2016년 2월 28일 일요일

the memories of casanova 126


the memories of casanova 126

"Immediately after you had gone away in that fearful storm which caused
me such anguish, and just as I was preparing to return to the convent, I
was much surprised to see standing before me my dear M---- M----, who
from some hiding-place had heard all you had said. She had several times
been on the point of shewing herself, but she had always been prevented
by the fear of coming out of season, and thus stopping a reconciliation
which she thought was inevitable between two fond lovers. Unfortunately,
sleep had conquered her before your departure, and she only woke when
the alarum struck, too late to detain you, for you had rushed with the
haste of a man who is flying from some terrible danger. As soon as I saw
her, I gave her the key, although I did not know what it meant, and my
friend, heaving a deep sigh, told me that she would explain everything
as soon as we were safe in her room. We left the casino in a dreadful
storm, trembling for your safety, and not thinking of our own danger. As
soon as we were in the convent I resumed my usual costume, and M---- M--
-- went to bed. I took a seat near her, and this is what she told me.
'When you left your ring in my hands to go to your aunt, who had sent
for you, I examined it with so much attention that at last I suspected
the small blue spot to be connected with the secret spring; I took a
pin, succeeded in removing the top part, and I cannot express the joy I
felt when I saw that we both loved the same man, but no more can I give
you an idea of my sorrow when I thought that I was encroaching upon your
rights. Delighted, however, with my discovery, I immediately conceived a
plan which would procure you the pleasure of supping with him. I closed
the ring again and returned it to you, telling you at the same time that
I had not been able to discover anything. I was then truly the happiest
of women. Knowing your heart, knowing that you were aware of the love of
your lover for me, since I had innocently shewed you his portrait, and
happy in the idea that you were not jealous of me, I would have despised
myself if I had entertained any feelings different from your own, the
more so that your rights over him were by far stronger than mine. As for
the mysterious manner in which you always kept from me the name of your
husband, I easily guessed that you were only obeying his orders, and I
admired your noble sentiments and the goodness of your heart. In my
opinion your lover was afraid of losing us both, if we found out that
neither the one nor the other of us possessed his whole heart. I could
not express my deep sorrow when I thought that, after you had seen me in
possession of his portrait, you continued to act in the same manner
towards me, although you could not any longer hope to be the sole object
of his love. Then I had but one idea; to prove to both of you that M----
M---- is worthy of your affection, of your friendship, of your esteem. I
was indeed thoroughly happy when I thought that the felicity of our trio
would be increased a hundredfold, for is it not an unbearable misery to
keep a secret from the being we adore? I made you take my place, and I
thought that proceeding a masterpiece. You allowed me to dress you as a
nun, and with a compliance which proves your confidence in me you went
to my casino without knowing where you were going. As soon as you had
landed, the gondola came back, and I went to a place well known to our
friend from which, without being seen, I could follow all your movements
and hear everything you said. I was the author of the play; it was
natural that I should witness it, the more so that I felt certain of
seeing and hearing nothing that would not be very agreeable to me. I
reached the casino a quarter of an hour after you, and I cannot tell you
my delightful surprise when I saw that dear Pierrot who had amused us so
much, and whom we had not recognized. But I was fated to feel no other
pleasure than that of his appearance. Fear, surprise, and anxiety
overwhelmed me at once when I saw the effect produced upon him by the
disappointment of his expectation, and I felt unhappy. Our lover took
the thing wrongly, and he went away in despair; he loves me still, but
if he thinks of me it is only to try to forget me. Alas! he will succeed
but too soon! By sending back that key he proves that he will never
again go to the casino. Fatal night! When my only wish was to minister
to the happiness of three persons, how is it that the very reverse of my
wish has occurred? It will kill me, dear friend, unless you contrive to
make him understand reason, for I feel that without him I cannot live.
