2016년 2월 28일 일요일

the memories of casanova 130

the memories of casanova 130

Of course I did not refuse. M---- M---- unlaced her friend, who made no
resistance, and performing afterwards the same office upon herself, in
less than two minutes I was admiring four rivals contending for the
golden apple like the three goddesses, and which would have set at
defiance the handsome Paris himself to adjudge the prize without
injustice. Need I say what an ardent fire that ravishing sight sent
coursing through my veins? I placed immediately an the table the
Academie des Dames, and pointed out a certain position to M---- M----,
who, understanding my wishes, said to C---- C---- :
"Will you, darling, represent that group with me?"
A look of compliance was C---- C----'s only answer; she was not yet
inured to amorous pleasures as much as her lovely teacher. While I was
laughing with delight, the two friends were getting ready, and in a few
minutes we were all three in bed, and in a state of nature. At first,
satisfied with enjoying the sight of the barren contest of my two
bacchanalians, I was amused by their efforts and by the contrast of
colours, for one was dark and the other fair, but soon, excited myself,
and consumed by all the fire of voluptuousness, I threw myself upon
them, and I made them, one after the other, almost faint away from the
excess of love and enjoyment.
Worn out and satiated with pleasure, I invited them to take some rest.
We slept until we were awakened by the alarum, which I had taken care to
set at four o'clock. We were certain of turning to good account the two
hours we had then to spare before parting company, which we did at the
dawn of day, humiliated at having to confess our exhaustion, but highly
pleased with each other, and longing for a renewal of our delightful
The next day, however, when I came to think of that rather too lively
night, during which, as is generally the case, Love had routed Reason, I
felt some remorse. M---- M---- wanted to convince me of her love, and
for that purpose she had combined all the virtues which I attached to my
own affection--namely, honour, delicacy, and truth, but her temperament,
of which her mind was the slave, carried her towards excess, and she
prepared everything in order to give way to it, while she awaited the
opportunity of making me her accomplice. She was coaxing love to make it
compliant, and to succeed in mastering it, because her heart, enslaved
by her senses, never reproached her. She likewise tried to deceive
herself by endeavouring to forget that I might complain of having been
surprised. She knew that to utter such a complaint I would have to
acknowledge myself weaker or less courageous than she was, and she
relied upon my being ashamed to make such a confession. I had no doubt
whatever that the absence of the ambassador had been arranged and
concerted beforehand. I could see still further, for it seemed evident
to me that the two conspirators had foreseen that I would guess the
artifice, and that, feeling stung to the quick, in spite of all my
regrets, I would not shew myself less generous than they had been
themselves. The ambassador having first procured me a delightful night,
how could I refuse to let him enjoy as pleasant a one? My friends had
argued very well, for, in spite of all the objections of my mind, I saw
that I could not on my side put any obstacle in their way. C---- C----
was no impediment to them. They were certain of conquering her the
moment she was not hindered by my presence. It rested entirely with M---
- M----, who had perfect control over her. Poor girl! I saw her on the
high road to debauchery, and it was my own doing! I sighed when I
thought how little I had spared them in our last orgie, and what would
become of me if both of them should happen to be, by my doing, in such a
position as to be compelled to run away from the convent? I could
imagine both of them thrown upon my hands, and the prospect was not
particularly agreeable. It would be an 'embarras de richesse'. In this
miserable contest between reason and prejudice, between nature and
sentiment, I could not make up my mind either to go to the supper or to
remain absent from it. "If I go," said I to myself, "that night will
pass with perfect decency, but I shall prove myself very ridiculous,
jealous, ungrateful, and even wanting in common politeness: if I remain
absent, C---- C---- is lost, at least, in my estimation, for I feel that
my love will no longer exist, and then good-bye to all idea of a
marriage with her." In the perplexity of mind in which I found myself, I
felt a want of something more certain than mere probabilities to base my
decision upon. I put on my mask, and repaired to the mansion of the
French ambassador. I addressed myself to the gate-keeper, saying that I
had a letter for Versailles, and that I would thank him to deliver it to
the courier when he went back to France with his excellency's
"But, sir," answered the man, "we have not had a special courier for the
last two months:"
"What? Did not a special cabinet messenger arrive here last night?"
"Then he must have come in through the garret window or down the
chimney, for, on the word of an honest man, none entered through the
"But the ambassador worked all night?"
"That may be, sir, but not here, for his excellency dined with the
Spanish ambassador, and did not return till very late:"
