2016년 2월 28일 일요일

the memories of casanova 106

the memories of casanova 106

"Everyone has his own principles and his own way of thinking: I have a
sufficiently good opinion of you to believe that you would act exactly
as I do, for I have heard you say that in all secret matters one ought
to guard against surprise."
"I am incapable of taking such an advantage of a friend; but as a
general rule your maxim is a right one; I like prudence. I will tell you
the whole affair. You are aware that Madame Tripolo has been left a
widow, and that M. Dandolo is courting her assiduously, after having
done the same for fourteen years during the life of the husband. The
lady, who is still young, beautiful and lovely, and also is very
respectable, wishes to become his wife. It is to me that she has
confided her wishes, and as I saw nothing that was not praiseworthy,
either in a temporal or in a spiritual point of view, in that union, for
after all we are all men, I took the affair in hand with real pleasure.
I fancied even that M. Dandolo felt some inclination for that marriage
when he told me that he would give me his decision this morning. I am
not astonished at his having asked your advice in such an important
affair, for a prudent man is right in asking the opinion of a wise
friend before taking a decisive step; but I must tell you candidly that
I am astonished at your disapproval of such a marriage. Pray excuse me
if, in order to improve by the information, I ask why your opinion is
exactly the reverse of mine."
Delighted at having discovered the whole affair, at having arrived in
time to prevent my friend who was goodness itself contracting an absurd
marriage, I answered the hypocrite that I loved M. Dandolo, that I knew
his temperament, and that I was certain that a marriage with a woman
like Madame Tripolo would shorten his life.
"That being my opinion," I added, "you must admit that as a true friend
I was right in advising him against your proposal. Do you recollect
having told me that you never married for the very same reason? Do you
recollect your strong arguments in favour of celibacy while we were at
Parma? Consider also, I beg, that every man has a certain small stock of
selfishness, and that I may be allowed to have mine when I think that if
M. Dandolo took a wife the influence of that wife would of course have
some weight, and that the more she gained in influence over him the more
I should lose. So you see it would not be natural for me to advise him
to take a step which would ultimately prove very detrimental to my
interests. If you can prove that my reasons are either trifling or
sophistical, speak openly: I will tell M. Dandolo that my mind has
changed; Madame Tripolo will become his wife when we return to Venice.
But let me warn you that thorough conviction can alone move me."
"I do not believe myself clever enough to convince you. I shall write to
Madame Tripolo that she must apply to you."
"Do not write anything of the sort to that lady, or she will think that
you are laughing at her. Do you suppose her foolish enough to expect
that I will give way to her wishes? She knows that I do not like her."
"How can she possibly know that?"
"She must have remarked that I have never cared to accompany M. Dandolo
to her house. Learn from me once for all, that as long as I live with my
three friends they shall have no wife but me. You may get married as
soon as you please; I promise not to throw any obstacle in your way; but
if you wish to remain on friendly terms with me give up all idea of
leading my three friends astray."
"You are very caustic this morning."
"I lost all my money last night.
"Then I have chosen a bad time. Farewell."
From that day, De la Haye became my secret enemy, and to him I was in a
great measure indebted, two years later, for my imprisonment under The
Leads of Venice; not owing to his slanders, for I do not believe he was
capable of that, Jesuit though he was--and even amongst such people
there is sometimes some honourable feeling--but through the mystical
insinuations which he made in the presence of bigoted persons. I must
give fair notice to my readers that, if they are fond of such people,
they must not read these Memoirs, for they belong to a tribe which I
have good reason to attack unmercifully.
The fine marriage was never again alluded to. M. Dandolo continued to
visit his beautiful widow every day, and I took care to elicit from
Paralis a strong interdiction ever to put my foot in her house.
Don Antonio Croce, a young Milanese whom I had known in Reggio, a
confirmed gambler, and a downright clever hand in securing the favours
of Dame Fortune, called on me a few minutes after De la Haye had
retired. He told me that, having seen me lose all my money the night
before, he had come to offer me the means of retrieving my losses, if I
would take an equal interest with him in a faro bank that he meant to
hold at his house, and in which he would have as punters seven or eight
rich foreigners who were courting his wife.
"If you will put three hundred sequins in my bank," he added, "you shall
be my partner. I have three hundred sequins myself, but that is not
enough because the punters play high. Come and dine at my house, and you
will make their acquaintance. We can play next Friday as there will be
no opera, and you may rely upon our winning plenty of gold, for a
certain Gilenspetz, a Swede, may lose twenty thousand sequins."
I was without any resources, or at all events I could expect no
assistance except from M. de Bragadin upon whom I felt ashamed of
encroaching. I was well aware that the proposal made by Croce was not
strictly moral, and that I might have chosen a more honourable society;
but if I had refused, the purse of Madame Croce's admirers would not
have been more mercifully treated; another would have profited by that
stroke of good fortune. I was therefore not rigid enough to refuse my
assistance as adjutant and my share of the pie; I accepted Croce's
I Get Rich Again--My Adventure At Dolo--Analysis of a Long Letter From
C. C.--Mischievous Trick Played Upon Me By P. C.--At Vincenza--A Tragi-
comedy At the Inn
Necessity, that imperious law and my only excuse, having made me almost
the partner of a cheat, there was still the difficulty of finding the
three hundred sequins required; but I postponed the task of finding them
until after I should have made the acquaintance of the dupes of the