You must have the means of writing to him, you know him, you know his
name. In the name of all goodness, send back this key to him with a
letter to persuade him to come to the casino to-morrow or on the
following day, if it is only to speak to me; and I hope to convince him
of my love and my innocence. Rest to-day, dearest, but to-morrow write
to him, tell him the whole truth; take pity on your poor friend, and
forgive her for loving your lover. I shall write a few lines myself; you
will enclose them in your letter. It is my fault if he no longer loves
you; you ought to hate me, and yet you are generous enough to love me. I
adore you; I have seen his tears, I have seen how well his soul can
love; I know him now. I could not have believed that men were able to
love so much. I have passed a terrible night. Do not think I am angry,
dear friend, because you confided to him that we love one another like
two lovers; it does not displease me, and with him it was no
indiscretion, because his mind is as free of prejudices as his heart is
"Tears were choking her. I tried to console her, and I most willingly
promised her to write to you. She never closed her eyes throughout that
day, but I slept soundly for four hours.
"When we got up we found the convent full of bad news, which interested
us a great deal more than people imagined. It was reported that, an hour
before daybreak, a fishing-boat had been lost in the lagune, that two
gondolas had been capsized, and that the people in them had perished.
You may imagine our anguish! We dared not ask any questions, but it was
just the hour at which you had left me, and we entertained the darkest
forebodings. We returned to our room, where M---- M---- fainted away.
More courageous than she is, I told her that you were a good swimmer,
but I could not allay her anxiety, and she went to bed with a feverish
chill. Just at that moment, my aunt, who is of a very cheerful
disposition, came in, laughing, to tell us that during the storm the
Pierrot who had made us laugh so much had had a narrow escape of being
drowned. 'Ah! the poor Pierrot!' I exclaimed, 'tell us all about him,
dear aunt. I am very glad he was saved. Who is he? Do you know?' 'Oh!
yes,' she answered, 'everything is known, for he was taken home by our
gondoliers. One of them has just told me that Pierrot, having spent the
night at the Briati ball, did not find any gondola to return to Venice,
and that our gondoliers took him for a sequin. One of the men fell into
the sea, but then the brave Pierrot, throwing handfuls of silver upon
the 'Zenia' pitched the 'felce' over board, and the wind having less
hold they reached Venice safely through the Beggars' Canal. This morning
the lucky gondoliers divided thirty philippes which they found in the
gondola, and they have been fortunate enough to pick up their 'felce'.
Pierrot will remember Muran and the ball at Briati. The man says that he
is the son of M. de Bragadin, the procurator's brother. He was taken to
the palace of that nobleman nearly dead from cold, for he was dressed in
light calico, and had no cloak.'
"When my aunt had left us, we looked at one another for several minutes
without uttering a word, but we felt that the good news had brought back
life to us. M---- M---- asked me whether you were really the son of M,
de Bragadin. 'It might be so,' I said to her, 'but his name does not
shew my lover to be the bastard of that nobleman, and still less his
legitimate child, for M. de Bragadin was never married.' 'I should be
very sorry,' said M---- M----, 'if he were his son.' I thought it right,
then, to tell her your true name, and of the application made to my
father by M. de Bragadin for my hand, the consequence of which was that
I had been shut up in the convent. Therefore, my own darling, your
little wife has no longer any secret to keep from M---- M----, and I
hope you will not accuse me of indiscretion, for it is better that our
dear friend should know all the truth than only half of it. We have been
greatly amused, as you may well suppose, by the certainty with which
people say that you spent all the night at the Briati ball. When people
do not know everything, they invent, and what might be is often accepted
in the place of what is in reality; sometimes it proves very fortunate.
At all events the news did a great deal of good to my friend, who is now
much better. She has had an excellent night, and the hope of seeing you
at the casino has restored all her beauty. She has read this letter
three or four times, and has smothered me with kisses. I long to give
her the letter which you are going to write to her. The messenger will
wait for it. Perhaps I shall see you again at the casino, and in a
better temper, I hope. Adieu."
It did not require much argument to conquer me. When I had finished the
letter, I was at once the admirer of C---- C---- and the ardent lover of
M---- M----. But, alas! although the fever had left me, I was crippled.