I had guessed rightly. I could no longer entertain any doubt. It was all
over; I could not draw back without shame. C---- C---- must resist, if
the game was distasteful to her; no violence would of course be offered
to her. The die was cast!
Towards evening I went to the casino of Muran, and wrote a short note to
M---- M----, requesting her to excuse me if some important business of
M. de Bragadin's prevented me from spending the night with her and with
our two friends, to whom I sent my compliments as well as my apologies.
After that I returned to Venice, but in rather an unpleasant mood; to
divert myself I went to the gaming table, and lost all night.
Two days afterwards, being certain that a letter from M---- M----
awaited me at Muran, I went over, and the door-keeper handed me a parcel
in which I found a note from my nun and a letter from C---- C----, for
everything was now in common between them.
Here is C---- C----'s letter"
"We were very sorry, dearest friend, when we heard that we should not
have the happiness of seeing you. My dear M---- M----'s friend came
shortly afterwards, and when he read your note he likewise expressed his
deep regret. We expected to have a very dull supper, but the witty
sayings of that gentleman enlivened us and you cannot imagine of what
follies we were guilty after partaking of some champagne punch. Our
friend had become as gay as ourselves, and we spent the night in trios,
not very fatiguing, but very pleasant. I can assure you that that man
deserves to be loved, but he must acknowledge himself inferior to you in
everything. Believe me, dearest, I shall ever love you, and you must for
ever remain the master of my heart."
In spite of all my vexation, that letter made me laugh, but the note of
M---- M---- was much more singular. Here are the contents of it:
"I am certain, my own beloved, that you told a story out of pure
politeness, but you had guessed that I expected you to do so. You have
made our friend a splendid present in exchange for the one he made you
when he did not object to his M---- M---- bestowing her heart upon you.
You possess that heart entirely, dearest, and you would possess it under
all circumstances, but how sweet it is to flavour the pleasures of love
with the charms of friendship! I was sorry not to see you, but I knew
that if you had come we would not have had much enjoyment; for our
friend, notwithstanding all his wit, is not exempt from some natural
prejudices. As for C---- C----, her mind is now quite as free of them as
our own, and I am glad she owes it to me. You must feel thankful to me
for having completed her education, and for rendering her in every way
worthy of you. I wish you had been hiding in the closet, where I am
certain you would have spent some delightful hours. On Wednesday next I
shall be yours, and all alone with you in your casino in Venice; let me
know whether you will be at the usual hour near the statue of the hero
Colleoni. In case you should be prevented, name any other day."
I had to answer those two letters in the same spirit in which they had
been written, and in spite of all the bitter feelings which were then
raging in my heart, my answers were to be as sweet as honey. I was in
need of great courage, but I said to myself: "George Dandin, tu las
voulu!" I could not refuse to pay the penalty of my own deeds, and I
have never been able to ascertain whether the shame I felt was what is
called shamefacedness. It is a problem which I leave to others.
In my letter to C---- C---- I had the courage, or the effrontery, to
congratulate her, and to encourage her to imitate M---- M----, the best
model, I said, I could propose to her.
I wrote to my nun that I would be punctual at the appointment near the
statue, and amidst many false compliments, which ought to have betrayed
the true state of my heart, I told her that I admired the perfect
education she had given to C---- C----, but that I congratulated myself
upon having escaped the torture I should have suffered in the mysterious
observatory, for I felt that I could not have borne it.
On the Wednesday I was punctual at the rendezvous, and I had not to wait
long for M---- M----, who came disguised in male attire. "No theatre to-
night," she said to me; "let us go to the 'ridotto', to lose or double
our money." She had six hundred sequins. I had about one hundred.
Fortune turned her back upon us, and we lost all. I expected that we
would then leave that cutthroat place, but M---- M----, having left me
for a minute, came back with three hundred sequins which had been given
to her by her friend, whom she knew where to find. That money given by
love or by friendship brought her luck for a short time, and she soon
won back all we had lost, but in our greediness or imprudence we
continued to play, and finally we lost our last sequin.
When we could play no longer, M---- M---- said to me,
"Now that we need not fear thieves, let us go to our supper."
That woman, religious and a Free-thinker, a libertine and gambler, was
wonderful in all she did. She had just lost five hundred pounds, and she
was as completely at her ease as if she had won a very large sum. It is
true that the money she had just lost had not cost her much.
As soon as we were alone, she found me sad and low-spirited, although I
tried hard not to appear so, but, as for her, always the same, she was handsome, brilliant, cheerful, and amorous.

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