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HELLENICA By Xenophon 10

HELLENICA By Xenophon 10

(21) See Grote, "H. G." vol. x. p. 80: "We have little or no
    information respecting the government of Thebes," etc. The "locus
    classicus" seems to be Plut. "de Genio Socratis." See Freeman, op.
    cit. ch. iv. S. 2, "Of the Boeotian League," pp. 154-184; and, in
    reference to the seizure of the Kadmeia, p. 170.

The imagination of Phoebidas was kindled as he listened to the tempting
proposal. To do a brilliant deed was far dearer to him than life; (22)
on the other hand, he had no reasoning capacity, and would seem to have
been deficient altogether in sound sense. The consent of the Spartan
secured, Leontiades bade him set his troops in motion, as if everything
were ready for his departure. "And anon, when the hour is come," added
the Theban, "I will be with you, and show you the way myself."

(22) Or, "Renown was his mistress." See Grote, "H. G." x. 84.

The senate was seated in the arcade or stoa in the market-place, since
the Cadmeia was in possession of the women who were celebrating the
Thesmophoria. (23) It was noon of a hot summer's day; scarcely a soul
was stirring in the streets. This was the moment for Leontiades. He
mounted on horseback and galloped off to overtake Phoebidas. He turned
him back, and led him without further delay into the acropolis. Having
posted Phoebidas and his soldiers inside, he handed him the key of the
gates, and warning him not to suffer any one to enter into the citadel
without a pass from himself, he straightway betook himself to
the senate. Arrived there, he delivered himself thus: "Sirs, the
Lacedaemonians are in possession of the citadel; but that is no
cause for despondency, since, as they assure us, they have no hostile
intention, except, indeed, towards any one who has an appetite for
war. For myself, and acting in obedience to the law, which empowers the
polemarch to apprehend all persons suspected of capital crimes, I hereby
seize the person of Ismenias as an arch-fomenter of war. I call upon
you, sirs, who are captains of companies, and you who are ranked with
them, to do your duty. Arise and secure the prisoner, and lead him away
to the place appointed."

(23) An ancient festival held by women in honour of Demeter and
    Persephone ({to Thesmophoro}), who gave the first impulse to civil
    society, lawful marriage, etc. See Herod. ii. 171; Diod. v. 5.

Those who were privy to the affair, it will be understood, presented
themselves, and the orders were promptly carried out. Of those not in
the secret, but opposed to the party of Leontiades, some sought refuge
at once outside the city in terror for their lives; whilst the rest,
albeit they retired to their houses at first, yet when they found
that Ismenias was imprisoned in the Cadmeia, and further delay seemed
dangerous, retreated to Athens. These were the men who shared the views
of Androcleidas and Ismenias, and they must have numbered about three

Now that the transactions were concluded, another polemarch was chosen
in place of Ismenias, and Leontiades at once set out to Lacedaemon.
There he found the ephors and the mass of the community highly incensed
against Phoebidas, "who had failed to execute the orders assigned to
him by the state." Against this general indignation, however, Agesilaus
protested. (24) If mischief had been wrought to Lacedaemon by this deed,
it was just that the doer of it should be punished; but, if good, it was
a time-honoured custom to allow full scope for impromptu acts of this
character. "The sole point you have to look to," he urged, "is whether
what has been done is good or evil." After this, however, Leontiades
presented himself to the assembly (25) and addressed the members as
follows: "Sirs, Lacedaemonians, the hostile attitude of Thebes towards
you, before the occurrence of late events, was a topic constantly on
your lips, since time upon time your eyes were called upon to witness
her friendly bearing to your foes in contrast with her hatred of your
friends. Can it be denied that Thebes refused to take part with you in
the campaign against your direst enemy, the democracy in Piraeus; and
balanced that lukewarmness by on onslaught on the Phocians, whose
sole crime was cordiality to yourselves? (26) Nor is that all. In full
knowledge that you were likely to be engaged in war with Olynthus, she
proceeded at once to make an alliance with that city. So that up to the
last moment you were in constant expectation of hearing that the whole
of Boeotia was laid at the feet of Thebes. With the late incidents all
is changed. You need fear Thebes no longer. One brief despatch (27) in
cipher will suffice to procure a dutiful subservience to your every wish
in that quarter, provided only you will take as kindly an interest in us
as we in you."

(24) See "Ages." vii.

(25) "Select Committee." See "Hell." II. iv. 38; and below, VI. iii.

(26) See above, "Hell." III. v. 4.

(27) Lit. "scytale."

This appeal told upon the meeting, and the Lacedaemonians (28) resolved
formally, now that the citadel had been taken, to keep it, and to put
Ismenias on his trial. In consequence of this resolution a body of
commissioners (29) was despatched, three Lacedaemonians and one for each
of the allied states, great and small alike. The court of inquiry thus
constituted, the sittings commenced, and an indictment was preferred
against Ismenias. He was accused of playing into the hands of the
barbarian; of seeking amity with the Persians to the detriment of
Hellas; of accepting sums of money as bribes from the king; and,
finally, of being, along with Androcleidas, the prime cause of the whole
intestine trouble to which Hellas was a prey. Each of these charges was
met by the defendant, but to no purpose, since he failed to disabuse
the court of their conviction that the grandeur of his designs was only
equalled by their wickedness. (30) The verdict was given against him,
and he was put to death. The party of Leontiades thus possessed
the city; and went beyond the injunctions given them in the eager
performance of their services.

(28) See Grote, "H. G." vol. x. p. 85; Diod. xv. 20; Plut. "Pelop."
    vi.; ib. "de Genio Socratis," V. vii. 6 A; Cor. Nep. "Pelop." 1.

