Bart Conners.

"I am glad he is gone," came from Stuffer. "Now we won't have to cook
for so many." And this remark caused a smile.

With the discontented ones gone the camp took on a more cheerful
appearance. Breakfast was finished, and the few dishes washed, and then
the majority of the cadets laid down to rest, for they had not had a
sound sleep since the rebellion had begun. Andy and Joe were anxious to
go after the tramps, but Andy could hardly keep his eyes open, while Joe
was little better off.

"Might as well wait until to-morrow," said the young major. "It isn't
likely those tramps will go away in a hurry. Most likely they intend to
stay there until cold weather."

A guard was set, which was changed every two hours, and the cadets laid
down to rest. The majority of them slept "like logs," and it was again
dark when they commenced to stir around, and Stuffer began preparations
for supper.

"Wonder what is going on at the Hall," said Jack, as he stretched
himself. "Crabtree and the others must be hunting for us."

"I don't care what they do, so long as they don't find us," answered

In the evening Pepper and Andy set off for Cedarville, to buy some
things that were needed in the camp. They took to the regular road,
thinking they could easily get out of sight if any of the enemy

As they walked along they saw a buggy approaching. It contained two
girls, and as it came closer Pepper uttered an exclamation of pleasure:

"Laura Ford and her sister Flossie! Won't they be surprised when they
learn what has happened."

The girls he mentioned were two old friends of the cadets. They were the
daughters of a Mr. Rossmore Ford, a rich gentleman who owned a summer
cottage called Point View Lodge, located on the lake shore. In the past
the boys had done the girls several services of importance and the young
ladies and their parents were correspondingly grateful.

                              CHAPTER XXV
                            NEWS OF INTEREST

"And so you've really and truly run away!" cried Laura Ford, after
Pepper and Andy had told their story. "What fun! I wish I was a cadet!"

"How angry that Mr. Crabtree must be!" came from Flossie, as she tossed
back her curls. "Of course he'll tell Captain Putnam it was all your

"Most likely," said Pepper.

"Where are you going now?" asked Laura.

"To Cedarville--to buy some things we need. You see, we came off in such
a hurry we forgot some things," and The Imp grinned.

"Can't we help you?" asked Flossie. "I'd dearly love to--you boys have
done so much for us."

"Might bake us some pies," suggested Andy, with a twinkle in his eye.

"Just the thing--only we'll get the cook to do the baking. We'll have
the pies for you to-morrow. Where shall we bring them?"

"Oh, that will be too much trouble," cried Andy. "I didn't really mean
what I said."

"But we'll get the pies for you--and some cake too. Just tell us where
to bring them," said Laura. "Can we visit your camp? I'd like to see
what it looks like."

"We'll feel honored," said Pepper, and then he told where the camp was
located. The girls said they would have the coachman drive them as close
as possible to the spot and would get there early enough, so the cadets
could have the pies for dinner. Then the two parties separated.

"Now those are girls worth knowing!" cried Pepper. "Always willing to
treat a fellow just right."

"I guess Stuffer would think so--if he knew about the pies," returned
Andy. "Well, I'd like a piece of good pie myself." And he smacked his

The boys hurried to Cedarville and there procured the articles they
wanted. Then they asked several people if any chicken thieves had been
around lately.

"Yes, indeed!" said one man. "Tom Robinson lost some chickens last week,
and so did Billy Peters and the Widow Lilly."

"Were any lambs stolen?" asked Andy.

"I heard that Landerson the butcher, had a lamb stolen a couple of weeks
ago. He just bought it from a man over to Hoetown. What do you want to
know for? Do you know anything about the thieves?"

"I think I do. I'll go over and ask the butcher about the lamb."

At the butcher shop the two cadets had quite a talk, the upshot of which
was that the butcher said he would visit the camp on the following
afternoon, bringing two farmers who had lost chickens with him. He let
the boys have some fresh meat on trust, and smiled broadly when they
asked him not to tell anybody where their camp was located.

"I know something about the trouble up to the school," he said. "One of
them teachers--I think his name is Crabapple, or something like
that--wanted my cousin, Jim Pepperhill, to go up there to keep order.
But Jim didn't like the looks of the teacher and wouldn't go."

"Did Mr. Crabtree say what the trouble was?" asked Pepper.

"Said some of the boys wouldn't behave themselves, and that they had to
be locked in their bedrooms and kept there."

From the butcher shop the two cadets visited the post-office, to see if
there was any mail for themselves and their fellow students. To their
surprise they were told that another cadet had called there only half an
hour before and taken all the cadets' mail away.