goddess to whom they addressed their worship. Croce took me to the Prato
delta Valle, where we found madame surrounded with foreigners. She was
pretty; and as a secretary of the imperial ambassador, Count Rosemberg,
had attached himself to her, not one of the Venetian nobles dared court
her. Those who interested me among the satellites gravitating around
that star were the Swede Gilenspetz, a Hamburger, the Englishman Mendez,
who has already been mentioned, and three or four others to whore Croce
called my attention.
We dined all together, and after dinner there was a general call for a
faro bank; but Croce did not accept. His refusal surprised me, because
with three hundred sequins, being a very skilful player, he had enough
to try his fortune. He did not, however, allow my suspicions to last
long, for he took me to his own room and shewed me fifty pieces of
eight, which were equal to three hundred sequins. When I saw that the
professional gambler had not chosen me as his partner with the intention
of making a dupe of me, I told him that I would certainly procure the
amount, and upon that promise he invited everybody to supper for the
following day. We agreed that we would divide the spoils before parting
in the evening, and that no one should be allowed to play on trust.
I had to procure the amount, but to whom could I apply? I could ask no
one but M. de Bragadin. The excellent man had not that sum in his
possession, for his purse was generally empty; but he found a usurer--a
species of animal too numerous unfortunately for young men--who, upon a
note of hand endorsed by him, gave me a thousand ducats, at five per
cent. for one month, the said interest being deducted by anticipation
from the capital. It was exactly the amount I required. I went to the
supper; Croce held the bank until daylight, and we divided sixteen
hundred sequins between us. The game continued the next evening, and
Gilenspetz alone lost two thousand sequins; the Jew Mendez lost about
one thousand. Sunday was sanctified by rest, but on Monday the bank won
four thousand sequins. On the Tuesday we all dined together, and the
play was resumed; but we had scarcely begun when an officer of the
podesta made his appearance and informed Croce that he wanted a little
private conversation with him. They left the room together, and after a
short absence Croce came back rather crestfallen; he announced that by
superior orders he was forbidden to hold a bank at his house. Madame
fainted away, the punters hurried out, and I followed their example, as
soon as I had secured one-half of the gold which was on the table. I was
glad enough it was not worse. As I left, Croce told me that we would
meet again in Venice, for he had been ordered to quit Padua within
twenty-four hours. I expected it would be so, because he was to well
known; but his greatest crime, in the opinion of the podesta, was that
he attracted the players to his own house, whilst the authorities wanted
all the lovers of play to lose their money at the opera, where the
bankers were mostly noblemen from Venice.
I left the city on horseback in the evening and in very bad weather, but
nothing could have kept me back, because early the next morning I
expected a letter from my dear prisoner. I had only travelled six miles
from Padua when my horse fell, and I found my left leg caught under it.
My boots were soft ones, and I feared I had hurt myself. The postillion
was ahead of me, but hearing the noise made by the fall he came up and
disengaged me; I was not hurt, but my horse was lame. I immediately took
the horse of the postillion, to which I was entitled, but the insolent
fellow getting hold of the bit refused to let me proceed. I tried to
make him understand that he was wrong; but, far from giving way to my
arguments, he persisted in stopping me, and being in a great hurry to
continue my journey I fired one of my pistols in his face, but without
touching him. Frightened out of his wits, the man let go, and I galloped
off. When I reached the Dolo, I went straight to the stables, and I
myself saddled a horse which a postillion, to whom I gave a crown,
pointed out to me as being excellent. No one thought of being astonished
at my other postillion having remained behind, and we started at full
speed. It was then one o'clock in the morning; the storm had broken up
the road, and the night was so dark that I could not see anything within
a yard ahead of me; the day was breaking when we arrived in Fusina.
The boatmen threatened me with a fresh storm; but setting everything at
defiance I took a four-oared boat, and reached my dwelling quite safe
but shivering with cold and wet to the skin. I had scarcely been in my
room for a quarter of an hour when the messenger from Muran presented
herself and gave me a letter, telling me that she would call for the
answer in two hours. That letter was a journal of seven pages, the
faithful translation of which might weary my readers, but here is the
substance of it:
After the interview with M. de Bragadin, the father of C---- C---- had
gone home, had his wife and daughter to his room, and enquired kindly
from the last where she had made my acquaintance. She answered that she
had seen me five or six times in her brother's room, that I had asked
her whether she would consent to be my wife, and that she had told me
that she was dependent upon her father and mother. The father had then
said that she was too young to think of marriage, and besides, I had not
yet conquered a position in society. After that decision he repaired to
his son's room, and locked the small door inside as well as the one
communicating with the apartment of the mother, who was instructed by
him to let me believe that she had gone to the country, in case I should
call on her.
Two days afterwards he came to C---- C----, who was beside her sick
mother, and told her that her aunt would take her to a convent, where
she was to remain until a husband had been provided for her by her
parents. She answered that, being perfectly disposed to submit to his
will, she would gladly obey him. Pleased with her ready obedience he
promised to go and see her, and to let his mother visit her likewise, as
soon as her health was better. Immediately after that conversation the
aunt had called for her, and a gondola had taken them to the convent,

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