(29) Lit. "Dicasts."

(30) Or, "that he was a magnificent malefactor." See Grote, "H. G."
    vol. ix. p. 420, "the great wicked man" (Clarendon's epithets for
    Cromwell); Plato, "Meno." 90 B; "Republic," 336 A, "a rich and
    mighty man." See also Plut. "Ages." xxxii. 2, Agesilaus's
    exclamation at sight of Epaminondas, {o tou megalopragmonos

B.C. 382. As a result of these transactions the Lacedaemonians pressed
on the combined campaign against Olynthus with still greater enthusiasm.
They not only set out Teleutias as governor, but by their united efforts
furnished him with an aggregate army of ten thousand men. (31) They
also sent despatches to the allied states, calling upon them to support
Teleutias in accordance with the resolution of the allies. All the
states were ready to display devotion to Teleutias, and to do him
service, since he was a man who never forgot a service rendered him.
Nor was Thebes an exception; for was not the governor a brother
of Agesilaus? Thebes, therefore, was enthusiastic in sending her
contribution of heavy infantry and cavalry. The Spartan conducted his
march slowly and surely, taking the utmost pains to avoid injuring his
friends, and to collect as large a force as possible. He also sent a
message in advance to Amyntas, begging him, if he were truly desirous of
recovering his empire, to raise a body of mercenaries, and to distribute
sums of money among the neighbouring kings with a view to their
alliance. Nor was that all. He sent also to Derdas, the ruler of Elimia,
pointing out to him that the Olynthians, having laid at their feet the
great power of Macedonia, would certainly not suffer his lesser power
to escape unless they were stayed up by force in arms in their career of
insolence. Proceeding thus, by the time he had reached the territory
of the allied powers he was at the head of a very considerable army. At
Potidaea he halted to make the necessary disposition of his troops, and
thence advanced into the territory of the enemy. As he approached
the hostile city, he abstained from felling and firing alike, being
persuaded that to do so was only to create difficulties in his own
path, whether advancing or retreating; it would be time enough, when he
retired from Olynthus, to fell the trees and lay them as a barrier in
the path of any assailant in the rear.

(31) Lit. "sent out along with him the combined force of ten thousand
    men," in ref to S. 20 above.

Being now within a mile or so (32) of the city he came to a halt. The
left division was under his personal command, for it suited him to
advance in a line opposite the gate from which the enemy sallied; the
other division of the allies stretched away to the right. The cavalry
were thus distributed: the Laconians, Thebans, and all the Macedonians
present were posted on the right. With his own division he kept Derdas
and his troopers, four hundred strong. This he did partly out of genuine
admiration for this body of horse, and partly as a mark of courtesy to
Derdas, which should make him not regret his coming.

(32) Lit. "ten stades."

Presently the enemy issued forth and formed in line opposite, under
cover of their walls. Then their cavalry formed in close order and
commenced the attack. Dashing down upon the Laconians and Boeotians they
dismounted Polycharmus, the Lacedaemonian cavalry general, inflicting a
hundred wounds on him as he lay on the ground, and cut down others, and
finally put to flight the cavalry on the right wing. The flight of these
troopers infected the infantry in close proximity to them, who in turn
swerved; and it looked as if the whole army was about to be worsted,
when Derdas at the head of his cavalry dashed straight at the gates of
Olynthus, Teleutias supporting him with the troops of his division.
The Olynthian cavalry, seeing how matters were going, and in dread
of finding the gates closed upon them, wheeled round and retired with
alacrity. Thus it was that Derdas had his chance to cut down man after
man as their cavalry ran the gauntlet past him. In the same way, too,
the infantry of the Olynthians retreated within their city, though,
owing to the closeness of the walls in their case, their loss was
trifling. Teleutias claimed the victory, and a trophy was duly erected,
after which he turned his back on Olynthus and devoted himself to
felling the fruit-trees. This was the campaign of the summer. He
now dismissed both the Macedonians and the cavalry force of Derdas.
Incursions, however, on the part of the Olynthians themselves against
the states allied to Lacedaemon were frequent; lands were pillaged, and
people put to the sword.


B.C. 381. With the first symptoms of approaching spring the Olynthian
cavalry, six hundred strong, had swooped into the territory of
Apollonia--about the middle of the day--and dispersing over the
district, were employed in pillaging; but as luck would have it,
Derdas had arrived that day with his troopers, and was breakfasting in
Apollonia. He noted the enemy's incursion, but kept quiet, biding his
time; his horses were ready saddled, and his troopers armed cap-a-pied.
As the Olynthians came galloping up contemptuously, not only into the
suburbs, but to the very gates of the city, he seized his opportunity,
and with his compact and well-ordered squadron dashed out; whereupon the
invaders took to flight. Having once turned them, Derdas gave them no
respite, pursuing and slaughtering them for ten miles or more, (1) until
he had driven them for shelter within the very ramparts of Olynthus.
Report said that Derdas slew something like eighty men in this affair.
After this the Olynthians were more disposed to keep to their walls,
contenting themselves with tilling the merest corner of their territory.

(1) Lit. "ninety stades."