"Who was it?" asked Andy, and the clerk described the person.

"I think his name is Coulter," he said. "He has been here for mail
before. Wasn't it all right to give it to him?"

"Not just now," answered Pepper. "After this you keep some of the mail
here until one of our party calls for it." And he wrote down a list of
names. Then he and his chum hurried off in the direction of camp.

"It was mighty cheeky of Coulter to take all the mail!" grumbled Andy.
"Why didn't he sort it out and hand our mail back? Now we have got to
wait until he gets ready to bring it to us."

"Maybe he won't bring it, Andy."

"Then we'll have to go for it."

"You forget that we don't know where the Ritter crowd is located."

"Gracious, that's so! Well, we will have to find out. If he's got any of
my mail, I want it."

When the boys got back to camp the others listened with interest to what
they had to tell.

"It will be fun to go after those tramps and clean them out," said Dale.
"And if the fellow is there who attacked Andy I hope we catch him and
get back the stolen things."

"Home-made pies!" murmured Stuffer, referring to what the boys said
about the Ford girls. "Yum! yum! That's the best ever!"

"I knew that would make a bull's-eye hit with you!" said Pepper, with a
merry laugh.

"I hope they bring enough to go around. Did you tell them how many there
were of us?" asked the boy who loved to eat, anxiously.

"I told them there were over half a dozen of us," answered Pepper, with
a wink at the others.

"Oh, Pepper! Half a dozen! Then they'll only bring two or three pies,
and we won't get more than a mouthful apiece!" And Stuffer's face took
on a mournful look.

"Well, you know, Master Singleton," said The Imp, imitating Pluxton
Cuddle's tone of voice. "Too much eating is bad for a youth. It makes
him stupid and incapable of studying properly. If one ate less----"

"Oh, stop your tommy-rot about eating less!" roared Stuffer. "I guess
you must really believe in it--or you wouldn't let those Ford girls
bring only two or three pies." And he turned to walk away.

"Stop, Stuffer, Pep was only fooling," cried Andy. "They'll bring enough
pies, don't you worry." And then the youth who loved to eat felt

A campfire was kept going during the evening, and around this the
runaway cadets gathered, to tell stories, sing songs and speculate upon
how the whole affair was to end. A few were nervous, but others felt
certain that Captain Putnam would not blame them for what they had done.

"If he does, he is not the man I take him to be," said Dale.

"If he sides with Crabtree and Cuddle I shall ask my father to send me
to another school," said another.

"If we stick together he is bound to side with us," added Fred.

"Now, don't make such a mistake as that," said Jack, to the last
speaker. "Captain Putnam will not be influenced by our sticking
together, even if it breaks up his school. He will decide this case
solely on its merits. But I hope he will see that we were in the
right--at least, that we were not as much in the wrong as Josiah
Crabtree and Pluxton Cuddle."

Among the boys to be placed on guard when the cadets retired was Fred
Century. He was stationed at the east side of the camp, not far from
where the wagon stood and the horse was tethered. In the wagon were a
goodly part of the provisions, covered with a tarpaulin that had been
brought along.

Fred had not slept well the night before and was consequently sleepy. He
tramped around for a while and then sat down on a rock to rest.

He had been sitting still for several minutes, with his eyes partly
closed, when he heard a slight noise behind him. Before he could move a
cloth was clapped around his mouth and his hands were caught and held.
Then a rope was brought into play, and he was made a close prisoner and
carried away into the woods.

                              CHAPTER XXVI
                      AFTER THE STOLEN CAMP OUTFIT

"Hi, fellows, get up! Something has happened!"

It was Pepper who aroused the others, and he made such a noise that the
cadets who were asleep sprang up without delay.

"What's wrong?"

"Have the enemy discovered us?"

"Are we going back to the Hall?"

These and a number of other cries rang out, and nearly all the runaways
surrounded The Imp. For answer Pepper pointed to where the horse and
wagon had been.


"Who took them?"

"Don't ask me," was the answer. "I missed them a minute ago and tried to
find out what had become of them. But they are teetotally gone, and that
is all there is to it."

"Where are the guards?" demanded Jack. "Brightwood, did you see anything
of the horse and wagon?"

"I did not," answered one of the cadets who had been on guard duty. Then
some of the others were questioned, but all shook their heads.

"Fred Century was on guard near the wagon," said Andy, suddenly. "Where
is he?"

All looked around, but in vain.

