2016년 2월 26일 금요일

The History of the Highland Clearances 27

The History of the Highland Clearances 27

“Now, so far as I can discover, after careful enquiry among the men’s
neighbours and in the village of Lochcarron, nothing can be said
against either of them. Their characters are in every respect above
suspicion. The ground officer, whom I have seen, admits all this,
and makes no pretence that the eviction is for any other reason than
the conduct of the young men in prosecuting and succeeding against
himself in the Sheriff Court for defamation of character. Maclean
paid rent for his present holding for the last sixty years, and never
failed to pay it on the appointed day. His father, grandfather, and
great-grandfather occupied the same place, and so did their ancestors
before them. Indeed, his grandfather held one-half of the township,
now occupied by more than a hundred people. The old man is in his 81st
year, and bed-ridden--on his death-bed in fact--since the middle of
January last, he having then had a paralytic stroke from which it is
quite impossible he can ever recover. It was most pitiable to see the
aged and frail human wreck as I saw him that day, and to have heard him
talking of the cruelty and hard-heartedness of those who took advantage
of the existing law to push him out of the home which he has occupied
so long, while he is already on the brink of eternity. I quite agreed
with him, and I have no hesitation in saying that if Mr. Stuart and
his ground officer only called to see the miserable old man, as I did,
their hearts, however adamantine, would melt, and they would at once
declare to him that he would be allowed to end his days, and die in
peace, under the roof which for generations had sheltered himself and
his ancestors. The wife is over 70 years of age, and the frail old
couple have no one to succour them but the son who has been the cause,
by defending his own character, of their present misfortunes. Whatever
Mr. Stuart and his ground officer may do, or attempt to do, the old man
will not, and cannot be evicted until he is carried to the churchyard;
and it would be far more gracious on their part to relent and allow the
old man to die in peace.
“Mackenzie has paid rent for over 40 years, and his ancestors have done
so for several generations before him. He is nearly sixty years of age,
and is highly popular among his neighbours, all of whom are intensely
grieved at Mr. Stuart’s cruel and hard-hearted conduct towards him and
Maclean, and they still hope that he will not proceed to extremities.
“The whole case is a lamentable abuse of the existing law, and such as
will do more to secure its abolition, when the facts are fully known,
than all the other cases of eviction which have taken place in the
Highlands during the present generation. There is no pretence that
the case is anything else than a gross and cruel piece of retaliation
against the innocent parents for conduct on the part of their sons
which must have been very aggravating to this proprietor and his ground
officer, who appear to think themselves fully justified in perpetuating
such acts of grossest cruelty and injustice.”
This report was slightly noticed at the time in the local and
Glasgow newspapers, and attention was thus directed to Mr. Stuart’s
proceedings. His whole conduct appeared so cruelly tyrannical that
most people expected him to relent before the day of eviction arrived.
But not so; a sheriff officer and his assistants from Dingwall duly
arrived, and proceeded to turn Mackenzie’s furniture out of his house.
People congregated from all parts of the district, some of them coming
more than twenty miles. The sheriff officer sent for the Lochcarron
policemen to aid him, but, notwithstanding, the law which admitted
of such unmitigated cruelty and oppression was set at defiance;
the sheriff officers were deforced, and the furniture returned to
the house by the sympathising crowd. What was to be done next? The
Procurator-Fiscal for the county was Mr. Stuart’s law agent in carrying
out the evictions. How could he criminally prosecute for deforcement
in these circumstances? The Crown authorities found themselves in a
dilemma, and through the tyranny of the proprietor on the one hand,
and the interference of the Procurator-Fiscal in civil business which
has ended in public disturbance and deforcement of the Sheriff’s
officers, on the other, the Crown authorities found themselves helpless
to vindicate the law. This is a pity; for all right-thinking people
have almost as little sympathy for law breakers, even when that law is
unjust and cruel, as they have for those cruel landlords who, like Mr.
Stuart of Lochcarron, bring the law and his own order into disrepute by
the oppressive application of it against innocent people. The proper
remedy is to have the law abolished, not to break it; and to bring this
about such conduct as that of Mr. Stuart and his ground officer is more
potent than all the Land Leagues and Reform Associations in the United
[16] _Celtic Magazine_ for July, 1882.
Mr. William Mackenzie of the _Aberdeen Free Press_, who was on the
ground, writes, next morning, after the deforcement of the sheriff
“During the encounter the local police constable drew his baton, but he
was peremptorily ordered to lay it down, and he did so. The officers
then gave up the contest and left the place about three in the morning.
Yesterday, before they left, and in course of the evening, they were
offered refreshments, but these they declined. The people are this
evening in possession as before.
“When every article was restored to its place, the song and the dance
were resumed, the native drink was freely quaffed--for ‘freedom an’