Time advanced, and Teleutias was in conduct of another expedition
against the city of Olynthus. His object was to destroy any timber
(2) still left standing, or fields still cultivated in the hostile
territory. This brought out the Olynthian cavalry, who, stealthily
advancing, crossed the river which washes the walls of the town, and
again continued their silent march right up to the adversary's camp.
At sight of an audacity which nettled him, Teleutias at once ordered
Tlemonidas, the officer commanding his light infantry division, to
charge the assailants at the run. On their side the men of Olynthus,
seeing the rapid approach of the light infantry, wheeled and quietly
retired until they had recrossed the river, drawing the enemy on,
who followed with conspicuous hardihood. Arrogating to themselves the
position of pursuers towards fugitives, they did not hesitate to cross
the river which stood between them and their prey. Then the Olynthian
cavalry, choosing a favourable moment, when those who had crossed seemed
easy to deal with, wheeled and attacked them, putting Tlemonidas himself
to the sword with more than a hundred others of his company. Teleutias,
when he saw what was happening, snatched up his arms in a fit of anger
and began leading his hoplites swiftly forward, ordering at the same
time his peltasts and cavalry to give chase and not to slacken. Their
fate was the fate of many before and since, who, in the ardour of
pursuit, have come too close to the enemy's walls and found it hard to
get back again. Under a hail of missiles from the walls they were forced
to retire in disorder and with the necessity of guarding themselves
against the missiles. At this juncture the Olynthians sent out their
cavalry at full gallop, backed by supports of light infantry; and
finally their heavy infantry reserves poured out and fell upon the
enemy's lines, now in thorough confusion. Here Teleutias fell fighting,
and when that happened, without further pause the troops immediately
about him swerved. Not one soul longer cared to make a stand, but the
flight became general, some fleeing towards Spartolus, others in the
direction of Acanthus, a third set seeking refuge within the walls of
Apollonia, and the majority within those of Potidaea. As the tide of
fugitives broke into several streams, so also the pursuers divided
the work between them; this way and that they poured, dealing death
wholesale. So perished the pith and kernel of the armament.

(2) I.e. fruit-trees.

Such calamities are not indeed without a moral. The lesson they are
meant to teach mankind, I think, is plain. If in a general sense one
ought not to punish any one, even one's own slave, in anger--since
the master in his wrath may easily incur worse evil himself than he
inflicts--so, in the case of antagonists in war, to attack an enemy
under the influence of passion rather than of judgment is an absolute
error. For wrath is but a blind impulse devoid of foresight, whereas to
the penetrating eye of reason a blow parried may be better than a wound
inflicted. (3)

(3) See, for the same sentiment, "Horsemanship," vi. 13. See also
    Plut. "Pel." and "Marc." (Clough, ii. p. 278).

When the news of what had happened reached Lacedaemon it was agreed,
after due deliberation, that a force should be sent, and of no trifling
description, if only to quench the victors' pride, and to prevent their
own achievements from becoming null and void. In this determination they
sent out King Agesipolis, as general, attended, like Agesilaus (4) on
his Asiatic campaign, by thirty Spartans. (5) Volunteers flocked to his
standard. They were partly the pick and flower of the provincials, (6)
partly foreigners of the class called Trophimoi, (7) or lastly, bastard
sons of Spartans, comely and beautiful of limb, and well versed in the
lore of Spartan chivalry. The ranks of this invading force were further
swelled by volunteers from the allied states, the Thessalians notably
contributing a corps of cavalry. All were animated by the desire of
becoming known to Agesipolis, so that even Amyntas and Derdas in zeal
of service outdid themselves. With this promise of success Agesipolis
marched forward against Olynthus.

(4) See above, "Hell." III. iv. 2.

(5) Lit. "Spartiates." The new army was sent out B.C. 380, according
    to Grote.

(6) Lit. "beautiful and brave of the Perioeci."

(7) Xenophon's own sons educated at Sparta would belong to this class.
    See Grote, "H. G." x. 91.

Meanwhile the state of Phlius, complimented by Agesipolis on the amount
of the funds contributed by them to his expedition and the celerity with
which the money had been raised, and in full belief that while one king
was in the field they were secure against the hostile attack of the
other (since it was hardly to be expected that both kings should be
absent from Sparta at one moment), boldly desisted from doing justice
by her lately reinstated citizens. On the one hand, these exiles claimed
that points in dispute should be determined before an impartial court
of justice; the citizens, on the other, insisted on the claimants
submitting the cases for trial in the city itself. And when the latter
demurred to that solution, asking "What sort of trial that would be
where the offenders were also the judges?" they appealed to deaf
ears. Consequently the restored party appealed at Sparta, to prefer a
complaint against their city. They were accompanied by other members of
the community, who stated that many of the Phliasians themselves besides
the appellants recognised the injustice of their treatment. The state of
Phlius was indignant at this manouvre, and retaliated by imposing a fine
on all who had betaken themselves to Lacedaemon without a mandate from
the state. Those who incurred the fine hesitated to return home; they
preferred to stay where they were and enforce their views: "It is quite
plain now who were the perpetrators of all the violence--the very
people who originally drove us into exile, and shut their gates upon
Lacedaemon; the confiscators of our property one day, the ruthless
opponents of its restoration the next. Who else but they have now
brought it about that we should be fined for appearing at Lacedaemon?
and for what purpose but to deter any one else for the future from
venturing to expose the proceedings at Phlius?" Thus far the appellants.
And in good sooth the conduct of the men of Phlius did seem to savour of
insolence; so much so that the ephors called out the ban against them.