"Maybe he drove off with the horse and wagon," suggested Hogan. "But I
don't know where he'd go, so I don't."

"Perhaps he got afraid and went back to the Hall," suggested another.

"Fred Century wasn't the sort to get afraid," answered the young major.
"But I must confess I don't understand this."

"Do you think Reff Ritter and his crowd would play this trick?" demanded

"He might, Pep, but what of Fred?"

"Maybe Century joined the Ritter gang," vouchsafed Brightwood.

"No, Fred didn't like Ritter at all," answered Andy.

"We'll have to make a search for the horse and wagon," said the young
major. "And the sooner the better. We can't afford to lose all those

"Oh, I say, can't we get breakfast first?" asked Stuffer, reproachfully.

"No, we'll hunt first and eat afterwards," said Jack, decidedly.

The cadets scattered in all directions, and less than three minutes
later Dale set up a call that brought the others running to him. He had
found poor Fred, gagged, and bound to a tree. The captive was glad to be
released and to have his power of speech restored. His story was a short

"There must have been four or five who attacked me from behind," he
said, "and they gave me no chance to cry out. I heard them talking about
taking the horse and wagon and some other things, but I couldn't do a
thing to warn any of you. They must have gotten off very quietly, not to
have attracted the attention of the other guards."

"Were they the Ritter crowd?" asked Andy.

"I am not sure. I thought perhaps they might be those tramps Andy and
Stuffer discovered in a hangout in this neighborhood."

"The tramps!" ejaculated Andy. "That's so! Why didn't I think of them!
If they rob the farmers around here, they wouldn't hesitate to rob us."

"Fred, who was on guard next to you?" asked the young major.

"Caller was on one side and Beck on the other."

"Well, Caller is a little deaf, he wouldn't be apt to hear them," said
Pepper. He looked around. "Where is Beck?"

Beck was not in sight, and then the various cadets stated they had not
seen him since he had gone on guard duty.

"He must be tied up too," said Jack. "Let us continue the hunt,

This was done, and the search lasted fully an hour. But not a trace of
the missing cadet could be discovered.

"I'll tell you what I think," said Pepper, when they met around the
campfire. "I think the Ritter crowd ran off with the horse and wagon and
I think Beck went with them. If you'll remember, he and Coulter and
Paxton are quite chummy, and Coulter wanted him to come with them when
they left our crowd. I think, if we can find out where the Ritter crowd
is staying, we can get back our things--and not before."

"Then we'll find them," cried Andy.

It was soon learned that not only were the things left in the wagon
gone, but also some of the cooking utensils and the fresh meat purchased
from the butcher in Cedarville. This discovery made the cadets more
angry than ever, and all vowed to "square up" with the Ritter crowd if
they were really guilty and if it could possibly be done.

"We gave them their share and they had no right to come here and take
more," was the way Joe Nelson expressed himself.

Breakfast was had, and then Jack divided his force into three parties.
Of these one party was to remain in camp and watch such of the outfit as
was left. The other parties were to go on a hunt for the horse and
wagon, one going to the north and the other to the west. The boys tried
to follow the wagon tracks through the woods, but this was impossible,
for many spots were hard and stony, and here the tracks were not

Jack and Pepper were in the party which moved to the westward, and they
were accompanied by four other cadets, including Dale. They spread out
in a line, about twenty feet apart, so that they might cover that
portion of the woods as well as possible.

"This may prove to be nothing but a wild goose chase," observed the
young major as they moved along. "But it is better than sitting still
and doing nothing."

They soon crossed a clearing, and then came to a wagon road leading up a
small hill. Here they saw freshly-made tracks and this gave them some

"I don't know of any farm up here," said Pepper. "And if there isn't any
farm what would a wagon be doing here this time of year?" For the road
was one for hauling wood.

"Better not make any noise," cautioned Dale, as one of the cadets
commenced to whistle. "We may be nearer that wagon than you suspect."

They moved onward for about an eighth of a mile further, and then Jack
called a halt.

"I see something moving over yonder," he said, pointing with his hand.
"I think we had better investigate."

With increased caution, for they wished if possible to surprise the
enemy, they went forward, keeping as much as possible behind the bushes
lining the wood road. Then they made a turn, and off in a little glade
to the left they saw the horse and wagon, the animal being tied to a
tree. At the edge of the glade were several tents, and in front of them
the remains of a campfire.

"Do you see anybody?" questioned Pepper, in a whisper.

