2016년 2월 28일 일요일

the memories of casanova 110

the memories of casanova 110

Soon afterwards Laura went out, and I followed her. I called upon a
physician, where I wasted my time and my money, in order to get from him
a long prescription which was useless, for it would have put all the
convent in possession of the secret, or, to speak more truly, her secret
would have been known to the whole world, for a secret known to a nun
soon escapes out of the convent's walls. Besides, the physician of the
convent himself would most likely have betrayed it through a spirit of
I returned sadly to my miserable hole in Laura's house. Half an hour
afterwards she came to me, crying bitterly, and she placed in my hands
this letter, which was scarcely legible:
"I have not strength enough to write to you, my darling; I am getting
weaker and weaker; I am losing all my blood, and I am afraid there is no
remedy. I abandon myself to the will of God, and I thank Him for having
saved me from dishonour. Do not make yourself unhappy. My only
consolation is to know that you are near me. Alas! if I could see you
but for one moment I would die happy."
The sight of a dozen napkins brought by Laura made me shudder, and the
good woman imagined that she afforded me some consolation by telling me
that as much linen could be soaked with a bottle of blood. My mind was
not disposed to taste such consolation; I was in despair, and I
addressed to myself the fiercest reproaches, upbraiding myself as the
cause of the death of that adorable creature. I threw myself on the bed,
and remained there, almost stunned, for more than six hours, until
Laura's return from the convent with twenty napkins entirely soaked.
Night had come on, and she could not go back to her patient until
morning. I passed a fearful night without food, without sleep, looking
upon myself with horror, and refusing all the kind attentions that
Laura's daughters tried to shew me.
It was barely daylight when Laura same to announce to me, in the saddest
tone, that my poor friend did not bleed any more. I thought she was
dead, and I screamed loudly,
"Oh! she is no more!"
"She is still breathing, sir; but I fear she will not outlive this day,
for she is worn out. She can hardly open her eyes, and her pulse is
scarcely to be felt."
A weight was taken off me; I was instinctively certain that my darling
was saved.
"Laura," I said, "this is not bad news; provided the flooding has ceased
entirely, all that is necessary is to give her some light food."
"A physician has been sent for. He will prescribe whatever is right, but
to tell you the truth I have not much hope."
"Only give me the assurance that she is still alive."
"Yes, she is, I assure you; but you understand very well that she will
not tell the truth to the doctor, and God knows what he will order. I
whispered to her not to take anything, and she understood me."
"You are the best of women. Yes, if she does not die from weakness
before to-morrow, she is saved; nature and love will have been her
"May God hear you! I shall be back by twelve."
"Why not before?"
"Because her room will be full of people."
Feeling the need of hope, and almost dead for want of food, I ordered
some dinner, and prepared a long letter for my beloved mistress, to be
delivered to her when she was well enough to read it. The instants given
to repentance are very sad, and I was truly a fit subject for pity. I
longed to see Laura again, so as to hear what the doctor had said. I had
very good cause for laughing at all sorts of oracles, yet through some
unaccountable weakness I longed for that of the doctor; I wanted, before
all, to find it a propitious one.
Laura's young daughters waited upon me at dinner; I could not manage to
swallow a mouthful, but it amused me to see the three sisters devour my
dinner at the first invitation I gave them. The eldest sister, a very
fine girl, never raised her large eyes once towards me. The two younger
ones seemed to me disposed to be amiable, but if I looked at them it was
only to feed my despair and the cruel pangs of repentance.
At last Laura, whom I expected anxiously, came back; she told me that
the dear patient remained in the same state of debility; the doctor had
been greatly puzzled by her extreme weakness because he did not know to
what cause to attribute it. Laura added,
"He has ordered some restoratives and a small quantity of light broth;
if she can sleep, he answers for her life. He has likewise desired her
to have someone to watch her at night, and she immediately pointed her
finger at me, as if she wished me to undertake that office. Now, I
promise you never to leave her either night or day, except to bring you
I thanked her, assuring her that I would reward her generously. I heard
with great pleasure that her mother had paid her a visit, and that she
had no suspicion of the real state of things, for she had lavished on
her the most tender caresses.
Feeling more at ease I gave six sequins to Laura, one to each of her
daughters, and ate something for my supper: I then laid myself down on
one of the wretched beds in the room. As soon as the two younger sisters
saw me in bed, they undressed themselves without ceremony, and took
possession of the second bed which was close by mine. Their innocent