B.C. 380. Nor was Agesilaus otherwise than well satisfied with
this decision, not only on the ground of old relations of friendly
hospitality between his father Archidamus and the party of Podanemus,
who were numbered among the restored exiles at this time, but because
personally he was bound by similar ties himself towards the adherents
of Procles, son of Hipponicus. The border sacrifices proving favourable,
the march commenced at once. As he advanced, embassy after embassy met
him, and would fain by presents of money avert invasion. But the king
answered that the purpose of his march was not to commit wrongdoing, but
to protect the victims of injustice. Then the petitioners offered to do
anything, only they begged him to forgo invasion. Again he replied--How
could he trust to their words when they had lied to him already? He
must have the warrant of acts, not promises. And being asked, "What act
(would satisfy him)?" he answered once more, saying, "The same which
you performed aforetime, and suffered no wrong at our hands"--in other
words, the surrender of the acropolis. (8) But to this they could not
bring themselves. Whereupon he invaded the territory of Phlius, and
promptly drawing lines of circumvallation, commenced the siege. Many of
the Lacedaemonians objected, for the sake of a mere handful of wretched
people, so to embroil themselves with a state of over five thousand men.
(9) For, indeed, to leave no doubt on this score, the men of Phlius met
regularly in assembly in full view of those outside. But Agesilaus was
not to be beaten by this move. Whenever any of the townsmen came out,
drawn by friendship or kinship with the exiles, in every case the king's
instructions were to place the public messes (10) at the service of
the visitors, and, if they were willing to go through the course of
gymnastic training, to give them enough to procure necessaries. All
members of these classes were, by the general's strict injunctions,
further to be provided with arms, and loans were to be raised for the
purpose without delay. Presently the superintendents of this branch of
the service were able to turn out a detachment of over a thousand men,
in the prime of bodily perfection, well disciplined and splendidly
armed, so that in the end the Lacedaemonians affirmed: "Fellow-soldiers
of this stamp are too good to lose." Such were the concerns of

(8) See above, IV. iv. 15.

(9) See Grote, "H. G." x. 45, note 4; and below, V. iv. 13.

(10) See "Pol. Lac." v.

Meanwhile Agesipolis on leaving Macedonia advanced straight upon
Olynthus and took up a strategical position in front of the town.
Finding that no one came out to oppose him, he occupied himself for the
present with pillaging any remnant of the district till intact, and with
marching into the territory allied with the enemy, where he destroyed
the corn. The town of Torone he attacked and took by storm. But while he
was so engaged, in the height of mid-summer he was attacked by a burning
fever. In this condition his mind reverted to a scene once visited, the
temple of Dionysus at Aphytis, and a longing for its cool and sparkling
waters and embowered shades (11) seized him. To this spot accordingly
he was carried, still living, but only to breathe his last outside the
sacred shrine, within a week of the day on which he sickened. His body
was laid in honey and conveyed home to Sparta, where he obtained royal

(11) Lit. "shady tabernacles."

When the news reached Agesilaus he displayed none of the satisfaction
which might possibly have been expected at the removal of an antagonist.
On the contrary, he wept and pined for the companionship so severed, it
being the fashion at Sparta for the kings when at home to mess together
and to share the same quarters. Moreover, Agesipolis was admirably
suited to Agesilaus, sharing with the merriment of youth in tales of the
chase and horsemanship and boyish loves; (12) while, to crown all, the
touch of reverence due from younger to elder was not wanting in their
common life. In place of Agesipolis, the Lacedaemonians despatched
Polybiades as governor to Olynthus.

(12) See "Ages." viii. 2.

B.C. 379. Agesilaus had already exceeded the time during which the
supplies of food in Phlius were expected to last. The difference, in
fact, between self-command and mere appetite is so great that the men of
Phlius had only to pass a resolution to cut down the food expenditure by
one half, and by doing so were able to prolong the siege for twice
the calculated period. But if the contrast between self-restraint and
appetite is so great, no less startling is that between boldness and
faint-heartedness. A Phliasian named Delphion, a real hero, it would
seem, took to himself three hundred Phliasians, and not only succeeded
in preventing the peace-party from carrying out their wishes, but was
equal to the task of incarcerating and keeping safely under lock and key
those whom he mistrusted. Nor did his ability end there. He succeeded
in forcing the mob of citizens to perform garrison duty, and by
vigorous patrolling kept them constant to the work. Over and over again,
accompanied by his personal attendants, he would dash out of the walls
and drive in the enemy's outposts, first at one point and then at
another of the beleaguering circle. But the time eventually came when,
search as they might by every means, these picked defenders (13) could
find no further store of food within the walls, and they were forced to
send to Agesilaus, requesting a truce for an embassy to visit Sparta,
adding that they were resolved to leave it to the discretion of the
authorities at Lacedaemon to do with their city what they liked.
Agesilaus granted a pass to the embassy, but, at the same time, he was
so angry at their setting his personal authority aside, that he sent to
his friends at home and arranged that the fate of Phlius should be
left to his discretion. Meanwhile he proceeded to tighten the cordon of
investment, so as to render it impossible that a single soul inside
the city should escape. In spite of this, however, Delphion, with
one comrade, a branded dare-devil, who had shown great dexterity
in relieving the besieging parties of their arms, escaped by night.
Presently the deputation returned with the answer from Lacedaemon that
the state simply left it entirely to the discretion of Agesilaus
to decide the fate of Phlius as seemed to him best. Then Agesilaus
announced his verdict. A board of one hundred--fifty taken from the
restored exiles, fifty from those within the city--were in the first
place to make inquisition as to who deserved to live and who to
die, after which they were to lay down laws as the basis of a new
constitution. Pending the carrying out of these transactions, he left a
detachment of troops to garrison the place for six months, with pay
for that period. After this he dismissed the allied forces, and led the
state (14) division home. Thus the transactions concerning Phlius were
brought to a conclusion, having occupied altogether one year and eight

(13) See below, "Hell." VII. i. 19.

