2015년 5월 18일 월요일

The Heart Line 16

The Heart Line 16

She explained: "I have a technical interest in bindings. I do some of
that work myself. It’s curious that I happened to be at work to-day on
an old copy of Montaigne. I’m rebinding it for my father’s birthday.
You’d never think my hands were of any practical use, would you?"
He laughed. "Inconsistencies like that are what baffles one most,
especially when one knows that most characters are inconsistent. But we
professionals have to go by general rules. I should expect you to be an
exception to all of them, though."
He watched her surreptitiously, noting her diminishing color, the
evasion of her glance, and the air of self-consciousness with which she
spoke, as they talked for a while of obvious thingsthe weather, the
view, and the picturesque, old-fashioned garden. She had taken the ring
and had put it upon her finger, keeping her eyes on its turquoises. Her
whole demeanor ministered to his vanity, already pleased by her frank
welcome. He was used enough to women’s interest and admiration for him
to expect it and play upon it, but this was of a shyer and more elusive
sort; it seemed to hold something more seriously considered, it baffled
him, even as he enjoyed its unction. Besides all this, too, there was a
secret romantic charm in the fact that they had shared together that
vivid experience of the past. He came back for another draught of
"It was odd that you expected me, wasn’t it?" he said. "I can’t help
wondering about it."
She had her eyes upon the Sausalito boat, which was weaving a trailing
web of foam past Alcatraz Island. At his words, she turned to him with
the same slow seriousness as before and replied:
"I shouldn’t think it would seem so remarkable to you, your own power is
so much more wonderful."
"Perhaps so in that one case, but you know I don’t, ordinarily, claim
clairvoyance. It’s only occasionally, as the other day with you, that I
attempt it."
Her eyes awakened; she said earnestly, "Was I really able to bring that
out in you?"
He caught at the hint. "Why, what else could it be but your magnetism?
It was the more strange because I had never seen you before."
The glow faded, and she relaxed her nervous energy. "Ah, hadn’t you? I
"Why, had you ever seen me before that day?"
"I think so. At least you seem, somehow, familiar."
"When was it, and where, then?"
She seemed too puzzled to answer, or fatigued with following an
intangible thread of thought. As she spoke, slowly, intensely, her
hands made large, vague gestures, often pausing in mid air, as her voice
paused, waiting for the proper word to come. "I don’t know. It only
seems as if I had been with youor near you, or somethingI don’t know
what. It’s like a dreamor a story I can’t quite recall, only" she did
not finish the sentence.
He wondered what her game could be. Fundamentally cynical, though he
never permitted it to show in his manner, he distrusted her claims to
prevision. There was, after all, nothing in Miss Payson’s words that
might not be accounted for by what he knew of the wiles of feminine
psychology. His training had taught him how much a baseless hint,
injected at the proper moment, could accomplish in the masquerade of
emotions and the crafty warfare of the sexes. That he and she had been
actors together in a past uncomprehended scene, he regarded as a mere
coincidence of which he had already made good use; he refused to connect
it with her suggestive remark, for he was sure that she must have been
unaware of his presence in Madam Grant’s room that day, so long ago. It
seemed to him more likely that, woman-fashion, she had shot into the air
and had brought down an unsuspected quarry. And yet, even as a
coincidence, he could not quite dismiss the strangeness of it from his
He was preparing to turn it to a sentimental advantage, when Clytie, who
had relapsed into silence, suddenly aroused herself with one of those
impulsive outbursts which were characteristic of her.
"There is something about it all that is stranger still, I think!"
Her golden brows had drawn together, separated by two vertical lines, as
she gazed at him. Then with a little jet of fervor, she added:
"I’m afraid I know too much about you, Mr. Granthope! It’s somewhat
embarrassing, really. It doesn’t seem quite fair, you know."
"I’m not quite sure that I understand."
"Oh, you know! You must know!"
He laughed. "Really, Miss Payson, it’s very flattering, of course"
"Oh, no, it’s not in the least flattering."
"I wish you’d explain, then." He leaned back, folded his arms and
waited indulgently. So long as he could keep the conversation personal,
he was sure of being able to manage her, and further his own ends. It
amused him.
She busied herself with a lace handkerchief as she continued, in a low
voice, as if she were ridding herself of a disagreeable task, and always