whisky gang thegither’--the steam was kept up throughout the greater
part of yesterday, and Mackenzie’s mantelpiece to-day is adorned with a
long tier of empty bottles, standing there as monuments of the eventful
night of the 29th-30th May, 1882.
A chuirm sgaoilte chualas an ceòl
Ard-shòlas an talla nan treun!
“While these things were going on in the quiet township of Slumbay,
the Fiery Cross appears to have been despatched over the neighbouring
parishes; and from Kintail, Lochalsh, Applecross, and even Gairloch,
the Highlanders began to gather yesterday with the view of helping the
Slumbay men, if occasion should arise. Few of these reached Slumbay,
but they were in small detachments in the neighbourhood ready at any
moment to come to the rescue on the appearance of any hostile force.
After all the trains had come and gone for the day, and as neither
policemen nor Sheriff’s officers had appeared on the scene, these
different groups retired to their respective places of abode. The
Slumbay men, too, resolved to suspend their festivities. A procession
was formed, and, being headed by the piper, they marched triumphantly
through Slumbay and Jeantown, and escorted some of the strangers on
their way to their homes, returning to Slumbay in course of the night.”
As a contrast to Mr. Stuart’s conduct we are glad to record the noble
action of Mr. C. J. Murray, M.P. for Hastings, who has, fortunately for
the oppressed tenants on the Lochcarron property, just purchased the
estate. He has made it a condition that Maclean and Mackenzie shall be
allowed to remain; and a further public scandal has thus been avoided.
This is a good beginning for the new proprietor, and we trust to
see his action as widely circulated and commended as the tyrannical
proceedings of his predecessor have been condemned.
It is also fair to state what we know on the very best authority,
namely, that the factor on the estate, Mr. Donald Macdonald, Tormore,
strongly urged upon Mr. Stuart not to evict these people, and that his
own wife also implored and begged of him not to carry out his cruel
and vindictive purpose. Where these agencies failed, it is gratifying
to find that Mr. Murray has succeeded; and all parties--landlords and
tenants--throughout the Highlands are to be congratulated on the result.
In connection with the evictions from the County of Ross, the following
will appropriately come in at this stage. Referring to the glorious
deeds of the 78th Highlanders in India, under General Havelock, the
editor of the _Northern Ensign_ writes:--All modern history, from the
rebellion in 1715, to the Cawnpore massacre of 1857, teems with the
record of Highland bravery and prowess. What say our Highland evicting
lairds to these facts, and to the treatment of the Highlanders? What
reward have these men received for saving their country, fighting its
battles, conquering its enemies, turning the tide of revolt, rescuing
women and children from the hands of Indian fiends, and establishing
order, when disorder and bloody cruelty have held their murderous
carnival? And we ask, in the name of men who have, ere now, we fondly
hope, saved our gallant countrymen and heroic countrywomen at Lucknow;
in the name of those who fought in the trenches of Sebastopol, and
proudly planted the British standard on the heights of the Alma,
how are they, their fathers, brothers, and little ones treated? Is
the mere shuttle-cocking of an irrepressible cry of admiration from
mouth to mouth, and the setting to music of a song in their praise,
all the return the race is to get for such noble acts? We can fancy
the __EXPRESSION__ of admiration of Highland bravery at the Dunrobin
dinner table, recently, when the dukes, earls, lairds, and other
aristocratic notables enjoyed the princely hospitality of the Duke.
We can imagine the mutual congratulations of the Highland lairds as
they prided themselves on being proprietors of the soil which gave
birth to the race of “Highland heroes.” Alas, for the blush that
would cover their faces if they would allow themselves to reflect
that, in their names, and by their authority, and at their expense,
the fathers, mothers, brothers, wives, of the invincible “78th” have
been remorselessly driven from their native soil; and that, at the
very hour when Cawnpore was gallantly retaken, and the ruffian, Nana
Sahib, was obliged to leave the bloody scene of his fiendish massacre,
there were Highlanders, within a few miles of the princely Dunrobin,
driven from their homes and left to starve and to die in the open
field. Alas, for the blush that would reprint its scarlet dye on their
proud faces as they thought in one county alone, since Waterloo was
fought, more than 14,000 of this same “race of heroes” of whom Canning
so proudly boasted, have been hunted out of their native homes; and
that where the pibroch and the bugle once evoked the martial spirit of
thousands of brave hearts, razed and burning cottages have formed the
tragic scenes of eviction and desolation; and the abodes of a loyal
and a liberty-loving people are made sacred to the rearing of sheep,
and sanctified to the preservation of game! Yes; we echo back the
cry, “Well done, brave Highlanders!” But to what purpose would it be
carried on the wings of the wind to the once happy straths and glens of
Sutherland? Who, what, would echo back our acclaims of praise? Perhaps
a shepherd’s or a gillie’s child, playing amid the unbroken wilds, and
innocent of seeing a human face but that of its own parents, would
hear it; or the cry might startle a herd of timid deer, or frighten
a covey of partridges, or call forth a bleat from a herd of sheep;

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