Certain that Laura would come again early the next morning, I could not
refrain from writing to both of them a short letter, it is true, but
long enough to assure them that reason had again taken possession of my
poor brain. I wrote to C---- C---- that she had done right in telling
her friend my name, the more so that, as I did not attend their church
any longer, I had no reason to make a mystery of it. In everything else
I freely acknowledged myself in the wrong, and I promised her that I
would atone by giving M---M---- the strongest possible proofs of my
repentance as soon as I could go again to her casino.
This is the letter that I wrote to my adorable nun:
"I gave C---- C---- the key of your casino, to be returned to you, my
own charming friend, because I believed myself trifled with and
despised, of malice aforethought, by the woman I worship. In my error I
thought myself unworthy of presenting myself before your eyes, and, in
spite of love, horror made me shudder. Such was the effect produced upon
me by an act which would have appeared to me admirable, if my self-love
had not blinded me and upset my reason. But, dearest, to admire it it
would have been necessary for my mind to be as noble as yours, and I
have proved how far it is from being so. I am inferior to you in all
things, except in passionate love, and I will prove it to you at our
next meeting, when I will beg on my knees a generous pardon. Believe me,
beloved creature, if I wish ardently to recover my health, it is only to
have it in my power to prove by my love a thousand times increased, how
ashamed I am of my errors. My painful lumbago has alone prevented me
from answering your short note yesterday, to express to you my regrets,
and the love which has been enhanced in me by your generosity, alas! so
badly rewarded. I can assure you that in the lagunes, with death staring
me in the face, I regretted no one but you, nothing but having outraged
you. But in the fearful danger then threatening me I only saw a
punishment from Heaven. If I had not cruelly sent back to you the key of
the casino, I should most likely have returned there, and should have
avoided the sorrow as well as the physical pains which I am now
suffering as an expiation. I thank you a thousand times for having
recalled me to myself, and you may be certain that for the future I will
keep better control over myself; nothing shall make me doubt your love.
But, darling, what do you say of C---- C----? Is she not an incarnate
angel who can be compared to no one but you? You love us both equally. I
am the only one weak and faulty, and you make me ashamed of myself. Yet
I feel that I would give my life for her as well as for you. I feel
curious about one thing, but I cannot trust it to paper. You will
satisfy that curiosity the first time I shall be able to go to the
casino before two days at the earliest. I will let you know two days
beforehand. In the mean time, I entreat you to think a little of me, and
to be certain of my devoted love. Adieu."
The next morning Laura found me sitting up in bed, and in a fair way to
recover my health. I requested her to tell C---- C---- that I felt much
better, and I gave her the letter I had written. She had brought me one
from my dear little wife, in which I found enclosed a note from M---- M-
---. Those two letter were full of tender __EXPRESSION__s of love, anxiety
for my health, and ardent prayers for my recovery.
Six days afterwards, feeling much stronger, I went to Muran, where the
keeper of the casino handed me a letter from M---- M----. She wrote to
me how impatient she was for my complete recovery, and how desirous she
was to see me in possession of her casino, with all the privileges which
she hoped I would retain for ever.
"Let me know, I entreat you," she added, "when we are likely to meet
again, either at Muran or in Venice, as you please. Be quite certain
that whenever we meet we shall be alone and without a witness."
I answered at once, telling her that we would meet the day after the
morrow at her casino, because I wanted to receive her loving absolution
in the very spot where I had outraged the most generous of women.
I was longing to see her again, for I was ashamed of my cruel injustice
towards her, and panting to atone for my wrongs. Knowing her
disposition, and reflecting calmly upon what had taken place, it was now
evident to me that what she had done, very far from being a mark of
contempt, was the refined effort of a love wholly devoted to me. Since
she had found out that I was the lover of her young friend, could she
imagine that my heart belonged only to herself? In the same way that her
love for me did not prevent her from being compliant with the
ambassador, she admitted the possibility of my being the same with C----
C----. She overlooked the difference of constitution between the two sexes, and the privileges enjoyed by women. 

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