2015년 4월 2일 목요일

Grettir the Outlaw 14

Grettir the Outlaw 14

On opening the door he found all the cattle loose and goring each other.
Slung across the stone that separated their stalls was the old
serving-man, perfectly dead, with his back broken. He had, apparently,
been tossed by the cows, and had fallen on this stone backwards.
Neither Thorhall nor his wife explained his death in this way; they
thought that Glam must have been there, have driven the cattle wild, and
that just as he had broken the back of Thorgaut, so had he now broken
that of the poor old serving-man.
It was impossible for the bonder to remain longer in that place; he and
his wife therefore removed down to Tongue, which lies at the junction of
the two rivers, and there things were quiet. There he was hospitably
received by Jokull. Thorhall was able to persuade some of his runaway
servants to come back to him, but no man all that winter would go near
the moor where was the barrow of the shepherd Glam.
Not till the summer returned, and the sun had dispelled the darkness,
did Thorhall venture back to the Vale of Shadows. In the meanwhile his
daughter’s health had given way under the repeated alarms of the winter;
she became paler every day; with the autumn flowers she faded, and was
laid in the churchyard before the first snowflakes fell. What was
Thorhall to do through the winter? He knew that it was not possible for
him to secure servants if he remained on his own farm; besides, he did
not know what loss might come to his stock. Then, he could not spend
the whole winter at Tongue, for that was another bonder’s house, and
though the farmer there had kindly received him and entertained him for
three months the winter before, he could not ask him to give him
houseroom to himself, his cattle, and servants for a whole long winter.
So he was in the greatest possible perplexity what to do. Help came to
him from an unexpected quarter.
Grettir had heard the story of the hauntings, and he rode to Thorhall’s
farm and asked if he might be accommodated there for the night. He said
that it was his great desire to encounter Glam.
Thorhall was surprised, but not exactly pleased, for he thought that the
family at Biarg would attribute the wrong to him were anything to happen
to Grettir.
Grettir put his horse into the stable, and retired for the night to one
of the beds in the hall and slept soundly.
_Grettir awaits GlamThe Sound of FeetGlam breaks into the
HallA Strange FigureGrettir seizes GlamGrettir’s Last
ChanceGlam’s CurseThe End of GlamWas it True?_
Next morning Grettir went with Thorhall to the stable for his horse.
The strong wooden door was shivered and driven in. They stepped across
it; Grettir called to his horse, but there was no responsive whinny.
Grettir dashed into the stall and found his horse dead; its neck was
"Now," said Thorhall, "I will give you a horse in exchange for that you
have lost. You had better ride home to Biarg at once."
"Not at all. My horse has been killed, and I must avenge it." So
Grettir remained.
Night set in. Grettir ate a hearty supper, and was right merry. But
not so Thorhall, who had his misgivings. At bed-time the latter crept
into a locked bedstead beside the hall; but Grettir said he would not go
into a bed, he would lie by the fire in the hall. So he wrapped himself
up in a long fur cloak and flung himself on a bench, with his feet
against the posts of the high seat. The fur cloak was over his head,
and he kept an opening through which he could look out.
There was a fire burning on the hearth, a smouldering heap of glowing
embers, and by the red light Grettir looked up at the rafters of the
blackened roof. The smoke escaped by a _louvre_ in the middle. The wind
whistled mournfully. The windows high up were covered with parchment,
and admitted now and then a sickly yellow glare from the full moon,
which, however, shone in through the smoke hole, silvering the rising
smoke. A dog began to bark, then bay at the moon. Then the cat, which
had been sitting demurely watching the fire, stood up with raised back
and bristling tail, and darted behind some chests. The hall-door was in
a sad plight. It had been so torn by Glam that it had to be patched up
with wattles. Soothingly the river prattled over its shingly bed as it
swept round the knoll on which stood the farm. Grettir heard the
breathing of the sleeping women in the adjoining chamber, and the sigh
of the housewife as she turned in her bed.
Then suddenly he heard something that shook all the sleep out of him,
had any been stealing over his eyes. He heard a heavy tread, beneath
which the snow crackled. Every footfall went straight to Grettir’s
heart. A crash on the turf overhead. The strange visitant had scrambled
on the roof, and was walking over that. The roofs of the houses in
Iceland are of turf. For a moment the chimney gap was completely
darkenedthe monster was looking down itthe flash of the red fire
illumined the horrible face with its lack-lustre eyes. Then the moon
shone in again, and the heavy tramp of Glam was heard as he walked to
the other end of the hall. A thudhe had leaped down.
Then Grettir heard his steps passing to the back of the house, then the
snapping of wood showed that Glam was destroying some of the outhouse
doors. Presently the tread was heard again approaching the house, and
this time the main entrance. Grettir thought he could distinguish a
pair of great hands thrust in over the broken door. In another moment
he heard a loud snapa long plank had been torn out of place, and the
light of the moon shone in where the gap had been made. Then Glam began
to unrip the wattles.
There was a cross-beam to the door, acting as bolt. Against the gray