(14) {to politokon}, the citizen army. See above, IV. iv. 19; "Pol.
    Lac." xi.

Meanwhile Polybiades had reduced the citizens of Olynthus to the last
stage of misery through famine. Unable to supply themselves with corn
from their own land, or to import it by sea, they were forced to send an
embassy to Lacedaemon to sue for peace. The plenipotentiaries on their
arrival accepted articles of agreement by which they bound themselves
to have the same friends and the same foes as Lacedaemon, to follow her
lead, and to be enrolled among her allies; and so, having taken an oath
to abide by these terms, they returned home.

On every side the affairs of Lacedaemon had signally prospered: Thebes
and the rest of the Boeotian states lay absolutely at her feet; Corinth
had become her most faithful ally; Argos, unable longer to avail herself
of the subterfuge of a movable calendar, was humbled to the dust; Athens
was isolated; and, lastly, those of her own allies who displayed a
hostile feeling towards her had been punished; so that, to all outward
appearance, the foundations of her empire were at length absolutely well
and firmly laid.


Abundant examples might be found, alike in Hellenic and in foreign
history, to prove that the Divine powers mark what is done amiss,
winking neither at impiety nor at the commission of unhallowed acts;
but at present I confine myself to the facts before me. (1) The
Lacedaemonians, who had pledged themselves by oath to leave the states
independent, had laid violent hands on the acropolis of Thebes, and were
eventually punished by the victims of that iniquity single-handed--the
Lacedaemonians, be it noted, who had never before been mastered by
living man; and not they alone, but those citizens of Thebes who
introduced them to their acropolis, and who wished to enslave their city
to Lacedaemon, that they might play the tyrant themselves--how fared
it with them? A bare score of the fugitives were sufficient to destroy
their government. How this happened I will now narrate in detail.

(1) Or, "it is of my own subject that I must now speak." For the
    "peripety," or sudden reversal of circumstances, on which the plot
    of the "Hellenica" hinges, see Grote, "H. G." x. 100-108. Cf.
    Soph. "Oed. Tyr." 450; "Antig." 1066; Thuc. v. 116; "Hellenica
    Essays," "Xenophon," p. 382 foll. This passage is perhaps the key
    to the historian's position.

There was a man named Phyllidas--he was secretary to Archias, that is,
to the polemarchs. (2) Beyond his official duties, he had rendered his
chief other services, and all apparently in an exemplary fashion. A
visit to Athens in pursuance of some business brought this man into
contact with a former acquaintance of his, Melon, one of the exiles
who had fled for safety to Athens. Melon had various questions to ask
touching the sort of tyranny practised by Archias in the exercise of the
polemarchy, and by Philip. He soon discovered that affairs at home were
still more detestable to Phyllidas than to himself. It only remained
to exchange pledges, and to arrange the details of what was to be done.
After a certain interval Melon, accompanied by six of the trustiest
comrades he could find among his fellow-exiles, set off for Thebes. They
were armed with nothing but daggers, and first of all crept into the
neighbourhood under cover of night. The whole of the next day they lay
concealed in a desert place, and drew near to the city gates in the
guise of labourers returning home with the latest comers from the
fields. Having got safely within the city, they spent the whole of that
night at the house of a man named Charon, and again the next day in the
same fashion. Phyllidas meanwhile was busily taken up with the concerns
of the polemarchs, who were to celebrate a feast of Aphrodite on going
out of office. Amongst other things, the secretary was to take this
opportunity of fulfilling an old undertaking, which was the introduction
of certain women to the polemarchs. They were to be the most majestic
and the most beautiful to be found in Thebes. The polemarchs, on their
side (and the character of the men is sufficiently marked), were looking
forward to the pleasures of the night with joyful anticipation. Supper
was over, and thanks to the zeal with which the master of the ceremonies
responded to their mood, they were speedily intoxicated. To their
oft-repeated orders to introduce their mistresses, he went out and
fetched Melon and the rest, three of them dressed up as ladies and the
rest as their attendant maidens. Having brought them into the treasury
of the polemarchs' residence, (3) he returned himself and announced to
Archias and his friends that the women would not present themselves
as long as any of the attendants remained in the room; whereupon they
promptly bade all withdraw, and Phyllidas, furnishing the servants with
a stoup of wine, sent them off to the house of one of them. And now at
last he introduced the mistresses, and led them to their seats beside
their respective lords. It was preconcerted that as soon as they were
seated they were to throw aside their veils and strike home. That is one
version of the death of the polemarchs. (4) According to another, Melon
and his friends came in as revellers, and so despatched their victims.

(2) Lit. "to Archias and his (polemarchs)"; but the Greek phrase does
    not, as the English would, imply that there were actually more
    than two polemarchs, viz. Archias and Philippus. Hypates and
    Leontiades belonged to the faction, but were neither of them

(3) Lit. "Polemarcheion."

(4) Or, "and so, according to the prevalent version of the matter, the
    polemarchs were slain. But some say that..."

That over, Phyllidas, with three of the band, set off to the house of
Leontiades. Arrived there, he knocked on the door, and sent in word that
he had a message from the polemarchs. Leontiades, as chance befell, was
still reclining in privacy after dinner, and his wife was seated beside
him working wools. The fidelity of Phyllidas was well known to him, and
he gave orders to admit him at once. They entered, slew Leontiades, and
with threats silenced his wife. As they went out they ordered the door
to be shut, threatening that if they found it open they would kill every
one in the house. And now that this deed was done, Phyllidas, with two
of the band, presented himself at the prison, telling the gaoler he had
brought a man from the polemarchs to be locked up. The gaoler opened the
door, and was at once despatched, and the prisoners were released. These
they speedily supplied with arms taken from the armoury in the stoa,
and then led them to the Ampheion, (5) and bade them take up a position
there, after which they at once made a proclamation calling on all
Thebans to come out, horse and foot, seeing that the tyrants were dead.
The citizens, indeed, as long as it was night, not knowing whom or
what to trust, kept quiet, but when day dawned and revealed what had
occurred, the summons was responded to with alacrity, heavy infantry and
cavalry under arms alike sallying forth. Horsemen were also despatched
by the now restored exiles to the two Athenian generals on the frontier;
and they, being aware of the object of the message (promptly responded).

