2015년 4월 29일 수요일

Common Sense in the Household 54

Common Sense in the Household 54

1 lb. sugar.
1 lb. flour.
½ lb. butter.
6 eggs.
1 cup milk.
½ teaspoonful soda.
1 teaspoonful cream-tartar.
Bake in shallow tins, and when cold put jelly between.
2 cups powdered sugar.
½ cup butter.
3 eggs.
1 cup milk.
3 cups flour.
2 teaspoonfuls cream-tartar.
1 teaspoonful soda.
Bake as for jelly-cake.
1 grated cocoanut.
To one half of this add whites of three eggs, beaten to a froth,
and one cup of powdered sugar. Lay this between the layers.
Mix with the other half of the grated cocoanut four tablespoonfuls
powdered sugar, and strew thickly on top of cake.
2 cups flour.
1½ cups sugar.
½ cup butter.
½ cup sweet milk.
3 eggs.
1 teaspoonful cream-tartar.
¼ teaspoonful soda.
Sift cream-tartar and soda into the dry flour; cream the butter and
sugar; add the beaten eggs, then the milk; lastly the flour. Bake in
jelly-cake tins.
Grate one cocoanut; mix with it a cup and a half of white sugar, also
the milk of the cocoanut. Set the mixture in the oven until the sugar
melts; then spread between the cakes.
1 lb. sugar.
½ lb. butter.
6 eggs.
½ lb. prepared flour.
1 lb. finely grated cocoanut, stirred lightly in the last thing.
Bake immediately.
1 cup butter.
2 cups sugar.
3 cups flour.
4 eggs (the whites only).
1 cup milk.
1 teaspoonful cream-tartar, }
½ teaspoonful soda, } sifted into the flour.
½ small cocoanut, stirred in at the last.
1 cocoanut, carefully skinned and grated.
Milk of the same.
1½ lb. powdered sugar.
As much water as you have cocoanut milk.
Whites of three eggs.
Dissolve one pound of sugar in the milk and water. Stew until it
becomes a “ropy” syrup, and turn out into a buttered dish. Have ready
the beaten white of egg, with the remaining half-pound of sugar
whipped into it; mix with this the grated cocoanut, and little by
littlebeating all the whilethe boiled syrup, so soon as it cools
sufficiently not to scald the eggs. Drop in tablespoonfuls upon
buttered papers. Try one first, and if it runs, beat in more sugar.
Bake in a very moderate oven, watching to prevent scorching. They
should not be suffered to brown at all.
These will keep some time, but are best quite fresh.
1 lb. powdered sugar.
½ lb. grated cocoanut.
Whites of 5 eggs.
1 teaspoonful best arrowroot.
Whip the eggs as for icing, adding the sugar as you go on, until it
will stand alone, then beat in the cocoanut and arrowroot.
Mould the mixture with your hands into small cones, and set these
far enough apart not to touch one another upon buttered paper in a
baking-pan. Bake in a very moderate oven.
10 eggs.
1 lb. sugar.
½ lb. flour.
2 lemons.
1 orange.
Beat whites and yolks separately; add to all the yolks and the whites
of seven eggs the sugar, the rind of two lemons, and juice of one. Bake
as for jelly-cake.
To the whites of three eggs allow a pound and a quarter of powdered
sugar; beat stiff as for icing, take out enough to cover the top of
the cake and set aside. Add to the rest the juice and half the grated
rind of a large orange. When the cake is nearly cold, spread this
between the layers. Beat into the icing reserved for the top a little
lemon-juice, and, if needed, more sugar. It should be thicker than that
spread between the cakes.
You can make a very delightful variation of this elegant cake, by
spreading the orange icing between layers made according to the receipt
given for “Martha’s Jelly-Cake” several pages back, and frosting with
lemon _méringue_, as above.
3 cups sugar.
1 cup butter.
½ cup sweet milk.
Whites of ten eggs.
½ teaspoonful soda, }
1 teaspoonful cream tartar,} sifted with the flour.
4 cups flour.
Flavor with essence of bitter almond.
Icing, whites of three eggs, 1 lb. powdered sugar. Flavor with
lemon-juice. Bake in jelly-cake tins, and fill with grated cocoanut,
sweetened with a quarter of its weight of powdered sugar, or with icing
such as is made for Lee cake, only flavored with lemon entirely.
1 lb. sugar.
½ lb. butter.
1 lb. currants, washed clean and dredged with flour.
3 cups flour.
4 eggs.
Nutmeg and cinnamon to taste.
½ teaspoonful soda dissolved in three tablespoonfuls milk.
LEMON CAKE (_No. 1._)
1 lb. sugar.
12 eggs, whites and yolks beaten separately.
¾ lb. flour.
Juice and rind of a lemon.
Icing flavored with same.
Baked in small square tins, and iced on sides and top, these are
sometimes called biscuits _glacés_.
LEMON-CAKE (_No. 2._)
1 cup of butter (packed).
2 scant cups of sugar.
10 eggs, yolks and whites beaten separately.
1 small cup of milk.
Juice and rind of a lemon.
1 small teaspoonful soda.
Flour to make tolerably thin batter (a little over three cups). Of some qualities of flour four cups will be needed.

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