with the slow, monotonous turning of her questing eyes toward him, and
away. "Of course I’ve heard many things about youyou’re a good deal
talked about, you know; but it’s not that at allit’s an instinctive
knowledge I have about you. I can’t explain it. It’s a queer special
feelingalmost as if, in some way, I had the right to know. That’s why
I wanted to see you againI hoped you’d come. I wanted to tell you."
"But all that certainly is flattering," he said. "I wouldn’t be human
if I weren’t pleased to hear that you’re interested, even if"
She could not help breaking into smiles again, as she interrupted him.
"Oh, but I haven’t told you yet."
"Please do, then!"
"It sounds so foolish when I say itso priggish! But it’s this: I don’t
at all approve of you. Why in the world should I care? I don’t know.
It isn’t my business to reform you, if you need it." Now she had
brought it out, she could not look at him.
Curiously enough, though he had been amused at her assumption of a
circumstantial knowledge of him, this hinted comprehension of his
character, of the duplicity of his life, if it were that, impressed him
with the existence in her mind of some quality as rare and mysterious as
electricity, a real psychic gift, perhaps. It gave him an instant’s
pause. Instinctively he feared a more definite arraignment. He began a
little more seriously, now, to match his cleverness against her
intuition; and, for the first defense, he employed a move of masculine
"You have been thinking of me, then?"
"Yes," she replied simply, "I have thought about you a good deal since I
was in your studio. But I suppose you’re used to hearing things like
that from women." She was apologetic, rather than sarcastic.
He shrugged his shoulders. He seemed to be able to make no way against
her directness. "I’ve thought not a little of you, too, Miss Payson.
You are wonderfully psychic and sensitive. I think you should develop
your poweryou might be able to do extraordinary things with it. I wish
you’d let me help you. That is," he added humorously, "if I’m not too
far gone in your disapproval."
"Oh, the disapprovalI call it that for want of a better wordisn’t so
important as the fact that I should feel it at all, don’t you see? You
remember that you told me I was the kind of a woman who, if she liked a
man, would tell him so, freely. That is true. I would scorn to stoop
to the immemorial feminine tricks. I do like you, and in spite of what
I can’t quite explain, too. I don’t know why, either. It seems as if
it’s a part of that other feeling I’ve mentionedthat I’ve been with
you, or near you, before."
He leaned forward to extort more of this delicious confession from her.
"Do you mean spiritually, or merely physically near?"
"Oh, I don’t mean an ’elective affinity’ or anything so occult as that,"
she laughed. "Indeed, I don’t quite know what I do meanit’s all so
vague. I can’t formulate it. It escapes me when I try. But I did
know, for instance, quite definitely, that I’d see you again. I tell
you about it only because I think that you, with your power in that way,
may be able to understand it and explain it to me."
He thought he saw his chance, now, and instinctively he began to pose,
letting his eyes deepen and burn on her. He nodded his head and said
"Yes. I have felt it, too, Miss Payson. It’s wonderful to think that
you should have recognized me and understood me so well. No one ever
has before. We are related by some tieI’m sure we’ve met before,
somewhere, somehow"
She jumped up and stood before him, her hands tightly held, her lips
pressed together. For a moment, so, she looked hard at him; then what
there had been of anger in her gaze softened to something like sadness
or pity.
"_That’s_ what I meant!"
He misunderstood her remark and her attitude and went still farther
astray from her meaning.
"You are not like any other woman I have ever known," he said, in the
same soulful way.
"Why can’t you be honest with me!" she broke out. She was astonishingly
alive now; there was no trace of her former languor. He winced at
realizing, suddenly, and too late, that he had made a false step.
"Why do you make me regret having been frank?" she went on, with a
despairing throb in her voice. "You have almost succeeded in making me
ashamed of myself, already. _That_ is just what I disapprove of in you.
Don’t imagine that you can ever deceive me with such sentimentality. I
shall always know when you’re straightforward and simple. That’s what
I’ve been trying to make you understandthat I _do_ know!"
She turned slowly away from him, almost hopelessly. For a moment she
remained immobile, then before he had recovered his wits, she had
modified the situation for him. Her eyes drifted back to his as she remarked thoughtfully:

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