(5) See plan of Thebes, "Dict. Geog."; Arrian, "Anab." i. 8; Aesch.
    "Sept. c. Theb." 528.

(6) Supply {epeboethoun}. There is a lacuna in the MSS. at this point.

On the other hand, the Lacedaemonian governor in the citadel, as soon
as that night's proclamation reached his ears, was not slow to send
to Plataeae (7) and Thespiae for reinforcements. The approach of the
Plataeans was perceived by the Theban cavalry, who met them and killed a
score of them and more, and after that achievement returned to the
city, to find the Athenians from the frontier already arrived. Then they
assaulted the acropolis. The troops within recognised the paucity of
their own numbers, whilst the zeal of their opponents (one and all
advancing to the attack) was plainly visible, and loud were the
proclamations, promising rewards to those who should be first to scale
the walls. All this so worked upon their fears that they agreed to
evacuate the place if the citizens would allow them a safe-conduct to
retire with their arms. To this request the others gladly yielded, and
they made a truce. Oaths were taken on the terms aforesaid, and the
citizens dismissed their adversaries. For all that, as the garrison
retired, those of them who were recognised as personal foes were seized
and put to death. Some were rescued through the good offices of the
Athenian reinforcements from the frontier, who smuggled them across and
saved them. The Thebans were not content with putting the men to
death; if any of them had children, these also were sacrificed to their

(7) This city had been refounded in B.C. 386 (Isocr. "Plat." 20, 21).
    See Freeman, op. cit. ch. iv. p. 170: "Its restoration implied not
    only a loss of Theban supremacy, but the actual loss of that
    portion of the existing Theban territory which had formerly formed
    the Plataian district."

B.C. 378. When the news of these proceedings reached Sparta the first
thing the Lacedaemonians did was to put to death the governor, who had
abandoned the Cadmeia instead of awaiting reinforcements, and the next
was to call out the ban against Thebes. Agesilaus had little taste to
head the expedition; he pointed out that he had seen more than forty
years' service, (8) and that the exemption from foreign duty applicable
to others at that age was applicable on the same principle to the king.
Such were the ostensible grounds on which he excused himself from the
present expedition, but his real objections lay deeper. He felt certain
that if he led the expedition his fellow-citizens would say: "Agesilaus
caused all this trouble to the state in order to aid and abet tyrants."
Therefore he preferred to leave his countrymen to settle the matter
themselves as they liked. Accordingly the ephors, instructed by
the Theban exiles who had escaped the late massacres, despatched
Cleombrotus. He had not commanded before, and it was the depth of

(8) And was therefore more than fifty-eight years old at this date.
    See "Ages." i. 6.

Now while Chabrias, with a body of Athenian peltasts, kept watch and
ward over the road through Eleutherae, Cleombrotus made his way up by
the direct route to Plataeae. His column of light infantry, pushing
forward in advance, fell upon the men who had been released from the
Theban prison, guarding the summit, to the number of about one hundred
and fifty. These, with the exception of one or two who escaped, were cut
down by the peltasts, and Cleombrotus descended in person upon Plataeae,
which was still friendly to Sparta. Presently he reached Thespiae, and
that was the base for an advance upon Cynoscephalae, where he encamped
on Theban territory. Here he halted sixteen days, and then again fell
back upon Thespiae. At this latter place he now left Sphodrias as
governor, with a third portion of each of the contingents of the allies,
handing over to him all the moneys he had brought with him from
home, with directions to supplement his force with a contingent of

While Sphodrias was so employed, Cleombrotus himself commenced his
homeward march, following the road through Creusis at the head of his
own moiety of the troops, who indeed were in considerable perplexity to
discover whether they were at war with the Thebans or at peace, seeing
that the general had led his army into Theban territory, had inflicted
the minimum of mischief, and again retired. No sooner, however, was his
back turned than a violent wind storm assailed him in his rear, which
some construed as an omen clearly significant of what was about to take
place. Many a blow this assailant dealt them, and as the general and his
army, crossing from Creusis, scaled that face of the mountain (9) which
stretches seaward, the blast hurled headlong from the precipices a
string of asses, baggage and all: countless arms were wrested from the
bearers' grasp and whirled into the sea; finally, numbers of the men,
unable to march with their arms, deposited them at different points of
the pass, first filling the hollow of their shields with stones. For the
moment, then, they halted at Aegosthena, on Megarian soil, and supped as
best they could. Next day they returned and recovered their arms.
After this adventure the contingents lost no time in returning to their
several homes, as Cleombrotus disbanded them.

(9) I.e. "Cithaeron."

Meanwhile at Athens and Thebes alike fear reigned. To the Athenians the
strength of the Lacedaemonians was unmistakable: the war was plainly
no longer confined to Corinth; on the contrary, the Lacedaemonians had
ventured to skirt Athenian territory and to invade Thebes. They were so
worked upon by their alarm that the two generals who had been privy
to the insurrection of Melon against Leontiades and his party had to
suffer: the one was formally tried and put to death; the other, refusing
to abide his trial, was banished.