confidence pleased me. The eldest sister, who most likely had more
practical experience, retired to the adjoining room; she had a lover to
whom she was soon to be married. This time, however, I was not possessed
with the evil spirit of concupiscence, and I allowed innocence to sleep
peacefully without attempting anything against it.
Early the next morning Laura was the bearer of good news. She came in
with a cheerful air to announce that the beloved patient had slept well,
and that she was going back soon to give her some soup. I felt an almost
maddening joy in listening to her, and I thought the oracle of
AEsculapius a thousand times more reliable than that of Apollo. But it
was not yet time to exult in our victory, for my poor little friend had
to recover her strength and to make up for all the blood she had lost;
that could be done only by time and careful nursing. I remained another
week at Laura's house, which I left only after my dear C---- C---- had
requested me to do so in a letter of four pages. Laura, when I left,
wept for joy in seeing herself rewarded by the gift of all the fine
linen I had bought for my C---- C----, and her daughters were weeping
likewise, most probably because, during the ten days I had spent near
them, they had not obtained a single kiss from me.
After my return to Venice, I resumed my usual habits; but with a nature
like mine how could I possibly remain satisfied without positive love?
My only pleasure was to receive a letter from my dear recluse every
Wednesday, who advised me to wait patiently rather than to attempt
carrying her off. Laura assured me that she had become more lovely than
ever, and I longed to see her. An opportunity of gratifying my wishes
soon offered itself, and I did not allow it to escape. There was to be a
taking of the veil--a ceremony which always attracts a large number of
persons. On those occasions the nuns always received a great many
visitors, and I thought that the boarders were likely to be in the
parlour on such an occasion. I ran no risk of being remarked any more
than any other person, for I would mingle with the crowd. I therefore
went without saying anything about it to Laura, and without acquainting
my dear little wife of my intentions. I thought I would fall, so great
was my emotion, when I saw her within four yards from me, and looking at
me as if she had been in an ecstatic state. I thought her taller and
more womanly, and she certainly seemed to me more beautiful than before.
I saw no one but her; she never took her eyes off me, and I was the last
to leave that place which on that day struck me as being the temple of
Three days afterwards I received a letter from her. She painted with
such vivid colours the happiness she had felt in seeing me, that I made
up my mind to give her that pleasure as often as I could. I answered at
once that I would attend mass every Sunday at the church of her convent.
It cost me nothing: I could not see her, but I knew that she saw me
herself, and her happiness made me perfectly happy. I had nothing to
fear, for it was almost impossible that anyone could recognize me in the
church which was attended only by the people of Muran.
After hearing two or three masses, I used to take a gondola, the
gondolier of which could not feel any curiosity about me. Yet I kept on
my guard, for I knew that the father of C---- C---- wanted her to forget
me, and I had no doubt he would have taken her away, God knew where if
he had had the slightest suspicion of my being acquainted with the place
where he had confined her.
Thus I was reasoning in my fear to lose all opportunity of corresponding
with my dear C---- C----, but I did not yet know the disposition and the
shrewdness of the sainted daughters of the Lord. I did not suppose that
there was anything remarkable in my person, at least for the inmates of
a convent; but I was yet a novice respecting the curiosity of women, and
particularly of unoccupied hearts; I had soon occasion to be convinced.
I had executed my Sunday manoeuvering only for a month or five weeks,
when my dear C---- C---- wrote me jestingly that I had become a living
enigma for all the convent, boarders and nuns, not even excepting the
old ones. They all expected me anxiously; they warned each other of my
arrival, and watched me taking the holy water. They remarked that I
never cast a glance toward the grating, behind which were all the
inmates of the convent; that I never looked at any of the women coming
in or going out of the church. The old nuns said that I was certainly
labouring under some deep sorrow, of which I had no hope to be cured
except through the protection of the Holy Virgin, and the young ones
asserted that I was either melancholy or misanthropic.
My dear wife, who knew better than the others, and had no occasion to
lose herself in suppositions, was much amused, and she entertained me by
sending me a faithful report of it all. I wrote to her that, if she had
any fear of my being recognized I would cease my Sunday visits to the
church. She answered that I could not impose upon her a more cruel
privation, and she entreated me to continue my visits.

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