"Yes, I see Ritter and Coulter, back of the tents," answered Jack. "I
see some of the fellows in the tents," announced Dale. "They are fast

"Most likely tired out, because of last night's work," said another
cadet. He looked at Jack. "What do you want us to do, Major?"

"You fellows look in the wagon and see if our stuff is there," was the
reply. "Come, Pep, let us walk behind those bushes and see if we can
discover anything more. If Ritter and Coulter are hatching out more
mischief we want to know it."

"I am with you," answered The Imp.

"If the stuff is in the wagon, shall we drive off with it?" questioned

"Yes, but don't go too far, Dale," answered Jack. "We may want you and
the other fellows here."

"All right--if you want us, give the signal."

Then, while Dale and the others hurried toward the horse and wagon, Jack
and Pepper stole behind the tents to where Ritter and Coulter were
talking earnestly. Little did the young major dream of what he was to
hear or of the discovery he was to make.

                             CHAPTER XXVII
                         A CASE OF TIT FOR TAT

Reff Ritter was evidently in high spirits over the success of his
midnight raid, for his voice sounded positive and loud. Coulter was a
little bit afraid.

"They may follow us up," were the first words Jack and Pepper caught,
coming from Gus Coulter.

"Oh, they may try it, but I don't think they can do it," answered
Ritter. "We took good care to keep to the rocks when we left their camp.
They can't follow the wagon tracks. Oh, say, but it's a rich joke on
them, isn't it?" And the bully of the Hall chuckled loudly.

"It sure is, Reff. But if they found us out----" Coulter shook his head.
"I suppose Jack Ruddy would be mad enough to chew us up."

"I am not afraid of Ruddy."

"Oh, I know that, Reff."

"And I don't think he can find us out. He isn't as knowing as you think
he is."

"Yes, but he's pretty sharp," insisted Coulter.

"Humph! He never found out how he happened to get sick so suddenly the
day we had the gymnastic contest and he fell from the flying-rings."

"Oh, you said you'd tell me all about that some day," said Coulter. "How
did you manage it, Reff?"

"It was easy enough. If I tell you, will you keep it to yourself?"


"Well, I got that French headache powder out of the medicine cabinet. I
knew about how much to use to make Ruddy dizzy and dull."

"Yes, but how did you manage to give it to him without his knowing it?"
went on Coulter with interest.

"That was easy enough. I went down to the mess room just before the
evening parade. I watched my chance, and when none of the waiters were
looking, I slipped up to Ruddy's seat and put the powder into the glass
of water in front of his plate. Just as I hoped, he came in feeling dry,
and he drank the stuff without knowing it. I think he did say something
about a bitter taste, but that was all."

"It was an all-right trick," said Coulter. "Only it didn't pan out just
as you wanted."

"But Jack Ruddy never found out about it," answered Reff Ritter. "Say,
I'm getting sleepy," he added, with a yawn. "Let's turn in, like the
rest have done."

"Want to set a guard?"

"Oh, all the fellows are too tired to stand guard," was the bully's
reply, and then he passed into one tent and Coulter into another.

With keen interest Jack and Pepper had listened to every word of the
conversation. The young major could scarcely control himself, and his
chum had to hold him back.

"The rascal!" cried Jack. "I always suspected him of having drugged me,
and now I have the proof. I ought to hammer him well!"

"Wait--don't let him see you here," pleaded Pepper, and pulled his chum
back of some bushes.

"But, Pep, that villain----"

"Yes, yes, I know. You'd like to pound the life out of him, and so would
I. But we can do no more--we can expose him to Captain Putnam."

"Certainly. But let me pound him first."

"Not yet, Jack. Remember, we are two to two, and Ritter and Coulter can
deny anything we say. We had better go slow, and fix it so that, when
the time comes for an exposure, Ritter can't worm out of it."

As angry as he was, the young major saw the wisdom of this, and he
allowed Pepper to draw him away from the vicinity of the tents. Both
rejoined Dale and the others, who were behind some bushes close to where
the horse was tied.

"Our stuff is all in the wagon," announced Dale. "We were going to drive
off with it, but we saw Ritter and Coulter looking this way and we
didn't want to be discovered."

"Wait--they are going to retire," said Pepper. "I think in a few minutes
every fellow in this camp will be asleep, and then----" He did not
finish but his eyes began to twinkle.

"Hurrah!" cried Dale. "I know what you mean! Tit for tat, eh?"

"And why not, Dale? Let me tell you fellows something." And then The Imp
repeated the conversation that had just been overheard.

"Is that true?" demanded Dale.

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