The apprehensions of the Thebans were of a different sort: their fear
was rather lest they should find themselves in single-handed war with
Lacedaemon. To prevent this they hit upon the following expedient. They
worked upon Sphodrias, (10) the Spartan governor left in Thespiae, by
offering him, as at least was suspected, a substantial sum, in return
for which he was to make an incursion into Attica; their great object
being to involve Athens and Lacedaemon in hostilities. Sphodrias lent a
willing ear, and, pretending that he could easily capture Piraeus in its
present gateless condition, gave his troops an early evening meal and
marched out of Thespiae, saying that he would reach Piraeus before
daybreak. As a matter of fact day overtook him at Thria, nor did he
take any pains even to draw a veil over his intentions; on the contrary,
being forced to turn aside, he amused himself by recklessly lifting
cattle and sacking houses. Meanwhile some who chanced upon him in the
night had fled to the city and brought news to the men of Athens that a
large body of troops was approaching. It needs no saying with what speed
the cavalry and heavy infantry armed themselves and stood on guard
to protect the city. As chance befell, there were some Lacedaemonian
ambassadors in Athens at the moment, at the house of Callias their
proxenos; their names were Etymocles, Aristolochus, and Ocyllus.
Immediately on receipt of the news the Athenians seized these three and
imprisoned them, as not improbably concerned in the plot. Utterly taken
aback by the affair themselves, the ambassadors pleaded that, had they
been aware of an attempt to seize Piraeus, they would hardly have been
so foolish as to put themselves into the power of the Athenians, or have
selected the house of their proxenos for protection, where they were so
easily to be found. It would, they further urged, soon be plain to the
Athenians themselves that the state of Lacedaemon was quite as
little cognisant of these proceedings as they. "You will hear before
long"--such was their confident prediction--"that Sphodrias has paid for
his behaviour by his life." On this wise the ambassadors were acquitted
of all concern in the matter and dismissed. Sphodrias himself was
recalled and indicted by the ephors on the capital charge, and, in spite
of his refusal to face the trial, he was acquitted. This miscarriage
of justice, as it seemed to many, who described it as unprecedented in
Lacedaemon, has an explanation.

(10) See Plut. "Pel." xiv. (Clough, ii. p. 214).

Sphodrias had a son named Cleonymus. He was just at the age when
youth emerges from boyhood, very handsome and of high repute among
his fellows. To this youth Archidamus, the son of Agesilaus, was
passionately attached. Now the friends of Cleombrotus, as comrades of
Sphodrias, were disposed to acquit him; but they feared Agesilaus and
his friends, not to mention the intermediate party, for the enormity of
his proceeding was clear. So when Sphodrias addressed his son Cleonymus:
"You have it in your power, my son, to save your father, if you will, by
begging Archidamus to dispose Agesilaus favourably to me at my trial."
Thus instructed, the youth did not shrink from visiting Archidamus, and
implored him for his sake to save his father. Now when Archidamus saw
how Cleonymus wept, he too was melted to tears as he stood beside him,
but to his petition he made answer thus: "Nay, Cleonymus, it is the bare
truth I tell you, I cannot so much as look my father in the face;
(11) if I wished anything transacted for me in the city I would beg
assistance from the whole world sooner than from my father. Still, since
it is you who bid me, rest assured I will do my best to bring this about
for you as you desire." He then left the common hall (12) and retired
home to rest, but with dawn he arose and kept watch that his father
might not go out without his knowledge. Presently, when he saw him
ready to go forth, first some citizen was present, and then another and
another; and in each case he stepped aside, while they held his father
in conversation. By and by a stranger would come, and then another; and
so it went on until he even found himself making way for a string of
petitioning attendants. At last, when his father had turned his back on
the Eurotas, and was entering his house again, he was fain to turn his
back also and be gone without so much as accosting him. The next day
he fared no better: all happened as on the previous day. Now Agesilaus,
although he had his suspicions why his son went to and fro in this way,
asked no questions, but left him to take his own course. Archidamus, on
his side, was longing, as was natural, to see his friend Cleonymus; but
how he was to visit him, without having held the desired conversation
with his father, he knew not. The friends of Sphodrias, observing that
he who was once so frequent a visitor had ceased coming, were in agony;
he must surely have been deterred by the reproaches of his father. At
last, however, Archidamus dared to go to his father, and said, "Father,
Cleonymus bids me ask you to save his father; grant me this boon, if
possible, I beg you." He answered: "For yourself, my son, I can make
excuse, but how shall my city make excuse for me if I fail to condemn
that man who, for his own base purpose, traffics to the injury of the
state?" For the moment the other made no reply, but retired crestfallen
before the verdict of justice. Afterwards, whether the thought was his
own or that he was prompted by some other, he came and said, "Father,
if Sphodrias had done no wrong you would have released him, that I know;
but now, if he has done something wrong, may he not be excused by you
for our sakes?" And the father answered: "If it can be done without loss
of honour on our parts, so shall it be." At that word the young man, in
deep despondency, turned and went. Now one of the friends of Sphodrias,
conversing with Etymocles, remarked to him: "You are all bent on putting
Sphodrias to death, I take it, you friends of Agesilaus?" And Etymocles
replied: "If that be so, we all are bent on one thing, and Agesilaus on
another, since in all his conversations he still harps upon one string:
that Sphodrias has done a wrong there is no denying, yet Sphodrias is
a man who, from boyhood to ripe manhood, (13) was ever constant to the
call of honour. To put such a man as that to death is hard; nay, Sparta
needs such soldiers." The other accordingly went off and reported what
he had just heard to Cleonymus; and he in the joy of his heart went
straightway to Archidamus and said: "Now we know that you care for us;
rest assured, Archidamus, that we in turn will take great pains that you
shall never have cause to blush for our friendship." Nor did his acts
belie his words; but so long as he lived he was ever faithful to the
code of Spartan chivalry; and at Leuctra, fighting in front of the king
side by side with Deinon the polemarch, thrice fell or ever he yielded
up his breath--foremost of the citizens amidst the foe. And so, albeit
he caused his friend the bitterest sorrow, yet to that which he had
promised he was faithful, seeing he wrought Archidamus no shame, but
contrariwise shed lustre on him. (14) In this way Sphodrias obtained his

(11) See "Cyrop." I. iv. 12.