light Grettir saw a huge black arm thrust in trying to remove the bar.
It was done, and then all the broken door was driven in and went down on
the floor in shivers. Now Grettir could see a tall dark figure, almost
naked, with wild locks of hair about the head standing in the doorway.
That was but for a minute, and then Glam came in stealthily; he entered
the hall and was illumined by the firelight. The figure Grettir now saw
was unlike anything he had seen before. A few rags hung from the
shoulders and waist, the long wolf-gray hair was matted. The eyes were
staring and strange. Grettir could hear Thorhall within his locked bed
trembling and breathing fast.
Presently Glam’s eyes rested on the shaggy bundle by the high seat. He
stepped towards it, and Grettir felt him groping about him. Then Glam
laid hold of one end of the fur cloak and began to pull at it. The cloak
did not come away. Another jerk. Grettir kept his feet firmly pressed
against the posts, so that the fur was not pulled away. Glam seemed
puzzled; he went to the other end of the bundle and began to pull at
that. Grettir held to the bench, so that he was not moved himself, but
the fur cloak was torn in half, and the strange visitant staggered back
holding the portion in his hand wonderingly before his eyes. Before he
could recover from his surprise, Grettir started to his feet, bent his
body, flung his arms round Glam, and driving his head into the breast of
the visitor, tried to bend him backward and so snap his spine. This was
in vain, the cold hands grasped Grettir’s arms and tore them from their
hold. Grettir clasped them again about his body, and then Glam threw his
also round Grettir, and they began to wrestle. Grettir saw that Glam
was trying to drag him to the door, and he was sure that if he were got
outside he would be at a disadvantage, and Glam would break his back.
He therefore made a desperate effort not to be drawn forth. He clung to
benches and posts, but the posts gave way, and the benches were torn
from their places.
At each moment he was being dragged nearer to the door. Sharply
twisting himself loose, Grettir flung his arms round a beam of the roof,
for the hall was low. He was dragged off his feet at once. Glam
clenched him about the waist, and tore at him to get him loose. Every
tendon in Grettir’s breast was strained; still he held on. The nails of
Glam cut into his side like knives, then his hands gave way. He could
endure the strain no longer, and Glam drew him towards the doorway, in
so doing trampling over the broken fragments of the door, and the
wattles that lay about. Grettir knew that the last chance was come for
saving himself. Here, in the hall, he could hold to posts and beams,
and so make some resistance; but outside he would have nothing to cling
to, and strong though he was, his strength did not equal that of his
Now the door-posts were of stone, and the beam that had served as bolt
went across the door, slid into a hollow on one side cut in the
door-post, and was pulled across and fitted into another hollow in the
other post. As the wrestlers neared the opening, Grettir planted both
his feet against the stone posts, one against each, and put his arms
round Glam. He had the enemy now at an advantage; but then, he merely
held him, and could not hold him so for ever. He called to Thorhall,
but Thorhall was too greatly frightened to leave his place of refuge.
"Now," thought Grettir, "if I can but break his back!" Then drawing Glam
to him by the middle, he put his head beneath the chin of his opponent
and forced back the head. If he could only drive the head far enough
back he would break his neck.
At that moment one or both of the door-posts gave way; down crashed the
gable-trees, ripping beams and rafters from their places, frozen clods
of turf rattled from the roof and thumped into the snow.
Glam fell on his back outside the door, and Grettir on top of him. The
moon was, as I said before, at her full; large white clouds chased each
other across the sky. Grettir’s strength was failing him, his hands
quivered in the snow, and he knew that he could not support himself from
dropping flat on the mysterious and dreadful visitant, eye to eye, lip
to lip.
Then Glam said: "You have done ill matching yourself with me; now know
that never shall you be stronger than you are to-day, and that, to your
dying day, whenever you are in the dark you will see my eyes staring at
you, so that for very horror you will not dare to be alone."
At this moment Grettir saw his short sword in the snow, it had slipped
from his belt as he fell. He put out his hand at once, clutched the
handle, and with a blow cut off Glam’s head, and at once laid it beside
his thigh.
Thorhall came out at this juncture, his face blanched; but when he saw
how the fray had ended, he joyfully assisted Grettir to roll the dead
man to the top of a pile of faggots that had been collected for winter
fuel. Fire was applied, and soon far down the Waterdale the flames of
the pyre startled folks, and made them wonder what new horror was being
enacted in the Vale of Shadows.
Next day the charred bones were conveyed a long waysome hours’
rideinto the great desert in the interior, and in one of the most
lonely spots there a cairn or pile of stones was heaped over them. I
have seen this mound, which is still pointed out as that under which the
redoubted Glam lies.
And now we may well ask, what truth is there in the story? That there
is a basis of truth can hardly be denied. The facts have been
embellished, worked up, but not invented. The only probable explanation of the story is this.

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