2015년 4월 29일 수요일

Common Sense in the Household 57

Common Sense in the Household 57

2 cups sugar.
1 cup butter.
3 cups flour.
1 cup cold water.
4 eggs.
1 teaspoonful soda.
2 teaspoonfuls cream-tartar.
2 cupfuls kernels of hickory-nuts or white walnuts, carefully
picked out, and added last of all.
1 lb. sugar.
½ lb. butter.
1 lb. flour.
Yolks of ten eggswell beaten.
Grated rind of one orange, and juice of two lemons.
1 teaspoonful soda dissolved in hot water.
Cream the butter and sugar, and stir in the yolks. Beat very hard for
five minutes before putting in the flour. The soda next, and lastly the
lemon-juice, in which the grated orange-peel should have been steeped
and strained out in a piece of thin muslin, leaving the flavoring and
coloring matter in the juice.
Flavor the icing also with lemon.
1 lb. sugar.
¾ lb. flour.
½ lb. butter.
Whites of ten eggswhipped very stiff.
1 large teaspoonful essence bitter almonds.
Cream butter and sugar; put next the whites of the eggs; then the
flour, lastly the flavoring.
Make gold and silver cake on the same day; bake them in tins
of corresponding size, and lay them in alternate slices in the
cake-basket. Flavor the icing of silver cake with rose-water.
Prepare the almonds the day before you make the cakes, by blanching
them in boiling water, stripping off the skins, and pounding them
when _perfectly_ colda few at a timein a Wedgewood mortar, adding
from time to time a little rose-water. When beaten to a smooth paste,
stir in, to a pound of the sweet almonds, a generous tablespoonful of
essence of bitter almonds; cover closely, and set away in a cold place
until the morrow. Then to a pound of the nuts allow:
1 lb. powdered sugar.
The beaten whites of eight eggs.
1 teaspoonful nutmeg.
1 teaspoonful arrowroot.
Stir the sugar and white of egg lightly together; then whip in
gradually the almond-paste.
Line a broad baking-pan with buttered white paper; drop upon this
spoonfuls of the mixture at such distances apart as shall prevent their
running together. Sift powdered sugar thickly upon each, and bake in a
quick oven to a delicate brown.
Try the mixture first, to make sure it is of the right consistency, and
if the macaroons run into irregular shapes, beat in more sugar. This
will hardly happen, however, if the mixture is already well beaten.
1 cup butter.
2 cups sugar.
3 cups flour.
5 eggs.
1 cup sweet milk.
1 teaspoonful soda dissolved in hot water.
1 teaspoonful nutmeg, and the same of cinnamon.
1 qt. ripe, fresh huckleberries, thickly dredged with flour.
Stir the butter and sugar to a cream, add the beaten yolks; then the
milk, the flour, and spice, the whites whipped stiff, and the soda. At
the last stir in the huckleberries with a wooden spoon or paddle, not
to bruise them. Bake in a loaf or card, in a moderate but steady oven,
until a straw comes out clean from the thickest part.
This is a delicious cake, and deserves to be better known. It is best
on the second day after baking.
2 cups sugar,}
1 cup butter,} rubbed to a cream.
1 cup milk.
2 cups flour.
3 eggs, whites and yolks beaten separately.
½ cup corn-starch.
2 teaspoonfuls cream-tartar, sifted well through the flour.
1 teaspoonful soda, dissolved in hot water.
Sift the corn-starch with the flour, and add the last thing. Bake in
small tins and eat while fresh. They dry in two or three days and
become insipid, but are very nice for twenty-four hours after they are
1 cup butter.
2 cups sugar.
1 cup sweet milk.
Whites of five eggs.
3 cups prepared flour.
6 eggs, whites and yolks separately.
1 cup butter.
3 cups sugar.
Flour to make batter _just_ stiff enough to be moulded with
well-floured hands.
Flavor with lemon.
Make into round cakes and bake in a quick oven.
1 heaping teacup of sugar.
¾ teacup of butter.
¼ teacup sweet milk.
2 eggs, well beaten.
2 teaspoonfuls cream-tartar.
1 teaspoonful soda dissolved in hot water.
Flour sufficient to enable you to roll out the dough.
1 saltspoonful salt.
Nutmeg and cinnamon to taste.
Cut in round cakes and bake quickly.
NEW YEAR’S CAKES. (_Very nice._)
1¼ lb. sugar.
1 lb. butter.
½ pint cold water.
3 eggs.
3 lbs. flour.
1 teaspoonful soda dissolved in hot water.
4 tablespoonfuls caraway seed sprinkled through the flour.
Rub the butter, or, what is better, chop it up in the flour; dissolve
the sugar in the water; mix all well with the beaten eggs, cut in
square cakes, or with oval mould, and bake quickly.
1 cup butter.
2 cups sugar.
3 eggs, well beaten.
¼ teaspoonful soda dissolved in boiling water.
1 teaspoonful nutmeg.
1 teaspoonful cloves.
Flour to make soft dough, just stiff enough to roll out. Try two cups
to begin with, working it in gradually. Cut in round cakes, stick a
raisin or currant in the top of each, and bake quickly.
1 cup butter.
3 cups sugar.
1 cup “loppered” milk or cream.
4 eggs.
6 cups flour, or just enough to stiffen into a _rollable_ paste.
2 tablespoonfuls coriander seed (ground or beaten).
1 tablespoonful soda, dissolved in boiling water.
If you use sweet milk, add two teaspoonfuls cream-tartar. You may
substitute caraway for the coriander-seed.
½ lb. ground rice.
1 lb. rice-flour, dried and sifted.
1 lb. powdered sugar.
½ lb. butter.
4 eggs.
Juice and half the grated rind of a lemon.
1 tablespoonful orange-flower water.
Beat yolks and whites _very_ light; then put the sugar with the yolks.
Beat ten minutes, add the orange-flower water and lemon; lastly, the
flour and whites alternately. Beat the mixture half an hour. Bake
immediately in patty-pans. Eat while fresh.
1 cup butter.
2 cups molasses.
1 teaspoonful cloves.
1 tablespoonful ginger.
Sufficient flour to make _soft_ dough. Mould with the hands into small
cakes, and bake in a steady rather than quick oven, as they are apt to
GINGER-SNAPS. (_No. 1._)
1 cup butter.
1 cup molasses.
1 cup sugar.
¾ cup sweet milk.
1 teaspoonful saleratus.
2 teaspoonfuls ginger.
Flour for tolerably stiff dough.

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