(12) Lit. "the Philition." See "Pol. Lac." iii. 6.

(13) Lit. "who, whether as child, boy, or young man"; and for the
    three stages of growth, see "Pol. Lac." ii. iii. iv.

(14) I.e. both in life and in death.

At Athens the friends of Boeotia were not slow to instruct the people
that his countrymen, so far from punishing Sphodrias, had even applauded
him for his designs on Athens; and in consequence of this the Athenians
not only furnished Piraeus with gates, but set to work to build a fleet,
and displayed great zeal in sending aid to the Boeotians. (15) The
Lacedaemonians, on their side, called out the ban against the Thebans;
and being persuaded that in Agesilaus they would find a more prudent
general than Cleombrotus had proved, they begged the former to undertake
the expedition. (16) He, replying that the wish of the state was for him
law, began making preparations to take the field.

(15) For the new Athenian confederacy of Delos of this year, B.C. 378,
    see "Pol. Lac." xiv. 6; "Rev." v. 6; Diod. xv. 28-30; Plut.
    "Pelop." xv.; Hicks, 78, 81; and for an alliance between Athens
    and Chalcis in Euboea, see Hicks, 79; and for a treaty with Chios,
    Hicks, 80.

(16) See "Ages." ii. 22.

Now he had come to the conclusion that without the occupation of Mount
Cithaeron any attack on Thebes would be difficult. Learning then that
the men of Cleitor were just now at war with the men of Orchomenus, (17)
and were maintaining a foreign brigade, he came to an understanding with
the Cleitorians that in the event of his needing it, this force would be
at his service; and as soon as the sacrifices for crossing the
frontier proved favourable, he sent to the commander of the Cleitorian
mercenaries, and handing him a month's pay, ordered him to occupy
Cithaeron with his men. This was before he himself reached Tegea.
Meanwhile he sent a message to the men of Orchomenus that so long as
the campaign lasted they must cease from war. If any city during his
campaign abroad took on itself to march against another city, his first
duty, he declared, would be to march against such offending city in
accordance with a decree of the allies.

(17) In Arcadia. See Busolt, "Die Lak." 120 foll.

Thus crossing Cithaeron he reached Thespiae, (18) and from that base
made the territory of Thebes his objective. Finding the great plain
fenced round with ditch and palisade, as also the most valuable portions
of the country, he adopted the plan of shifting his encampment from one
place to another. Regularly each day, after the morning meal, he marched
out his troops and ravaged the territory, confining himself to his own
side of the palisadings and trench. The appearance of Agesilaus at any
point whatever was a signal to the enemy, who within the circuit of his
entrenchment kept moving in parallel line to the invader, and was ever
ready to defend the threatened point. On one occasion, the Spartan
king having retired and being well on the road back to camp, the Theban
cavalry, hitherto invisible, suddenly dashed out, following one of the
regularly constructed roads out of the entrenchment. Taking advantage of
the enemy's position--his light troops breaking off to supper or busily
preparing the meal, and the cavalry, some of them on their legs just
(19) dismounted, and others in the act of mounting--on they rode,
pressing the charge home. Man after man of the light troops was cut
down; and three cavalry troopers besides--two Spartans, Cleas and
Epicydidas by name, and the third a provincial (20) named Eudicus, who
had not had time to mount their horses, and whose fate was shared by
some Theban (21) exiles. But presently Agesilaus wheeled about and
advanced with his heavy infantry to the succour; his cavalry dashed
at the enemy's cavalry, and the flower of the heavy infantry, the
ten-years-service men, charged by their side. The Theban cavalry at that
instant looked like men who had been imbibing too freely in the noontide
heat--that is to say, they awaited the charge long enough to hurl their
spears; but the volley sped without effect, and wheeling about within
that distance they left twelve of their number dead upon the field.

(18) By Cynoscephalae. See "Ages." ii. 22.

(19) Read, after Courier, {arti} for the vulg. {eti}; or, better
    still, adopt Hartman's emendation (op. cit. p. 379), {ton men ede
    katabebekoton ton de katabainonton}, and translate "some--already
    dismounted, and others dismounting."

(20) Lit. "one of the perioeci."

(21) Reading {Thebaion} after Dind. for {'Athenaion}.

Agesilaus had not failed to note with what regularity the enemy
presented himself after the morning meal. Turning the observation to
account, he offered sacrifice with day's dawn, and marched with all
possible speed, and so crossed within the palisadings, through what
might have been a desert, as far as defence or sign of living being
went. Once well inside, he proceeded to cut down and set on fire
everything up to the city gates. After this exploit he beat a retreat,
retiring into Thespiae, where he fortified their citadel for them. Here
he left Phoebidas as governor, while he himself crossed the passes back
into Megara. Arrived here he disbanded the allies, and led the city troops homewards.

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